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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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chairman of the board
cathaoirleach an bhoird
Movement for Rights and Freedoms; MRF
Gluaiseacht na gCeart agus na Saoirsí
National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms; NCHRF
an Coimisiún Náisiúnta um Chearta an Duine agus um Shaoirsí
Sakharov Prize; Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought
Duais Sakharov; Duais Sakharov um Shaoirse Smaointeoireachta
Conference of Committee Chairs
Comhdháil Chathaoirligh na gCoistí
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy; VVD
Páirtí an Phobail um Shaoirse agus Daonlathas
freedom of religion; freedom of religious belief
saoirse creidimh reiligiúnaigh; saoirse reiligiúin
freedom of expression
saoirse cainte; saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh
freedom to choose an occupation; professional freedom
saoirse gairme
freedom of conscience
saoirse coinsiasa
freedom of thought
saoirse smaointeoireachta
freedom of assembly and of association
saoirse comhthionóil agus comhlachais
freedom of opinion
saoirse tuairimíochta
freedom and pluralism of the media
saoirse agus iolrachas na meán
freedom of the arts and sciences
saoirse na n-ealaíon agus na n-eolaíochtaí
child servitude
daoirse leanaí
Assistant Supervisor
Maoirseoir Cúnta
Liberty; National Council for Civil Liberties; NCCL
an Chomhairle Náisiunta um Shaoirsí Sibhialta
Civil Liberties Organisation; CLO
an Eagraíocht um Shaoirsí Sibhialta
ACLU; American Civil Liberties Union
Aontas Mheiriceá um Shaoirsí Sibhialta
Gracious Speech/Address; His/Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech; King's/Queen's Speech; Sovereign's Speech; Speech from the Throne
óráid an Rí/na Banríona; óráid ón ríchathaoir
MFJ; Movement for Freedom and Justice
Gluaiseacht um Shaoirse agus um Cheartas; MFJ
SPLM; Sudan People's Liberation Movement
Gluaiseacht um Shaoirse Phobal na Súdáine; SPLM
BLLF; Bonded Labour Liberation Front
BLLF; Fronta Saoirse maidir le Saothar faoi Bhanna
Chief Whip
an Príomh-Aoire
Barbary sheep
caoirigh Bharbaracha; caora Bharbarach
right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association; right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association
an ceart chun saoirse comhthionóil shíochánta agus chun saoirse comhlachais
restraint chair
cathaoir shrianta
Working Party on Animal Products (Sheepmeat and Goatmeat)
an Mheitheal um Tháirgí Ainmhithe (Caoireoil agus Feoil Ghabhair)
sick leave
saoire bhreoiteachta
leave on personal grounds
saoire ar fhorais phearsanta
unwrought aluminium
alúmanam neamhshaoirsithe
Basel Committee; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BCBS; Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices; Cooke Committee
CBMB; Coiste Basel um Maoirseacht ar Bhaincéireacht
action for infringement of fundamental rights and freedoms
caingean mar gheall ar shárú ar chearta agus saoirsí bunúsacha
prudential control; prudential supervision
maoirseacht stuamachta; rialú stuamachta
Protocol on INTELSAT Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities
Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí INTELSAT; Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta um Shatailítí Teileachumarsáide
Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Protocol No. 2 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, a thugann inniúlacht don Chúirt Eorpach um Chearta an Duine chun Tuairimí Comhairleacha a thabhairt
Protocol No. 3 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending Articles 29, 30 and 34 of the Convention
Prótacal Uimh. 3 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, lena leasaítear Airteagal 29, Airteagal 30 agus Airteagal 34 den Choinbhinsiún
Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, securing certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in the Convention and in the first Protocol thereto
Prótacal Uimh. 4 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint d''fhonn cearta agus saoirsí eile a áirithiú nach raibh san áireamh sa Choinbhinsiún agus sa chéad Phrótacal leis
Protocol No. 5 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending Articles 22 and 40 of the Convention
Prótacal Uimh. 5 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, lena leasaítear Airteagail 22 agus 40 den Choinbhinsiún
maternity leave
saoire mháithreachais
family leave; leave for family reasons
saoire ar chúiseanna teaghlaigh; saoire teaghlaigh
supervisory board
bord maoirseachta
Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay (Revised 1970); Holidays with Pay Convention (Revised), 1970
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantiúla le pá (Athbhreithnithe 1970)
Convention concerning Paid Educational Leave; Paid Educational Leave Convention; Paid Educational Leave Convention, 1974
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Saoire Oideachais Íoctha
Convention concerning Annual Leave with Pay for Seafarers; Seafarers' Annual Leave with Pay Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantúla le pá do mharaithe
European Convention on the Supervision of Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released Offenders
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Maoirseacht ar Chiontóirí atá faoi Phianbhreith go Coinníollach nó a Scaoileadh Saor go Coinníollach
consolidated supervision; supervision on a consolidated basis
maoirseacht chomhdhlúite
freedom of choice
saoirse rogha; saor-rogha
freedom to conduct business
saoirse fiontraíochta
Palestine Liberation Organisation; PLO
Eagraíocht Shaoirse na Palaistíne; PLO
Protocol No 6 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning the Abolition of the Death Penalty
Prótacal Uimh. 6 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint agus maidir le deireadh a chur le pionós an bháis
to supervise
administrative, management or supervisory body; administrative, managerial or supervisory body
comhlacht riaracháin, bainistithe nó maoirseachta
the Deputy Chairman shall ex officio replace the Chairman in the event of his being prevented from attending to his duties
Gabhfaidh an Leas-Chathaoirleach ionad an Chathaoirligh ar bhealach ex-officio mura mbíonn an Cathaoirleach in ann freastal ar a chuid dualgas
work superintendent
maoirseoir oibre
workshop supervisor
maoirseoir ceardlainne
Fronta Pobail i gcomhair Shaoirse na Palaistíne; PFLP
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; ECHR; European Convention on Human Rights
an Coinbhinsiún (Eorpach) chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint; an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chearta an Duine; ECHR
Convention concerning Holidays with Pay in Agriculture; Holidays with Pay (Agriculture) Convention, 1952
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire le pá in earnáil na talmhaíochta
Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise; Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Saoirse Comhlachais agus Cosaint an Chirt Eagrúcháin
Convention concerning Vacation Holidays with Pay for Seafarers (Revised 1949); Paid Vacations (Seafarers) Convention (Revised), 1949
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laethanta Saoire le Pá do Mharaithe (Athbhreithnithe 1949)
Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay; Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantiúla le pá
Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay for Seamen; Holidays with Pay (Sea) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le laethanta saoire bliantúla le pá do mhairnéalaigh
Convention concerning Vacation Holidays with Pay for Seafarers; Paid Vacations (Seafarers) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laethanta Saoire le Pá do Mharaithe
custodial sentence; deprivation of liberty; penalty involving deprivation of liberty
cailleadh saoirse
customs supervision; supervision by the customs authorities
maoirseacht chustaim
leave for military service
saoire um sheirbhís mhíleata
to move freely
gluaiseacht faoi shaoirse
Protocol No 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 7 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Protocol No 8 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 8 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit
Coinbhinsiún agus Reacht maidir le Saoirse Idirthurais
degree of freedom of trade
méid saoirse trádála
the duration of the judicial vacations
tréimhsí na saoire breithiúnta
to exercise supervisory powers
cumhacht mhaoirseachta a fheidhmiú
freedom of employment
saoirse fostaíochta
freedom of establishment
saoirse bhunaíochta
unwrought lead
luaidhe neamhshaoirsithe
unwrought zinc
sinc neamhshaoirsithe
reside freely
cónaigh faoi shaoirse
KADEK; KGK; Kongra-Gel; Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress; Kurdistan Workers' Party; PKK
Comhdháil Saoirse agus Daonlathais na Cordastáine; KADEK; Páirtí Oibrithe na Cordastáine; PKK
freedom of payments
saoirse íocaíochtaí
judicial supervision; pre-trial supervision
maoirseacht bhreithiúnach
Council Directive 92/85/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding; Maternity Directive; Maternity Leave Directive
Treoir 92/85/CEE ón gComhairle maidir le bearta a thabhairt isteach arb é is aidhm dóibh feabhsúcháin a chur ar aghaidh ag an obair i dtaca le sábháilteacht agus sláinte oibrithe toircheasacha agus oibrithe atá tar éis leanbh a shaolú nó atá i mbun beathú; Treoir maidir le saoire mháithreachais
freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief
saoirse smaointeoireachta, coinsiasa, reiligiúin nó creidimh
Protocol No 10 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 10 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Protocol No 9 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 9 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Joint Supervisory Body; Joint Supervisory Body of Europol; JSB
an Comhchomhlacht Maoirseachta
Protocol No 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, restructuring the control machinery established thereby
Prótacal Uimh. 11 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, ag athstruchtúrú an tsásra rialaithe arna bhunú leis
supervisory department
roinn maoirseachta
Joint Supervisory Authority; JSA; Schengen Joint Supervisory Authority
an tÚdarás Comhpháirteach Maoirseachta; Údarás Comhpháirteach Maoirseachta Schengen
national supervisory authority; national supervisory body
comhlacht náisiúnta maoirseachta; údarás maoirseachta náisiúnta
freedom of movement; liberty of movement
saoirse ghluaiseachta
Chairman of the Joint Supervisory Body
Cathaoirleach an Chomhchomhlachta Maoirseachta
freedom of thought, conscience and religion
saoirse smaointeoireachta, coinsiasa agus reiligiúin
solo supervision
maoirseacht aonair
Forest Stewardship Council; FSC
an Chomhairle um Maoirseacht Foraoisí; FSC
AFSJ; area of freedom, security and justice
limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais
Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
an Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint an chirt chun saoirse tuairimíochta agus saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse tuairimíochta
Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief
Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse reiligiúin nó creidimh
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
Ionadaí ESCE maidir le Saoirse na Meán
Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland; Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice
Prótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann; Prótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais
Basel core principles; BCP; core principles; core principles for effective banking supervision
croíphrionsabail Basel; croíphrionsabail do mhaoirseacht baincéireachta éifeachtach
OLAF Supervisory Committee; Supervisory Committee; Supervisory Committee of OLAF; Supervisory Committee of the European Anti-Fraud Office; Surveillance Committee
an Coiste Maoirseachta; Coiste Maoirseachta na hOifige Eorpaí Frith-Chalaoise; Coiste Maoirseachta OLAF
EDPS; European Data Protection Supervisor
an Maoirseoir Eorpach ar Chosaint Sonraí; MECS
In accordance with Article 3 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, t
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 3 den Phrótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais
joint supervisory authority; joint supervisory body
comhchomhlacht maoirseachta; comhúdarás maoirseachta
freedom of residence
saoirse cónaithe
freedom of expression and information
an tsaoirse chun tuairimí a nochtadh agus faisnéis a fháil
CEUMC; Chairman of the European Union Military Committee
Cathaoirleach Choiste Míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh
CMC SPT; Support to Chairman of the European Union Military Committee
Tacaíocht do Chathaoirleach Choiste Míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh
World Press Freedom Day
Lá Domhanda Shaoirse an Phreasa
Protocol No. 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 12 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint
Fronta Pobail i gcomhair Shaoirse na Palaistíne - Ceannas Ginearálta; PFLP-GC
In accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European U
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 1 agus le hAirteagal 2 den Phrótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar
Joint Supervisory Body; Joint Supervisory Body of Eurojust
Comhchomhlacht Maoirseachta Eurojust
Protocol No. 13 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances
Prótacal Uimh. 13 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, maidir le pionóis an bháis a chur ar ceal i ngach imthoisc
Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda; Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda; FDLR
FDLR; Fórsaí Daonlathacha na Saoirse i Ruanda
financial supervision; financial surveillance; supervision
maoirseacht airgeadais
CEIOPS; Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors
CEIOPS; Coiste na Maoirseoirí Árachais agus Pinsin Ghairme Eorpacha
sampling superintendent
maoirseoir samplála
sheep for fattening; sheep for feeding
caoirigh le ramhrú
supervision function
feidhm mhaoirseachta
mutton butcher's shop
siopa búistéara caoireola
freedom of peaceful assembly
saoirse comhthionóil shíochánta
bank oversight; bank supervision; banking supervision; oversight of banks; supervision
maoirseacht ar bhaincéireacht; maoirseacht baincéireachta
freedom to provide services
saoirse chun seirbhísí a sholáthar
official holiday
lá saoire oifigiúil
vacate the Chair
an chathaoir a fhágáil
compensatory leave; compensatory leave of absence; compensatory time off
cead neamhláithreachta cúiteach; saoire chúiteach
freedom of choice
saoirse rogha; saor-rogha
Court's vacations
laethanta saoire na Cúirte; saoire na Cúirte
supervision of collection of the revenue
maoirseacht ar bhailiúchán ioncaim
free range - total freedom
saor-raon - saoirse iomlán
supervising authority
údarás maoirseachta
parental leave
saoire do thuismitheoirí; saoire thuismitheoireachta; saoire tuismitheora
axis of freedom
ais saoirse
cold work
saoirseacht fhuar
gimbal freedom
saoirse ghiombail
the Holiday Act
reachtaíocht um laethanta saoire
supervised area
limistéar faoi mhaoirseacht
leave year; vacation year
bliain saoire
holiday shift
seal oibre le linn saoire
freedom of movement for workers
saoirse gluaiseachta d'oibrithe
annual holiday
saoire bhliantúil
special personal leave
saoire phearsanta speisialta
educational leave; training leave
saoire oiliúna
paternal leave; paternity leave
saoire atharthachta
unpaid leave
saoire gan phá
contractual freedom; freedom of contract
saoirse chonarthach; saoirse conartha
freedom of the press; press freedom
saoirse an phreasa
deprivation of freedom; deprivation of liberty
cailleadh saoirse
supervisory authority
údarás maoirseachta
charge-hand; supervisor
maoirseoir; saoiste
Council Directive 90/314/EEC on package travel, package holidays and package tours; Package Travel Directive; PTD
Treoir 90/314/CEE ón gComhairle maidir le taisteal láneagraithe, saoire láneagraithe agus turais láneagraithe
project supervisor
maoirseoir tionscadail
freedom of establishment; right of establishment
ceart bunaíochta; saoirse bhunaíochta
ATS; automatic train supervision
uathmhaoirseacht trácht traenacha; uathmhaoirseacht traenacha
operating supervision
maoirsiú oibriúcháin
operations supervisor
maoirseoir oibríochtaí
social fare reduction
laghdú ar an táille atá níos saoire
system safety supervision level
leibhéal maoirseachta ar shábháilteacht córais
system supervision
maoirseacht ar an gcóras
céimeanna saoirse
supervisory authority
údarás maoirseachta
liberties clause
clásal na saoirsí
purchasing supervisor
maoirseoir ceannaigh
media director; media supervisor
maoirseoir na meán; stiúrthóir na meán
invalid carriage; wheelchair
cathaoir rothaí
supervisor of marketing development
maoirseoir na forbartha margaíochta
investment officer; portfolio supervisor
maoirseoir punainne; oifigeach infheistíochta
advertising supervisor
maoirseoir fógraíochta
credit manager; credit supervisor
bainisteoir creidmheasa; maoirseoir creidmheasa
bookkeeping supervisor
maoirseoir leabharchoimeádta
parental leave allowance; parental leave benefit
sochar um shaoire tuismitheoirí
Committee of banking supervisory authorities of the Member States of the European Economic Community
Coiste údaráis mhaoirseachta baincéireachta Bhallstáit Chomhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa
delegate supervisory board member
comhalta toscaire den bhord maoirseachta
carer's leave; carers' leave
saoire cúramóirí; saoire cúramóra
curb cut; wheelchair ramp
rampa faoi choinne cathaoireacha rothaí
fourth freedom
an ceathrú saoirse
seventh freedom
an seachtú saoirse
sixth freedom
an séú saoirse
BaFin; Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
an tÚdarás Feidearálach um Maoirseacht Airgeadais; Údarás Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine um Maoirseacht Airgeadais
PIOB; Public Interest Oversight Board
an Bord Maoirseachta um Leas an Phobail; PIOB
Scientific and Technical Committee (European GNSS Supervisory Authority)
Coiste Eolaíochta agus Teicneolaíoch (Údarás Maoirseachta Eorpach GNSS)
System Safety and Security Committee (European GNSS Supervisory Authority)
an Coiste um Shábháilteacht agus Slándáil an Chórais (an tÚdarás Eorpach um Maoirseoireacht GNSS)
CEBS; Committee of European Banking Supervisors
Coiste na Maoirseoirí Baincéireachta Eorpacha
competent supervisory authorities
údarás maoirseachta inniúil
supplementary supervision
maoirseacht fhorlíontach
DG JLS; Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security; Justice, Freedom and Security DG
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht an Cheartais, na Saoirse agus na Slándála
Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending the control system of the Convention
Prótacal Uimh. 14 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, lena leasaítear córas rialaithe an Choinbhinsiúin
Hague Programme; Tampere II; The Hague Programme: strengthening freedom, security and justice in the European Union
Clár na Háige; Clár na Háige: saoirse, slándáil agus ceartas a neartú san Eoraip
Protocol relating to Article 6(2) of the Treaty on the European Union on the accession of the Union to the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal a bhaineann le hAirteagal 6(2) den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir leis an Aontas a aontú don Choinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, regarding supervisory authorities and transborder data flows
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Daoine Aonair a Chosaint i dtaca le Próiseáil Uathoibríoch Sonraí Pearsanta, sa mhéid a bhaineann le hÚdaráis Mhaoirseoireachta agus Sreafaí Sonraí Trasteorann
supervisory review process
próiseas athbhreithnithe maoirseachta
freedom of the media; media freedom
saoirse na meán
International Organisation for the Right to Education and Freedom of Education
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um an gCeart chun Oideachais agus um Shaoirse Oideachais
Conference of Delegation Chairs
Comhdháil Chathaoirligh na dToscaireachtaí
supervisory review
athbhreithniúchán maoirseachta; maoirseacht stuamachta
supervising customs office
oifig custaim maoirseachta
ESO; European Supervision Order
ordú maoirseachta Eorpach
SFA; supervisory formula approach; supervisory formula method
modh an fhoirmle maoirseachta
wheelchair user
úsáideoir cathaoir rothaí
fifth freedom; free movement of knowledge
an cúigiú saoirse; saorghluaiseacht eolais
supervisory volatility adjustments approach
cur chuige maoirseachta maidir le coigeartuithe luaineachta
supervisory transition
an t-athrú go córas maoirseachta; an t-athrú go tuilleadh maoirseachta
Supervisory volatility adjustments
coigeartuithe luaineachta de réir maoirseachta; coigeartuithe luaineachta faoi mhaoirseacht
consolidating supervisor; supervisor on a consolidated basis
maoirseoir comhdhlúthacháin; maoirseoir comhdhlúthaithe
European system of supervision
córas Eorpach maoirseachta
College of Supervisors; supervisory college
coláiste na maoirseoirí
In accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European U
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 1 agus le hAirteagal 2 de Phrótacal 21 maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh
In accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European U
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 1 agus le hAirteagal 2 de Phrótacal 21 maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh
In accordance with Article 3 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, t
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 3 de Phrótacal 21 maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aonta
In accordance with Article 3 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, I
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 3 de Phrótacal 21 maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aonta
High Level Expert Group on EU financial supervision; High Level Group on Financial Supervision
an Sainghrúpa Ardleibhéil um Maoirseacht Airgeadais AE
supervision of financial institutions
maoirseacht ar institiúidí airgeadais
ESFS; EU supervisory framework; European Supervisory Framework; European System of Financial Supervision
An Córas Eorpach Maoirseoirí Airgeadais; CEMA
IAIS Insurance Core Principles; International Association of Insurance Supervisors Insurance core principles
Croíphrionsabail Árachais an Chomhlachais Idirnáisiúnta Maoirseoirí Árachais; Croíphrionsabail Árachais an IAIS
macro-prudential oversight; macro-prudential supervision; macro-prudential surveillance; macro-supervision
maoirseacht macrastuamachta
micro-prudential oversight; micro-prudential supervision; micro-supervision
maoirseacht mhicreastuamachta; maoirseacht stuamachta ar an micrileibhéal
ESA; European Supervisory Authority
Údarás Maoirseachta Eorpach; ÚME
micro-prudential supervisor
maoirseoir micreastuamachta
macro-prudential supervisor
maoirseoir macrastuamachta
Board of Supervisors
an Bord Maoirseoirí
European Charter on Freedom of the Press
Cairt Eorpach um Shaoirse an Phreasa
Working Party on Financial Services (Financial Supervision)
an Mheitheal um Sheirbhísí Airgeadais (Maoirseacht Airgeadais)
administrative or supervisory board
bord riaracháin nó maoirseachta
Conference of Chairpersons of the Development and International Cooperation Committees of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Parliament
Comhdháil Chathaoirllgh na gCoistí um Fhorbraíocht agus um Chomhar Idirnáisiúnta de chuid Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Pharlaimint na hEopra
enzootic abortion of ewes
mairfeacht eansótach sna caoirigh
EU Agency for Large-Scale IT Systems; eu-LISA; European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; IT Agency
Gníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh chun Bainistiú Oibríochtúil a dhéanamh ar Chórais Mhórscála TF sa Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais; Gníomhaireacht IT
dynamic holiday package; dynamic package
saoire láneagraithe dhinimiciúil
Protocol No. 14bis to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 14bis a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
supervisory convergence
cóineasú maoirseachta
annual leave
saoire bhliantúil
stewardship of management
maoirseacht bainistíochta
supervisory non-management directors
stiúrthóirí maoirseachta neamhbhainistíochta
FESA; Forum of European Supervisory Authorities for Electronic Signature
Fóram na nÚdarás Maoirseachta Eorpach um Shíniú Leictreonach
masonry unit
aonad saoirseachta
prudential supervisor
maoirseoir stuamachta
filial leave
saoire le haghaidh cúraim do thuismitheoirí
Directive 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on the taking up, pursuit and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions amending Directives 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Dire; Electronic Money Directive; EMD; E-Money Directive
an Treoir um Airgead Leictreonach; Treoir 2009/110/CE an 16 Meán Fómhair 2009 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le dul i mbun gnó foras airgid leictreonaigh, gnó den sórt sin a shaothrú nó maoirsiú stuamachta a dhéanamh air, lena leasaítear Treoracha 2005/60/CE agus 2006/48
joint chairmanship
committee Chair
Cathaoirleach coiste
provisional chair
cathaoirleach sealadach
tear drop chair
cathaoir dheoirchruthach
be under the supervision of the Judge-Rapporteur
bheith faoi mhaoirseacht an Bhreithimh a ghníomhnaíonn mar Rapóirtéir
group chairman
cathaoirleach an ghrúpa
commission chairman
cathaoirleach coimisiúin
interregional group chairman
cathaoirleach grúpa idir-réigiúnaigh
Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms; Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
an Chairt um Chearta agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha
College of the Chairs of Staff Committees; CPCP
Comhdháil Chathaoirligh na gCoistí Foirne; FCCF
child supervision
maoirseacht pháiste; ordú maoirsithe; special care order
individual supervision; supervision on an individual basis
maoirseacht aonair
Bar Broken Center Work Prebake; center work pre-bake cell technology with bar brake; Centre Worked Prebake; Centre Worked Pre-bake Technology; CWPB
teicneolaíocht réamhbhácáilte lárshaoirsithe
management body in its supervisory function
comhlacht bainistíochta ag gníomhú ina fheidhm mhaoirseachta
four basic freedoms; four freedoms
na ceithre shaoirse; na ceithre shaoirse bhunúsacha
FoRB; freedom of religion or belief
saoirse reiligiúin nó creidimh
United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria; UNSMIS
Misean Maoirseachta na Náisiún Aontaithe i Siria; UNSMIS
cantaoir cláir ingearscriúála
Ad hoc Working Party on the Banking Supervision Mechanism
an Mheitheal ad hoc ar an Sásra Maoirseachta Baincéireachta; Meitheal Ad hoc maidir leis an Sásra Maoirseachta Banc
single supervisory mechanism; SSM
sásra maoirseachta aonair
supervising body
comhlacht maoirseachta
supervisory responsibility
freagracht mhaoirseachta
banking supervisory package
pacáiste maidir le maoirseacht bhaincéireachta
Board of Supervisors of the EBA; Board of Supervisors of the European Banking Authority; EBA Board of Supervisors
Bord Maoirseoirí an Údaráis Baincéireachta Eorpaigh; Bord Maoirseoirí ÚBE
Single Supervisory Mechanism Supervisory Board; SSM Supervisory Board; Supervisory Board; Supervisory Board of the ECB; Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank
bord maoirseachta den BCE (giorr.); bord maoirseachta den Bhanc Ceannais Eorpach
supervisory fee
táille maoirseachta
single supervisory handbook; SSH
lámhleabhar maoirseachta aonair
LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee; LEI ROC; Regulatory Oversight Committee for the Global Legal Entity Identifier System
an Coiste Formhaoirseacht Rialála maidir le Córas Domhanda Aitheantóirí Eintiteas Dlítheanach
Board of Supervisors of the ESMA; Board of Supervisors of the European Securities and Markets Authority; ESMA Board of Supervisors
Bord Maoirseoirí an Údaráis Eorpaigh um Urrúis agus Margaí; Bord Maoirseoirí ESMA
Board of Supervisors of the EIOPA; Board of Supervisors of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority; EIOPA Board of Supervisors
Bord Maoirseoirí an Údaráis Eorpaigh um Árachas agus Pinsin Cheirde; Bord Maoirseoirí ÚEÁPC
Chair of political group; political group Chair
Cathaoirleach grúpa pholatiúil
ramp; wheelchair ramp
rampa do chathaoireacha rothaí
supervisory master scale
máistirscála maoirseachta
EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief; EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief
Treoirlínte AE maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint saoirse reiligiúin nó creidimh
digital freedom
saoirse dhigiteach
domestic servitude
daoirse tí
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
An Coiste um Shaoirsí Sibhialta, um Cheartas agus um Ghnóthaí Baile
European Council Oversight Unit
An tAonad um Fhormhaoirseacht ar an gComhairle Eorpach
Secretariat of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Rúnaíocht an Choiste um Shaoirsí Sibhialta, um Cheartas agus um Ghnóthaí Baile
Supervision and Operations
Maoirseacht agus Oibríochtaí
Medical Leave Service
An tSeirbhís um Shaoire Liachta
Justice and Civil Liberties Unit
An tAonad um an gCeartas agus um Shaoirsí Sibhialta
Directive 2010/78/EU amending Directives 98/26/EC, 2002/87/EC, 2003/6/EC, 2003/41/EC, 2003/71/EC, 2004/39/EC, 2004/109/EC, 2005/60/EC, 2006/48/EC, 2006/49/EC and 2009/65/EC in respect of the powers of the European Supervisory Authority (European Banking A; Omnibus I Directive
Treoir "Omnibus I"; Treoir 2010/78/AE lena leasaítear Treoracha 98/26/CE, 2002/87/CE, 2003/6/CE, 2003/41/CE, 2003/71/CE, 2004/39/CE, 2004/109/CE, 2005/60/CE, 2006/48/CE, 2006/49/CE agus 2009/65/CE i ndáil leis na cumhachtaí atá ag an Údarás Maoirseachta Eorpach (an tÚdarás B
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2003/71/EC and 2009/138/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009, (EU) No 1094/2010 and (EU) No 1095/2010 in respect of the powers of the European Supervisory Authority (European Insu; Omnibus II Directive; Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2003/71/EC and 2009/138/EC in respect of the powers of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and the European Securities and Markets Authority
Treoir ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle lena leasaítear Treoracha 2003/71/CE agus 2009/138/CE agus Rialacháin (CE) Uimh. 1060/2009, (AE) Uimh. 1094/2010 agus (AE) Uimh. 1095/2010 i ndáil leis na cumhachtaí atá ag an Údarás Maoirseachta Eorpach (
CEAOB; Committee of European Auditing Oversight Bodies
Coiste na gComhlachtaí Eorpacha um Fhormhaoirseacht Iniúchóireachta
joint supervisory team; JST
comhfhoireann maoirseachta; JST
MELD; Movement for a Europe of Liberties and Democracy
Gluaiseacht d'Eoraip na Saoirsí agus an Daonlathais; MELD
EAF; European Alliance for Freedom
CES; Comhghuaillíocht na hEorpa um Shaoirse
ERA Chair; ERA Chair holder; European Research Area Chair
Cathaoirleach an Limistéir Eorpaigh Taighde; Cathaoirleach LET
freedom of assembly
saoirse comhthionóil
Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information; Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa
Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le Saoirse Tuairimíochta agus Rochtain ar Fhaisnéis; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le Saoirse Tuairimíochta agus Rochtain ar Fhaisnéis san Afraic
World Press Freedom Index
Innéacs Domhanda de Shaoirse an Phreasa
crime against life, limb or personal freedom
coireanna i gcoinne saol duine, i gcoinne na saoirse ó dhíobháil choirp agus na saoirse pearsanta
Fabhcúin Saoirse na Cordastáine; TAK
Board of Supervisors; BoS
an Bord Maoirseoirí
EFDD; Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group
An Grúpa d’Eoraip na Saoirse agus an Daonlathais Dhírigh; EFDD
NCA supervisory procedure
nós imeachta maoirseachta údaráis inniúil náisiúnta
freedom of panorama; freedom of panorama exception; panorama exception
saoirse lánléargais
Independence Square
Cearnóg na Saoirse
financial markets supervisory authority
údarás maoirseachta na margaí airgeadais
ECPMF; European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
an Lárionad Eorpach um Shaoirse an Phreasa agus na Meán; ECPMF
Deputy Chief Whip
Special Rapporteur on freedom of association and assembly; Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association
Rapóirtéir Speisialta na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis na cearta chun saoirse comhthionóil shíochánta agus chun comhlachais
air safety oversight; aviation safety oversight; safety oversight
maoirseacht aershábháilteachta
Europe of Nations and Freedom Group
Grúpa Eoraip na Náisiún agus na Saoirse
Katibat Macina; Macina Liberation Front; Macina Liberation Movement; MLF
Gluaiseacht um Shaoirse Macina
Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cathaoirleach d'Uachtaránacht na Boisnia agus na Heirseagaivéine
Party of Free Life of Kurdistan; PJAK
Páirtí na Saoirse sa Chordastáin
declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education; Paris Declaration
dearbhú maidir leis an tsaoránacht agus le luachanna coiteanna na saoirse, na caoinfhulaingthe agus an neamh-idirdhealaithe a chur chun cinn tríd an oideachas; Dearbhú Pháras
POG; product oversight and governance
maoirseacht agus rialachas táirgí
tax holiday
díolúine shealadach ó cháin; saoire chánach
data stewardship
maoirseacht sonraí
nautical dawn
camhaoir mhuirí
Alliance for Peace and Freedom; APF
an Chomhghuaillíocht um Shíocháin agus um Shaoirse
supervised contact; supervised visitation
cuairt faoi mhaoirseacht
degrees of freedom; DOF
céimeanna saoirse; DOF
Freedom, Security and Justice actor; FSJ actor
gníomhaí Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais
Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside of the EU
Toscaire Speisialta um chur chun cinn saoirse reiligiúin agus creidimh lasmuigh den Aontas Eorpach
supervisory duration factor
fachtóir na marthanachta maoirseachta
supervisory delta
deilte mhaoirseachta
hedging set supervisory factor coefficient
comhéifeacht fachtóra maoirseachta tacair fálúcháin
antimicrobial stewardship
maoirseacht frithmhiocróbán
antimicrobial stewardship programme; ASP
clár maoirseachta ar fhrithmhiocróbáin
ERA Chairs
Cathaoirligh LET
AML/CFT financial supervisor; AML/CFT supervisor
maoirseoir airgeadais AML/CFT; maoirseoir airgeadais don chomhrac in aghaidh sciúradh airgid agus maoiniú sceimhlitheoireachta
FOC; Freedom Online Coalition
an Chomhghuaillíocht um Shaoirse ar Líne
maternity leave
saoire mháithreachais (bain4)
maoirseoir (fir3, gu: maoirseora, ai: maoirseoirí, gi: maoirseoirí)
saoire (bain4, gu: saoire, ai: saoirí, gi: saoirí)
sick leave
saoire bhreoiteachta (bain4)
maor (fir1, gu: maoir, ai: maoir, gi: maor)
week-end leave
saoire deireadh seachtaine (bain4)
week-end leave
saoire dheireadh seachtaine (bain4)
uncertified sick leave
saoire bhreoiteachta neamhdheimhnithe (bain4)
carryover leave
saoire a thugtar ar aghaidh (bain4)
Easter privilege leave
saoire phribhléide na Cásca (bain4)
extension of sick leave
fadú saoire breoiteachta (fir)
saoire (bain4, gu: saoire, ai: saoirí, gi: saoirí)
army holiday
lá saoire airm (fir)
statutory holiday
lá saoire reachtúil (fir, ai: laethanta saoire reachtúla)
indefinite leave
saoire éiginnte (bain4)
pre-transfer-to-reserve leave
saoire roimh aistriú go dtí an cúltaca (bain4)
taobhmhaor (fir1, gu: taobhmhaoir, ai: taobhmhaoir, gi: taobhmhaor)
saoire (bain4, gu: saoire, ai: saoirí, gi: saoirí)
carry-over leave
saoire tugtha ar aghaidh (bain4)
duly authorised sick leave
saoire bhreoiteachta chuí-údaraithe (bain4)
Christmas privilege leave
saoire phribhléide na Nollag (bain4)
Christmas privilege leave
saoire phribhléide Nollag (bain4)
leave-granting authority
údarás deonta saoire (fir1)
re-enlistment leave
saoire athliostála (bain4)
shore leave
saoire ar tír (bain4)
special leave
saoire speisialta (bain4)
maor (fir1, gu: maoir, ai: maoir, gi: maor)
maximum period of continuous sick leave
tréimhse uasta de shaoire bhreoiteachta leanúnach (bain4)
leave pass
cead saoire (fir3)
mutton chop
gríscín caoireola (fir4)
recurrent sick leave
saoire bhreoiteachta aisfhillteach (bain4)
pre-demobilisation leave
saoire roimh dhíshlógadh (bain4)
pre-discharge leave
saoire roimh urscaoileadh (bain4)
pre-retirement leave
saoire roimh scor (bain4)
hydraulic press
cantaoir hiodrálach (bain2)
superintending officer
oifigeach maoirseachta (fir1)
shore leave
saoire chladaigh (bain4)
annual leave
saoire bhliantúil (bain4)
saoirse (bain4, gu: saoirse)
caoireoil (bain3, gu: caoireola)
the day on which leave is due to commence
an lá a bheidh an tsaoire le tosú
duties of officer superintending firing point
dualgas oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag an bpointe lámhaigh
leave (week-end) pass
cead saoire (deireadh seachtaine)
endorse application for leave
formhuinigh iarratas ar shaoire
ensure immunity from air attack
áirithigh saoirse ó aerionsaí
extend a period of sick leave
fadaigh tréimhse de shaoire bhreoiteachta
grant annual leave
deonaigh saoire bhliantúil
observe a day as an army holiday
coimeád lá ina lá saoire airm
overstay leave
fanacht ar saoire thar téarma
sanction a period of sick leave
ceadaigh tréimhse de shaoire bhreoiteachta
stoppage of shore leave
saoire chladaigh a chosc
duties of officer superintending at the butts
dualgais oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag na stopacháin