Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
part of a carriageway designated for cycles, distinguished from the rest of the carriageway by longitudinal road markings
'Ní ceadmhach tiomáint i lánaí atá druidte ( nuair atá oibreacha bóthair ar siúl) ná i lánaí a bhfuil cosc ar iad a úsáid ( an lána éigeandála ar mhótarbhealach) ná i lánaí atá curtha in áirithe d'úsáideoirí eile an bhóthair ( lána bus, lána rothar).'
'D’éirigh go maith le go leor scéimeanna le déanaí i measc rothaithe i limistéar na cathrach amhail
Rotharbhealach na Canálach Móire ó Shráid na nGildeanna go Portobello, a thug méadú nach beag do
líon na rothaithe ar feadh na canála ó osclaíodh é in 2011.'
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
accelerate-stop distance available; ASDA
an fad atá ar fáil don luasghearú/stopadh
EOBT; estimated off-block time
am gluaiste measta
sublingual tablet
táibléad fotheangach
dregs and green liquor sludge (from black liquor treatment)
dríodar agus sluda licéir uaine (ó chóireáil licéir dhuibh)
fleshings and lime split waste
screaball súdaireachta agus blúire aoil
acquisitions less disposals of valuables
éadálacha lúide diúscairtí earraí luachmhara
bad debt; irrecoverable debt; uncollectible account
disposable income
ioncam indiúscartha
GNDI; gross national disposable income
OIIN; ollioncam indiúscartha náisiúnta
other accounts receivable/payable
cuntais eile infhála/iníoctha
other valuables
earraí luachmhara eile
transferable deposits
taiscí inaistrithe
use of adjusted disposable income account
cuntas úsáide ioncaim indiúscartha choigeartaithe
use of disposable income account
cuntas úsáide ioncaim indiúscartha
earraí luachmhara
breach of obligation
sárú dualgais
mortgage on immovable property; mortgage on real estate; mortgage on real property
morgáiste ar réadmhaoin
probable cause; reasonable and probable cause; reasonable ground
cúis réasúnach
material loss; tangible loss
caillteanas ábhartha; caillteanas inláimhsithe
reasonable man; reasonable person
duine réasúnta
gross value added; GVA
OBL; oll-bhreisluach
Flemish Bloc; Flemish Interest; Vlaams Belang
Bloc Pléimeannach; Leas na bPléimeannach
CPAS/OCMW; public social action centre; public social assistance centre
ionad poiblí cúnaimh shóisialta
BLA; Black Lawyers Association
BLA; Comhlachas na nDlíodóirí Gorma
Black Communities Development Act
Acht Forbraíochta na bPobal Gorm
open government data; open public data
sonraí oscailte poiblí
wine year; wine-growing year
bliain fíona
incompatibility; incompatible office
neamhréireacht; oifig neamhréireach
public record of proceedings
taifead poiblí ar na himeachtaí
committee responsible; committee responsible for the subject-matter
coiste freagrach
International Year of the World's Indigenous People; International Year of the World's Indigenous People, 1993
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta Phobail Dúchais an Domhain
International Year of the Family; IYF
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta an Teaghlaigh
Blue Plan; Plan Bleu
Plan Bleu
National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection; National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection
Institiúid Naisiúnta um Shláinte Phoiblí agus Caomhnú Comhshaoil
Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage; Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage; Electoral Act
Ionstraim maidir le toghadh comhaltaí de Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach; Ionstraim maidir le toghadh ionadaithe do Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach
blackfin tuna
tuinnín dubheite
continuously variable transmission; CVT
traiseoladh athraitheach leanúnach
non-taxable legal person
duine dlítheanach neamh-inchánach
block exemption
E2PROM; EEPROM; electrical erasable programmable read-only memory; electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
cuimhne inléite amháin in-ríomhchláraithe in-léirscriosta go leictreach; EEPROM
blank control
cóimheastóir caoch
duty of secrecy; obligation of secrecy; secrecy obligation
oibleagáid rúndachta
non-reusable pack; one-way packaging
pacáistíocht aonuaire
assessable profit; taxable benefit; taxable profit
brabús inmheasúnaithe; ioncam incháinithe
market risk; systematic risk; undiversifiable risk
riosca córasach; riosca margaidh
cableway installation designed to carry passengers; cableway installation designed to carry persons
suiteáil chábla atá ceaptha chun daoine a iompar
blowing through; bubbling
implantable device
arable crop
barr curaíochta
flexible retirement
scor solúbtha
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
international nuclear non-proliferation obligations or understandings
oibleagáidí nó tuiscintí idirnáisiúnta maidir le neamhleathadh núicléach
offshore pipeline
píblíne eischósta
electronic assembly
cóimeáil leictreonach
information system for public procurement; SIMAP
córas faisnéise um sholáthar poiblí; SIMAP
SLORC; SPDC; State Law and Order Restoration Council; State Peace and Development Council
an Chomhairle Stáit um Athbhunú an Oird Phoiblí; an Chomhairle Stáit um Shíocháin agus um Fhorbraíocht; SLORC; SPDC
freedom of assembly and of association
saoirse comhthionóil agus comhlachais
Federal Law Gazette; Federal Law Gazette for the Republic of Austria; Official Journal of the Republic of Austria
Iris Oifigiúil Phoblacht na hOstaire
TPE; transportable pressure equipment
brú-threalamh iniompartha
oblique wing aircraft; slew wing aircraft; swivel wing airborne vehicle
aerárthach fiarsciatháin
in the public domain; public domain
fearann poiblí
public broadcasting system
córas craolacháin phoiblí
geolbhach gorm
countervailable subsidy
fóirdheontas in-fhrithchúitithe
right of blocking; right to block; right to have data blocked
an ceart go mblocálfaí sonraí
public and fair trial
triail chóir agus phoiblí; triail chothrom agus phoiblí
public health threat; threat to public health
baol don tsláinte phoiblí
citations and recitals; preamble
failure by a State to fulfil obligations; failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations
mainneachtain bhallstáit ina chuid oibleagáidí a chomhlíonadh; mainneachtain stáit ina chuid oibleagáidí a chomhlíonadh
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration in urban areas; Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development; URBAN II
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta cathracha agus comharsanachtaí a bhfuil géarchéim iontu d''fhonn forbraíocht uirbeach inbhuanaithe a chur ar aghaidh; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta i gceantair uirbeacha; URBAN II
flexible form of employment
cineál solúbtha fostaíochta
protection services; services for the protection of public figures
seirbhísí cosanta do phearsana aithnidiúla
annuity; annuity contract
blianacht; conradh blianachta
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare; ISEW
Innéacs den Leas Eacnamaíoch Inbhuanaithe; ISEW
PAC; Public Accounts Committee; Select Committee on Public Accounts
an Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí
BLLF; Bonded Labour Liberation Front
BLLF; Fronta Saoirse maidir le Saothar faoi Bhanna
blood money
airgead fola
softshell red crab
portán dearg blaoscbhog
determinable interest securities; variable yield securities
urrúis toraidh athraithigh
liquid asset; liquid capital; quick asset; realizable asset
sócmhainn leachtach
FFV; flex fuel vehicle; flexible fuel vehicle
feithicil ilbhreosla
anti-personnel fragmentation mine; AP fragmentation mine; fragmentation mine
mianach bloghtrach
probable cause
cúis dhóchúil
model year
Bliain an chineáil
blue throated macaw; Caninde macaw; Wagler's macaw
macá píbghorm
public emergency
éigeandáil phoiblí
admissible evidence; competent evidence
fianaise inghlactha
bacteraemia; blood poisoning; blood stream infection; bloodstream infection; BSI
Disabled People's International; DPI
Eagraíocht Idirináisiúnta na nDaoine faoi Mhíchumas
PBRSV; potato black ringspot nepovirus; potato black ringspot virus
víreas fáinnebhall dubh prátaí
PL; Public Law
dlí poiblí
blue button
variable rate technology; VRT
teicneolaíocht ráta athraithigh; VRT
blueskin seabream
garbhánach gormchraicinn
antipatharians; black corals
coiréalach dubh
sideneck turtles
turtar píblúbach
black-faced curassow; black-faced piping guan; black-fronted piping guan; jacutinga
guán píopaireachta uchtdubh
red and blue lory
lóraí rua is gorm
saffron-cowled blackbird
lon dubh buíchochallach
black mud turtle; black soft-shell turtle; black soft-shelled turtle; Cuatro Cienages soft-shell turtle; Cuatro Cienages soft-shelled turtle
turtar blaoscbhog dubh
Ganges soft-shell turtle; Ganges soft-shelled turtle; Indian soft-shell turtle; Indian soft-shelled turtle
turtar blaoscbhog Indiach
CLÉ; Irish Book Publishers' Association
CLÉ; Cumann Leabharfhoilsitheoirí Éireann
Comoro black flying-fox
ialtóg dhubh na meas Oileáin Chomóra
black colobus
moncaí colabach dubh
Blanford's fox
sionnach Blanford
black-bellied whistling-duck
feadlacha tharrdhubh
Rodriguez brush-warbler
ceolaire scuaibe Rodriguez
black-rumped waxbill
síodghob dúphrompach
black-bellied firefinch
glasán tine bolgdhubh
red-cheeked cordonbleu
cardainbliu deargleicneach; cordainbliu deargleicneach
West African black forest turtle
turtar foraoise dubh Iar-Afracach
Peebles Navajo cactus
cachtas Navajo Peebles
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Area; BSEC Region
Limistéar Chomhar Eacnamaíoch na Mara Duibhe
Assembly of Heads of State and Government
Tionól na gCeann Stáit agus Rialtais
Institute of Technology and Renewable Energies; ITER
an Institiúid Teicneolaíochta agus Fuinneamh Inathnuaite; ITER
Sheriff; Statistical Heuristic Engine to Reliably and Intelligently Fight Fraud
an tInneall Heorastúil Staidrimh chun an Chalaois a Chomhraic go hIontaofa agus go Cliste
BA; Baltic Assembly
an Tionól Baltach
jobless growth; jobless recovery
téarnamh gan breis fostaíochta
Public Relations Unit
An tAonad Caidrimh Phoiblí
in-bond assembly plant; in-bond factory; in-bond plant; maquila; maquiladora
monarcha chóimeála faoi bhanna
Bucharest Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Muir Dhubh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Coinbhinsiún Bhúcairist
mini laptop; netbook; subnotebook; ultralight; ultraportable
mionríomhaire glúine
compulsive gambling; gambling addiction; gambling disorder; pathological gambling
andúil cearrbhachais
ACR+; ACRR; Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling; Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management; Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management
ACR+; Comhlachas na gCathracha agus na Réigiún um Bainistiú Inbhuanaithe Acmhainní
CDO; collateralised debt obligation
oibleagáid fiachais atá comhthaobhaithe
PABSEC; Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Tionól Parlaiminteach na Mara Duibhe um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta
NCD; non-communicable disease
galar neamhtheagmhálach
Arizona black-tailed prairie dog; black-tailed prairie dog
marmat machaire earrdhubh
Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coinbhinsiún um an Tuinnín Gorm Deisceartach a Chaomhnú
right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association; right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association
an ceart chun saoirse comhthionóil shíochánta agus chun saoirse comhlachais
BINUCA; BONUCA; United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic; United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in the Central African Republic
BINUCA; Oifig na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chothú Comhtháite Síochána i bPoblacht na hAfraice Láir
European Year
Bliain Eorpach
European Social Investment Forum; European Sustainable Investment Forum; Eurosif
an Fóram Eorpach um infheistíocht inbhuanaithe; Eurosif
DCMI; Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
DCMI; Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
blogger; weblogger
asset bubble; asset price bubble
boilgeog phraghasanna sóchmhainní
housing bubble; property bubble; real estate bubble
boilgeog tithíochta
blended learning
foghlaim chumaisc
reliable audit evidence
fianaise iontaofa an iniúctha
acceptable error rate; tolerable error rate
ráta earráide inghlactha
presentation; presentation and publication; publication
tíolacadh agus foilsiú na gcuntas
double low rapeseed; "double low" rapeseed varieties; "double zero" rapeseed; "double zero" rapeseed varieties
cineálacha síl ráibe "nialas dúbailte"
bleaching; decolourisation
displaced person; DP; forcibly displaced person
duine easáitithe
blue mussel
alder; black alder; European alder
ne bis in idem principle; double jeopardy; ne bis in idem
ne bis in idem; non bis in idem
Convention between the Member States of the European Communities on Double Jeopardy
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le Contúirt Dhúbailte
negotiated procedure after prior publication of a contract notice; negotiated procedure with prior call for competition; negotiated procedure with prior publication; negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta ina bhfoilsítear iarratas ar thairiscintí roimh ré
negotiated procedure without prior call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta gan iarratas ar thairiscintí a fhoilsiú roimh ré
public works contract; works contract
conradh oibreacha; conradh oibreacha poiblí
SD; sustainable development
forbairt inbhuanaithe
marketing year
bliain mhargaíochta
carcase; carcass
edible gelatine
geilitín inite
essential oils
black medick
black mustard; brown mustard; chinese mustard; Indian mustard; leaf mustard
praiseach dhonn
black mustard
praiseach dhubh
sméar dhubh
blossom honey; nectar honey
mil bhláthanna
EBLUL; European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages
an Biúró Eorpach do Theangacha Neamhfhorleathana
health problems
fadhbanna sláinte
Convention on the Law Applicable to Agency
an Coinbhinsiún ar an Dlí is Infheidhme maidir le Gníomhaireacht a Dhéanamh
blocked account
cuntas stoptha
debit account; receivable account
cuntas infhála
receivable account
cuntas infhála
receivable account
cuntas infhála
ACPC; Advisory Committee for Public Contracts; Advisory Committee on Public Procurement
an Coiste Comhairleach um Chonarthaí Poiblí
balance of invisibles; invisibles balance
comhardú míreanna dofheicthe
cúl le stailc; sáraitheoir stailce
blank bill of lading
bille luchta bán
blank endorsement
formhuiniú bán
blind alley employment/occupation
fostaíocht chaochbhealaigh
double entry accounting; double entry book-keeping
leabharchoimeád iontrála dúbailte
flexible budget
buiséad solúbtha
pig carcases
conablach muice
gilt-edged or blue chips securities
urrús gormshlise; urrús órchiumhsach
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables (Fresh Fruit and Vegetables)
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí (Torthaí Úra agus Glasraí Úra)
established competition
iomaíocht bhunaithe
Convention on the Law Applicable to the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Dhíolachán Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
double counting
áireamh dúbailte
invisible earnings
tuilleamh dofheicthe
non-renewable energy source
foinse fuinnimh neamh-inathnuaite
consumer non-durables
earraí neamh-mharthanacha
government expenditure; public expenditure
caiteachas poiblí
block-grant system
córas blocdheontas
Fund Convention; International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú
blocking minority
mionlach blocála
round table; round table discussion; round table meeting
cruinniú comhchéime
permanent establishment
intangible movable property
maoin shochorraithe dholáimhsithe
movable property
maoin shochorraithe
public house
teach tábhairne
debt ratio; debt-to-GDP ratio; general government debt ratio; government debt ratio; public debt ratio
cóimheas fiachais; cóimheas fiachais-OTI
taxable person
duine inchánach
Working Party on Arable Crops (Seeds)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Síolta)
amicable agreement; MAP; mutual agreement procedure
comhaontú cairdiúil; nós imeachta um chomhaontú frithpháirteach
annual tourist allowance
liúntas bliantúil turasóireachta
anodised (cable)
(cábla) anóidithe
to be applicable
bheith inchurtha i bhfeidhm; bheith infheidhme
contract award procedure; procurement procedure; public procurement procedure; tender procedure; tendering procedure
nós imeachta tairisceana
black economy; shadow economy; underground economy
geilleagar dubh
ecologically sustainable growth; environmentally sustainable growth; green growth
fás glas; fás inbhuanaithe ó thaobh an chomhshaoil de; fás inbhuanaithe ó thaobh na héiceolaíochta de
tariff applicable to third countries
taraif is infheidhme i leith tríú tíortha
flavoured spa waters
uisce mianra blaistithe
to assemble (parts)
cóimeáil (páirteanna)
financial or banking establishment
bunaíocht airgeadais nó bhaincéireachta
banks and other financial establishments
bainc agus bunaíochtaí airgeadais eile
adverse opinion; negative opinion; unfavourable opinion
tuairim neamhfhabhrach
table round; tour de table
babhta bailithe tuairimí; tour de table
grant; grant aid; non-reimbursable aid
establishment plan; list of posts
cairt foirne
Community pharmacy; dispensing chemist; dispensing pharmacy; pharmacy; pharmacy open to the public; retail pharmacy
cógaslann dáiliúcháin
assessment basis for VAT; basis for assessing VAT; basis of assessment of VAT; VAT assessment basis; VAT base
an bonn ar a meastar CBL; bonn measúnaithe CBL
uniform basis for assessing value added tax; uniform VAT basis
bonn comhionann CBL; bonn comhionann chun an cháin bhreisluacha a mheasúnú
AC; AFC; appropriations for commitments
leithreasaí faoi chomhair oibleagáidí; leithreasuithe faoi chomhair oibleagáidí
authority competent to grant discharge; authority responsible for giving discharge; discharge authority
an t-údarás um urscaoileadh
drawing up of the budget; establishment of the budget; preparation of the budget
buiséad a ullmhú; bunú an bhuiséid
recovery; recovery of receivables
aisghabháil infháltas
rate of value added tax; rate of VAT; VAT rate
ráta cánach breisluacha; ráta CBL
uniform VAT rate
ráta aonfhoirmeach CBL
public officer
oifigeach breithiúnach
tenancy of immovable property
tionóntacht réadmhaoine
AA; Agreement establishing an Association; Association Agreement
comhaontú comhlachais; comhaontú lena mbunaítear comhlachas
Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Ato; EURATOM/IAEA Verification Agreement; VA; Verification Agreement
an Comhaontú Fíorúcháin; an Comhaontú idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach agus an Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta do hui
Agreement establishing an International Commission for the International Tracing Service
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir leis an tSeirbhís Rianúcháin Idirnáisiúnta
Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; Schengen Agreement
an Comhaontú idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile; Comhaontú Schengen
International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Scheduled Air Services
an Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Nós Imeachta um Bhunú Taraifí d’Aersheirbhísí Sceidealta
Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Laboratory
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an tSaotharlann Eorpach um Bitheolaíocht Mhóilíneach
Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Conference
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Chomhdháil Eorpach um Bitheolaíocht Mhóilíneach
Agreement establishing the International Bauxite Association
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta Báicsíte
Agreement establishing the Common Fund for Commodities
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Comhchiste um Thráchtearraí
Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances
Comhaontú idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le Leabhar Dearbhán le haghaidh Deisiúchán Fearas Próistéiteach agus Ortaipéideach a Dháileadh ar Dhaoine Míleata agus Sibhialta atá faoi mhíchumas de dheasca cogaidh
European Agreement on the Exchanges of Blood-grouping Reagents
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Imoibrithe Fuilghrúpála
Agreement establishing a European Foundation
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Fondúireacht Eorpach
Agreement establishing the African Development Fund
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Ciste Afracach Forbraíochta
Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Ciste Idirnáisiúnta um Fhorbraíocht Talmhaíochta
Agreement establishing a Financial Support Fund of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Ciste Tacaíochta Airgeadais de chuid na hEagraíochta um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta
Agreement establishing Interim Arrangements for a Global Commercial Communications Satellite System
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Socruithe Eatramhacha maidir le Córas Tráchtála Domhanda Teileachumarsáide trí Shatailít
titratable acidity; total acidity; total acidity content
aigéadacht intoirtmheasctha
debtor who has defaulted; defaulted obligor; defaulting debtor; defaulting obligor
féichiúnaí a mhainnigh; féichiúnaí mainneachtana
eligible expenditure
caiteachas incháilithe
programmable financial allocation
leithdháileadh in-ríomhchláraithe airgeadais
HEI; higher education establishment; higher education institution; tertiary education institution; third level educational institution
institiúid ardoideachais
exemption from value added tax; exemption from VAT; VAT exemption
díolúine ó CBL
chargeable event
teagmhas inmhuirearaithe
established case-law; settled case-law
cásdlí bunaithe; cásdlí socair
assembler language; assembly language
teanga dhíolama
blue lupin
lúipín caol
public development contract
conradh forbartha poiblí
edible molasses
molás inite
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock (EUROFIMA)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cuideachta Eorpach a bhunú chun stoc rothra iarnróid a mhaoiniú (EUROFIMA)
obligation to achieve a result
oibleagáid toradh a ghnóthú
taxable transaction
idirbheart inchánach
legal person governed by public law
duine dlítheanach faoi rialú an dlí phoiblí
iasc gorm
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Blood-grouping Reagents
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Imoibrithe Fuilghrúpála
Protocol on Non-detectable Fragments
Prótacal maidir le Mionghiotaí Do-bhraite
Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú (1971)
annual meadowgrass
cuise bliantúil
Arrangement establishing an International Wine Office in Paris
Comhshocraíocht lena mbunaítear Oifig Idirnáisiúnta um Fhíon i bPáras
Locarno Agreement; Locarno Agreement establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs
Comhaontú Locarno lena mBunaítear Aicmiú Idirnáisiúnta i gcomhair Dearaí Tionscail
Vienna Agreement establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks
Comhaontú Vín lena mbunaítear Aicmiú Idirnáisiúnta Míreanna Fíoracha de Mharcanna
tangible movable property
maoin shochorraithe inláimhsithe
Joint Committee on Social Problems of Agricultural Workers
an Comhchoiste um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta Oibrithe Talmhaíochta
Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables
an Coiste Codex um Thorthaí agus Glasraí Próiseáilte
Codex Committee on Vegetable Proteins
an Coiste Codex um Próitéiní Glasraí
Convention concerning measures to be taken by the Member States of the Western European Union in order to enable the Agency for the Control of Armaments to carry out its control effectively and making provision for the due process of law in accordance wit
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bearta a bheidh le glacadh ag ballstáit Aontas Iarthar na hEorpa a chumasóidh an Ghníomhaireacht um Armálacha a Rialú rialú a fheidhmiú go héifeachtach agus foráil a dhéanamh maidir le próiseas cuí dlí de réir Phrótacal Uimh. IV
Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency; ESA Convention
an Coinbhinsiún chun Gníomhaireacht Spáis na hEorpa a Bhunú
Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on Assistance between Customs Administrations; Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on the Provision of Mutual Assistance by their Customs Authorities; Naples I
an Coinbhinsiún idir an Bheilg, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Fhrainc, an Iodáil, Lucsamburg agus an Ísiltír maidir le Cúnamh Frithpháirteach idir Údaráis Chustaim na dTíortha sin
Convention Placing the International Poplar Commission within the Framework of FAO
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta na Poibleoige a Chur faoi Chuimsiú an FAO
Convention on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Convention on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justice with the adjustments made to them by the
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontú na Poblachta Heilléanaí don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú an Choinbhinsiúin sin ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, maille leis na hoiriúnuithe a
Convention concerning the Powers of Authorities and the Law Applicable in respect of the Protection of Infants
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cumhachtaí na nÚdarás agus leis an Dlí is infheidhme i leith Cosaint Leanaí
Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay (Revised 1970); Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised), 1970
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantiúla le pá (Athbhreithnithe 1970)
Convention concerning Annual Leave with Pay for Seafarers; Seafarers' Annual Leave with Pay Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantúla le pá do mharaithe
Convention establishing a Customs Cooperation Council
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear Comhairle um Chomhar Custaim
Convention relating to the Establishment of Death in Certain Cases
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dearbhú Báis i gCásanna Áirithe
Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the field of Nuclear Energy
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialú Slándála i Réimse an Fhuinnimh Núicléach a bhunú
Convention concerning the International Exchange of Publications
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Malartú Idirnáisiúnta Foilseachán
Convention concerning the Exchange of Official Publications and Government Documents between States
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Malartú Foilseachán Oifigiúil agus Doiciméad Rialtais idir Stáit
Convention relating to the Establishment of the Maternity of Illegitimate Children
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gaol a Dhearbhú idir Máithreacha agus Leanaí Neamhdhlisteanacha
European Convention on Establishment
Coinbhinsiún Eorpach ar Bhunaíocht
Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker; Maximum Weight Convention, 1967
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Uasmheáchan is ceadmhach d'Oibrí Amháin a Iompar
Convention on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents
an Coinbhinsiún um an Dlí is Infheidhme maidir le Tionóiscí Tráchta
Convention on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme maidir le hOibleagáidí Cothabhála
Convention on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations in respect of Children
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Oibleagáidí Cothabhála i leith Leanaí
1980 Rome Convention; Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations
an Coinbhinsiún ar an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha; Coinbhinsiún 1980 na Róimhe
Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Dhliteanas i leith Táirgí
Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bunú Eagraíochta Eorpaí agus Meánmhuirí um chosaint plandaí
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEagraíocht Eorpach um Thaighde Réalteolaíoch sa Leathsféar Theas a bhunú
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for Nuclear Research
an Coinbhinsiún maidir hEagraíocht Eorpach um Thaighde Núicléach a bhunú
Convention establishing the International Organisation of Legal Metrology
an Coinbhinsiún chun an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Méadreolaíocht Dhlíthiúil a Bhunú
Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda um Maoin Intleachtúil
Convention concerning Protection of the Right to Organise and Procedures for Determining Conditions of Employment in the Public Service; Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Ceart Eagrúcháin a Chosaint agus le Nósanna Imeachta chun Dálaí Fostaíochta sa tSeirbhís Phoiblí a Chinneadh
Convention concerning the Establishment of an International System for the Maintenance of Rights in Social Security; Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Córas Idirnáisiúnta a Bhunú chun Cearta Slándála Sóisialta a Chaomhnú
Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
an Coinbhinsiún a bhunaíonn an Lárionad Eorpach do Réamhaisnéisí Aimsire Meánraoin
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites "EUMETSAT"
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEagraíocht Eorpach a bhunú chun saitilítí meitéareolaíocha a shaothrú "EUMETSAT"
Convention establishing the European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation "EUTELSAT"
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear Eagraíocht Shatailít Teileachumarsáide na hEorpa (EUTELSAT)
Convention on the Law Applicable to Surnames and First Names
an Coinbhinsiún um an Dlí is Infheidhme maidir le Sloinnte agus Céadainmneacha
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorised Duplication of their Phonograms; Phonograms Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint táirgeoirí fónagram i gcoinne dhúbláil neamhúdaraithe a gcuid fónagram; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fónagraim
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions relating to Maintenance Obligations
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cinntí a bhaineann le hOibleagáidí Cothabhála a Aithint agus a Fhorfheidhmiú
Convention concerning the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions relating to Maintenance Obligations towards Children
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAithint agus Forghníomhú Breitheanna a bhaineann le hOibleagáidí Cothabhála i leith Leanaí
Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and on Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
an Coinbhinsiún um Laghdú Cásanna Ilnáisiúntachta agus um Oibleagáidí Míleata i gCásanna Ilnáisiúntachta
annual percentage rate; annual percentage rate of charge; APR
an ráta céatadánach bliantúil
Agreement on the Resolution of Practical Problems with respect to Deep Seabed Mining Areas
an Comhaontú maidir le Réiteach Fadhbanna Praiticiúla a bhaineann le Limistéir Mhianadóireachta ar Ghrinneall na Domhainfharraige
CC-PU; Standing Conference on University Problems
an Bhuanchomhdháil ar Fhadhbanna Ollscoile
c/a; CA; commitment appropriation
leithreasaí faoi chomhair oibleagáidí; leithreasaí gealltanais; leithreasú faoi chomhair oibleagáidí
CEEP; European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of General Interest
CEEP; Lárionad Eorpach na bhFostóirí agus na bhFiontar a sholáthraíonn Seirbhísí Poiblí
AFCASOLE; Association of Soluble Coffee Manufacturers of the Countries of the European Union
AFCASOLE; Comhlachas Monaróirí Caife Intuaslagtha Thíortha an Aontais Eorpaigh
ALARA; as low as reasonably achievable
ALARA; chomh híseal agus is indéanta le réasún
black treacle; blackstrap molasses; final molasses
molás dubh
UCITS; UCITS fund; undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities
GCUI; gnóthas le haghaidh comhinfheistíocht in urrúis inaistrithe
input VAT charged; value added tax charge on inputs; VAT charge on inputs
muirear cáin bhreisluacha ar ionchur; muirear CBL ar ionchur
public policy (ordre public) of the forum
beartas poiblí ('ordre public') an fhóraim
award of contracts; award of public contracts; procurement; public procurement
soláthar poiblí
acceptable daily intake; ADI; admissible daily intake
ADI; iontógáil laethúil inghlactha
enabling clause
alt cumasúcháin; clásal cumasúcháin
black centrina; velvet belly; velvet belly lantern shark
lóchrannsiorc slimbhoilg; siorc slimbhoilg
black dogfish
fíogach dubh
Biscayan right whale; black right whale; North Atlantic right whale; North Cape whale
ceartmhíol mór an tuaiscirt; míol mór an oighir
blackmouth catshark
catsúileach an bhéil dhuibh
common edible cockle
ruacan; ruacan coiteann
blue crab
portán gorm
crayfish; noble crayfish
cráifisc uasal
blue ling
langa gorm
blue sea cat
cat mara gorm
black marlin
mairlín dubh
Atlantic blue marlin; blue marlin
mairlín gorm Atlantach
blue mackerel
ronnach gorm
blue whiting; poutassou
faoitín gorm
European edible sea urchin
cuán mara coiteann
blacktail; pope; redfin darter; ruff; ruffe
blue skate; common skate
bluntnose sixgill shark
siorc liath
blue whale
míol mór gorm
southern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm deisceartach
Atlantic bluefin tuna; bluefin tuna; northern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm
river turtle; sideneck turtle
turtar píblúbach
edible turtle; green turtle
turtar glas
soft-shelled turtle
turtar blaoscbhog
to make available to; to place at the disposal of
cuir ar fáil do
Treaty establishing the Arab Maghreb Union
an Conradh lena mbunaítear Aontas na Magraibe Arabaí
negotiable instrument
ionstraim shoshannta
principle of annuality; principle of the annual nature of the budget
prionsabal bhliantúlacht an bhuiséid; prionsabal na bliantúlachta
maximum equilibrium catch; maximum sustainable yield; MSY; potential yield
uastáirgeacht inbhuanaithe; uastoradh inbhuanaithe
Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Public Health)
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta (Sláinte Phoiblí)
Working Party on Special Plant Products (Floriculture)
an Mheitheal um Tháirgí Speisialta Plandaí (Bláthadóireacht)
black radish; Spanish black radish
meacan dubh
black salsify; scorzonera
salsabh dubh
action for failure to fulfil an obligation
imeachtaí mar gheall ar mhainneachtain in oibleagáid a chomhlíonadh
new and renewable sources of energy; NRSE
foinsí nua agus inathnuaite fuinnimh
edible sugar
siúcra inite
public works concession
lamháltas oibreacha poiblí
Treaty establishing the Benelux Economic Union
an Conradh lena mbunaítear Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux
pragmatic calendar; pragmatic timetable
féilire pragmatach
Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Recognition of Decrees Relating to Adoptions
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlínse, an Dlí is Infheidhme agus Aithint na bhForaithní a bhaineann le hUchtáil
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties
Ionstraim i dtaobh Choinníollacha Aontachais Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile agus oiriúnuithe na gConarthaí
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities; Publications Office; Publications Office of the European Union
Oifig Foilseachán an Aontais Eorpaigh; Oifig Foilseachán Oifigiúil na gComhphobal Eorpach; Oifig na bhFoilseachán
GDR; German Democratic Republic
Poblacht Dhaonlathach na Gearmáine
European company; European public limited-liability company; SE; Societas Europaea
cuideachta Eorpach; SE
UIECS; Union of International and European Civil Servants
Cumann na Seirbhíseach Poiblí Idirnáisiúnta agus Eorpach
value added tax; VAT
cáin bhreisluacha; CBL
Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union; BLEU
Aontas Eacnamaíochta na Beilge-Lucsamburg; BLEU
TAC; total allowable catch
gabháil iomlán incheadaithe; TAC
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR
Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha
net value added; NVA
BLG; breisluach glan
General Assembly; General Assembly of the United Nations; UN General Assembly; UNGA; United Nations General Assembly
Comhthionól Ginearálta na Náisiún Aontaithe
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables (Processed Fruit and Vegetables)
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí (Torthaí Próiseáilte agus Glasraí Próiseáilte)
acquisition of immovable property
seilbh a fháil ar mhaoin dhochorraithe
account being taken of the adjustments that will be possible
ag féachaint do na hoiriúnuithe is indéanta
inchurtha in oiriúint; inoiriúnaithe
forward timetable
pipeline techniques
teicníochtaí maidir le píblínte
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables (Potatoes)
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí (Prátaí)
responsible for
freagrach as; freagrach i
co-axial cable
cábla comhaiseach
responsible for
freagrach as; freagrach i
to find ... compatible with ...
cinn go bhfuil... ag luí le...
bills of exchange payable
bille malairte iníoctha
convertible debenture; convertible debt security
bintiúr in-chomhshóite; urrús fiachais
accounting year; business year; financial year; fiscal year; FY
bliain airgeadais; bliain chuntasaíochta; bliain fhioscach; bliain ghnó
PLC; public company limited by shares; public limited company; public limited liability company; stock corporation
cpt; cuideachta phoiblí faoi theorainn scaireanna; cuideachta phoiblí theoranta
to make...available to the Commission
a chur ar fáil don Choimisiúin
dissemination of comparable data
scaipeadh sonraí inchomparáide
duties applicable to the products ...
dleachtanna is infheidhme ar na táirgí; dleachtanna is infheidhme maidir leis na táirgí ...
right of establishment
ceart bunaíochta
claim secured in rem; claim supported by an in rem interest; physical collateral; security in rem; valuable security
urrús luachmhar
negotiable certificate
deimhniú inaistrithe
tangible assets
sócmhainn inláimhsithe
main establishment; PPB; principal place of business
príomháit ghnó
public savings bank
banc taisce poiblí
variable component; vc
comhpháirt athraitheach
to establish (jurisdiction)
suigh (dlínse)
possible Community participation
páirteachas ionchasach an Chomhphobail; rannpháirtíocht ionchasach an Chomhphobail
the customs duties which are payable
an dleacht chustaim is iníoctha
for the purposes of publication
chun críocha a fhoilsithe
fixed vegetable oil
ola phlandúil dho-ghalaithe
the global annual amount
an méid iomlán bliantúil
irreconcilable decision
cinneadh neamhréireach
fíor-riachtanach; nach féidir déanamh dá uireasa
to grant in the public interest
deonaigh ar mhaithe le leas an phobail; tabhair ar mhaithe le leas an phobail
invisible transaction
idirbheart dofheicthe
no request ... shall be admissible
ní bheidh aon iarratas inghlactha...; ní ghlacfar le haon iarratas ...
insulated cable
cábla inslithe
languages for proceedings and publications
teangacha na n-imeachtaí agus na bhfoilseachán
enamelled cable
cábla cruanta
freely transferable currency
airgeadra inaistrithe gan srianadh
to fail to fulfil an obligation
mainnigh oibleagáid a chomhall
EPROM; erasable programmable read-only memory; erasable programmable ROM; erasable, programmable, read only memory; RPROM
cuimhne inléite amháin in-ríomhchláraithe in-léirscriosta; EPROM
International Year of Forests; IYOF
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta na bhForaoisí
Working Party on Establishment and Services
an Mheitheal um Bunaíocht agus um Sheirbhísí
procurement contract; public contract; public procurement contract
conradh poiblí; conradh soláthair phoiblí
public purchase offer; public take-over bid; public takeover offer; take-over bid; TOB
tairiscint táthcheangail
intangible asset; intangible property
sócmhainn dholáimhsithe
beneficial interest (= equitable interest)
leas cothromais; leas tairbhiúil
State-guaranteed public body
comhlacht poiblí Stát-urraithe
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for Such Carriage; ATP
an Comhaontú maidir le hiompar idirnáisiúnta earraí meatacha agus maidir leis an trealamh speisialta atá le húsáid i ndáil leis an iompar sin; ATP
ECS; European Company Statute; Statute for a European public limited-liability company
an Reacht um Chuideachta Eorpach
vehicle ready-assembled
feithicil réamhchóimeáilte
public morality; public morals
moráltacht an phobail; moráltacht phoiblí
maintenance obligation
oibleagáid chothabhála
financial obligations and benefits
oibleagáidí agus sochair airgid
for a period of one year
go ceann tréimhse bliana
serious and irreparable damage
dochar tromchúiseach doleasaithe
loan repayable by instalments
iasacht is iníoctha i dtráthchodanna
foreseeable trend in demand
treocht ionchasach an éilimh
p.a.; per annum; yearly
in aghaidh na bliana; sa bhliain
the publication of the notice
foilsiú an fhógra
refillable (pen)
peann is féidir a athlíonadh
to draw up a table of prices
tarraing suas tábla praghsanna
procedure enabling those treaties to be revised
nós imeachta trínar féidir na conarthaí sin a athbhreithniú
protection of the health of workers and the general public
sláinte oibrithe agus sláinte an phobail i gcoitinne a chosaint
public security
slándáil phoiblí
irreconcilable judgments
breithiúnais ar neamhréir le chéile
motor-driven blower
séidire mótarthiomáinte
Joint Committee on Social Problems in Sea Fishing
an Comhchoiste um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta san Iascaireacht Mhara
flexible adaptation
oiriúnú solúbtha
further year
bliain bhreise
products processed from fruit and vegetables
torthaí agus glasraí próiseáilte
transferable security
urrús inaistrithe
vegetable oil
ola glasraí; ola phlandúil
black kite
cúr dubh
public service contract; service contract; services contract
conradh seirbhíse; conradh seirbhíse poiblí
DD; double density
DD; dédhlús
Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents; Hague Apostille Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear deireadh leis an gCeangal Fíoraithe i gcás Doiciméad Poiblí Coigríche; Coinbhinsiún Apastaile na Háige
public assistance
cúnamh poiblí; cúnamh sóisialta
public customs warehouse
stóras custaim poiblí
European Year of Older People; European Year of the Elderly and of Solidarity between Generations (1993)
Bliain Eorpach na nDaoine Scothaosta agus na Dlúthpháirtíochta idir na Glúine (1993)
vulnerable population group; vulnerable section of the population
aicme leochaileach sa daonra; grúpa leochaileach sa daonra
Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Iontaobhais agus ar iad a Aithint
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Investment Corporation
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Chorparáid Infheistíochta Idir-Mheiriceánach
Convention determining the State responsible for examining applications for asylum lodged in one of the Member States of the European Communities; Dublin Asylum Convention; Dublin Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena gcinntear cén Stát atá freagrach i scrúdú iarratas ar thearmann arna dtaisceadh i gceann de Bhallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach; Coinbhinsiún Tearmainn Bhaile Átha Cliath
principal State counsel; Procurator General; Prosecutor-General; public prosecutor
Príomh-Ionchúisitheoir Poiblí
flavoured sugar
siúcra blaistithe
Convention establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear an Ghníomhaireacht Iltaobhach do Ráthú Infheistíochta
Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Banc Eorpach Athfhoirgníochta agus Forbraíochta
Convention on the Establishment of a Scheme of Registration of Wills
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scéim um Chlárú Uachtanna a bhunú
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 1986
an Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hOla Olóige agus Ológa Boird, 1986
Agreement establishing the African Development Bank
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Banc Forbartha na hAfraice
Agreement establishing the Asian Development Bank
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Banc Forbraíochta Áiseach
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Development Bank
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Banc Forbraíochta Idir-Mheiriceánach
basic taxable amount; basis of taxation; tax base; taxable amount; taxable base
bonn cánach
Agreement for the Establishment of the Caribbean Organisation
an Comhaontú maidir leis an Eagraíocht Chairibeach a Bhunú
Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council; APFIC Agreement; Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhairle Iascaigh an Aigéin Indiaigh agus an Aigéin Chiúin a Bhunú
assembly centre; collection centre
ionad bailiúcháin; lárionad bailiúcháin
Agreement for the Establishment of the International Development Law Institute
an Comhaontú maidir leis an Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta um Dhlí Forbraíochta a Bhunú
commercially viable
inmharthana ó thaobh tráchtála
the first ascertainable price paid
an chéad phraghas infhionnta a íocadh; an chéad phraghas infhionnta arna íoc
Convention on the Law Applicable to Matrimonial Property Regimes
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Réimis Maoine Pósta
motions calling for a matter to be declared inadmissible
neamh-inghlacthacht ábhair a thairiscint
tabling and moving of amendments
leasuithe a chur síos agus a thairiscint
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún um an Dlí is Infheidhme maidir le Conarthaí faoi Dhíolacháin Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
Convention for Establishing Facilities for Finding Employment for Seamen; Placing of Seamen Convention, 1920
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear Deiseanna chun Fostaíocht a aimsiú do Mhairnéalaigh
repayment of value added tax; repayment of VAT; VAT refund
aisíocaíocht CBL
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work on Public Works; Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre ar Oibreacha Poiblí
Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay; Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantiúla le pá
Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay for Seamen; Holidays with Pay (Sea) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantúla le pá do mhairnéalaigh
Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old-age and Widows' and Orphans' Insurance; Maintenance of Migrants' Pension Rights Convention, 1935
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Bunú Scéime Idirnáisiúnta um Chothabháil na gCeart maidir le hÁrachas Easláine, Seanaoise, Baintrí agus Dílleachta
Certification of Able Seamen Convention, 1946; Convention concerning the Certification of Able Seamen
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Deimhniú Mairnéalach Inniúil
black hake; Senegalese hake
colmóir Seineagálach
Convention concerning Labour Clauses in Public Contracts; Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention, 1949
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Clásail Saothair i gConarthaí Poiblí
balance of trade; trade balance; visible balance
comhardú na trádála
Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons); Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAthinmheachán Gairme agus maidir le Fostaíocht (Daoine Míchumasaithe)
making available on the market
cur ar fáil ar an margadh
annual work programme; Commission Work Programme; Commission's annual work programme
clár oibre bliantúil
blue-veined cheese
cáis ghormfhéitheach
corporeal property; tangible property
maoin inláimhsithe