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Auxilliary glossaries
climate change policy; climate policy; policy for responding to climate change
beartas don athrú aeráide
ECCP; European Climate Change Programme
an Clár Eorpach um Athrú Aeráide
climate change response measure; response measure
beart freagartha; beart freagartha um an athrú aeráide
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; IPCC
an Painéal Idir-Rialtasach ar an Athrú Aeráide; IPCC
Convention on Climate Change; FCCC; UNFCCC; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Coinbhinsiún ar an Athrú Aeráide; Creat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; UNFCCC
climate change
an t-athrú aeráide
Conference of the Parties; Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC; Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP
Comhdháil na bPáirtithe; Comhdháil Pháirtithe Chreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide; COP
AR; Assessment Report; Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Tuarascáil Mheasúnachta; Tuarascáil Mheasúnachta ón bPainéal Idir-Rialtasach ar an Athrú Aeráide
Kyoto Protocol; Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Prótacal Kyoto; Prótacal Kyoto a ghabhann le Creat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar Athrú Aeráide
climate change mitigation; mitigation; mitigation of climate change
maolú; maolú ar an athrú aeráide
SCCF; Special Climate Change Fund
an Ciste Speisialta don Athrú Aeráide; SCCF
CCL; climate change levy
tobhach athraithe aeráide
COP/CMP; United Nations Climate Change Conference
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide
Barroso package; Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package; Climate and Energy Package; integrated energy and climate change package
pacáiste comhtháite um fhuinneamh agus athrú aeráide; pacáiste comhtháite um fhuinneamh agus um an athrú aeráide
GCCA; Global Climate Change Alliance
an Comhaontas Domhanda um an Athrú Aeráide; GCCA
Bali Conference on Climate Change
Comhdháil Bali ar Athrú Aeráide
post-Kyoto agreement on climate change
Comhaontú iar-Kyoto maidir leis an athrú aeráide
climate change regime
réimeas um athrú aeráide
climate change diplomacy; climate diplomacy
taidhleoireacht aeráide
15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP 15; Copenhagen Conference on climate change; The COP15 Climate Conference; United Nations Climate Conference
an 15ú Comhdháil de na Páirtithe i gCreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; Comhdháil Chóbanhávan ar an Athrú Aeráide; COP 15
adaptation to climate change; climate change adaptation
oiriúnú don athrú aeráide
Major Economies Forum; Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate; Major Economies Forum on Energy Security and Climate Change; MEF
Fóram na Mórgheilleagar ar an bhFuinneamh agus ar an Aeráid; Fóram na Mórgheilleagar ar Shlándáil Fuinnimh agus ar an Athrú Aeráide
Greenland Dialogue; Greenland Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change
Idirphlé na Graonlainne
climate resilience; resilience to climate change
athléimneacht in aghaidh an athraithe aeráide
climate change finance; climate change financing; climate finance; climate financing
maoiniú don troid i gcoinne an athraithe aeráide
Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy; ENVE Commission
an Coimisiún um an gComhshaol, Athrú Aeráide agus Fuinneamh; coimisiún ENVE
High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil um an gComhrac in aghaidh an Athraithe Aeráide
combating climate change
an t-athrú aeráide a chomhrac
Climate Change, Coordination and Horizontal Affairs Unit; Unit 1B - Climate Change, Coordination and Horizontal Affairs
an tAonad um an Athrú Aeráide, um Chomhordú agus um Ghnóthaí Cothrománacha
Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative; Mediterranean Initiative on Climate Change
Tionscnamh na Meánmhara um an Athrú Aeráide
climate change windows
deiseanna athrú aeráide; idirthréimhsí athrú aeráide
CLIMATE-ADAPT; EU Climate Change Adaptation Clearing House; European Climate Adaptation Platform; European Union Clearing House on Adaptation
Teach Imréitigh AE i ndáil le hOiriúnú d'Athrú Aeráide
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP 17/CMP 7; Durban Climate Change Conference; United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7
Comhdháil Durban; Comhdháil Durban na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an athrú aeráide
country particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change
tír a bhfuil leochaileacht faoi leith aici d'éifeachtaí díobhálacha an athraithe aeráide
climate action mainstreaming; climate change mainstreaming; climate mainstreaming; mainstreaming of climate change
an t-athrú aeráide a phríomhshruthú
Loss and Damage Mechanism; Warsaw International Mechanism; Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage; Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts; WIM
Sásra Idirnáisiúnta Vársá; Sásra Idirnáisiúnta Vársá do Chaillteanas agus Damáiste a bhaineann le Tionchair an Athraithe Aeráide
Paris Agreement; Paris Agreement on climate change; Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Paris climate agreement
Comhaontú Pháras; Comhaontú Pháras faoi Creat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; Comhaontú Pháras maidir leis an athrú aeráide
21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP21
21ú Chomhdháil de na Páirtithe i gCreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; COP21
COP21/CMP11; Paris Climate Change Conference
Comhdháil Pháras maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide; COP21/CMP11
European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation
Lárionad Téamach Eorpach maidir le hAerthruailliú agus an tAthrú Aeráide a Mhaolú
GCCA+; Global Climate Change Alliance Plus; Global Climate Change Alliance+
an Comhaontas Domhanda um Athrú Aeráide+