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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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meascadh fir margaíochta dímholta/superseded
gu measctha margaíochta
Business » Enterprise & Development The levels and interplay of the constituent elements of a product's or service's marketing efforts, including product features, pricing, packaging, advertising, merchandising, distribution, and marketing budget, especially as decisions relating to these elements affect sales results.
Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt Leibhéil na gcomheilimintí, agus a n-imirt ar a chéile, in iarrachtaí margaíochta táirge nó seirbhíse, lena n-áirítear gnéithe den táirge, praghsáil, pacáistiú, fógraíocht, marsantacht, dáileadh agus buiséad margaíochta, go háirithe mar a fhearann cinntí i dtaca leis na heilimintí seo ar thorthaí díolachán.
GAréamhaisnéis bain2 mheasctha
gu réamhaisnéise measctha, ai réamhaisnéisí measctha
Finance Development of forecasts based on a mixture of forecasting techniques.
Airgeadas Réamhaisnéisí a fhorbairt, bunaithe ar mheascán de theicnící réamhaisnéise.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
premix; premixture
clonal mixture
meascán clónach
energy mix; fuel mix
meascán fuinnimh
bituminous mixture
meascán biotúmanach
mixed fisheries; multispecies fisheries
iascach ilspeiceas
mixed cropping
mixed hop products
táirgí leannlusanna measctha
policy mix
meascán beartais
mixed duty
dleacht mheasctha
simple additives and pre-mixed additives
breiseán simplí agus breiseán réamh-mheasctha
mixed competence
inniúlacht mheasctha
mixture of wastes
meascán de dhramhaíl; meascán dramhaíle
mixed activity insurance holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta árachais atá ag plé le gníomhaíochtaí measctha
mixed offence
cion measctha
mixed municipal waste
dramhaíl mheasctha chathrach
fuel mix
meascán breosla
mixed financial holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta airgeadais mheasctha
premixed credit
creidmheas réamh-mheasctha
associated credit package; associated financing; mixed credit package
maoiniú comhlachaithe
mixed set-aside
cur i leataobh measctha
amplifier-mixer of earthstation
aimplitheoir-meascthóir talamhtheirminéil
mixing of air masses
meascadh aermhaiseanna
admixture; chemical mixture; mixture
antifreeze; antifreeze agent; anti-freeze mixture
oibreán frithreo
calibration gas; calibration gas mixture; span gas
gás calabrúcháin
policy mix
meascán beartas
products of mixed farming
táirgí na feirmeoireachta measctha
compound duty; mixed duty
dleacht iolraithe
general farming; mixed farming
feirmeoireacht mheasctha
medicated feed premix; medicated pre-mix; premix for medicated feed; pre-mix for medicated feedingstuff
beatha réamh-mheasctha íocleasaithe
A/F ratio; AFR; air/fuel ratio; mixture ratio
cóimheas idir aer agus breosla
automatic mixture control
uathrialaitheoir an mheascáin
by-pass mixer
mixed display
taispeáint iol-scáileán
mixed flow compressor
comhbhrúiteoir sreafa mheasctha
mixed-matrix oil cooler
fuaraitheoir ola maitríse measctha
mixed matrix radiator
radaitheoir maitríse measctha
mixed-power-plant aircraft
aerárthach le córas tiomána measctha
mixing gearbox
giarbhosca cumaisc
mixture control
rialaitheoir an mheascáin
mixture distribution
dáileadh an mheascáin
mixed-economy company; mixed-ownership company
cuideachta geilleagair measctha; cuideachta infheistíochta measctha; cuideachta úinéireachta measctha
retarder; retarder of set; retarding admixture; set retarder
fuineadh; meascadh
sludge perfect mixing
meascadh iomlán sloda
hydrocarbon mixture; mixture of hydrocarbons
meascán hidreacarbón
mixed franchise
saincheadúnas measctha
mix product
táirge measctha
stoichiometric mixture
meascán stócaiméadrach
mixed crystal; solid solution
criostal measctha; tuaslagán soladach
mixed-activity holding company
cuideachta sealbhaíochta gníomhaíochtaí measctha
combination vaccine; combined vaccine; mixed vaccine
compounding; mixing
mixed goods
earraí measctha
advertising mix
meascadh fógraíochta
media mix
meascán meán
product mix breadth
leithne an réimse táirgí
mixed economy
geilleagar measctha
mixed liquor
licéar measctha
mixed liquor suspended solids; MLSS
solad ar fuaidreamh i licéar measctha
CMA pond; completely mixed aerated pond; completely mixed reactor
imoibreoir lánmheasctha
dispersive mixing reactor
imoibreoir sprémheasctha
mixed traffic street; space-sharing street
sráid tráchta mheasctha
mixed traffic
trácht measctha
mixed use warning system
córas rabhaidh ilchineálach
mixed container load
lód coimeádáin measctha
Mixed Committee; Mixed Committee on the harmonisation of working conditions in the coal industry
an Coiste Measctha um Chomhchuibhiú Dálaí Oibre i dTionscal an Ghuail
mixed type-approval
cineálcheadú measctha
mixed pool of collateral
comhthiomsú measctha comhthaobhachta
vortex mixer
meascthóir cuilithe
mixed flows; mixed migration
imirce mheasctha; sreabh imirce measctha
mixed municipal solid waste
dramhaíl mheasctha sholadach chathrach
developer mixture
meascán réalóra
tumbler; tumbler mixer
meascthóir rothlaim
mixed bundling
cruachadh díolacháin measctha
CLP Regulation; Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC)
Rialachán (CE) uimh. 1272/2008 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 16 Nollaig 2008 maidir le haicmiú, lipéadú agus pacáistiú substaintí agus meascán, agus lena leasaítear agus lena n-aisghairtear Treoir 67/548/CEE agus Treoir 1999/45/CE, agus le
In use may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture.
Agus é á úsáid d’fhéadfaí meascán inadhainte/pléascach gaile-aeir a chruthú.
Take any precaution to avoid mixing with combustibles…
Déan gach réamhchúram chun meascadh le hábhair indóite a sheachaint…
vortex mixing
meascadh cuilithe
mixed-purpose contract
conradh ilchuspóireach
marriage of persons of different nationalities; mixed marriage
pósadh measctha
parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State
máthairchuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais mheasctha i mBallstát
EU parent mixed financial holding company; Union parent mixed financial holding company
máthairchuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais mheasctha san Aontas
generalised linear mixed model; generalised linear mixed statistical model; linear mixed model; linear mixed statistical model
samhail staitistiúil líneach mheasctha ghinearálaithe
eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics
meascán eoiteicteach d'ainéistéisigh logánta
premixed feed; previously mixed feed
beatha réamh-mheasctha
mixed contract
conradh measctha
preservation mixture
meascán le haghaidh leasaithe
mixed procurement
soláthar measctha
on-farm mixer
meascthóir baile feirme
mobile mixer
meascthóir soghluaiste
high shear mixer
meascthóir ardfhiair
mixed return operation
oibríocht mheasctha um fhilleadh
air mixture
aermheascán (fir1, gu: aermheascáin, ai: aermheascáin, gi: aermheascán)
mixed woods
coillte measctha (bain2)
explosive mixture
meascán pléascach (fir1)
mixed forest and fir trees
crainn fhoraoise agus ghiúise (fir)
mixed salad
sailéad ilchineálach (fir1)
meascán (fir1, gu: meascáin, ai: meascáin, gi: meascán)