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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Níor scil sé a raibh sa litir.
Níor sceith sé a raibh sa litir.
He did not divulge the contents of the letter.
Nílim sásta lena bhfuil sa Bhille.
Níl mé sásta lena mbeidh sa Bhille.
I am not happy with the contents of the Bill.
The lowering of the tariff for imports of maize and sorghum into Spain and Portugal in accordance with obligations falling upon the European Union under the rules of the World Trade Organisation
an chloch is mó ar a phaidrín
his greatest concern
an chloch is lú ar a bpaidrín
their least concern
ábhar is cúram dó a ardú ar leibhéal an Chomhchoiste
to raise a matter of concern at the level of the Joint Committee
GAachomharc br
abr achomharc, aidbhr achomharctha
achomharcann in aghaidh breithe
achomharcann in aghaidh cinnidh
appeals against a decision
GAadmháil bain3
gu admhála, iol admhálacha
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An próiseas a úsáidtear chun a chinntiú gur shroich teachtaireacht a ceann scríbe.
Computers, Computer Science The process used to guarantee end-to-end message delivery.
admháil go bhfuarthas doiciméad
acknowledgement of receipt of document
proposed agreement or negotiating text circulated informally among delegations for discussion without committing the originating delegation's country to the contents
GAaide-mémoire s FR
iol aides-mémoire
Comhaontú a mholtar agus a chuirtear faoi bhráid toscaireachtaí, le gur féidir é a phlé gan an toscaireacht atá á mholadh a bheith tiomanta dá bhfuil ann.
Proposed agreement which is circulated informally among delegations, and which may then be discussed without committing the originating delegation's country to its contents.
GAaighneacht bain3
gu aighneachta, iol aighneachtaí
(application for consideration, of proposal, proposition)
an aighneacht seo agamsa
my submission
aighneacht nach bhfuil aon chás le freagairt
submission of no case to answer
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