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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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IB; investigator's brochure
bróisiúr imscrúdaitheora
HR.IDOC; IDOC; Investigation and Disciplinary Office; Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission
an Oifig Imscrúdaithe agus Araíonachta; Oifig Imscrúdaithe agus Araíonachta an Choimisiúin
International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Prevention, Investigation and Repression of Customs Offences
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cúnamh Riaracháin Frithpháirteach chun Cionta Custaim a chosc, a imscrúdú, agus a chur faoi chois
Maritime Safety Committee; MSC
an Coiste Muir-Shábháilteachta; MSC
to investigate accidents
imscrúdaigh tionóisc
Military Staff Committee; MSC; United Nations Military Staff Committee; UNMSC
Coiste Foirne Míleata na Náisiún Aontaithe
criminal investigation; investigation
imscrúdú coiriúil
investigative procedures
nós imeachta imscrúdaithe
SPE; special purpose entity; special purpose vehicle; SPV
eintiteas sainchuspóireach; ESC; meán sainchuspóireach; MSC
specific investigative action
gníomhaíocht shonrach imscrúdaitheach
prosecuting/investigating officials specialising in the fight against organised crime
oifigigh ionchúisimh/imscrúdaithe atá ag sainfheidhmiú sa chomhrac i gcoinne na coirpeachta eagraithe
JIT; joint investigation team; joint investigative team
foireann chomhpháirteach imscrúdaithe; foireann chomhpháirteach um imscrúdú
deferral of investigation or prosecution
iarchur imscrúdaithe nó ionchúisimh
rapid deployment capability
cumas mearimscartha
Istanbul Protocol; Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Lámhleabhar maidir le céasadh agus íde eile atá cruálach, mídhaonna nó táireach a imscrúdú agus a dhoiciméadú go héifeachtach; Prótacal Iostanbúl
deployment time
aga imscartha
application for the initiation of an investigation
iarratas ar thús a chur le himscrúdú
on-the-spot investigation
imscrúdú ar an láthair
anti-dumping investigation; investigation
imscrúdú frithdhumpála
authorities'power of investigation
cumhacht imscrúdaithe na n-údarás
anti-subsidy investigation; countervailing duty investigation
imscrúdú ar dhleacht frithchúitimh; imscrúdú frith-fhóirdheontais
clinical investigator; clinical trial investigator; investigator
preliminary investigation
current funds awaiting deployment
ciste reatha ag fanacht ar imscaradh
droimscríobhaí; formhuiní
vocational school
mobile service switching centre; mobile switching centre; mobile telephone switching centre; MSC
lárionad lascacháin seirbhíse móibílí
investigation period; IP
TI; tréimhse imscrúdaithe
pre-collision restraint deployment; pre-crash restraint deployment
imscaradh na ngléasanna srianta roimh imbhualadh
formal investigation procedure
nós imeachta imscrúdaithe foirmiúil
IMP; investigational medicinal product
táirge íocshláinte imscrúdaitheach
absorption investigation; anti-absorption investigation
imscrúdú ionsúcháin
Marie Curie Actions; Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions; MSCA
gníomh Marie Curie; gníomhaíochtaí Marie Skłodowska-Curie
product under investigation
táirge faoi imscrúdú
paediatric investigation plan; PIP
plean imscrúdaithe phéidiatraicigh
internal investigation; internal investigation case
imscrúdú inmheánach
external investigation; external investigation case
imscrúdú seachtrach
case under investigation
cás faoi imscrúdú
Investigations and Operations Executive Board
an Bord Feidhmiúcháin Imscrúduithe agus Oibríochtaí
coordinated enforcement action; EU sweep; sweep; sweep investigation
outbreak investigation
imscrúdú ráige
absorption reinvestigation; anti-absorption reinvestigation
ath-imscrúdú ionsúcháin
ENCASIA; European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities
an Líonra Eorpach d'Údaráis um Imscrúdú Sábháilteachta na hEitlíochta Sibhialta
safety investigation
imscrúdú sábháilteachta
EIO; European Investigation Order
OIE; Ordú Imscrúdaithe Eorpach
review investigation period; RIP
athbhreithniú tar éis tréimhse imscrúdaithe
safety investigation authority; SIA
an t-údarás um imscrúdú sábháilteachta; SIA
International Commission of Inquiry to investigate Human Rights violations in Côte d'Ivoire
an Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta Fiosrúcháin chun imscrúdú a dhéanamh maidir le sáruithe ar Chearta an Duine sa Chósta Eabhair
case investigation
imscrúdú cáis
financial investigation
imscrúdú airgeadais
advanced therapy investigational medicinal product
táirge íocshláinte imscrúdaitheach ardteiripe
diagnostic investigational medicinal product
táirge íocshláinte imscrúdaitheach diagnóiseach
PI; principal investigator
PI; Príomhimscrúdaitheoir
clinical investigation
imscrúdú cliniciúil
investigational device
feiste imscrúdaitheach; gaireas imscrúdaitheach
clinical investigation plan
plean don imscrúdú cliniciúil
post-market clinical follow-up investigation
imscrúdú leantach cliniciúil iarmhargaidh
deployable air power
aerchumhacht in-imscartha
coercive investigation powers; coercive investigative powers; coercive investigatory powers; coercive powers of investigation
cumhachtaí comhéigneacha imscrúdaitheacha
investigation measure; investigative measure; investigative tool; measure of investigation
beart imscrúdaitheach
TEL; theatre exploitation laboratory
saotharlann imscrúdúcháin ar an láthair
MN TEL; Multinational TEL; multinational theatre exploitation laboratory
saotharlann ilnáisiúnta imscrúdúcháin ar an láthair
SSI; State Security Investigations; State Security Investigations Service
Seirbhís Imscrúduithe um Shlándáil an Stáit
Network Infrastructure Deployment
Imscaradh an Bhonneagair Gréasáin
Hosting Infrastructure Deployment
Imscaradh an Bhonneagair Óstála
parallel investigation
imscrúdú comhuaineach
Secretary-General’s Mechanism; Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical, Biological or Toxin Weapons; SGM
Sásra an Ard-Rúnaí; Sásra an Ard-Rúnaí um Imscrúdú ar Úsáid Líomhnaithe Arm Ceimiceach, Bitheolaíoch nó Tocsaineach
Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation
an Lárbhiúro um Imscrúduithe Breithiúnacha
employment fraud; employment scam; recruitment scam
camscéim earcaíochta
EMSC; European Migrant Smuggling Centre
EMSC; Lárionad Eorpach in aghaidh Smuigleáil Imirceach
EMIST; EU Mobile Investigation Support Team
Foireann Tacaíochta Shoghluaiste AE d'Imscrúduithe
Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion; Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion; PANA Committee; 'Panama Papers' inquiry committee
Coiste fiosrúcháin chun imscrúdú a dhéanamh ar sháruithe agus ar dhrochriarachán líomhnaithe i bhfeidhmiú dhlí an Aontais i ndáil le sciúradh airgid, le seachaint cánach agus le himghabháil cánach; Coiste Fiosrúcháin maidir le Sciúradh Airgid, le Seachaint Cánach agus le hImghabháil Cánach
JIM; OPCW-UN JIM; OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism
Sásra Imscrúdaitheach Comhpháirteach OPCW-UN
dating scam; romance scam
camscéim geandála
imscar (br, abr: imscaradh, aidbhr: imscartha)
blue-winged spear
craoiseach ghormsciathánach (bain2)
deployed platoon
buíon ar imscaradh (bain2)
deployment area
líomatáiste imscartha (fir4)
geographical deployment
imscaradh geografach (fir)
fissionable material
ábhar imscoilte (fir1)
investigating officer
oifigeach imscrúdaithe (fir1)
summary investigating
imscrúdú achomair (fir)
preliminary investigating
réamh-imscrúdú (fir, gu: réamh-imscrúdaithe, ai: réamh-imscrúduithe, gi: réamh-imscrúduithe)
order for trial without preliminary investigation
ordú chun trialach gan réamh-imscrúdú (fir)
degree scale
céimscála (fir4, gu: céimscála)
dry scrubbing
tirimsciúradh (fir, gu: tirimsciúrtha)
preliminary investigation
réamh-imscrúdú (fir, gu: réamh-imscrúdaithe, ai: réamh-imscrúduithe, gi: réamh-imscrúduithe)
summary investigation
imscrúdú achomair (fir)
investigate a charge
imscrúdaigh cúiseamh (br)
amscaí (a3)
investigating by Commanding Officer or Investigating Officer
imscrúdú ag Oifigeach Ceannais nó Oifigeach Imscrúdaithe
deploy at short notice
imscaradh ar ghearrfhógra
deploy for action
imscaradh chun comhraic
deploy to a flank
imscaradh chun cliatháin