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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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type of autism spectrum disorder [ IATE:1687306 ] that is defined by: (a) the presence of abnormal or impaired development that is manifest before the age of three years, and (b) the characteristic type of abnormal functioning in all the three areas of psychopathology: reciprocal social interaction, communication, and restricted, stereotyped, repetitive behaviour
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
early age education; early childhood education; ECE
oideachas luath-óige
childhood autism; infantile autism; Kanner syndrome
childhood absence epilepsy; pyknolepsy
CDD; childhood disintegrative disorder
neamhord dítháthaíoch sa luath-óige
childhood Hodgkin's disease; childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma; paediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma; pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma Hodgkin péidiatraiceach
early childhood education and care; ECEC
oideachas agus cúram na luathóige
early childhood education and care professional; ECEC professional
gairmí oideachais agus cúraim don luath-óige
early childhood education and care institution
institiúid um oideachas agus cúram luath-óige
COSI; European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative
an Tionscnamh Eorpach um Fhaireachas ar Mhurtall i measc Leanaí; COSI