Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
large aircraft
aerárthach mór
ultra-large carrier
carraeir ollmhór
bull huss; larger spotted dogfish
fíogach mór
Enlarged Board of Appeal
an Mórbhord Achomhairc
large-scale integration; LSI
comhtháthú mórscála; LSI
collective redundancies; large-scale redundancies; mass redundancies
quota enlargement; quota increase
fairsingiú cuótaí; méadú cuótaí
exceptionally large reduction
laghdú as cuimse; laghdú thar cuimse
large combustion plant; LCP
mórghléasra dócháin
Italian chicory; large-leaved chicory
siocaire mórdhuilleach
large desert marsupial-mouse; sandhill sminthopsis; snadhill dunnart
dunnart duimhche
large-eye dentex
dentex mórshúileach
American cranberry; cranberry; large cranberry
industrial fishing; large-scale fishery; large-scale fishing; large-scale industrial fishery; LSF
iascaireacht ar mhórscála
Protocol on the institutions with the prospect of enlargement of the European Union
Prótacal maidir leis na hinstitiúidí agus ionchas ann do mhéadú an Aontais Eorpaigh
largehead hairtail
criosóg bholgshúileach
large yellow croaker; LYC
grágaire mór buí
large-scaled gurnard
cnúdán mórghainneach
Protocol on the enlargement of the European Union
Prótacal maidir le méadú an Aontais Eorpaigh
large-eyed rabbit fish
coinín mara bolgshúileach
large supermarket
ollmhargadh mór
large Palau fruit bat
ialtóg meas mhór Palau
Large Hadron Collider; LHC
an t-imbhuailteoir mór hadróin
enlarged Bureau; enlarged Bureau of the European Parliament
an Biúró méadaithe; Biúró méadaithe Pharlaimint na hEorpa
Large White; Yorkshire
mórmhuc bhán
large pack
pacáiste mór
large gauge; wide gauge
leithead leathan
large circulation; mass circulation
mórchiorclaíocht; ollchiorclaíocht
large circulation magazine; mass magazine
iris ollchiorclaíochta
large advertiser
fógróir mór
big customer; large user; wholesale user
custaiméir mór
large-scale programming; PITL; programming-in-the-large
ríomhchlárú ar an mórchóir
bull huss; greater spotted dogfish; large spotted dogfish; nursehound
fíogach mór
brushtooth lizardfish; large-scale lizardfish
DG Enlargement; Directorate-General for Enlargement
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht an Mhéadaithe
large container
coimeádán mór
ULCC; ultra large crude carrier
ollcharraeir amhola
very large crude carrier; VLCC
carraeir amhola an-mhór; VLCC
fetal oversize; large offspring syndrome; LOS
rómhéid féatais
large exposure; LE
neamhchosaint mhór
Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the EU
an Mheitheal um Méadú agus um Thíortha a bhfuil Aontachas le AE á chaibidlil acu
large investment project
tionscadal mórinfheistíochta
candidate or potential candidate country; enlargement country
tír is iarrthóir nó tír is iarrthóir ionchasach
large exposure requirement; LER
riachtanas faoi choinne neamhchosaint mhór
largest-developed-area series
sraith na limistéar is mó forbairt
large-bottomed ant
seangán mórthónach
EU Agency for Large-Scale IT Systems; eu-LISA; European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; IT Agency
Gníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh chun Bainistiú Oibríochtúil a dhéanamh ar Chórais Mhórscála TF sa Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais; Gníomhaireacht IT
Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy
an Coimisinéir um Méadú agus Beartas Comharsanachta; an Coimisinéir um Méadú agus um an mBeartas Comharsanachta
giant muntjac; large-antlered muntjac
renewed consensus on enlargement
comhthoil athnuaite i ndáil leis an méadú
Self-heating in large quantities; may catch fire.
Féintéamh ina mhórchainníochtaí; d’fhéadfadh sé dul trí thine.
In case of major fire and large quantities:
I gcás mórdhóiteáin agus má tá cainníochtaí móra i gceist:
In case of major fire and large quantities: Evacuate area. Fight fire remotely due to the risk of explosion.
I gcás mórdhóiteáin agus mórchainníochtaí: Aslonnaigh gach duine as an limistéar. Téigh i gcianghleic leis an dóiteán mar gheall ar an mbaol pléasctha.
DG C; Directorate-General C - Foreign Affairs, Enlargement and Civil Protection; Directorate-General for Foreign Affairs, Enlargement and Civil Protection
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht C - Gnóthaí Eachtracha, Méadú agus Cosaint Shibhialta; Ard-Stiúrthóireacht K - an Chomhairle um Ghnóthaí Eachtracha, Méadú, Cabhair Dhaonnúil agus Cosaint Shibhialta; DG K
Directorate 2 - Enlargement, Security, Civil Protection, Foreign Affairs Council Support
Stiúrthóireacht 2 - Méadú, Eoraip (neamh-AE), tacaíocht don Chomhairle um Ghnóthaí Eachtracha; Stiúrthóireacht 2 - Méadú, Slándáil, Cosaint Shibhialta, Tacaíocht don Chomhairle um Ghnóthaí Eachtracha
Agreement on Amendment of and Accession to the Central European Free Trade Agreement; Agreement to amend and enlarge the Central European Free Trade Agreement; CEFTA 2006
an Comhaontú maidir le Leasú ar agus Aontachas le Comhaontú Saorthrádála na hEorpa Láir; CEFTA 2006
large family; large households
teaghlach mór
large goods vehicle; LGV
mórfheithicil earraí
large cap; large market capitalization
caidhp mhór
largetooth sawfish
sábh mara mórfhiaclach
large price step
praghaschéim mhór
large pelagic fishery
iascach peiligeach mór
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport; EPAS
EPAS; Páirt-chomhaontú Méadaithe maidir le Spórt
large financial sector entity
mór-eintiteas earnála airgeadais
larger urban zone; LUZ
MCU; mórchrios uirbeach
fracing; fracking; high-volume hydraulic fracturing; high-volume slick-water hydraulic fracturing; large hydraulic fracture treatment; massive hydraulic fracturing; unconventional hydraulic fracturing
fracáil; scoilteadh hiodrálach
Unit for Europe: Enlargement and European Economic Area
An tAonad don Eoraip: Méadú agus an Limistéar Eacnamaíochta Eorpach
Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations
an Coimisinéir um Beartas Comharsanachta na hEorpa agus Caibidlíocht maidir le Méadú
DG NEAR; DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations; Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
an Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Beartas Comharsanachta agus Caibidlíocht maidir le Méadú; AS um Beartas Comharsanachta agus Caibidlíocht maidir le Méadú
enlargement light; "enlargement-lite"
méadú éadrom
large scale pilot STORK; STORK
Treoirscéim Mhórscála STORK
InnovFin Large Projects
Tionscadail Mhóra InnovFin
large scale fishing vessel
soitheach iascaireachta mórscála
Enlargement Day
Lá an Mhéadaithe
enemy in sight in large numbers
an namhaid i radharc ina mórlíon (fir5)
large-scale map
léarscáil mórscála (bain2)
large capacity bomb
buama mórthoilleadh (fir4)
méadaigh (br, abr: méadú, aidbhr: méadaithe)
méadaithe (a3)
méadú (fir, gu: méadaithe, ai: méaduithe, gi: méaduithe)
large-scale production of weapons
armáin a tháirgeadh ar mórchóir
large scale production of weapons
armáin a tháirgeadh ar an morchóir
subject an assembly point to a large volume of fire
cuimsigh mórthoirt lámhaigh ar phointe tionóil