Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
M1: One measure of the money supply that includes all coins, currency held by the public, traveler's checks, checking account balances, NOW accounts, automatic transfer service accounts, and balances in credit unions. M2 : One measure of the money supply that includes M1, plus savings and small time deposits, overnight repos at commercial banks, and non-institutional money market accounts. A key economic indicator used to forecast inflation. M3 : One measure of the money supply that includes M2, plus large time deposits, repos of maturity greater than one day at commercial banks, and institutional money market accounts.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
narrow-track tractor
tarracóir caolriain
narrow fabrics
fabraicí caola
close interpretation; narrow construction; strict interpretation
léiriú beacht
speictream caol
narrownose smooth-hound
scoirneach Patagónach
narrow-barred king mackerel; narrow-barred Spanish mackerel
ronnach buí caolbhandach
narrow-band transponder
trasfhreagóir caolbhanda
illiquid market; inactive market; narrow market; thin market
margadh neamhleachtach
narrowband direct printing telegraph equipment; narrow-band direct printing telegraph equipment
trealamh caolbhanda teileagraif faoi chomhair priontáil dhíreach
narrow-necked flask
fleascán scóige caoile
narrow bank
banc caol
narrow therapeutic index drug; NTID
druga a bhfuil innéacs teiripeach íseal aige
narrow gauge
iarnród caol (fir1)
caolaigeanta (a3)
caolintinneach (a1)