Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Bad money drives out good.
Ruaigeann airgead táir an t-airgead slán.
money deemed to have been demanded
airgead a mheastar a éilíodh
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
broad money: One measure of the money supply that includes M1, plus savings and small time deposits, overnight repos at commercial banks, and non-institutional money market accounts. This is a key economic indicator used to forecast inflation, since it is not as narrow as M1 and still relatively easy to track. All the components of M2 are very liquid, and the non-cash components can be converted into cash very easily.
provision of an electronic payment product
Finance Speculative bank deposits that are moved around the international money markets to take advantage of currency and interest rate movements.
Airgeadas Taiscí amhantracha bainc a bhogtar timpeall na margaí airgid idirnáisiúnta chun buntáiste a bhaint as athruithe i rátaí malairte airgeadraí agus i rátaí úis.
characteristic of a business's creditor or equity holder who would receive payment or some other consideration under normal liquidation proceedings
Finance A market engaged in the short-term lending and borrowing of money, linking together the financial institutions (commercial banks, discount houses, etc.), companies and the government.
Airgeadas Margadh a bhíonn gafa le hairgead a fháil agus a thabhairt ar iasacht go gearrthéarmach, ag cruthú naisc idir na forais airgeadais (bainc thráchtála, tithe lascaine, etc.), cuideachtaí agus an rialtas.
Finance An operation undertaken by a trader or a dealer who wishes to protect an open position, especially a sale or a purchase of a commodity, currency, security, etc., that is likely to fluctuate in price over the period that the position remains open.
Airgeadas Oibríocht a dhéanann trádálaí nó déileálaí nuair is mian leis é/í féin a chosaint i riocht oscailte, go háirithe i ndíol nó i gceannach tráchtearra, airgeadra, urrúis, etc., ar móide go luaineoidh a phraghas le linn na tréimhse a bhfanfaidh an riocht sin oscailte.
Finance Money market securities are short-term debt instruments sold by governments, financial institutions, and corporations. The important characteristic of these securities is that they have maturities of one year or less when issued.
Airgeadas Ionstraimí fiachais gearrthéarmacha, a dhíolann rialtais, institiúidí airgeadais agus corparáidí, is ea urrúis mhargaidh airgid. Is é saintréith thábhachtach na n-urrús seo ná go mbíonn aibíochtaí acu ar uair a n-eisiúna, de bhliain amháin nó níos lú ná sin.
GAtoradh fir1 ualaithe ó thaobh airgid▼
gu toraidh ualaithe ó thaobh airgid, ai torthaí ualaithe ó thaobh airgid
M1: One measure of the money supply that includes all coins, currency held by the public, traveler's checks, checking account balances, NOW accounts, automatic transfer service accounts, and balances in credit unions. M2 : One measure of the money supply that includes M1, plus savings and small time deposits, overnight repos at commercial banks, and non-institutional money market accounts. A key economic indicator used to forecast inflation. M3 : One measure of the money supply that includes M2, plus large time deposits, repos of maturity greater than one day at commercial banks, and institutional money market accounts.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
forgery of money and means of payment
brionnú airgid agus modhanna íocaíochta
performance guarantee; retention money guarantee
ráthaíocht airgid coinneála
counterfeit currency; counterfeit money
airgeadra góchumtha
electronic money issuer; e-money issuer; issuer of electronic money
eisitheoir ríomh-airgid
electronic money holder; holder of electronic money
sealbhóir ar ríomh-airgead
blood money
airgead fola
MLRO; money laundering reporting officer
oifigeach tuarascála um sciúradh airgid
APG; APGML; Asia/Pacific Group; Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering
APG; APGML; Grúpa na hÁise agus an Aigéin Chiúin; Grúpa na hÁise agus an Aigéin Chiúin maidir le Sciúradh Airgid
MLRO; Money Laundering Reporting Office; MROS
MLRO; Oifig Tuairiscithe um Sciúradh Airgid
MLCA; Money Laundering Control Authority
an tÚdarás um Rialú ar Sciúradh Airgid; MLCA
AML; anti-money laundering
AML; comhrac i gcoinne sciúradh airgid; frithsciúradh airgid
European Convention on the Place of Payment of Money Liabilities
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le hÁit Íoctha Fiachas Airgid
fall in the value of money; loss of purchasing power; monetary erosion
caillteanas cumhachta ceannaigh; dímheas airgeadaíochta; titim ar luach airgid
money market paper; money market security
urrús margadh airgid
interest rate on money market; money market rate; rates on the money market
ráta margaidh airgid
laundering channel; money-laundering channel
bealach chun airgead a sciúradh
monetary control; money supply control
rialú airgeadaíochta
MEAT; most economically advantageous tender; tender offering best value for money
an tairisicint is buntáistí go heacnamaíoch
monetary/money creation (by the banks)
cruthú airgid
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime; Money Laundering Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sciúradh, Cuardach, Urghabháil agus Coigistiú a dhéanamh ar na Fáltais ó Choireacht
European Convention on Foreign Money Liabilities
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanais in Airgead Eachtrach
money laundering
sciúradh airgid
counterfeiting currency; currency counterfeiting; forgery of money
brionnú airgid; góchumadh
Agreement concerning Postal Money Orders
Comhaontú maidir le hOrduithe Airgid Poist
at the money
ag an airgead
Money Orders Agreement (1994)
an Comhaontú maidir le hOrduithe Airgid (1994)
illegal money-laundering activities
gníomhaíochtaí neamhdhleathacha sciúrtha airgid
electronic money; e-money
network money
airgead leictreonach
electronic money institution; ELMI; e-money institution
institúid ríomh-airgid
Joint Action on money laundering
Gníomhaíocht Chomhpháirteach maidir le sciúradh airgid
MOKAS; Unit for Combating Money Laundering
an tAonad um Sciúradh Airgid a Chomhrac; MOKAS
Law for the prevention and suppression of money laundering activities
Dlí um ghníomhaíochtaí sciúrtha airgid a chosc agus a chur faoi chois
Money Laundering Experts Group; Money Laundering Experts' Group
Grúpa Saineolaithe um Sciúradh Airgid
IMoLIN; International Money Laundering Information Network
IMoLIN; Líonra Idirnáisiúnta Faisnéise um Sciúradh Airgid
Global Programme against Money Laundering; GPML
Clár Domhanda in aghaidh Sciúradh Airgid
Wolfsberg Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Principles
Prionsabail Wolfsberg in aghaidh Sciúradh Airgid
Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financial Offences
Coimisiún um Chosc ar Sciúradh Airgid agus ar Chionta Airgeadais
Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group; ESAAMLG
ESAAMLG; Grúpa Oirthear agus Dheisceart na hAfraice in aghaidh sciúradh airgid
Office for Money Laundering Prevention
an Oifig um Chosc ar Sciúradh Airgid
electronic money instrument; electronic money product
ionstraim ríomh-airgid; táirge ríomh-airgid
Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism; MONEYVAL; Select Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures
MONEYVAL; Roghchoiste saineolaithe chun bearta frithsciúradh airgid a mheas
Financial Action Task Force of South America Against Money Laundering; GAFISUD
GAFISUD; Tascfhórsa um Ghníomhaíocht Airgeadais Mheiriceá Theas in aghaidh Sciúradh Airgid
MMI; money market instrument
ionstraim margaidh airgid
bank money; deposit money; money of account; representative money; scriptural money
airgead taisce
cash equivalents; near cash; near-cash assets; near-money; quasi-money
coibhéisí airgid; gar-airgead
base money; central bank liability; central bank money; high-powered money; monetary base; outside money; primary money; reserve money
airgead bainc cheannais
new money facility
saoráid airgid nua
tax payers' money; taxpayers' money
airgead na gcáiníocóirí
key money
airgead na coise isteach
guarantee withholdings; retention money; retention payment
airgead coinneála
growth of money supply; increase in money supply; monetary expansion; monetary growth; monetary inflation; money growth; money-supply growth
fás airgeadaíochta; fás airgid
MBS; Money and Banking Statistics
staitisticí airgid agus baincéireachta
MMF; money market fund; money market mutual fund
ciste margaidh airgid
OTM; out of the money
as an airgead
money-off coupon; reduction voucher
dearbhán laghdúcháin; dearbhán praghasghearrtha
money capital
caipiteal airgid
money-refund offer
tairiscint aisíocaíochta
money saving coupon
dearbhán praghasghearrtha
in the money; ITM
san airgead
brass plate company; dummy company; front company; letterbox company; money box company; paper company; shell company; shell corporation
cuideachta chaoch
broad monetary aggregate; broad money; broad money aggregate; M3
airgead leathan; M3
black money; dirty money
airgead dubh
Contact Committee on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering
an Coiste Teagmhála um chosc ar úsáid an chórais airgeadais chun críche sciúradh airgid
Working Party on Financial Services (Money Laundering)
Meitheal Oibre um Sheirbhísí Airgeadais (Sciúradh Airgid)
Committee on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing; CPMLTF
an Coiste um Chosc ar Sciúradh Airgid agus ar Mhaoiniú Sceimhlitheoireachta
EAG; Eurasian Group; Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism
an Grúpa Eoráiseach; an Grúpa Eoráiseach chun sciúradh airgid agus maoiniú sceimhlitheoireachta a chomhrac; EAG
AML/CFT; anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism
comhrac in aghaidh sciúradh airgid agus maoiniú sceimhlitheoireachta
short-term money
airgead gearrthéarmach
deep out-of-the-money positions
suíomh atá go mór lasmuigh den airgead
TBML; trade-based money laundering
sciúradh airgid trádáilbhunaithe
money or value transfer service; money remittance; MVTS
seirbhís aistrithe luacha airgid
Working Party on Financial Services (E-money institutions)
an Mheitheal um Sheirbhísí Airgeadais (Forais Ríomh-airgid)
3AMLD; 3rd AML/CTF Directive; Anti-Money Laundering Directive; Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing; Third EU Money Laundering Directive
an Treoir maidir leis an Sciúradh Airgid; Treoir 2005/60/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 26 Deireadh Fómhair 2005 maidir le cosc a chur le húsáid an chórais airgeadais chun críocha sciúradh airgid agus maoiniú sceimhlitheoireachta
Directive 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on the taking up, pursuit and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions amending Directives 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Dire; Electronic Money Directive; EMD; E-Money Directive
an Treoir um Airgead Leictreonach; Treoir 2009/110/CE an 16 Meán Fómhair 2009 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le dul i mbun gnó foras airgid leictreonaigh, gnó den sórt sin a shaothrú nó maoirsiú stuamachta a dhéanamh air, lena leasaítear Treoracha 2005/60/CE agus 2006/48
overnight call money rate; overnight target rate
spriocráta thar oíche
special committee on organised crime, corruption and money laundering
an coiste speisialta um choireacht eagraithe, um éilliú agus um sciúradh airgid
affiliated MMF; affiliated money market fund
ciste margadh airgid cleamhnaithe
International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation
Caighdeáin Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Sciúradh Airgid agus maidir le Maoiniú Sceimhlitheoireachta agus Maoiniú Leata a Chomhrac
money mule
miúil airgid
e-money account
cuntas ríomh-airgid
crypto-asset; cryptocurrency; crypto-money
4AMLD; AMLD4; Directive (EU) 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing; Fourth AML Directive; Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive
AMLD; an Ceathrú Treoir maidir le Frithsciúradh Airgid; Treoir (AE) 2015/849 maidir le cosc a chur le húsáid an chórais airgeadais chun críocha sciúradh airgid agus maoiniú sceimhlitheoireachta
Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion; Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion; PANA Committee; 'Panama Papers' inquiry committee
Coiste fiosrúcháin chun imscrúdú a dhéanamh ar sháruithe agus ar dhrochriarachán líomhnaithe i bhfeidhmiú dhlí an Aontais i ndáil le sciúradh airgid, le seachaint cánach agus le himghabháil cánach; Coiste Fiosrúcháin maidir le Sciúradh Airgid, le Seachaint Cánach agus le hImghabháil Cánach
AML information; anti-money-laundering information
faisnéis maidir leis an gcomhrac in aghaidh an sciúrtha airgid
Coolmoney Camp [Military Locations]
Campa Chuíl Mhuine (fir4)
appropriate money
leithreasaigh airgead (br)
a person officially charged with the care of military money
duine a bhfuil cúram airgid mhíleata curtha air go hoifigiúil
money due to be paid
airgead iníoctha, airgead in úd a íochta
money owing to the mess
airgead atá ag dul don bhialann