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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAbuille fir4
gu buille, iol buillí
Rinne sé an chuairt in seachtó buille.
Rinne sé an chuairt in seachtó.
He went round in 70.
Rinne sí an chuairt in seachtó buille.
Rinne sí an chuairt in seachtó.
She went round in 70.
faoi phionós buille agus fad slí
under penalty of stroke and distance
an chéad bhuille eile ag an gcéile comhraic a ghéilleadh
conceding opponent's next stroke
Bíodh an ghualainn chlé i dtreo an bhuille.
Point the left shoulder in the direction of the stroke.
GApulsa fir4
gu pulsa, iol pulsaí
buille fir4
gu buille, iol buillí
(buille ceoil)
ENpulse s
(musical beat)
GAslaod fir3
gu slaoda, iol slaodanna
buille fir4
gu buille, iol buillí
ráth fir3
gu rátha, iol ráthanna
sraith bain2
gu sraithe, iol sraitheanna
(féar, arbhar, etc.)
ENswath s
(of grass, corn, etc.)
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
buille aon daortha
single-base hit | one-base hit | single
buille dhá dhaoradh
two-base hit | double-base hit | double
buille trí dhaoradh
three-base hit | triple-base hit | triple
Buille ar bith a bhuaileann an taobh-bhalla nó an cúlbhalla sula mbuaileann sé an balla tosaigh. Is buillí taobh-bhalla iad an chuid is mó díobh agus bíonn dhá chineál ann, ceann ionsaitheach agus ceann cosantach.
Any shot that hits a sidewall or backwall before hitting the front wall. Most boasts are the sidewall boasts. There are basically two types of sidewall boasts, the attacking boast and the defensive boast.
Glaoch ón réiteoir le hinsint d'imreoir go bhfuil feall déanta aige faoi na rialacha maidir le hIompar ar Cúirt, agus go bhfuil buille saor le tabhairt dá chéile comhraic mar thoradh.
The Referee's call to advise a player that he has committed an offence under Conduct on Court, and that a stroke is to be awarded to his opponent.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
blade sweep
buille scuaibe lainne; diall tadhlaíoch; raon buille lainne; scuab-bhuille lainne
foreign exchange and bullion transactions; foreign exchange and precious metals dealing; trading in foreign exchange and precious metals
idirbhearta i malairt eachtrach agus i mbuillean; trádáil i malairt eachtrach agus i miotail lómhara
actuator stroke
buille gníomhróra
effective stroke
buille éifeachtach; stróc éifeachtach
brake chamber stroke
buille cuasáin coscáin
pushrod stroke
buille brúshlaite
test stroke length
fad buille tástála
knock-out option
céadrogha buille amach
compression stroke
buille comhfháiscthe (bain4)
rough estimate
buille faoi thuairim (fir4)
direct hit
buille díreach (fir4)
hit on target
buille ar thargaid (fir4)
value of each hit
luach gach buille faoi leith (fir3)
idle stroke
buille díomhaoin (fir4)
induction stroke
buille ionduchtaithe (fir4)
knock out blow
buille scoir (fir4)
buille (fir4, gu: buille, ai: buillí, gi: buillí)
random shot
buille faoi thuairim (fir4)
buille (fir4, gu: buille, ai: buillí, gi: buillí)
Mainistir na Búille (bain5)
buille (fir4, gu: buille, ai: buillí, gi: buillí)
the value of each hit
luach gach buille faoi leith
deflect a blow
sraon buille
to parry a blow
buille a dhiongbháil