Torthaí beachta
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A civil summons for the ejectment of tenants at will, permissive occupants, caretakers and servants shall also state
Sonrófar freisin i dtoghairm shibhialta chun tionóntaí ar toil, áititheoirí ceadmhacha, airígh agus seirbhísigh a eisiachtain FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
motion for rejection; proposal for rejection; proposal to reject
tairiscint chun diúltú do [...]; togra chun diúltú do [...]
false reject rate; false rejection rate; FRR; insult rate; type I error
FRR; ráta diúltaithe bhréagaigh
to reject (application)
diúltaigh (iarratas)
rejected bidder; tenderer rejected; unsuccessful tenderer
tairgeoir mírathúil
CME; coronal mass ejection
eisteileagan maise corónaí
rejection criterion; rejection number
uimhir dhiúltúcháin
command ejection
eisteilgean ordaithe
design ejection envelope
imchlúdach deartha um eisteilgean
ejection angle
uillinn eisteilgin
ejection capsule
capsúl eisteilgin
ejection guide rails
ráille treorach eisteilgin
ejection gun
gunna eisteilgin
ejection gun time delay unit
amadóir moilliúcháin sa ghunna eisteilgin
ejection seat
suíochán eisteilgin
ejection sequence
seicheamh eisteilgin
ejector pipe
píobán eisteilgin; píobán eisteilgire; píobán teilgin; píobán teilgire
linked ejection
eisteilgean nasctha
load rejection; load shedding; load throw-off
scoitheadh lóid
rejected goods
earraí diúltaithe
cull; reject
ábhar cuileáilte; adhmad cuileáilte
failed asylum seeker; person covered by a final decision rejecting an application for international protection; rejected applicant; rejected applicant for international protection
iarrthóir tearmainn teipthe
border rejection notification
fógra faoi chead thar teorainn isteach a dhiúltú
candidate rejected; unsuccessful candidate
iarrthóir diúltaithe
refusal of asylum application; refusal of refugee status; rejection of asylum application
diúltú d'iarratas ar dhearbhú mar dhídeanaí; diúltú iarratas ar thearmann
ejector cover
clúdach an teilgire (fir1)
ejector head and tail
ceann agus eireaball an teilgire (fir1)
ejector rod head
ceann slat an teilgire (fir1)
ejector spring
tuailm an teilgire (bain2)
teilgthe (a3)
teilgean (fir1, gu: teilgin)
faulty ejection
teilgean lochtach (fir1)
ejection opening
oscailt (bain2, gu: oscailte)
ejection slot
sliotán (fir1, gu: sliotáin, ai: sliotáin, gi: sliotán)
teilgire (fir4, gu: teilgire, ai: teilgirí, gi: teilgirí)
ejector way
bealach an teilgire (fir1)
rejected recruit
earcach diúltaithe (fir1)
rejector circuit
ciorcad neamhghlactha (fir1)
teilg amach (br)
reject a person as unfit
glac diúltú do dhuine toisc é a bheith neamh-infheidhme
reject stores as unsuitable
diúltaigh stórais toisc iad a bheith neamhoiriúnach