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► Innealtóireacht Cheimiceach
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► Innealtóireacht Leictreach
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► Teicneolaíocht an Fhuinnimh
Materials Science
Eolaíocht na n-Ábhar
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► Innealtóireacht Mheicniúil
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eintiteas a leagtar an cúram air fuinneamh leictreachais no gáis a thabhairt ar fud tíre nó réigiúin le hinfreastruchtúr fosaithe (CT)
(on motorbike)
(conair taobh thíos de dhroichead)
(conair taobh thíos de dhroichead)
(control systems)
structure composed of two electricity poles or pylons, connected by one or more horizontal beams to which the phases are attached
Rationale for the route through Raffeen Quarry, including justification for/adequacy of the area of land take, evidence of formalised arrangements with the landowner of quarry and the vertical alignment through the quarry.
Réasúnaíocht don bhealach trí Chairéal Ráth Mhín, fírinniú do/leordhóthanacht limistéar na tógála talún, fianaise ar shocraíochtaí foirmiúil le húinéir talún an chairéil agus ar an ailíniú ingearach tríd an gcairéal.