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Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
(an attack on defending team)
an attack from the left
ionsaí ó chlé
an attack on the right
ionsaí ar dheis
an attack in the centre of court
ionsaí i lár na cúirte
(an attack on defending team)
an attack from the left
ionsaí ó chlé
an attack on the right
ionsaí ar dheis
an attack in the centre of court
ionsaí i lár na cúirte
to attack from the rear
ionsaigh ón gcúl
to attack from the front
ionsaigh ón tosach
to attack in the centre of court
ionsaigh i lár na cúirte
to attack from the rear
ionsaigh ón gcúl
to attack from the front
ionsaigh ón tosach
to attack in the centre of court
ionsaigh i lár na cúirte
(an attack on defending team)
an attack from the left
ionsaí ó chlé
an attack on the right
ionsaí ar dheis
an attack in the centre of court
ionsaí i lár na cúirte
to attack from the rear
ionsaigh ón gcúl
to attack from the front
ionsaigh ón tosach
to attack in the centre of court
ionsaigh i lár na cúirte
(of player, of team)
he is a very attacking player
imreoir é atá tugtha don ionsaí
they are a very attacking team
foireann iad atá tugtha don ionsaí
(of player, of team)
he is a very attacking player
imreoir é atá tugtha don ionsaí
they are a very attacking team
foireann iad atá tugtha don ionsaí
(of player, of team)
he is a very attacking player
imreoir é atá tugtha don ionsaí
they are a very attacking team
foireann iad atá tugtha don ionsaí
(of style, of tactics)
(of style, of tactics)
(of style, of tactics)
attempt a goal
bain triail as cúl a scóráil
attempt it!
déan iarracht!
he attempted to run in
d’fhéach sé le rith isteach
they attempted a blanket defence
rinne siad iarracht ar dhlúthchosaint