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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAclár fir1 frithvíreas
gu cláir frithvíreas
Computers, Computer Science Program to detect and remove computer viruses. Antivirus software usually includes a regular update service allowing it to keep up with the latest viruses as they are released.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Clár chun víris ríomhaireachta a aimsiú agus a bhaint. Bíonn seirbhís nuashonraithe rialta ag gabháil le bogearraí frithvíreas de ghnáth le go ndéileálfar leis na víris is déanaí de réir mar a thagann siad chun cinn.
Other practical tips include the use of good filtering, anti-virus and firewall programs, and putting the home computer somewhere where everyone arrives and departs to encourage transparency. Remember, the positive aspects of the Internet are much stronger than the negative aspects. It is an excellent educational instrument and can greatly enhance your child's learning and development.
Áirítear le leideanna praiticiúla eile úsáid scagtha mhaith, clár frithvíreas agus balla dóiteáin, agus an ríomhaire baile a chur áit éigin a mbíonn gach duine ag teacht agus ag imeacht uaidh chun follasacht a spreagadh. Cuimhnigh, is treise i bhfad gnéithe dearfacha an Idirlín ná na gnéithe diúltacha. Sárghléas oideachais atá ann agus is féidir leis cur go mór le foghlaim agus le forbairt do pháiste.
ENguard s
(safety device)
GAgarda fir4
gu garda, iol gardaí
sciath bain2
gu scéithe, ai sciatha, gi sciath
fál fir1
gu fáil, iol fálta
(gaireas sábháilteachta)
Do not use unless guards are in position
Ná húsáid muna bhfuil na gardaí ina n-ionad
Guards must be in position before starting
Caithfidh na gardaí a bheith ina n-ionad roimh thosú
GAmarcáil br
abr marcáil, aidbhr marcáilte
fair br
abr faire, aidbhr fairthe
guard an opponent
marcáil céile comhraic
guard an opponent closely
marcáil céile comhraic go teann
marcáil céile comhraic go dlúth
The splashguard of the blue whale pushes water aside so that it can open its blowholes to breathe.
Cineál liopa a thugann foscadh do pholl séidte an mhíl mhóir ghoirm.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
Agreement for the Mutual Safeguarding of Secrecy of Inventions relating to Defence and for which Applications for Patents have been made
an Comhaontú maidir le Coimirciú Frithpháirteach a dhéanamh ar Rúndacht na nAireagán a bhaineann le Cosaint agus a bhfuil Iarratais ar Phaitinní déanta ina leith
Convention concerning the Guarding of Machinery; Guarding of Machinery Convention, 1963
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Innealra
Scheme for Mineral Products; SYSMIN; System for Safeguarding and Developing Mineral Production
córas um thairgeadh mianraí a chosaint agus a fhorbairt
Acquired Rights Directive; Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses
an Treoir um Chearta Faighte
Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le caomhnú na hoidhreachta cultúrtha doláimhsithe
judicial protection of incapable adults; safeguarding of interests
coimircíocht daoine atá soghonta