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Auxilliary glossaries
accreditation of prior learning; APL
creidiúnú foghlama roimhe sin
alternance training; dual learning; sandwich course
cúrsa cisealach; oiliúint sealaíochta
gross earnings
LD; learning disability
míchumas foghlama
PMLD; polyhandicap; profound and multiple impairment; profound and multiple learning disabilities; severe and multiple impairment
blended learning
foghlaim chumaisc
invisible earnings
tuilleamh dofheicthe
retained earnings; undistributed profit
tuilleamh coimeádta
early foreign language acquisition; early foreign language learning; early language learning; early second language acquisition; early second language learning; early stages foreign language learning; early-stage foreign language acquisition; early-stage foreign language learning
luathshealbhú dara teanga
basic skills learning; foundation learning
foghlaim bunscileanna
earning capacity
cumas tuillimh
(System of) Stabilisation of Export Earnings; STABEX
Córas um Chobhsaíocht Tuilleamh Onnmhairiúcháin; STABEX
CAL; computer-aided learning; computer-assisted learning
CAL; foghlaim ríomhchuidithe
risk and reward profile; risk-earnings profile; risk-return profile
próifíl riosca agus luaíochta
learning society
sochaí foghlama
formal learning
foghlaim fhoirmiúil
informal education; informal learning; spontaneous learning
oideachas neamhfhoirmiúil
non-formal learning
foghlaim neamhfhoirmiúil; foghlaim sheachfhoirmiúil
peer learning
e-learning; on-line learning
foghlaim ar líne; ríomhfhoghlaim
WBL; work-based learning; workplace learning; workplace-based learning
foghlaim obairbhunaithe
SES; structure of earnings survey
suirbhé ar struchtúr tuillimh
lifelong learning
foghlaim ar feadh an tsaoil
CEF; CEFR; Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
Creat Comhchoiteann Tagartha Eorpach le haghaidh Teangacha
earning assets
sócmhainní tuillimh
net interest margin on average earning assets
glanchorrlach úis ar shocmhainní meántuillimh
unremitted earnings
tuilleamh neamhaistírithe
intellectually disabled person; learning disabled person; mentally defective person; mentally disabled person; mentally handicapped person; mentally retarded person
faoi mhíchumas foghlama; faoi mhíchumas meabhrach
compensation for loss of earnings
cúiteamh i leith caillteanas ioncaim
Export earnings stabilization system
Córas um Chobhsaíocht Tuilleamh Onnmhairiúcháin
Export earnings stabilization system for least-developed countries in Asia and Latin America(ALA)
Córas um chobhsaíocht tuilleamh onnmhairiúcháin le haghaidh na dtíortha is lú forbairt san Áise agus i Meiriceá Laidineach (ALA)
notional earnings
tuilleamh barúlach
profits retained; retained earnings; retained profits; undistributed earnings; undistributed profits
tuilleamh coimeádta
earnings per share; EPS
TS; tuilleamh in aghaidh na scaire
retained earnings; retained profits
brabúis choinnithe
earning power; profitability
cumas tuillimh
earning statement; income statement; profit and loss account; profit and loss statement; statement of financial performance; statement of income; statement of loss and gain
ráiteas ioncaim
job wage; payment by the job; piece rate; piece wage; piece work remuneration; piecework earnings; piece-work payment; straight piecework; task wage; unit wage
íocaíocht ar thascobair
capitalised earnings value; capitalized income value; capitalized yield value; intrinsic value
luach caipitlithe ioncaim; luach caipitlithe toraidh; luach caipitlithe tuillimh; luach intreach
CALL; computer-aided language learning; computer-assisted language learning
foghlaim ríomhchuidithe teangacha
ALL; Association for Language Learning
Comhlachas faoi choinne Foghlaim Teanga sa Ríocht Aontaithe
machine learning
profit retentions; retained earnings
coinneálacha brabúis; tuilleamh coinnithe
earnings on foreign exchange
tuilleamh ón mhalairt eachtrach
earnings on bills of exchange
tuilleamh ó bhillí malairte
balance brought forward from previous year; balance carried forward from previous year; balance carried over from last year; brought forward from preceding fiscal year; profit brought forward; profit carried forward from previous year; retained earnings; surplus carried forward from previous year
tuilleamh coimeádta
earnings on securities; income from securities; securities
ioncam ó urrúis
net spendable earnings; spendable earnings; take-home pay
pá glan
loss of earnings; loss of income; loss of pay
caillteanas ioncaim
in-company training; learning in the work-place; on-the-job coaching; on-the-job learning; on-the-job training
oiliúint sa láthair oibre
CAI; CAL; computer aided instruction; computer-aided learning; computer-assisted instruction; computer-assisted learning
foghlaim ríomhchuidithe; teagasc ríomhchuidithe
bonus; incentive earning; premium
bónas; préimh
learning ability; understanding ability
bua na tuisceana; cumas foghlamtha
appropriated earned surplus; appropriated earnings
barrachas tuillte leiththreasaithe
earnings before interest and tax; earnings before interest and taxes; EBIT
tuilleamh roimh ús agus roimh chánacha
developmental impairment; feeble-mindedness; intellectual disability; intellectual impairment; LD; learning disability; mental deficiency; mental retardation; mental subnormality; oligophrenia
lagú intleachta; míchumas foghlama; míchumas intleachta
cash earnings
tuilleamh airgid
compensation; earnings; pay; remuneration
luach saothair; pá
gross earnings
average earnings
capital turnover; earning capacity; income on capital; investment income; profit-capital ratio; return from capital; return on capital; return on invested capital; unearned income; yield of a capital; yield on capital
toradh ar chaipiteal
exchange earnings
tuilleamh malairte
surplus earning
tuilleamh barrachais
average weekly earnings
meántuilleamh seachtainiúil
adult education; adult learning; CE; continuing education
oideachas aosach
other earnings
tuilleamh eile
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation; earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation; EBITDA
EBITDA; tuilleamh roimh úis, cánacha, dímheas agus amúchadh
learning achievements; learning attainments; learning outcomes
torthaí foghlama
EQF; European Qualifications Framework; European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning
an Creat Eorpach um Cháilíochtaí; An Creat Eorpach um Cháilíochtaí don Fhoghlaim ar feadh an tSaoil; EQF
education or training provider; learning provider
soláthraí oideachais; soláthraí oiliúna
Mutual Learning Programme
clár foghlama frithpháirtigh
action programme in the field of lifelong learning; Lifelong Learning Programme; LLP
Clár Foghlama ar Feadh an tSaoil; Clár Gníomhaíochta Foghlama ar Feadh an tSaoil
learning to learn
ag foghlaim conas foghlaim
Action Plan on Adult learning - It is always a good time to learn
an Plean Gníomhaíochta um Fhoghlaim Aosach - Is tráthúil am ar bith tabhairt faoin bhfoghlaim
validation; validation of non-formal and informal learning
bailíochtú; bailíochtú na foghlama seachfhoirmiúla agus neamhfhoirmiúla
CLIL; content and language integrated learning
CLIL; foghlaim chomhtháite ábhar agus teangacha
e-learning system; IDL system; internet-based distance learning system
Córas Cianfhoghlama Idirlín
PLOTEUS; Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space
an Tairseach um Dheiseanna Foghlama san Eoraip; PLOTEUS
individualised learning; personalised learning
foghlaim phearsantaithe
TALIS; Teaching and Learning International Survey
Suirbhé Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Teagasc agus Foghlaim; TALIS
learning mobility
soghluaisteacht foghlama
learning citizen
saoránach foghlama
flexible learning pathway; flexible pathway
conair sholúbtha foghlama
basic earnings per share
tuilleamh bunúsach in aghaidh na scaire
diluted earnings per share
tuillimh chaolaithe in aghaidh na scaire
earnings - diluted
tuilleamh - caolaithe
earnings contingency
teagmhas tuillimh
earnings per share
tuilleamh in aghaidh na scaire
earnings per share - financial instruments and other contracts that may be settled in shares
tuillimh in aghaidh na scaire - ionstraimí airgeadais agus conarthaí eile is féidir a shocrú i scaireanna
price earnings ratios
cóimheasa praghas; cóimheasa tuilleamh
retained earnings
tuilleamh coinnithe
undistributed earnings
tuilleamh coimeádta; tuilleamh coinnithe
entrepreneurial learning experience
taithí foghlama fhiontraíoch
entrepreneurial learning
foghlaim fhiontraíoch
adaptive learning parameter
paraiméadar d'fhoghlaim oiriúnaitheach
distributed learning system
córas um fhoghlaim dháilte
European Academy for Teaching and Learning
Acadamh Eorpach um Theagasc agus Foghlaim
Mobility for Better Learning
Soghluaisteacht le haghaidh Foghlaim níos fearr
Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe; EPALE
EPALE; ríomh-Ardán don Fhoghlaim Aosach san Eoraip
E-Learning Unit
An tAonad um Ríomhfhoghlaim
Learning and Development Unit
An tAonad um Fhoghlaim agus um Fhorbairt
Mercator Education; Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning; Mercator Research Centre
Lárionad Eorpach Mercator um Thaighde ar an Ilteangachas agus ar an bhFoghlaim Teanga; Lárionad Taighde Mercator
digital badge; digital open badge; learning badge; open badge
suaitheantas digiteach; suaitheantas digiteach oscailte; suaitheantas foghlama; suaitheantas oscailte
basic learning need
bunriachtanas foghlama
European agenda for adult learning
Clár Oibre Eorpach don Fhoghlaim Aosach
Expert group on 'Defining the specific contribution of youth work as well as non-formal and informal learning to fostering active citizenship and participation of young people in diverse and tolerant societies and preventing marginalisation, radicalisatio; Expert group on youth work for active citizenship, preventing marginalisation and violent radicalisation
an Sainghrúpa maidir le hobair don ógra le haghaidh na saoránachta gníomhaí, lena ndéantar imeallú agus radacú foréigneach a chosc
learning analytics
anailísíocht foghlama
deep learning
social outcomes; social outcomes of education; social outcomes of learning
torthaí sóisialta; torthaí sóisialta an oideachais
service learning
foghlaim trí mheán seirbhíse
deep-learning neural network
líonra néarach domhainfhoghlama
EUCIS-LLL; European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning; Lifelong Learning Platform; LLLPlatform
Ardán don Fhoghlaim ar Feadh an tSaoil; Ardán-LLL