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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
ACAS; airborne collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí ar eite
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
VOC; volatile organic compound
comhdhúil sho-ghalaithe orgánach
waste avoidance
laghdú dramhaíola; seachaint diomailte
grievous bodily injury
mórdhíobháil choirp
changes in net worth due to other changes in volume of assets
athruithe ar ghlanfhiúchas i ngeall ar athruithe eile ar mhéid na sócmhainní
other changes in volume of assets account
cuntas athruithe eile ar mhéid na sócmhainní
Community programme of action on the subject of the vocational training of customs officials; Exchange programme of customs officials; MATTHAEUS
an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail maidir le gairmoiliúint le haghaidh oifigeach custaim; MATTHAEUS
dispute on voting
díospóid maidir leis an vótáil
roll-call vote; vote by roll call
vótáil le glaoch rolla
vote by show of hands
vótáil le taispeáint lámh
electronic voting
vótáil leictreonach
secret ballot; voting by secret ballot
ballóid rúnda; vótáil le ballóid rúnda
absolute majority of the votes cast
tromlach glan de na vótaí a caitheadh; tromlach glan de na vótaí arna gcaitheamh
Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage; Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage; Electoral Act
Ionstraim maidir le toghadh comhaltaí de Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach; Ionstraim maidir le toghadh ionadaithe do Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach
voting time
am vótála
single vote
vótáil aonair
VER; voluntary export restraint; voluntary export restriction
srian deonach ar onnmhairí
mega-electron volt; megaelectronvolt
high-voltage direct current; HVDC
HVDC; sruth díreach ardvoltais
photovoltaic energy; photovoltaic solar energy
grianfhuinneamh fótavoltach
deflection-limiting volume; DLV
toirt lena gciorraítear sraonadh
electronic voting system
córas vótála leictreonach
Cedefop; European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
an Lárionad Eorpach um Fhorbairt na Gairmoiliúna; Cedefop
European Voluntary Service; European Voluntary Service for young people; EVS
an tSeirbhís Dheonach Eorpach
volatile acid
aigéad so-ghalaithe
capacity; cylinder capacity; displacement; engine capacity; engine displacement; engine total swept volume; swept volume
toilleadh innill
Office of the Special Envoy in Mostar; OSEM
Oifig an Toscaire Speisialta in Mostar; OSEM
brake servo unit; brake-power assist unit
searbhaonad coscáin
prevocational training
oiliúint réamhghairme
activity involving chemical agents
gníomhaíocht a mbíonn gníomhaithe ceimiceacha i gceist léi
poll card; polling card; voting card
cárta vótála
voluntary repatriation
aisdúichiú deonach
digital revolution
réabhlóid dhigiteach
e-billing; EBPP; eInvoicing; e-invoicing; electronic bill presentment and payment; electronic billing; electronic invoicing
involvement of employees
rannpháirtíocht fostaithe
voting procedure
an nós imeachta vótála
Gentle Revolution; Velvet Revolution
Réabhlóid na Veilbhite
Abu Nidal Organisation; ANO; Fatah Revolutionary Council; FRC
Comhairle Réabhlóide Fatah; FRC
ABV; alcohol by volume
alcól de réir toirte
speech recognition; speech to text; SR; voice recognition
aithint cainte; aithint gutha
VOA; voluntary offer agreement
comhaontú tairisceana deonaí
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps; IRGC; Islamic Revolution Guard Corps; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; Pasdaran
Cór Gharda na Réabhlóide Ioslamaí
vogelkop tree-kangaroo
cangarú crainn Vogelkop
Parliamentary Party of Kosovo; PPK
Páirtí Parlaiminteach na Cosaive
total volatile organic carbon; total volatile organic compounds; TVOC; TVOCs
comhdhúile so-ghalaithe orgánacha iomlána; TVOC
GAAR; general anti-abuse rule; general anti-avoidance rule
GAAR; riail ghinearálta frithsheachanta
photovoltaic panel; PV panel; solar panel
grianphainéal; painéal gréine
deoxynivalenol; DON; vomitoxin
dí-ocsainiviléanól; DON
Benevolence International Foundation; BIF
BIF; Fondúireacht Idirnáisiúnta Dea-Mhéine
professional qualification; vocational qualification
cáilíocht ghairmiúil; gairmcháilíocht
crann abhacád
tax avoidance
seachaint cánach
donation inter vivos; inter vivos gift; lifetime gift
bronntanas inter vivos
occupational skills; professional skills; vocational skills
scileanna gairme
pro-forma invoice
sonrasc pro-forma
application for revocation
iarratas ar chúlghairm
<i>inter vivos</i>
idir daoine beo; inter vivos
common vocational training policy
comhbheartas gairmoiliúna
staonadh ó vótáil
Revocation Board
Bord Cúlghairme
revocation of the patent
an phaitinn a chúlghairm
initial vocational education and training; IVET; IVT
gairmoiliúint tosaigh; oiliúint tosaigh
continuing vocational training; CVT
gairmoiliúint leanúnach; oiliúint leantach
Cancellation Division; Revocation Division
an Rannán Cúlghairme
flavoured spa waters
uisce mianra blaistithe
Abhcóide Ginearálta
adverse opinion; negative opinion; unfavourable opinion
tuairim neamhfhabhrach
VER; voluntary export restraint; voluntary restraint on exports; voluntary restriction of exports
srian deonach ar onnmhairí
European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Comhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta seachas Scéimeanna do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes Relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Comhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Scéimeanna Slándála Sóisialta do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances
Comhaontú idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le Leabhar Dearbhán le haghaidh Deisiúchán Fearas Próistéiteach agus Ortaipéideach a Dháileadh ar Dhaoine Míleata agus Sibhialta atá faoi mhíchumas de dheasca cogaidh
explanation of vote
míniú ar an vótáil
compulsory licence; compulsory licensing; non-voluntary licensing
ceadúnúchán neamhdheonach
distributed simple majority vote; simple distributed majority vote
tromlach simplí de na vótaí dáilte
voting procedure
nós imeachta vótála
photovoltaic cell; PV cell
cill fhótavoltach; cill PV
ACVT; Advisory Committee on Vocational Training
an Coiste Comhairleach um an nGairmoiliúint
Convention ensuring Benefit or Allowances to the Involuntarily Unemployed; Unemployment Provision Convention, 1934
an Coinbhinsiún a áirithíonn Sochair nó Liúntais dóibh siúd atá Dífhostaithe dá nAinneoin
Convention concerning Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits; Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convention, 1967
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sochair Easláine, Seanaoise agus Marthanóra
career counselling; career guidance; occupational guidance; vocational guidance
gairmthreoir; treoir ghairme
least favoured region; region whose development is lagging behind
réigiún mídheisiúil
cristivomer; grey trout; lake char; lake trout; namaycush; touladi
breac locha
item on which a vote may be requested
mír ar féidir vóta a iarraidh ina leith
MFN; most-favoured nation
náisiún barrfhabhair
Savoy cabbage
cabáiste saváí
exchange rate volatility; exchange-rate instability
éagobhsaíocht sa ráta malairte
Action Programme to Promote Innovation in the field of Vocational Training resulting from Technological Change in the European Community; European Technologies Network; EUROTECNET
an Clár Gníomhaíochta chun Nuáil de thoradh Athruithe Teicniúla i réimse na Gairmoiliúna a chur chun cinn sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; an Clár Gníomhaíochta chun nuálaíocht de thoradh athruithe teicniúla sa Chomhphobal Eorpach a chur chun cinn i réimse na gairmoiliúna; an Líonra Eorpach Teicneolaíochtaí; EUROTECNET
direct universal suffrage
vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach
grounds for invalidity; grounds for revocation
cúis lena chealú; cúis lena neamhbhailiú
prior to the revocation decision
roimh an gcinneadh cúlghairme; sular cinneadh an chúlghairm
the least-favoured areas
na réigiún is mídheisiúla
less-favoured area; LFA
limistéar mídheisiúil
to cast a vote; to cast one's vote
vóta a chaitheamh
vote in favour
vóta i bhfabhar
independence of the members of the Revocation Boards
neamhspleáchas chomhaltaí na mBord Cúlghairme
unjustified volume
cainníocht éagothrom
weighting of votes
ualú vótaí
the Contracting States represented and voting
Stáit Chonarthacha a mbeidh ionadaithe acu agus a vótálfaidh
backwardness of the least-favoured regions
cúlmhaireacht na réigiún is mídheisiúla
méid; toirt
Convention concerning Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training in the Development of Human Resources; Human Resources Development Convention, 1975
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gairmthreoir agus Gairmoiliúint i bhForbairt Acmhainní Daonna
Action programme for the development of continuing vocational training in the European Community; Community action programme for the development of continuing vocational training; FORCE
Clár gníomhaíochta chun an ghairmoiliúint leanúnach a fhorbairt sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; FORCE
volatile memory
cuimhne luaineach
flavoured sugar
siúcra blaistithe
career advancement; vocational advancement
dul chun cinn gairme
Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Survivors' Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Éigeantach Baintrí agus Dílleachta do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings; Survivors' Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Baintrí agus Dílleachta do Dhaoine atá fostaithe i nGnóthais Talmhaíochta
comparability of vocational training qualifications
inchomparáideacht cáilíochtaí gairmoiliúna
suspension of the right to vote; suspension of voting rights
cearta vótála a chur ar fionraí
Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons); Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAthinmheachán Gairme agus maidir le Fostaíocht (Daoine Míchumasaithe)
custodial sentence; deprivation of liberty; penalty involving deprivation of liberty
cailleadh saoirse
order of voting on amendments
an t-ord ina ndéanfar vótáil ar leasuithe
right to vote; voting power; voting right
ceart vótála
photovoltaic module; photovoltaic solar module; solar module
grianmhodúl; modúl fótavoltach
Gens du voyage
an lucht siúil
voluntary work; volunteering
obair dheonach; oibriú go deonach
reversionary pension; survivor's pension
pinsean marthanóra
Community Plant Variety Office; CPVO
an Oifig Chomhphobail um Chineálacha Plandaí; CPVO
voluntary contributions from public and private funds
ranníocaíochtaí saorálacha ó fhoinsí poiblí agus príobháideacha
single voyage charter-parties
conradh cairtfhostaithe aon aistir
the duties devolving upon them
dualgas a thitfidh orthu
to endeavour to ...
féachaint le...
decision declared void
cinneadh a dearbhaíodh a bheith ar neamhní
the measures ... may involve derogations from ...
d'fhéadfadh na bearta ... maolú a thabhairt ar ...
including the votes of the representatives
lena n-áirítear vótaí na n-ionadaithe
favourable effect
dea-éifeacht; éifeacht fhabhrach
in their favour
ina bhfábhar
E 712; flavophospholipol
E 712; flavafosfoilipeol (Flavomycin)
rates and conditions involving any element of support or protection
rátaí agus coinníollacha nach bhfuil tacaíocht nó cosaint ar bith ag roinnt leo
programmes or decisions involving expenditure; spending programmes or decisions
clár nó cinneadh lena ngabhann caiteachas
the last-mentioned vote
an vóta is déanaí; an vóta is déanaí atá luaite
backwardness of the less-favoured regions
mallréim na limistéar atá ar chaolchuid deiseanna; mallréim na réigiún nach bhfuil bail ar fónamh orthu
as part of the evolution of the Community
mar chuid d'fhorás an Chomhphobail
voicing the interests of workers
friotal a chur ar leas an oibrí; leasanna na n-oibrithe a chur os ard
the Court shall have jurisdiction in actions to have ... declared void on grounds of lack of competence
beidh dlínse ag an gCúirt i gcaingne chun dearbhú a fháil go bhfuil ... ar neamhní mar gheall ar easpa inniúlachta
financing of vocational retraining
maoiniú na hathoiliúna gairmiúla
the Council may revoke this authorisation
féadfaidh an Chomhairle an t-údarúchán sin a chúlghairm
the volume of applications
an méid iarratas
Governing Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training; Management Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Bord Bainistíochta an Lárionaid Eorpaigh um Fhorbairt na Gairmoiliúna
voting arrangements
socruithe vótála
irrevocably fixed exchange rates
rátaí malairte atá socraithe go neamh-inchúlghairthe
invalidity proceedings; proceedings for a declaration of invalidity; revocation proceedings
imeachtaí cúlghairme
counterclaim for revocation
frithéileamh ar chúlghairm
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes; VOC Protocol
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Comhdhúl Orgánach Soghalaithe nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
single transferable vote; STV
aonvóta inaistrithe
delegation of voting rights
tarmligean cearta vótála
Côte d'Ivoire; Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
an Cósta Eabhair; Poblacht an Chósta Eabhair
best efforts obligation; best endeavours obligation
oibleagáid díchill; oibleagáid seandíchill
voluntary service activities
gníomhaíochtaí seirbhíse deonaí
vocational activity
gairm bheatha
Kosovo; Kosovo under UNSCR 1244
an Chosaiv; an Chosaiv faoi Rún 1244 ó Chomhairle Slándála na Náisún Aontaithe
irrevocable fixing of exchange rates
rátaí malairte a shocrú go neamh-inchúlghairthe
UN Volunteers; United Nations Volunteers; UNV
Saorálaithe na Náisiún Aontaithe; UNV
avocet - Recurvirostra avosetta
invoice declaration
dearbhú sonraisc
equality of votes; tie
comhionannas vótaí
Queensland or Northern hairy-nosed wombat
vombat clúmhshrónach tuaisceartach
ursine tree kangaroo
cangarú crainn Vogelkop
volcano rabbit or teporingo
coinín bolcáin
postal vote; postal voting; voting by post
vóta poist
invoke no-fault liability of the manufacturer
dliteanas gan locht an déantóra a agairt
a favourable world economic situation
staid eacnamaíoch dhomhanda atá fabhrach
to vouch the truth of evidence
fírinne fianaise a dheimhniú
to use their best endeavours
a seandícheall a dhéanamh
QMV; qualified majority voting
vótáil trí thromlach cáilithe
indicative vote
vóta táscach; vótáil tháscach
GHG reservoir; greenhouse gas reservoir; reservoir
rendez-vous clause
clásal rendez-vous
Convention on the Voluntary Recognition of Children Born out of Wedlock
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Leanaí nár Rugadh de Phósadh Dleathach a Aithint go Saorálach
Convention relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictions concerning Divorce and Separation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Socrú Easaontachtaí Dlíthe agus Dlínsí a bhaineann le Colscaradh agus le hIdirscaradh
joint ownership with a right of survivorship
comhúinéireacht a bhfuil ceart marthanais ag gabháil léi
Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta seachas Scéimeanna do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes Relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Scéimeanna Slándála Sóisialta a bhaineann le Seanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
price volatility
luaineacht praghsanna
collective vote
vótáil chomhchoiteann
qualified majority threshold; threshold for qualified majority decisions; threshold for qualified majority voting
tairseach le haghaidh tromlaigh cháilithe
Other decisions (Adopted without discussion. In the case of legislative acts, votes against or abstentions are indicated. Decisions containing statements which the Council has decided may be released to the public or explanations of vote are asterisked; t
Cinntí eile (Arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht. I gcás gníomhartha reachtacha, léirítear vótaí in aghaidh nó staonadh. Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl cinntí arna nglacadh le ráitis nó míniúchán ar vótáil ar shocraigh an Chomhairle go bhféadfaí iad a eisi
summer savory
garbhóg gharraí
Common Procurement Vocabulary; CPV
CPV; Stór Focal Comhchoiteann um Sholáthar
voluntary return
filleadh deonach
qualify its abstention by making a formal declaration
a staonadh ó vótáil a cháiliú trí dhearbhú foirmiúil a dhéanamh
relevant voting conditions relating to it
dálaí vótála ábhartha a bhaineann le
reweighting of votes
na vótaí a athualú
UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture; United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
Ciste Saorálach na Náisiún Aontaithe um Íospartaigh Chéastóireachta
FARC; FARC-EP; Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia; Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army
FARC; FARC-EP; Fórsaí Armtha Réabhlóideacha na Colóime – Arm an Phobail
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo; United Nations Mission in Kosovo; UNMIK
Misean Feidhmeannais Eatramhaigh na Náisiún Aontaithe sa Chosaiv; Misean na Náisiún Aontaithe sa Chosaiv
KFOR; Kosovo force; Kosovo peacekeeping force
fórsa coimeádta na síochána sa Chosaiv; KFOR
Internet telephony; IP telephony; voice over internet protocol; voice over IP; VoIP
Prótacal Idirlín Guthaithe
I am pleased to inform you that the Council has delivered a favourable opinion on [...] (Complimentary close).
is mian liom a chur in iúl duit go bhfuil an Chomhairle tar éis tuairim fhabhrach a thabhairt maidir le ... (gnáthdheireadh dea-mhéine)
pivot generation; sandwich generation
glúin an dá chúram
VET; vocational education and training
Gairmoideachas agus Gairmoiliúint
Kosovo War and Ethnic Crimes Court; KWECC
an Chúirt um Choireanna Cogaidh agus Eitneacha sa Chosaiv
Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Chearta an Linbh maidir leis an bpáirt a bhíonn ag leanaí i gcoinbhleacht armtha
endeavour shrimp; ENS
cloicheán donn
European Convention on the Promotion of a Transnational Long-Term Voluntary Service for Young People
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Seirbhís Dheonach Thrasnáisiúnta Fhadtéarmach do Dhaoine Óga a Chur Chun Cinn
revolving securitisation
urrúsú imrothlach
benevolent intervention in another's affairs; negotiorum gestio
bainistíocht gnóthaí; negotiorum gestio
assisted voluntary return; AVR; VHR; voluntary humanitarian return
filleadh cuidithe deonach; filleadh deonach cuidithe; filleadh deonach daonnúil
voluntary work; volunteering
obair dheonach; seirbhís dheonach
NMVOC; non-methane volatile organic compounds
comhdhúile so-ghalaithe orgánacha neamh-mheatáin
voluntary departure
imeacht deonach
survivor's pension
pinsean frithdhílse
Ansar al-Islam; Ansar al-Islam fi Kurdistan; Devotees of Islam
Ansar al-Islam
EU Aid Volunteers; European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps; EVHAC
an Cór Saorálach Eorpach um Chabhair Dhaonnúil
MCV; mean cell volume; mean corpuscular volume
MCV; meántoirt choirpíneach
Society for the Promotion of Vocational Training and Education; UK Skills; VOTE
an Cumann um Ghairmoideachas agus Gairmoiliúnt a chur chun cinn
central nervous system; CNS
lárchóras na néaróg
minute ventilation; minute volume; MV; respiratory minute volume; RMV; ventilatory minute volume
RMV; toirt riospráide in aghaidh an nóiméid
Vote Profile Analysis; VPA
Anailís ar Phróifíl Vótála
5,6-benzoflavone; β-naphthoflavone
flavour enhancer
blastán; méadaitheoir blais
off-flavour oil
ola mhíbhlasta
fishing by angvod
iascaireacht le agnvod
voluntary set-aside
cur i leataobh deonach
bought day book; bought invoice book; purchase day book; purchase journal
leabhar lae na gceannachán
irrevocable letter of credit
litir chreidmheasa neamh-inchúlghairthe
voting share
scair le ceart vótála
voting right
ceart vótálá
revolving underwriting facility; RUF
saoráid frithgheallta imrothlaigh
photovoltaics; PV
photovoltaic array; solar cell array
eagar fótavoltach; eagar griancheall
favourable tariff treatment
cóireáil fhabhrach taraife
voluntary appeals board
bord um achomhairc dheonacha
volumetric emission coefficient
comhéifeacht astúcháin thoirtmhéadraigh
volumetric absorption coefficient
comhéifeacht ionsúcháin thoirtmhéadraigh
volume flow rate; volumetric flow rate
sreabhráta toirte
specific volume
open-ended credit; renewable credit; revolving credit; revolving loan
creidmheas imrothlach
percentage by volume; volume concentration
tiúchan toirte
electoral turnout; percentage turnout; polling rate; turnout rate; voter turnout; voter turnout rate
ráta vótála
fulvous whistling duck
fead-lacha odhar
option exercised not irrevocably by the entrepreneur
rogha arna feidhmiú go hinchúlghairthe ag an bhfiontraí; rogha nach bhfuil arna feidhmiú go neamh-inchúlghairthe ag an bhfiontraí
option exercised irrevocably by the entrepreneur
rogha arna feidhmiú go neamh-inchúlghairthe ag an bhfiontraí
voluntary repatriation
aisdúichiú deonach
involuntary unemployment
dífhostaíocht ainneonach
overbilling; overinvoicing
effective voice in management
tionchar éifeachtach i mbainistíocht
voting without meeting
vótáil trí chomhfhreagras
non-disposable part of an estate; portion of the estate to devolve compulsorily upon the heirs; reserved portion of the estate; reserved share of the estate
scair fhorchoimeádta an eastáit
abrogation; repeal; revocation
aisghairm; cúlghairm
act inter vivos; instrument inter vivos
ionstraim inter vivos
conveyance of property inter vivos; inter vivos conveyance of property
maoin a thíolacadh inter vivos
retiring Advocate General
Abhchóide Ginearálta a bheidh ag scor
submissions of the Advocate General
aighneachtaí ón Abhchóide Ghinearálta
particulars of the voting
sonraí na vótála
Advocate General prevented from acting
an tAbhcóide Ginearálta a chosc ar ghníomhú
task of an Advocate General
cúram an Abhcóide Ghinearálta
avoidable costs
costais inseachanta
interpretation of the voting
léirmhíniú na vótála
First Advocate General; First Advocate-General
an Chéad Abhcóide Ginearálta
social policy, education, vocational training and youth
beartas sóisialta, oideachas, gairmoiliúint agus an óige
vote of approval by the European Parliament
vóta formheasta ag Parlaimint na hEorpa
ESTI; European Solar Test Installation
an tSuiteáil Eorpach um thástáil feistí fótavoltacha; ESTI
photovoltaic conversion efficiency; photovoltaic efficiency; PV conversion efficiency; solar cell conversion efficiency
éifeachtúlacht fhótavoltach
carrier bed; carrier rock; container rock; reservoir; reservoir rock
pushed convoy
conbhua a bhrúitear
towed convoy
conbhua a tharraingítear
administrative revocation
cúlghairm riarthach
Food and Veterinary Office; FVO
an Oifig Bia agus Tréidliachta
opinion of the Advocate General
tuairim an Abhcóide Ginearálta; tuairim ón Abhcóide Ginearálta
constant-volume sampling; CVS
sampláil thoirt-tairiseach
Community action for cooperation in the field of economics (ACE) in favour of Poland and Hungary
gníomhaíocht Chomhphobail um chomhar i réimse an gheilleagair (ACE) ar mhaithe leis an bPolainn agus leis an Ungáir
Community initiative to promote equal opportunities for women in the field of employment and vocational training; Employment-NOW; Employment-NOW (New Opportunities for Women); Employment-NOW Initiative
Fostaíocht NOW; Tionscnamh Comhphobail chun comhdheiseanna a chur chun cinn do mhná i réimsí na fostaíochta agus na gairmoiliúna
volume market
voluntary restraint agreement
comhaontú saorálach maidir le srianadh
voluntary restraint measure
beart srianta deonach
arrangements for voluntary restraint of imports
socruithe maidir le srianadh deonach allmhairí
design voltage of a circuit of an electric line
voltas deartha chiorcad líne leictreachais
operating voltage of a circuit of an electric line
voltas oibriúcháin chiorcad líne leictreachais
engine rotational speed; engine RPM; engine speed; engine's revolutions per minute
luas innill
voluntary insurance
árachas saorálach
retention volume; total retention volume
toirt iomlán choinneála
calibrated flask; graduated flask; measuring flask; volumetric flask
fleascán toirtmhéadrach
revolving window display
taispeántas fuinneoige imrothlach
power assisted brake; power brake; power-assisted braking system; servo-brake
coscán cumhachtchúnta
compressed air reservoir
taiscumar aeir chomhbhrúite
price invoiced to the agent
praghas ar an sonrasc chuig an ngníomhaire; praghas arna shonrasc don ghníomhaire
invoice discount
lascaine ar shonraisc
luncheon voucher
dearbhán bialainne
to avoid deflection of trade
sraonadh trádála a sheachaint
to impede the expansion of the volume of trade
bac a chur ar fhairsingiú na trádála
an increase in the volume of trade within the limits of existing requirements
ardú ar an méid trádála laistigh de theorainneacha na gceanglas reatha; ardú ar an méid trádála laistigh de theorainneacha na riachtanas reatha
to avoid deflections of trade and distortions of competition
d'fhonn sraonadh trádála agus saobhadh iomaíochta a sheachaint
counting of votes
comhaireamh na vótaí
to declare the contract voided
dearbhaigh an conradh a bheith ar neamhní
hare with multiple votes; multiple vote share; share carrying extended voting rights; share carrying multiple voting rights; share with plural voting rights
scair ilvótaí
open-item system; voucher accounting
córas míreanna oscailte; cuntasaíocht dearbhán
negative volume variance; unabsorbed overhead; unfavourable volume variance
forchostas tréimhsí ísealtáirgeachta
voting right of nominee shareholders
an ceart vótála ag an scairshealbhóir ainmnitheach; an ceart vótála atá ag an scairshealbhóir is ainmnitheach; ceart vótála scairshealbhóra ainmnithigh
returned voucher
dearbhán arna thabhairt ar ais
favourable estimate; overestimate of costs
rómheastachán ar chostais
pro-forma invoice
sonrasc pro forma
accounting machine; billing machine; invoicing machine
meaisín le haghaidh sonraiscthe; meaisín sonraiscthe
summary voucher
dearbhán achomair
infectious bovine pustulovaginitis; infectious pustular vulvovaginitis; infectious pustular vulvo-vaginitis; IPV
bált-fhaighníteas puchóideach ionfhabhtaíoch
oscillatory flow meter; vortex flow meter; vortex shedding flow meter
sreabhmhéadar cuilithí
canons of inheritance; devolution upon death; order of succession
ord an chomharbais
volume of export; volume of exports
an méid onnmhairí
climber; twining plant; volubilate plant
blackleg; black-leg; blackquarter; black-quarter; Clostridium chauvoei infection; Clostridium septicum infection; quarter-ill; symptomatic anthrax
ceathrú dhubh; ionfhabhtú Clostridium chauvoei
MFN customs duty rate; MFN rate; MFN tariff; most favoured nation customs duty rate; most favoured nation rate; most-favoured-nation tariff
taraif an náisiúin barrfhabhair
flat-rate guarantee voucher; TC32
dearbhán ráthaíochta cothromráta; dearbhán ráthaíochta ráta chomhréidh
air volume
toirt aeir
bound vortex
cuilithe cheangailte; cuilithe faoi cheangal
cast off vortex
cuilithe thosaithe
chamber volume
toirt an chuasáin
constant volume turbine
tuirbín toirt-tairiseach
favourable yaw
luascáil fhabhrach
free vortex compressor
comhbhrúiteoir saorchuilithe
horseshoe vortex
cuilithe chrú capaill
line vortex
cuilithe líneach
vortex generator
gineadóir cuilithí
by volume; mass concentration; percentage by mass; percentage by weight; w/v; weight by volume; weight per volume; weight-in-volume
mais-tiúchan; w/v
ANS; autonomic nervous system
uathchóras na néaróg
volatile; volatile chemical; volatile compound; volatile substance
substaint sho-ghalaithe
evoked potential; evoked response
freagairt dhúisithe
vouched account
cuntas deimhnithe
revolving fund facility
saoráid chiste imrothlach
contract involving a guarantee; contract of guarantee; contract of guaranty; deed of contract; guarantee; guarantee agreement; guaranty
conradh ráthaíochta; ráthaíocht
orbital period; period of revolution
tréimhse fhithiseach
activity concentration; radioactive concentration; volume activity; volume activity concentration
gníomhaíocht toirte; tiúchan radaighníomhach
photovoltaic effect
éifeacht fhótavoltach
arc discharge; electric arc; voltaic arc
stua leictreach
overtension; overvoltage
electronvolt; electron-volt
nominal voltage; rated voltage
voltas ainmniúil; voltas rátaithe
line-to-line voltage; phase-to-phase voltage
voltas pas go pas
ohmic overpotential; ohmic overvoltage; resistance overpotential; resistance overvoltage; solution ir drop
róvoltas friotaíochta; róvoltas ómach
certificate of vocational aptitude
deimhniú ar infheidhmeacht gairme
revolving door
doras imrothlach
reskilling; retraining; vocational retraining
athoiliúint ghairmiúil
reservoir sampler
samplóir taiscumair
votes cast
vótaí a chaitear
voluntary chain association; wholesale-and-retail association
comhlachas sreang-ghnólachtaí deonacha
invoice value
luach an tsonraisc
alcoholic strength by volume
neart alcóil de réir toirte
fine cocoa; fine or flavour cocoa; flavour cocoa
cócó ardcháilíochta
actual alcoholic strength by volume
neart alcóil iarbhír de réir toirte
potential alcoholic strength by volume
neart alcóil féideartha de réir toirte
total alcoholic strength by volume
neart iomlán an alcóil de réir toirte
natural alcoholic strength by volume
neart alcólach nádúrtha de réir toirte
energy reservoir
taiscumar fuinnimh
storage reservoir
taiscumar stórála
near-coastal voyage
aistear gar don chósta
target volume
spriocmhéid fíocháin
IBR; IBR/IPV; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis
rineatraicéíteas tógálach buaibheach
voting procedure
nós imeachta vótála
implied volatility
luaineacht intuigthe
source document; supporting documents; voucher
dearbhán; doiciméad foinseach; doiciméad tacaíochta
rendezvous; space rendezvous
essence; flavour
blas; úscra
bitter flavour
blas searbh
accruals for goods and services for which invoices have not yet been received
fabhruithe as earraí agus seirbhísí nach bhfuil sonraisc faighte fós ina leith
deconcentration; devolution
cerebroretinal angiomatosis; VHL; von Hippel-Lindau disease; von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
angamatóis ceirbrireitineach; galar von Hippel-Lindau
haematocrit; Ht; HTC; packed cell volume; PCV
parasympathetic nervous system
néarchóras paraisimpiteach
sympathetic nervous system
néarchóras comhbhraiteach
oocyte; ovocyte
brown tumor; osteitis fibrosa; osteitis fibrosa cystica; von Recklinghausen disease of the bone
galar cnámh von Recklinghausen; oistéi-ítis fibrosa cystica
nerve tissue; nervous tissue; neural tissue
multiple neurofibromatosis; neurofibromatosis; neurofibromatosis type 1; NF-1; von Recklinghausen's disease
galar von Recklinghausen; il-néaraifiobrómatóis; néaraifiobrómatóis; néaraifiobrómatóis cineál I
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
volumetric solution; VS
tuaslagán toirtmhéadrach
apparent volume of distribution; volume of distribution
toirt dáileacháin
death pension; dependants' pension; survivor's benefit; survivors' pension
pinsean marthanóra
survivor’s benefit; survivors' benefit
sochar marthanóra
non-volatile memory; NVM; permanent memory
buanchuimhne; cuimhne neamhluaineach; NVM
collision avoidance distance
achar seachanta imbhuailtí
design hourly volume
toirt deartha in aghaidh na huaire
link volume
líon feithiclí i leith nascbhóthair
total traffic volume
méid iomlán tráchta; méid tráchta iomlán
vocational school
surviving dependant; survivor
cleithiúnaí marthanach
volume index
innéacs toirte
revolving door
doras imrothlach
cycloidal propeller; Voith-Schneider propeller
lián ciorclóideach
in vivo mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test; mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test; mammalian in vivo micronucleus test; micronucleus test
tástáil micreanúicléis; tástáil micreanúicléis eiritricíte i mamaigh
titration; volumetric analysis; volumetric titration
attendant; convoy man; convoyer; guide; pilot
freastalaí; treoraí
order form; order voucher
foirm ordaithe
collection permit; collection voucher
cead bailiúcháin; dearbhán bailiúcháin
money-off coupon; reduction voucher
dearbhán laghdúcháin; dearbhán praghasghearrtha
recharge invoice
sonrasc athmhuirir
test voltage; testing voltage
voltas tástála
working voltage
voltas normálta
r.p.m.; revolutions per minute
imrothluithe sa nóiméad; isn
servo device
intelligibility; speech intelligibility; voice intelligibility
skeletal muscle; striated muscle; voluntary muscle
matán cnámharlaigh; matán stríocach
standard solution; standard volumetric solution; titrant
volatile acidity
aigéadacht luaineach
advantage; favourable terms
buntáiste; téarmaí fabhracha
trading volume
méid trádála
expected volume
méid ionchais
remittance slip; remittance voucher
duillín íocaíochta
vocational advertising
fógraíocht dírithe ar ghairmithe
cash receipt voucher
dearbhán fáltais airgid
purchase invoice
sonrasc ceannaigh
sales invoice
adjustment voucher
dearbhán coigeartúcháin
voice service
seirbhís ghutha
invoice clerk
cléireach sonraisc
fee voucher
dearbhán táille
disorder of the nervous system; nervous system disease; nervous system disorder; neurological disease; neurological disorder; neurological dysfunction
galar néareolaíoch; mífheidhmiú néareolaíoch; neamhord néareolaíoch
photovoltaic device; PV device
feiste fhótavoltach
photovoltaic peak watt; PV peak watt
buaicvata fótavoltach; buaicvata PV
trip charter; voyage charter
cairtfhostú le haghaidh aistir
evolutionary distance; phylogenetic distance
fad fíliginiteach
photovoltaic generator; PV generator
gineadóir fótavoltach
volatile fatty acids
aigéid shailleacha so-ghalaithe
enhanced volatilization; in situ soil venting; in situ volatilization; soil vacuum extraction; soil vapor extraction; SVE
eastóscadh gail ithreach
pollution avoidance measure
beart seachanta truailliúcháin
dynamic volumetric method
modh dinimiciúil toirtmhéadrach
static volumetric method
modh statach toirtmhéadrach
service reservoir
taiscumar seirbhíse
percent by volume; percentage by volume; v/v; volume fraction; volume per volume; volume percent; volume-in-volume
toirtchodán; v/v
saturation volume
toirt sáithiúcháin
International Organisation of the Flavour Industry; IOFI
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta an Tionscail Bhlastán
voluntary depreciation
dímheas deonach
volatilisation rate
ráta galaithe
devoid of purpose
gan aon chuspóir; gan chuspóir
unavoidable net losses
glanchaillteanas dosheachanta
voyage charterparty
conradh fostaithe le haghaidh aistir
individual guarantee by means of vouchers; individual guarantee voucher
dearbhán ráthaíochta aonair
political involvement; political participation
rannpháirtíocht pholaitiúil
Abhcóidí gan Teorainneacha; Avocats sans frontières
volunteer; volunteer plant
planda neamhshaothraithe
collision avoidance; crash avoidance
seachaint imbhuailte
intersection collision avoidance; intersection collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí ag crosbhóithre
lane change avoidance system; lane-change warning; lateral collision avoidance; merge crash avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí taobhacha
longitudinal collision avoidance
seachaint fad-imbhuailtí
CAS; collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí
forward collision avoidance; forward collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí tosaigh
rear-end collision avoidance system; rear-end crash avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí deiridh
vehicle-based crash avoidance
córas i bhfeithicil chun tuairteanna a sheachaint; córas tiomnaithe um sheachaint tuairteanna
inland waterways convoy
conbhua uiscebhealaí intíre
automated driving; automated vehicle operation; AVO
uathoibriú feithiclí
convoy driving
tiomáint faoi chonbhua
volume sensitive pedestrian detection; VSPD
brath toirtmheadrach coisithe; VSPD
commercial vehicle operation; CVO
oibriúchán feithiclí tráchtála
decentralised administration; devolved administration
riacharán cineachta; riarachán díláraithe
Porto Novo; Porto-Novo
injection volume
toirt insteallta
volume ratio
cóimheas toirte
EU Special Envoy; European Union Special Envoy; EUSE
Toscaire Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh
ECVET; European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
an Córas Creidmheasa Eorpach don Ghairmoideachais agus don Ghairmoiliúint; ECVET
high production volume chemical; HPV chemical; HPVC
ceimiceán d'ardtoirt táirgeachta; ceimiceán HPV; HPVC
United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
Oibríocht na Náisiún Aontaithe sa Chósta Eabhair
photovoltaic power system; PV system; solar photovoltaic system
córas fótavoltach gréine
SME Envoy
Toscaire na FBManna
Korea International Volunteer Organisation; KVO
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Saorálaithe na Cóiré
mobile termination rate; mobile voice termination rate; MTR
ráta críochnaithe le haghaidh glao móibíleach
carbon pool; carbon reservoir
linn charbóin
Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America renewing a programme of cooperation in higher education and vocational education and training
Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá lena n-athnuaitear clár um chomhar san ardoideachas, sa ghairmoideachas agus sa ghairmoiliúint
revolving exposure
neamhchosaint imrothlach
own estimates approach; own estimates of volatility adjustments approach
cur chuige bunaithe ar a mheastacháin féin
Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement
Togra Uileghabhálach le haghaidh Stádas Socraithe na Cosaive
cylinder; revolving cylinder
Civilian Operation Commander; Civilian Operations Commander; CivOpCdr; CivOpsCdr
Ceannasaí Oibríochtaí Sibhialtacha
agitational terror; insurgent terrorism; revolutionary terror; revolutionary terrorism; terror from below; terrorism from below
sceimhlitheoireacht cheannairceach
voluntary withdrawal
tarraingt siar dheonach
involuntary downgrading
íosghrádú ainneonach
common authorisation procedure; common authorisation procedure for food additives, food enzymes and food flavourings
nós imeachta comhchoiteann údaraithe; nós imeachta comhchoiteann údaraithe maidir le breiseáin bia, maidir le heinsímí bia agus maidir le blastáin bia
qualifying revolving retail exposure
neamhchosaint cháilitheach imrothlach ar mhiondíol; neamhchosaint cháilitheach imrothlach mhiondíola
qualifying revolving retail subportfolio
fophunann mhiondíola imrothlach cháilitheach
seachvóta; seachvótálaí
return volatility
luaineacht an toraidh
daily revaluation volatility adjustments
coigeartú luaineachta ar bhonn athluacháil laethúil
foreign exchange risk volatility adjustment; foreign exchange volatility adjustment
coigeartúchán luaineachta maidir le malairt eachtrach
Council of Europe Convention on the avoidance of statelessness in relation to State succession
Coinbhinsiún Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le cásanna ina dtiocfadh daoine chun bheith gan Stát a sheachaint i gcás Comharbas Stáit
EULEX KOSOVO; European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo
EULEX KOSOVO; misean smachta reachta an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Chosaiv
EU Special Envoy for Burma/Myanmar
Toscaire Speisialta AE le haghaidh Bhurma/Maenmar
supervisory volatility adjustments approach
cur chuige maoirseachta maidir le coigeartuithe luaineachta
volatility estimate
meastachán luaineachta
volatility-adjusted value of collateral
luach comhthaobhachta arna choigeartú de réir na luaineachta; luach comhthaobhachta arna choigeartú i bhfianaise na luaineachta
volatility assumption
toimhde luaineachta