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Auxilliary glossaries
marriage annulment
neamhniú pósta
child marriage; early marriage; underage marriage
pósadh leanaí
Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Bailíocht Póstaí a Cheiliúradh agus a Aithint
rights and duties arising out of a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity
cearta agus dualgais a eascraíonn as gaol teaghlaigh, tuismíochta, pósta nó cleamhnais
Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages
an Coinbhinsiún um Thoiliú le Pósadh, an Aois Íosta Phósta agus Clárú Póstaí
Convention to Facilitate the Celebration of Marriages Abroad
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Ceiliúradh Póstaí Thar Lear a Éascú
Convention on Legitimation by Marriage
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlisteanú trí Phósadh
1905 Effects of Marriage Convention; Convention relating to conflicts of laws with regard to the effects of marriage on the rights and duties of the spouses in their personal relationship and and with regard to their estates
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEasaontachtaí Dlíthe a bhaineann leis na hÉifeachtaí atá ag an bPósadh ar Chearta agus ar Dhualgais Céilí agus i dtaca lena nEastáit
Convention Governing Conflicts of Laws concerning Marriage
an Coinbhinsiún lena rialaítear Easaontachtaí Dlíthe i dtaca leis an bPósadh
marriage bureau
biúró póstaí
marriage of the official
pósadh an oifigigh
marriage of convenience
pósadh áise
same-sex marriage
pósadh comhghnéis; pósadh lánúineacha aon-inscne
marriage contract
comhaontú réamhphósta
goods imported on the occasion of a marriage
earraí arna n-allmhairiú tráth bainise
forced marriage
pósadh éigeantais
marriage of convenience; sham marriage
pósadh áise; pósadh bréige; pósadh seiftiúla
forced marriage
pósadh éigeantais
nullity of marriage
neamhniú pósta; pósa do chur ar nea-mbrí; pósadh a neamhniú
divorce based on acceptance of the principle of the breakdown of the marriage
divorce on irretrievable breakdown of marriage; divorce on irretrievable impairment of the marriage tie
purported marriage; putative marriage
pósadh airbheartaithe; pósadh toimhdean
hearing of the parties contracting the marriage
Éisteacht na lánúine atá geallta le pósadh
polygamous marriage
pósadh polagamach
marriage not in a register office or approved premises
pósadh in áit nach bhfuil ceadaithe ag an gCláraitheoir
presence of parties contracting the marriage
laithreacht an bheirt atá ag pósadh
posthumous marriage
pósadh iarbháis
international marriage
pósadh idirnáisiúnta
marriage of persons of different nationalities; mixed marriage
pósadh measctha
marriage certificate
deimhniú pósta; teastas pósta
marriageable age; minimum age for marriage
aois íosta phósta
impediment to marriage; restriction on marriage
col ar phósadh
vitiated consent to marriage
toiliú le pósadh a chur ó mhaith
caveat against issue of marriage certificate; objection to marriage
agóid a dhéanamh i gcoinne pósadh; agóid in aghaidh pósadh
wihdrawal of caveat against issue of marriage certificate or licence
agóid i gcoinne pósadh a aistarraingt; agóid in aghaidh pósadh a aistarraingt
marriage contract
conradh reamhphósta
void marriage
pósadh neamhnitheach
voidable marriage
pósadh in-neamhnithe
dissolution of marriage
pósadh do bhrise go dleathach; scaoileadh pósta
marital breakdown; marital crisis; marriage breakdown
cliseadh pósta; cliseadh póstaí
formal requisites of marriage
foirmiúlachtaí dlí an phósta
procedures to be observed prior to marriage
réamhriachtanais an phósta
foreign marriage; marriage conducted abroad
pósadh thar lear
marriage with a foreigner or of foreigners
pósadh le heachtrannach nó idir eachtrannaigh
dissolution of a relationship other than marriage
scaoileadh lánúine neamhphósta
principle of separate property during marriage; separation of goods regime
secret marriage
pósadh rúnda
endogamous marriage
pósadh ionghamach
promise of marriage
gealltanas pósta
consummation of the marriage
cur i gcrích (an phósta)
ground on which a marriage is voidable
foras neamhnithe pósadh
absolute bar to marriage; ground of annulment of marriage; ground on which a marriage is void; nullifying impediment to marriage
urchosc ar phósadh
parentage within marriage
tuismíocht pósta
parentage of children born out of wedlock; parentage of children born outside of marriage
tuismíocht neamhphósta
child born before marriage of parents
leanbh a rugadh roimh phósadh a dtuismitheoirí
annulment of a void marriage
neamhniú pósta neamhnitheach
witness to the marriage
finné pósta
prior subsisting marriage
pósadh roimh ré atá ar marthain
lack of valid consent to marriage
easpa toiliú bailí le pósadh
authority to marry; marriage licence; permission to marry
údarás chun pósadh
substantive requisites of marriage
riachtanais phósta
celebration of marriage; solemnisation of marriage
sollúnú an tsearmanais phósta
person empowered to solemnise a marriage; person with authority to solemnise a marriage
duine atá údaraithe le pósadh a shollúnú; sollúnóir
consent to marriage
toiliú le pósadh
Bar to relief where marriage is voidable; ratification of a voidable marriage
daingniú phósta in-neamhnithe
dispensation with impediment to marriage; exemption from impediment to marriage
dispeansáid ó chol ar phósadh
notice of marriage; publication of banns
fógairt pósadh; fógra go bhfuil beartaithe pósadh
nullity of marriage on grounds of error
neamhniú pósta ar bhonn earráid
marriage documentation
foirm chláraithe pósta
civil marriage; legal marriage
pósadh sibhialta
marriage of a seriously ill person who is not expected to recover
pósadh nuair atá duine den lánúin i ngarbhaol bháis
marriage by proxy
pósadh trí ionadach
clandestine marriage
pósadh neamhfhianaithe
religious marriage
pósadh cráifeach
Convention of 6 February 1931 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden comprising international private law provisions on marriage, adoption and guardianship; Nordic Convention of 1931
an Coinbhinsiún Nordach 1931
marital property agreement; marriage contract; nuptial agreement
comhaontú maidir le maoin an phósta
full marriage rights
cearta pósta iomlána
heterosexual marriage
pósadh heitrighnéasach
child, early and forced marriage; early and forced marriage
pósadh leanaí, luathphósadh agus pósadh éigeantais
marriage allotment
leithroinnt phósta (bain2)
marriage allowance
liúntas pósta (fir1)
marriage certificate
teastas pósta (fir1)