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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
DA; decision altitude
airde tráth cinnidh; DA
MDA; minimum descent altitude
íosairde na tuirlingthe; MDA
MDH; minimum descent altitude/height; minimum descent height
íosairde na tuirlingthe
obstacle clearance altitude /height; obstacle clearance height; OCH
airde glanta constaicí; OCH
minimum sector altitude; MSA
íosairde ceantair
pressure altitude
airde brú
TRE; Type Rating Examiner
Scrúdaitheoir Rátála Cineáil
flight envelope
imchlúdach eitilte
FE; Flight Examiner
scrúdaitheoir eitilte
dregs and green liquor sludge (from black liquor treatment)
dríodar agus sluda licéir uaine (ó chóireáil licéir dhuibh)
fleshings and lime split waste
screaball súdaireachta agus blúire aoil
extension; extension of a marketing authorisation; line extension
síneadh; síneadh údaraithe margaíochta
judicial discretion
rogha bhreithiúnach
UDF; Union of Democratic Forces
Aontas na bhFórsaí Daonlathacha
dismissal of the Ombudsman
an tOmbudsman a chur as Oifig
study journey; study mission
aistear staidéir; misean staidéir
UDHR; Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Dearbhú Uilechoiteann Chearta an Duine; DUCD
customs authority
údarás custaim
association of local authorities
comhlachas d'údaráis áitiúla
EUDC; extra-urban cycle; extra-urban driving cycle
timthriall tiomána seach-uirbeach
approval authority; TAA; type-approval authority
údarás ceadaithe; údarás cineálcheadaithe
extrajudicial execution; extrajudicial killing; extra-legal, arbitrary and summary executions; summary execution
bású achomair; bású seachbhreithiúnach
budgetary management of the Structural Funds
bainistiú buiséadach na gcistí struchtúracha
Audit Authority; Court of Audit
an Chúirt Iniúchóireachta
prudential regulation
rialáil stuamachta
European student card
cárta mic léinn Eorpach
bridging study; toxicological bridging study
staidéar eachtarshuímh; staidéar eachtarshuímh tocsaineolaíoch
appointed distributor; authorised distributor
dáileoir údaraithe
electric-shock baton; stun baton
fraudulent act; fraudulent behaviour; fraudulent conduct
iompar calaoiseach
IB; investigator's brochure
bróisiúr imscrúdaitheora
desalter sludge
sloda díshalannóra
TA; TEMPEST Authority
child servitude
daoirse leanaí
GLA; Greater London Authority
Údarás Mhórcheantar Londan
CAA; Civil Aviation Authority
an tÚdarás um Eitlíocht Shibhialta; CAA
CELS; Centre for Legal and Social Studies
CELS; Ionad um Staidéar Dlí agus Sóisialta
NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration
an tÚdarás Náisiúnta um Aerloingseoireacht agus um Spás; NASA
SPLM; Sudan People's Liberation Movement
Gluaiseacht um Shaoirse Phobal na Súdáine; SPLM
DMD; Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Duchenne type muscular dystrophy; Duchenne's muscular dystrophy; Meryon's disease; Muscular dystrophy - Duchenne type; pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy
diostróife mhatánach bhréag-hipeartrófach; diostróife mhatánach Duchenne
AFCOS; anti-fraud cooperation service; Anti-Fraud Coordination Service
AFCOS; Seirbhís Comhordúcháin Frith-Chalaoise
Agricultural and Food Development Authority; Agriculture and Food Development Authority; Teagasc
an tÚdarás Forbartha Talmhaíochta agus Bia; Teagasc
Centre for National Defence Studies; Higher Centre for National Defence Studies; Spanish Centre for National Defence Studies
an tArdionad um Staidéar ar Chosaint Náisiúnta
Local Authorities Services Regulation; Regulation on Local Authority Services; Regulation on Local Corporation Services
rialachán maidir le seirbhísí údarás áitiúil
Indian oralgrain lizard; ruddy snub-nosed monitor; yellow land lizard; yellow monitor
monatóir buí
black mud turtle; black soft-shell turtle; black soft-shelled turtle; Cuatro Cienages soft-shell turtle; Cuatro Cienages soft-shelled turtle
turtar blaoscbhog dubh
HEA; Higher Education Authority
an tÚdarás um Ard-Oideachas
Sheriff; Statistical Heuristic Engine to Reliably and Intelligently Fight Fraud
an tInneall Heorastúil Staidrimh chun an Chalaois a Chomhraic go hIontaofa agus go Cliste
budget control; budgetary control
rialú buiséadach
Italian Civil Aviation Authority
Údarás Eitlíochta Sibhialta na hIodáile
Financial Services Regulator; IFSRA; Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority
IFSRA; Údarás Rialála Seirbhísí Airgeadais na hÉireann
section; section of the budget
roinn; roinn den bhuiséad
false accept rate; false acceptance rate; false positive rate; FAR; fraud rate; type II error
FAR; ráta glactha bhréagaigh
HR.IDOC; IDOC; Investigation and Disciplinary Office; Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission
an Oifig Imscrúdaithe agus Araíonachta; Oifig Imscrúdaithe agus Araíonachta an Choimisiúin
MLCA; Money Laundering Control Authority
an tÚdarás um Rialú ar Sciúradh Airgid; MLCA
European Judicial Atlas in civil matters
an tAtlas Breithiúnach Eorpach in ábhair shibhialta
Brugada syndrome; idiopathic ventricular fibrillation; sudden unexpected death syndrome
fibriliú ideapatach méadailíneach; siondróm Brugada
internal audit
iniúchadh inmheánach
CAAT; CAATs; computer-assisted audit technique
teicníc iniúchta ríomhchuidithe
audit evidence; evidence
fianaise an iniúchta
audit risk
riosca iniúchóireachta
sufficient audit evidence
fianaise leordhóthanach an iniúchta
relevant audit evidence; relevant evidence
fianaise ábhartha an iniúchta
reliable audit evidence
fianaise iontaofa an iniúctha
audit objective
cuspóir an iniúchta
external auditor
iniúchóir seachtrach
special report; special report of the Court of Auditors
tuarascáil speisialta; tuarascáil speisialta ón gCúirt Iniúchóirí
audit field
réimse an iniúchta
SAI; Supreme Audit Institution
an tUasfhoras Iniúchóireachta; UFI
audit task
tasc iniúchóireachta
audit scope; scope of the audit
raon an iniúchta
audit procedure
nós imeachta iniúchóireachta
appropriate audit evidence
fianaise iniúchóireachta iomchuí
audit strategy
straitéis iniúchóireachta
GAAS; generally accepted auditing standard
caighdeán iniúchóireachta a bhfuil glacadh coitianta leis
recurrent audit
iniúchadh athfhillteach
audit sampling; sampling
sampláil míreanna iniúchta
audit programme
clár an iniúchta
IAC; internal audit capability; Internal Audit Function
cumas iniúchóireachta inmheánaí
budgetary principle
prionsabal buiséadach
provisional budget commitment; provisional budgetary commitment; provisional commitment
gealltanas sealadach buiséadach
crann Iúdáis
scrutiny reservation
forchoimeádas grinnscrúdaithe
evidentiary item; item produced in evidence
rud a tugadh ar aird i bhfianaise
European judicial area
limistéar breithiúnach Eorpach
Sudan grass
sorgam Súdánach
accusatory procedure; adversarial procedure; adversary procedure; audita altera parte procedure; procedure in contradictory matters
nós imeachta na sáraíochta
presenting and auditing accounts
cuntas a thíolacadh agus a iniúchadh
authorisation of expenditure
údarú caiteachais
authorised dealer in foreign exchange
déileálaí údaraithe i malairt eachtrach
flexible budget
buiséad solúbtha
judgment debtor
féichiúnaí breithiúnais
desk research; desk study
taighde deisce
to be empowered to
bheith údaraithe do
AF; audio frequency
budget item; budget line
líne buiséid
maintenance judgment
breithiúnas cothabhála
fraudulent conversion; misappropriation of funds
míleithreasú cistí
operative part of the judgment; operative provisions of the judgment
an chuid oibríochtúil den bhreithiúnas
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies; IPTS
an Institiúid um Staidéar ar Ionchais Teicneolaíochta
aptitude test
triail inniúlachta
polluter pays principle; PPP
an prionsabal gurb é údar an truaillithe a íocfaidh as
procedure for presenting and auditing accounts
nós imeachta um thíolacadh agus um iniúchadh na gcuntas
redistributive function (of the budget)
feidhm athdháilte (an bhuiséid)
micro-prudential measure; prudential measure; prudential requirement; prudential rule
beart stuamachta; ceanglas stuamachta; riail stuamachta
carousel fraud
calaois rothlach
judgment; judgment of the Court; judgment of the Court of Justice; judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union
interpreting judgment
breithiúnas léirmhínithe
in any other language authorised
in aon teanga údaraithe eile
judicial authority; judicial body
údarás breithiúnach
in budgetary matters
i gcúrsaí buiséadacha
contracting authority
údarás conarthach
prudential control; prudential supervision
maoirseacht stuamachta; rialú stuamachta
HA; health authorities
údarás sláinte
audit based on records
iniúchóireacht bunaithe ar thaifid
appropriation; budget appropriation
leithreasú; leithreasú buiséadach
budget heading; heading
ceannteideal buiséid
authority competent to grant discharge; authority responsible for giving discharge; discharge authority
an t-údarás um urscaoileadh
operational budget line; operational expenditure
caiteachas oibríochtúil
budgetary imbalance
míchothromaíocht bhuiséadach
budgetary discipline
smacht buiséadach
budgetary equilibrium
comhardú buiséid
drawing up of the budget; establishment of the budget; preparation of the budget
buiséad a ullmhú; bunú an bhuiséid
budget management; budgetary management
bainistiú buiséid
budget forecasts; budgetary forecasts
réamhaisnéis bhuiséadach
principle of budget accuracy; principle of budgetary accuracy
prionsabal an bheachtais bhuiséadaigh; prionsabal bheachtas an bhuiséid
audit of accounts; auditing of accounts
iniúchadh ar na cuntais
IIA; Interinstitutional Agreement; Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure; Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure; Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach; Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach ar an smacht buiséadach agus ar fheabhsú an nóis imeachta bhuiséadaigh
European Agreement on continued Payment of Scholarships to students studying abroad
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hÍocaíocht Leantach Scoláireachtaí do Mhic Léinn atá ag Staidéar Thar Lear
red mud; red sludge
sloda ruaimneach
Budgetary Policy Committee
an Coiste um beartas buiséadach
prejudicial to novelty
chun dochair don úrnuacht
Supplementary Protocol to the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
Prótacal forlíontach a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún na Háige maidir le haithint agus forghníomhú breithiúnas eactrach in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála
Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, securing certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in the Convention and in the first Protocol thereto
Prótacal Uimh. 4 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint d''fhonn cearta agus saoirsí eile a áirithiú nach raibh san áireamh sa Choinbhinsiún agus sa chéad Phrótacal leis
Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters
Prótacal ar léiriú ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais ar Choinbhinsiún an 27 Meán Fómhair 1968 ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála
competent authority
údarás inniúil
administrative budget
buiséad riaracháin
energy audit
iniúchadh fuinnimh
drinking chocolate; sweetened cocoa; sweetened cocoa powder
cócó milsithe; deoch sheacláide; púdar cócó mhilsithe
Scientific Advisory Committee on the Toxicity and Ecotoxicity of Chemical Compounds; Scientific Advisory Committee to examine the toxicity and ecotoxicity of chemical compounds
Coiste Comhairleach Eolaíoch chun tocsaineacht agus éiceatocsaineacht chomhdhúl ceimiceach a scrúdú
Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on Assistance between Customs Administrations; Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on the Provision of Mutual Assistance by their Customs Authorities; Naples I
an Coinbhinsiún idir an Bheilg, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Fhrainc, an Iodáil, Lucsamburg agus an Ísiltír maidir le Cúnamh Frithpháirteach idir Údaráis Chustaim na dTíortha sin
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities; Madrid Convention; Madrid Outline Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Imlíneach Eorpach maidir le Comhar Trasteorann idir Pobail nó Údaráis Chríochacha; Coinbhinsiún Mhaidrid
Convention ensuring Benefit or Allowances to the Involuntarily Unemployed; Unemployment Provision Convention, 1934
an Coinbhinsiún a áirithíonn Sochair nó Liúntais dóibh siúd atá Dífhostaithe dá nAinneoin
Convention on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Convention on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justice with the adjustments made to them by the
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontú na Poblachta Heilléanaí don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú an Choinbhinsiúin sin ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, maille leis na hoiriúnuithe a
Convention concerning the Powers of Authorities and the Law Applicable in respect of the Protection of Infants
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cumhachtaí na nÚdarás agus leis an Dlí is infheidhme i leith Cosaint Leanaí
1968 Brussels Convention; 1968 Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters; Brussels Convention; Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
an Coinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus thráchtála; Coinbhinsiún na Bruiséile
European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chomhionannas Tréimhsí Staidéir Ollscoile
European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets used in International Transport
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir leis an tSlí a ndéilealann Údaráis Chustaim le Pailléid a úsáidtear in Iompar Idirnáisiúnta
European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal Judgments
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Bailíocht Idirnáisiúnta Bhreithiúnas Coiriúil
Convention concerning Medical Examination of Young Persons for Fitness for Employment Underground in Mines; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work) Convention, 1965
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scrúdú Dochtúra ar Inniúlacht Daoine Óga i gcomhair Fostaíochta i Mianaigh Faoi Thalamh
Convention concerning the Medical Examination of Fishermen; Medical Examination (Fishermen) Convention, 1959
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scrúdú Dochtúra Iascairí
Convention Extending the Competence of Authorities Qualified to Record the Affiliation of Illegitimate Children
an Coinbhinsiún a leathnaíonn inniúlacht na n-údarás atá cáilithe chun cleamhnacht leanaí neamhdhlisteanacha a thaifeadadh
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to the Europe Region
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Staidéir, Dioplómaí agus Céimeanna a bhaineann le hArdoideachas sna Stáit sa Réigiún Eorpach a Aithint
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorised Duplication of their Phonograms; Phonograms Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint táirgeoirí fónagram i gcoinne dhúbláil neamhúdaraithe a gcuid fónagram; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fónagraim
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Breithiúnais Choigríche in Ábhair Shibhialta agus Thráchtála a Aithint agus a Fhorghníomhú
Consultative Council of Regional and Local Authorities
Comhairle Chomhairleach na nÚdarás Réigiúnach agus Áitiúil
IGADD; Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development
an tÚdarás Idir-rialtasach ar thriomach agus ar fhorbairt; IGADD
AA; Appointing Authority
údarás ceapacháin
adjudication order
ordú féimheachta
judicial separation; legal separation
idirscaradh dlíthiúil; scaradh dlíthiúil
International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Prevention, Investigation and Repression of Customs Offences
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cúnamh Riaracháin Frithpháirteach chun Cionta Custaim a chosc, a imscrúdú, agus a chur faoi chois
Budget Committee
an Coiste um an mBuiséad
1988 Lugano Convention; Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters; Parallel Convention
an Coinbhinsiún ar Dhlínse agus ar Fhorghníomhú Breithiúnas in Ábhair Shibhialta agus Thráchtála
budget neutrality; budgetary neutrality; fiscal neutrality
neodracht bhuiséadach; neodracht i gcúrsaí buiséid
AOD; authorising officer by delegation
oifigeach údarúcháin trí tharmligean
iniúchadh; iniúchóireacht
CLRAE; Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
Buanchomhdháil Údaráis Áitiúla agus Réigiúnacha na hEorpa
falling-object protective structure; FOPS
struchtúr cosanta ar rudaí atá ag titim
barracuda; giant pike; sea pike
tub gurnard; yellow gurnard
cnúdán gorm
streaked gurnard
cnúdán breac
piper gurnard
cnúdán píobaire
East Atlantic red gurnard; red gurnard
cnúdán dearg
coalfish whale; pollack whale; Rudolph's rorqual; sei-whale
droimeiteach na saíán
Ross' cuttle
cudal Ross
lesser cuttlefish; little cuttlefish
cudal beag
courts; judicature; judiciary
na breithiúna
International Seabed Authority; ISA; ISBA
an tÚdarás Idirnáisiúnta um Ghrinneall na Farraige
principle of annuality; principle of the annual nature of the budget
prionsabal bhliantúlacht an bhuiséid; prionsabal na bliantúlachta
NABS; Nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of science budgets and programmes
an Ainmníocht le haghaidh anailís agus comparáid a dhéanamh ar bhuiséid agus ar chláir eolaíocha; NABS
Outer Space Treaty; Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
an Conradh ar na Prionsabail lena rialaítear Gníomhaíochtaí Stát i dTaiscéalaíocht agus in Úsáid an Chianspáis, lena n-áirítear an Ghealach agus Reanna Neimhe eile; an Conradh Cianspáis
illegal presence; illegal residence; illegal stay; irregular stay; unauthorised residence
cónaí neamhúdaraithe
Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting 1986 of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, held on the basis of the provisions of the Final Act relating to the Follow-up to the Conference; Vienna Concluding Document
Doiciméad Clabhsúir de Chruinniú Vín 1986 d'Ionadaithe na Stát Rannpháirteach sa Chomhdháil maidir le Slándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip, arna chomóradh ar bhonn na bhforálacha san Ionstraim Deiridh a bhaineann leis na torthaí a leanann ón gComhdháil; Doiciméad Deiridh Vín
AO; authorising officer
oifigeach um údarú
PDB; preliminary draft budget
an réamhdhréacht-bhuiséad
to adjust the authorisation
coigeartaigh an t-údarú
decision which has become final; final decision; judgment which has become final; judgment which has entered into force; judgment which has obtained the force of "res judicata"; judgment which has the force of "res judicata"; judgment which is res judicata; sentence having obtained the force of "res judicata"
breithiúnas a bhfuil éifeacht res judicata leis
when circumstances so justify
nuair a bhíonn údar maith leis
to conclude a protocol
tabhair prótacal i gcrích
a decision shall be binding in its entirety upon those to whom it is addressed
beidh cinneadh ina cheangal go huile agus go hiomlán orthu siúd a ndíreofar chucu é
final judgment
breithiúnas críochnaitheach
administrative authority
údarás riaracháin
authorised capital
caipiteal údaraithe
the most underprivileged
iad siúd is mó beagdheise; iad siúd is mó i lúb an angair
examining division
rannán scrúdúcháin
to exclude
eisiaigh; ná cur san áireamh
imprudent increase
méadú neamhstuama
competent authority
údarás inniúil
judicial office
oifig bhreithiúnach
provisional, including protective, measures
bearta sealadacha, lena n-áirítear bearta cosantacha
local authority
údarás áitiúil
judicial assistance; MLA; mutual assistance in criminal matters; mutual legal assistance
cúnamh dlíthiúil frithpháirteach
Centre for European Policy Studies; CEPS
an Lárionad don Staidéar ar Bheartas na hEorpa; CEPS
auditors appointed under Article...
iniúchóirí arna gceapadh faoi Airteagal...
without prejudice to ...
gan dochar do ...
to prejudge
déan réamhbhreithiúnas ar
to prejudge a decision
réamhbhreith a dhéanamh ar chinneadh
the date of delivery (of a judgment)
dáta craolta (breithiúnais)
qualifications of judges
cáilíocht na mbreithiúna
the recommendations of the judge-rapporteur
moltaí an bhreithimh is rapóirtéir
to re-examine
to render a judgment
breithiúnas a thabhairt
arrest by judicial process
gabháil trí phróis bhreithiúnach
irreconcilable judgments
breithiúnais ar neamhréir le chéile
summary examination
scrúdú achomair
to adjudicate
breithniú a dhéanamh
IALA; International Association of Lighthouse Authorities; International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta na nÁiseanna Mara le haghaidh Loingseoireachta agus na nÚdarás Tithe Solais; IALA
prudent and rational utilisation of natural resources
acmhainní nádúrtha a úsáid go stuama réasúnach
iniúchadh; iniúchóireacht
IDA; Industrial Development Authority
an tÚdarás Forbartha Tionscail
Convention determining the State responsible for examining applications for asylum lodged in one of the Member States of the European Communities; Dublin Asylum Convention; Dublin Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena gcinntear cén Stát atá freagrach i scrúdú iarratas ar thearmann arna dtaisceadh i gceann de Bhallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach; Coinbhinsiún Tearmainn Bhaile Átha Cliath
judicial protection; legal protection
cosaint dlí
opening of bids; opening of tenders; tender opening
oscailt tairiscintí; scrúdú tairiscintí
Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters; Hague Convention of 15 November 1965; Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
an Coinbhinsiún ar dhoiciméid bhreithiúnacha agus sheachbhreithiúnacha in ábhair shibhialta nó tráchtála a sheirbheáil thar lear
Convention concerning Student Employees
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fostaithe ar Mic Léinn iad
automatic budget stabiliser; automatic stabiliser
cobhsaitheoir uathoibríoch
Terms of Reference of the International Nickel Study Group
Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Nicil
Convention concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Sea) Convention, 1921
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Scrúdú Dochtúra Éigeantach i dTaca le Leanaí agus Daoine Óga atá Fostaithe ar Muir
Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work in the Principal Mining and Manufacturing Industries, Including Building and Construction, and in Agriculture; Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work, 1938
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Staitisticí a bhaineann le Pá agus le hUaireanta Oibre sna Príomhthionscail Mianadóireachta agus Déantúsaíochta lena n-áirítear an Fhoirgníocht agus an Tógáil, agus sa Talmhaíocht
Convention concerning the Medical Examination of Seafarers; Medical Examination (Seafarers) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scrúdú Dochtúra Maraithe
Convention concerning Medical Examination for Fitness for Employment in Industry of Children and Young Persons; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le scrúdú dochtúra ar inniúlacht leanaí agus daoine óga i gcomhair fostaíochta in earnáil na tionsclaíochta
Convention concerning Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons for Fitness for Employment in Non-industrial Occupations; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scrúdú Dochtúra ar Inniúlacht Leanaí agus Daoine Óga i gcomhair fostaíochta i Slite Beatha Neamhthionsclaíocha
official auditor; statutory auditor
iniúchóir reachtúil
authorise expenditure
údaraigh caiteachas
budgetary authority
údarás buiséadach; údarás buiséid
current account of the budget
cuntas reatha an bhuiséid
local authority; local government
rialtas áitiúil; údarás áitiúil
budget execution; budget implementation; budgetary execution; budgetary implementation; implementation of the budget
an buiséad a chur i ngníomh
serious damage; serious prejudice
Exchequer; tax authority
cisteán; státchiste; údarás cánach
fiscal fraud; tax evasion; tax fraud
calaois chánach; calaois fhioscach; imghabháil cánach
dose range-finding study; dose-finding study; dose-ranging study
staidéar ar an raon dáileoige
monetary authorities
údaráis airgeadaíochta
Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group
Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Chopar
Terms of Reference of the International Tin Study Group
Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Stán
fraud; fraud in the inducement
exercise of official authority
feidhmiú údaráis oifigiúil
limited submission; restricted adjudication
breithniú srianta
budget group
grúpa buiséid
the judgments shall be enforceable
beidh an breithiúnas infhorfheidhmithe
to withdraw the authorisation
tarraing siar údarú
to establish the annual budget; to establish the draft budget
an dréachtbhuiséad a bhunú
contribute to (a budget); produce revenue for their budgets
gnóthaigh ioncam don bhuiséad
budget year; budgetary year; fiscal year; FY
bliain airgeadais
European Ombudsman; Ombudsman
an tOmbudsman Eorpach; Ombudsman
authorised languages; rules governing languages
rialacha i dtaobh teangacha; teangacha údaraithe
study group
grúpa staidéir
budget constraint; budgetary constraint; budgetary restriction
sriantacht buiséid
judgment by default; judgment given in default of appearance
breithiúnas mainneachtana
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents; Diplomatic Agents Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosc agus le Pionósú Coireanna in aghaidh Daoine atá Cosanta ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta, lena n-áirítear Gníomhairí Taidhleoireachta; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gníomhairí Taidhleoireachta
Agreement for Facilitating the International Circulation of Visual and Auditory Materials of an Educational, Scientific and Cultural Character
an Comhaontú maidir le Cúrsaíocht Idirnáisiúnta a Éascú d''Ábhair Amhairc agus Éisteachta de Chineál Oideachasúil, Eolaíoch nó Cultúrtha
JAA; Joint Airworthiness Authorities; Joint Aviation Authorities
na Comhúdaráis Eitlíochta
ERASMUS; Erasmus programme; European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students
Clár Gníomhaíochta an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh um shoghluaisteacht mac léinn ollscoile
appropriate delegation of authority
tarmligean iomchuí údaráis
to investigate accidents
imscrúdaigh tionóisc
a deficit in the budget
easnamh ar an mbuiséad; easnamh sa bhuiséad
to conclude contracts; to place contracts
tabhair conradh i gcrích
to conclude an agreement; to enter into an agreement
comhaontú a thabhairt i gcrích
experimental study
staidéar turgnamhach
preliminary draft administrative budget
réamhdhréacht do bhuiséad riaracháin
detailed study
to examine
tanning extract of wattle
eastóscán súdaireachta miomósa
printed matter for publicity purposes (including travel publicity)
ábhar clóite le haghaidh poiblíochta (lena n-áirítear poiblíocht taistil)
hydrogen peroxide (including solid hydrogen peroxide)
sárocsaíd hidrigine (lena n-áirítear sárocsaíd hidrigine sholadach)
members of the highest national judiciary
na breithiúna is airde dlínse náisiúnta
the duration of the judicial vacations
tréimhsí na saoire breithiúnta
including the votes of the representatives
lena n-áirítear vótaí na n-ionadaithe
the State shall so inform the High Authority
cuirfidh an Stát an tArdúdarás ar an eolas faoi sin
exchange authorisation; exchange licence; exchange permit
údarú malairte
responsible authority
údarás freagrach
crude beryllium
beirilliam amh
crude bismuth
biosmat amh
budget revenue
ioncam an bhuiséid
research and investment budget
buiséad taighde agus infheistíochta
electric smoothing irons
iarann smúdála leictreach
to examine
to be examined
bheith ina ábhar scrúdaithe
body dependent on a public authority
comhlacht atá spleách ar údarás poiblí
a clause allowing them to ...
clásal a údaróidh dóibh...
audit board
bord iniúchóireachta
competent authority
údarás inniúil
a form of administrative or judicial constraint; administrative or legal measure of constraint
beart comhéigin riarthach nó dlíthiúil
right of audience
ceart éisteachta
the force of res judicata
feidhm res judicata
to implement the budget
an buiséad a chur chun feidhme; an buiséad a chur i ngníomh
student exchange
malartú mac léinn
classification of budget expenditure; classification of expenditure
aicmiú caiteachais
to comply with the judgment
an breithiúnas a chomhlíonadh
to set up an economic study committee
coiste staidéir eacnamaíoch a chur ar bun
external audit body
comhlacht seachtrach iniúchóireachta
the highest national judiciary
na breithiúna is airde dlínse náisiúnta
reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments
breithiúnais a aithint agus a fhorghníomhú go cómhalartach
revision of a judgment
athbhreithniú breithiúnais
the Council may revoke this authorisation
féadfaidh an Chomhairle an t-údarúchán sin a chúlghairm
the meaning or scope of a judgment
brí nó raon feidhme breithiúnais; brí nó scóip breithiúnais
for as long as that authorisation remains valid
fad is bailí don údarú sin
tallow (including 'premier jus')
geir (lena n-áirítear "premier jus")
propellent powder
púdar tiomáinteach; púdar tiomána
principle of budgetary universality; principle of universality; rule of universality
prionsabal na huilíochta; riail na huilíochta
diplomatic or consular authorities
údaráis taidhleoireachta nó chonsalacha
interactive audio-visual communication services
seirbhísí cumarsáide closamhairc déthreo
curbing the pirating of audio-visual work
píoráideacht saothar closamhairc a shrianadh
silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling)
dramhshíoda (lena n-áirítear cocúin atá neamhoiriúnach lena dtochras)
judicial redress; judicial remedy; recourse to judicial review
leigheas breithiúnach
to raise the matter with the High Authority
an t-ábhar a thabhairt os comhair an Ard-Údaráis
Central Authority
an tÚdarás Láir; údarás lárnach
the reciprocal recognition of judgments
aithint chómhalartach breithiúnas
the relevant central authority
an t-údarás lárnach ábhartha
Standing Technological Conference of European Local Authorities; STCELA; STECLA
Buanchoiste Teicneolaíoch na nÚdarás Áitiúil san Eoraip
Atlantic searobins
cnúdáin Atlantacha
INSG; International Nickel Study Group
an Grúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Nicil; INSG
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities; Financial Regulation; Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities; FR
an Rialachán Airgeadais
Convention on the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its inte
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Ríocht na Danmhairge, na hÉireann agus Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus thráchtála agus leis an bPrótacal
open adjudication; public adjudication
breithniú poiblí
Treaty amending Certain Budgetary Provisions of the Treaties establishing the European Communities and of the Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities; Treaty of Luxembourg
Conradh a leasaíonn Forálacha Buiséadacha Áirithe de na Conarthaí ag bunú na gComhphobal Eorpach agus den Chonradh ag bunú Comhairle Aonair agus Coimisiúin Aonair de na Comhphobail Eorpacha
budgetary consolidation; consolidation of public finances; fiscal consolidation
comhdhlúthú buiséadach; comhdhlúthú fioscach
judicial supervision; pre-trial supervision
maoirseacht bhreithiúnach
Agreement establishing the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta um Ardstaidéar Agranamaíoch i Réigiún na Meánmhara
International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions; INTOSAI
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Uasfhoras Iniúchóireachta
an Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Comhar agus Cúnamh Frithpháirteach idir Údaráis Náisiúnta Custaim
Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions (Agri-budgetary Questions); Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions (Agrifin) (Agri-budgetary Questions); Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions (Agri-monetary Questions)
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht (Agrifin) (Ceisteanna Agra-bhuiséadacha); an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht (Ceisteanna Agra-airgeadais); an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht (Ceisteanna Agra-bhuiséadacha)
Judge of the Circuit Court
Breitheamh de chuid na Cúirte Cuarda
Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua agus Barbúda
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Saudi Arabia
an Araib Shádach; Ríocht na hAraibe Sádaí
Republic of the Sudan; Sudan
an tSúdáin; Poblacht na Súdáine
fraud on an international scale
calaois ar scála idirnáisiúnta
an Udmairt
judicial cooperation in civil law matters; judicial cooperation in civil matters
comhar breithiúnach in ábhair shibhialta
criminal judicial cooperation; judicial cooperation in criminal matters
comhar breithiúnach in ábhair choiriúla
regional authority
údarás réigiúnach
GAF; Working Party on Combating Fraud
an Mheitheal um Chomhrac na Calaoise
Birobijan; JAR; Jewish Autonomous Oblast; Jewish Autonomous Region
Réigiún Féinrialaithe na nGiúdach
lactose powder
púdar lachtóis
macroprudential risk; systemic risk; system-wide risk
riosca macrastuamachta; riosca sistéamach
Joint Study Programme; JSP
comhchlár staidéir
Convention on the Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters and to the Protocol on its Interpretation by the Court of Justice with the
Coinbhinsiún ar aontú Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú an Choinbhinsiúin sin ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, maille
European Convention on the General Equivalence of Periods of University Study
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chomhionannas Ginearálta Tréimhsí Staidéir Ollscoile
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme; EMAS
EMAS; Scéim um Éiceabhainistíocht agus um Éiciniúchóireacht
clouded leopard
liopard marmarach
Northern pudu
púdú tuaisceartach
black mud turtle; black soft-shelled turtle; Cuatro Cienagas soft-shelled turtle
turtar blaoscbhog Cuatro Ciénegas
dark coloured soft-shelled turtle; sacred black mud turtle
turtar blaoscbhog dubh
Indian oralgrain lizard; ruddy snub-nosed monitor; yellow land lizard; yellow monitor
monatóir buí
judicial system
córas breithiúnach
criminal investigation; investigation
imscrúdú coiriúil
investigative procedures
nós imeachta imscrúdaithe
the classification of these judgements, the drawing up and publication of translations and abstracts
rangú na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú; rangúchán na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú
pilot exercise; pilot project; pilot scheme; pilot study
scéim phíolótach
dust and powder of diamonds
deannach agus púdar diamant
Joint Supervisory Authority; JSA; Schengen Joint Supervisory Authority
an tÚdarás Comhpháirteach Maoirseachta; Údarás Comhpháirteach Maoirseachta Schengen
iniúchadh; iniúchóireacht
skills audit
iniúchadh scileanna
audit log
taifead iniúchóireachta
national supervisory authority; national supervisory body
comhlacht náisiúnta maoirseachta; údarás maoirseachta náisiúnta
specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of advanced communication technologies and services (1994-1998)
clár sonrach le haghaidh taighde agus forbartha teicneolaíochta, lena n-áirítear taisealbhadh, i réimse na dteicneolaíochtaí agus na seirbhísí ardchumarsáide (1994-1998)
Agreement between the EFTA States on the Establishment of a Surveillance Authority and a Court of Justice; SCA; Surveillance and Court Agreement
an Comhaontú idir na Stáit EFTA maidir le hÚdarás Faireacháin agus Cúirt Bhreithiúnais a Bhunú
financial envelope; funding; total appropriation; total financial appropriation
clúdach airgeadais; leithreasú iomlán
Audiovisual Working Party
an Mheitheal um an Earnáil Closamhairc
Commissioner of the CBSS on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, including the Rights of Persons belonging to Minorities
Coimisinéir an CBSS um Institiúidí Daonlathacha agus um Chearta an Duine, lena n-áirítear na cearta atá ag daoine ar de ghrúpaí mionlaigh iad
judges; judges of the ordinary courts; the bench
Binse na mBreithiúna
document fraud
calaois doiciméad
Joint Audit Committee
an Comhchoiste Iniúchóireachta
budget deficit; budgetary deficit; fiscal deficit
easnamh an rialtais; easnamh sa bhuiséad
budgetary provision
foráil bhuiséadach
Administrative and Budgetary Committee; Fifth Committee
an Coiste Riaracháin agus Buiséid; an Cúigiú Coiste
illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiques and works of art; illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiquities and works of art
gáinneáil aindleathach ar earraí cultúir, lena n-áirítear seaniarsmaí agus saothair ealaíne
fraud trend
treochtaí calaoise
serious fraud
calaois thromchúiseach
minor fraud
Additional Protocol to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Imlíneach Eorpach maidir leis an gComhar Trasteorann idir Pobail nó Údaráis Chríochacha
PA; Palestinian Authority; Palestinian National Authority; PNA
Údarás Náisiúnta na Palaistíne
Directorate 3 - Fisheries, including external relations
an Stiúrthóireacht um Iascach, lena n-áirítear caidreamh seachtach; Stiúrthóireacht 3 - Iascach, lena n-áirítear caidreamh seachtrach
crann plumaí Giúdach
CLRAE; Congress of Local and Regional Authorities; Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
an Chomhdáil um Údaráis Aitiúla agus Réigiúnacha na hEorpa; CLRAE
budgetary position
riocht buiséadach
credit card fraud
calaois cártaí creidmheasa; calaois chártaí creidmheasa
law enforcement agency; law enforcement authority; law enforcement service; LEA
gníomhaireacht forfheidhmithe dlí; seirbhís forfheidhmithe dlí; údarás forfheidhmithe dlí
primary budget surplus; primary surplus
IGAD; Intergovernmental Authority on Development
an tÚdarás Idir-rialtasach ar fhorbairt; IGAD; Údarás Idir-rialtasach Forbartha
budgetary effort; budgetary impulse; fiscal effort; fiscal stimulus; fiscal stimulus effort
spreagadh fioscach
Budapest Process
Próiseas Bhúdaipeist
judicial officer
oifigeach breithiúnach
Palestinian president; president of the Palestinian Authority; president of the Palestinian National Authority
Uachtarán na Palaistíne; uachtarán Údarás na Palaistíne; Uachtarán Údarás Náisiúnta na Palaistíne
audit trail
rian iniúchta
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais
Ross cuttlefish
cudal galánta
EJN; European Judicial Network; European Judicial Network in criminal matters
an Gréasán Breithiúnach Eorpach
specific investigative action
gníomhaíocht shonrach imscrúdaitheach
prosecuting/investigating officials specialising in the fight against organised crime
oifigigh ionchúisimh/imscrúdaithe atá ag sainfheidhmiú sa chomhrac i gcoinne na coirpeachta eagraithe
police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
comhar póilíneachta agus comhar breithiúnach in ábhair choiriúla
budget session (EP)
seisiún buiséadach (PE)
Annex I party; Party included in Annex I
Páirtí atá luaite in Iarscríbhinn I; Páirtí Iarscríbhinn I
Declaration on the provisions relating to transparency, access to documents and the fight against fraud
Dearbhú maidir leis na forálacha maidir le trédhearcacht, le rochtain ar dhoiciméid agus leis an gcalaois a chomhrac
great barracuda
baracúdach mór
IANA; Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
an tÚdarás Sannta Uimhreacha Idirlín; IANA
budgetary adjustment; fiscal adjustment
coigeartú fioscach
budget outturn; outturn
olltoradh buiséid
International Standards on Auditing; ISA; ISAs
Caighdeáin Idirnáisiúnta Iniúchóireachta
prudent person approach; prudent person principle; prudent person rule
prionsabal "an duine stuama"
linear audiovisual media service; television broadcast; television broadcasting
craoltóireacht teilifíse
fiscal authority
údarás fioscach
budgetary stance; fiscal policy stance; fiscal stance
staid fhioscach
AD; audio description
419 scam; advance fee fraud; Nigerian letter scam
calaois réamhtháille
Brussels II Convention; Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Matrimonial Matters
an Coinbhinsiún um Dhlínse agus um Aithint agus Forghníomhú Breithiúnas in Ábhair maidir le Pósadh; Coinbhinsiún na Bruiséile II
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Matrimonial Mat
Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir le léirmhíniú ag Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le dlínse agus maidir le hAithint agus Forghníomhú Breithiúnas i gCúrsaí Pósta
CGEA; CGL; Community General Export Authorization; Community General Licence; EU GEA; Union General Export Authorisation
Údarú Ginearálta Onnmhairiúcháin ón Aontas; UGO AE
Budapest Convention; Convention on Cybercrime
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cibearchoireacht
national envelope
clúdach náisiúnta
European Anti-Fraud Office; OLAF
an Oifig Eorpach Frith-Chalaoise; OLAF
Article 36 Committee; CATS; Coordinating Committee in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
an Coiste Comhordúcháin i réimse an chomhair póilíneachta agus bhreithiúnaigh in ábhair choiriúla; CATS; Coiste Airteagal 36
ABB; activity-based budgeting
ABB; buiséadú de réir gníomhaíochtaí
Protocol No.2 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning interterritorial co-operation
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Imlíneach Eorpach um chomhoibriú trasteorann idir comhphobail agus údaráis chríche maidir le comhoibriú idir chríocha
PISA; Programme for International Student Assessment
an Clár Idirnáisiúnta um Measúnú Daltaí; PISA
OLAF Supervisory Committee; Supervisory Committee; Supervisory Committee of OLAF; Supervisory Committee of the European Anti-Fraud Office; Surveillance Committee
an Coiste Maoirseachta; Coiste Maoirseachta na hOifige Eorpaí Frith-Chalaoise; Coiste Maoirseachta OLAF
JIT; joint investigation team; joint investigative team
foireann chomhpháirteach imscrúdaithe; foireann chomhpháirteach um imscrúdú
Eurojust; European Judicial Cooperation Unit
an tAonad Eorpach um Chomhar Breithiúnach; Eurojust
Working Party on the European Judicial Network
an Mheitheal um an nGréasán Breithiúnach Eorpach
EFSA; European Food Safety Authority
an tÚdarás Eorpach um Shábháilteacht Bia; EFSA
deferral of investigation or prosecution
iarchur imscrúdaithe nó ionchúisimh
joint supervisory authority; joint supervisory body
comhchomhlacht maoirseachta; comhúdarás maoirseachta
budgetary sustainability; fiscal sustainability; sustainability of public finances; sustainability of the government financial position
inbhuaine an airgeadais phoiblí
ATLAS; EJN Atlas; European Judicial Atlas; MLA Atlas
an tAtlas Breithiúnach Eorpach
giant African cuttlefish
cudal mór Afracach
budgetary support
tacaíocht bhuiséadach
court of specialised jurisdiction; judicial panel; specialised court
cúirt speisialaithe; painéal breithiúnach
unjustified dismissal
dífhostú gan údar maith
due diligence; due diligence audit; due diligence exercise
athbhreithniú díchill chuí; nós imeachta díchill chuí
Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances; WIPO Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances
Comhdháil Taidhleoireachta EDMI maidir le Léirithe Closamhairc a Chosaint
Brussels II Regulation; Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and in matters of parental responsibility for children of both spouses
Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1347/2000 maidir le dlínse agus maidir le haithint agus forghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair maidir le pósadh agus le freagracht tuismitheora as leanaí an dá chéile; Rialachán II na Bruiséile
BAG; Guinean barracuda
baracúdach Guineach
California barracuda; Pacific barracuda
baracúdach an Aigéin Chiúin
blunt-jaw barracuda; yellow-finned barracuda
baracúdach buí-eiteach
Indian barracuda
baracúdach Indiach
baracúdach; liús mara
JES; Joint Exercise Study
Staidéar maidir le Freachnaimh Chomhpháirteacha
gaudy notothen; yellowfin notie
oigheariasc troisc gairéadach
longfin gurnard
cnúdán fadeiteach
Cape gurnard; GUC
cnúdán na Rinne
large-scaled gurnard
cnúdán mórghainneach
LEP; spiny gurnard
cnúdán spíonach
East Coast sole; mud sole; SOE
sól láibe
mud shrimp
séacla láibe
EJTN; European Judicial Training Network
an Gréasán Eorpach um Oiliúint Bhreithiúnach; GEOB; Gréasán Eorpach um Oiliúint Bhreithiúnach
prosecuting authority; prosecutorial authority
údarás ionchúisimh
structural balance; structural budget balance
comhardú struchtúrach
Given that this [INSTRUMENT] builds upon the Schengen acquis, Denmark shall, in accordance with Article 4 of that Protocol, decide within a period of six months after the Council has decided on this [INSTRUMENT] whether it will implement it in its nationa
Ós rud é go gcuireann an [IONSTRAIM] seo le acquis Schengen, cinnfidh an Danmhairg, i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 4 den Phrótacal sin, laistigh de thréimhse sé mhí tar éis don Chomhairle cinneadh a dhéanamh ar an [IONSTRAIM] seo, an gcuirfidh sí chun feidhme
EUISS; European Union Institute for Security Studies
EUISS; Institiúid an Aontais Eorpaigh um Staidéar Slándála
Istanbul Protocol; Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Lámhleabhar maidir le céasadh agus íde eile atá cruálach, mídhaonna nó táireach a imscrúdú agus a dhoiciméadú go héifeachtach; Prótacal Iostanbúl
operational envelope
imchlúdach oibríochtúil
REACH; REACH Regulation; Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals; Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
Clárú, Meastóireacht, Údarú, agus Srianadh Ceimiceán; REACH
SAA; Security Accreditation Authority
Údarás um Chreidiúnú Slándála
to future-proof
féachaint chuige go seasfaidh rud an aimsir
asylum authority; authority responsible for asylum; determining asylum authority; determining authority; refugee status determining authority
údarás cinntitheach
Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway; CMNI
Coinbhinsiún Bhúdaipeist maidir leis an gConradh um Iompar Earraí ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre
national security authority; NSA
Údaras um Shlándáil Náisiúnta; USN
prudent antimicrobial use; prudent use of antimicrobial agents
úsáid stuama oibreán frithmhiocróbach
IJSG; International Jute Study Group
an Grúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Shiúit; IJSG
budget commitment; budgetary commitment
gealltanas buiséadach
judge of an ordinary court
breitheamh gnáthchúirte
AOSD; authorising officer by subdelegation; subdelegated authorising officer
oifigeach údarúcháin trí fhotharmligean
individual budget commitment; individual budgetary commitment
gealltanas buiséadach aonair
global budget commitment; global budgetary commitment
gealltanas buiséadach ilréimseach
HALE; High-Altitude Long-Endurance
aerfheithicil mhórairde fad-aga
MALE; Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance
aerfheithicil mheánairde fad-aga
impersonation; look-alike fraud
calaois bunaithe ar an gcosúlacht
Brussels I Regulation; Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 44/2001 ón gComhairle an 22 Nollaig 2000 maidir le dlínse agus aitheantas agus forghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála; Rialachán an Bhruiséil I
Agreement establishing the Terms of Reference of the International Jute Study Group
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Shiúit 2001
public transmission; public transmission by audiovisual means
tarchur poiblí; tarchur poiblí trí mhodhanna closamhairc
illegal resident; person residing without authorisation
cónaitheoir neamhdhlíthiúil; duine a chónaíonn gan údarú
assisting unlawful immigration; facilitation; facilitation of illegal immigration; facilitation of unauthorised entry and residence; facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence
éascú teacht isteach, idirthurais agus cónaí neamhúdaraithe
Gaming Board for Sweden; National Gaming Board; Swedish Gambling Authority
Údarás Cearrbhachais na Sualainne
nothing is agreed until everything is agreed
níl rud ar bith aontaithe go mbeidh gach uile rud aontaithe
Dublin Regulation; Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national; Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless perso
Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 604/2013 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 26 Meitheamh 2013 lena mbunaítear na critéir agus na sásraí lena gcinntear cé acu Ballstát atá freagrach as scrúdú a dhéanamh ar iarratas ar chosaint idirnáisiúnta arna thaisceadh; Rialachán Bhaile Átha Cliath; Rialachán ón gComhairle lena mbunaítear na critéir agus na sásraí lena gcinntear an Ballstát atá freagrach i scrúdú iarratais ar thearmann arna thaisceadh i gceann de na Ballstáit ag náisiúnach tríú tír