▼ Matamaitic
▼ Mathematics
▼ Céimseata
▼ Geometry
▼ Céimseata Chomhordanáideach
▼ Coordinate Geometry
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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Matamaitic » Céimseata » Céimseata Chomhordanáideach Bonnuimhir chórais uimhreacha.
Mathematics » Geometry » Coordinate Geometry The radix of a number system.
(financial gain)
Airgeadas 1. D'idirbheart amháin, farasbarr phraghas díola an earra nó na seirbhíse atá ar díol thar chostas a soláthar. 2. Do thréimhse trádála, barrachas na nglansócmhainní ag tús na tréimhse sin, coigeartaithe mar is cuí de réir an mhéid caipitil a chuir na húinéirí isteach sa ghnó nó a tharraing siad as.
Finance 1. For a single transaction, the excess of the selling price of the article or service being sold over the costs of providing it. 2. For a period of trading, the surplus of net assets at the start of that period, adjusted where relevant for amounts of capital injected ar withdrawn by the proprietors. As profit is notoriously hard to define, it is not always possible to derive one single figure of profit for an organization from an accepted set of data.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Rogha de chosán amháin nó breis, sa sreabhadh sonraí nó comharthaí, trí chóras nó trí chéim. Braitheann roghnú cosáin ar chritéar éigin ar ar féidir cinneadh a bhunú. Tugtar treoracha brainseála uaireanta ar na treoracha a úsáidtear chun an roghnú a chur sa tsiúl.
Computers, Computer Science The selection of one or more paths in the flow of data or signals through a system or stage. Selection of a path is based upon some criterion that allows a decision to be reached. The instructions used to mechandize the selection are sometimes called branch instructions.
ceart go 2/3 ionad de dheachúlacha
correct to 2/3 decimal places
ceart go dtí an km is gaire
correct to the nearest km
ceart go dtí an punt is gaire
correct to the nearest pound
ceart go dtí an x is gaire
correct to the nearest x
ceart go dtí dhá fhigiúr bhunúsacha
correct to two significant figures
ceart go hionad amháin de dheachúlacha
ceart go dtí an chéad deachúil
ceart go dtí ionad amháin de dheachúlacha
correct to one decimal place