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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
explosive atmosphere
atmaisféar pléascach
EFP mine; explosively formed penetrator mine; self-forming fragment mine; SFF mine
mianach diúracáin phléascdhéanta
EFP; explosively formed penetrator; explosively formed projectile; self-forging fragment; self-forming fragment; SFF
diúracán pléascdhéanta
explosives; pyrotechnic products
pléascán; táirge piriteicniúil
prepared explosives
pléascán ullmhaithe
Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the purpose of Detection; Plastic Explosives Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pléascáin Phlaisteacha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pléascáin Phlaisteacha a Mharcáil chun críche a mBraite
fissile material cut-off treaty; FMCT; treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
an conradh um ábhar inscoilte a thoirmeasc; Conradh lena gcuirfear toirmeasc ar tháirgeadh ábhar inscoilte le haghaidh airm núicléacha nó feistí pléascacha núicléacha eile; FMCT
illicit trafficking in arms, ammunition and explosives; illicit trafficking in weapons, munitions and explosives
gáinneáil aindleathach ar airm, armlón agus pléascáin
EOD; explosive ordnance disposal
diúscairt ordanáis phléascaigh; EOD
CIFTA; Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials
an Coinbhinsiún Idir-Mheiriceánach i gcoinne déantúsaíocht neamhdhleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, armlón, pléascán, agus ábhar gaolmhar
ERW; explosive remnants of war
ERW; fuílligh phléascacha chogaidh
explosive welding
táthú pléascach
1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine; cyclonite; cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine; hexogen; RDX; Research Department eXplosive; Royal Demolition eXplosive; T4
1,3,5-trínítrea-1,3,5-trí-aisín; cioglóinít; heicsigin; RDX
explosive; occlusive; plosive
Action Plan on Enhancing the Security of Explosives; EU action plan for the enhancement of the security of explosives
Plean Gníomhaíochta maidir le Slándáil Pléascán a Fheabhsú
explosive precursor; explosives precursor
réamhtheachtaí pléascán
Dense Inert Metal Explosive; DIME
Pléascán Triathmhiotail Dhlúith
Unstable explosives.
Pléascáin éagobhsaí.
Explosive; mass explosion hazard.
Pléascach; guais mhórphléasctha.
Explosive, severe projection hazard.
Pléascach, guais throm teilgin.
Explosive; fire, blast or projection hazard.
Pléascach; guais dóiteáin, phléasctha nó teilgin.
Explosive when dry.
Pléascach agus é tirim.
Explosive with or without contact with air.
Pléascach i dteagmháil le haer nó gan é.
In use may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture.
Agus é á úsáid d’fhéadfaí meascán inadhainte/pléascach gaile-aeir a chruthú.
May form explosive peroxides.
D’fhéadfadh sé sárocsaídí pléascacha a chruthú.
DO NOT fight fire when fire reaches explosives.
NÁ DÉAN an dóiteán a chomhrac má shroicheann sé pléascáin.
C-IED; Counter Improvised Explosive Device; Counter-IED
Bearta in aghaidh Feistí Pléascacha Seiftithe
command wire improvised explosive device; CWIED
feiste phléascach sheiftithe le cábla adhainte
explosive submunition
fomhuinisean pléascach
ChemEx Unit; Chemical and Explosives Terrorism Prevention Unit
an tAonad um Sceimhlitheoireacht Cheimiceach agus Phléascán a Chosc
CBRNE; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive
ceimiceach, bitheolaíoch, raideolaíoch, núicléach agus pléascáin
car bomb; VBIED; vehicle-borne IED; vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
carrbhuama; gléas pléascach seiftithe feithicil-iompartha
pléascach (a1)
explosive charge
lánán pléascach (fir1)
high explosive bomb
buama tréanphléascach (fir4)
high explosive charge
lánán tréanphléascach (fir1)
high explosive
tréanphléascán (fir1, gu: tréanphléascáin, ai: tréanphléascáin, gi: tréanphléascán)
explosive store
stóras pléascán (fir1)
high explosive
tréanphléascach (fir1, gu: tréanphléascaigh, ai: tréanphléascaigh, gi: tréanphléascach)
explosives escort
coimhdeacht phleascáin (bain3)
explosive content of bomb
ábhar pléascach i mbuama (fir1)
explosives intervention
idirghabháil pleascán (bain3)
explosive mixture
meascán pléascach (fir1)
high explosive grenade
gránáid tréanphléascach (bain2)
high explosive anti-tank
tréanphléascach fritanc (a1)
high explosive anti-tank grenade
gránáid thréanphléascach fritanc (bain2)
high explosive anti-tank grenade
gránáid TPFT (bain2)
high explosive
tréanphléascach (a1)
sensitive high explosive
tréanphléascán íogair (fir1)
pléascán (fir1, gu: pléascáin, ai: pléascáin, gi: pléascán)
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team
Foireann Diúscartha Ordanáis Pléascaigh (bain2)
12 lb high explosive shell
sliogán tréanphléascach 12 phunt