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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENowe v
GAdligh br
abr dlí, aidbhr dlite
He owes them a thousand euro.
Tá míle euro acu air.
he owes money
tá fiacha air
I owe you (IOU)
dlitear duit uaim (DDU)
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
auxiliary power unit
aonad cumhachta cúntach
powered sailplane
seoleitleán cumhachtaithe
power unit
córas tiomána
lower risk species
speiceas lena mbaineann riosca íseal
labour; labour force; manpower
daonchumhacht; lucht oibre; lucht saothair
drive axle; driving axle; powered axle
acastóir tiomána
flowering of the culture of the Member States; flowering of the cultures of the Member States
borradh chultúir na mBallstát
hydroelectric plant; hydroelectric power plant; hydroelectric power station; hydroelectric station; hydropower plant
stáisiún cumhachta hidrileictrí; stáisiún hidrileictreach
brake servo unit; brake-power assist unit
searbhaonad coscáin
enduring power of attorney; EPA
cumhacht mharthanach aturnae
LOCOM; lower of cost or market value
an luach is ísle idir costas agus margadhluach; LOCOM
GEM; Gender Empowerment Measure
GEM; Innéacs um Chumhachtú na mBan
cauliflower corals
purchasing power
cumhacht ceannaigh
2-row barley; two-row barley; two-rowed barley
eorna 2 shraith; eorna dhéshrathach
common sunflower; sunflower
lus na gréine
to be empowered to
bheith údaraithe do
to lower (duty); to reduce
ísligh (dleacht); laghdaigh (dleacht)
water energy; waterpower
cumhacht uisce; fuinneamh uisce
passion flower
lowest tender
tairiscint is ísle
fossil fuel power plant; fossil-fired plant; fossil-fired power plant
gléasra cumhachta breosla iontaise
nuclear power plant; nuclear power station
stáisiún núicléach
tank barge; towed tanker
Convention concerning the Powers of Authorities and the Law Applicable in respect of the Protection of Infants
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cumhachtaí na nÚdarás agus leis an Dlí is infheidhme i leith Cosaint Leanaí
widower's benefit; widower's pension
pinsean baintrí fir
BHP; brake horsepower
each-chumhacht choiscthe; ECC
solar energy; solar power
fall in the value of money; loss of purchasing power; monetary erosion
caillteanas cumhachta ceannaigh; dímheas airgeadaíochta; titim ar luach airgid
Comitology Decision; Council Decision laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission; Decision on Committee Procedure
an Cinneadh maidir leis an nós imeachta coiste; Cinneadh ón gComhairle lena leagtar síos nósanna imeachta maidir le feidhmiú na gcumhachtaí cur chun feidhme arna dtabhairt don Choimisiún
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Ard-Cheanncheathrú na gCumhachtaí Comhghuaillíocha san Eoraip
implementing powers; powers of implementation
cumhachtaí cur chun feidhme
the Court shall have full power
beidh lánchumhacht ag an gCúirt
the powers vested in...
na cumhachtaí a dhílsítear do...
to exercise powers
feidhmigh (cumhachtaí)
discretion; discretionary power
cumhacht lánroghnach; rogha
computing power; processing power; raw computing power
to respect existing powers
na hinniúlachtaí atá ann cheana a urramú
motor-driven blower
séidire mótarthiomáinte
geothermal electricity; geothermoelectric power
leictreachas geoiteirmeach
coal plant; coal power plant; coal-burning power plant; coal-fired power plant; coal-fired power station
gléasra cumhachta gualbhreoslaithe
maximum net power
glanchumhacht uasta
cut flowers
bláthanna gearrtha
right to vote; voting power; voting right
ceart vótála
electric power generation; electricity generation; electricity production; power generation
giniúint leictreachais
be allowed to speak; be granted the right to speak
cead labhartha a thabhairt
conferring of powers; delegation of powers
cumhachtaí a thabhairt
high-power reactor; power reactor
imoibreoir cumhachta
full powers
misuse of powers
mí-úsáid cumhachtaí
Convention concerning the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in War on Land
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cearta agus Dualgais Cumhachtaí agus Daoine Neodracha le linn Cogaidh ar Talamh
Convention respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Maritime War
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cearta agus Dualgais Cumhachtaí Neodracha i gcás Cogaidh Mhuirí
to exercise supervisory powers
cumhacht mhaoirseachta a fheidhmiú
the procedure to be followed
an nós imeachta is inleanta
as far as lies within their power
go feadh a gcumas
relationship (powers)
comhbhaint (cumhachtaí)
powers of intervention
meáin idirghabhála
lower limit
low-power prototype
fréamhshamhail ísealchumhachta
the lower weight limit
an íosteorainn mheáchain
development of a power reactor
forbairt imoibreora cumhachta
lomaire faiche
hand towels and table napkins
tuáille láimhe agus naipcín boird
hay or grass mowers
buainteoir féir; lomaire féir
dragged gear; towed gear
trealamh iascaireachta tarraingthe
PPS; purchasing power standard
caighdeán cumhachta ceannaigh; CCC
CHP; cogeneration; cogeneration of heat and electricity; combined electricity/heat production; combined heat and power; combined heat and power production; combined production of heat and power
comhghiniúint cumhachta agus teasa
cróch bréige
black-browed spider monkey; red-bellied spider monkey
moncaí géagach dú-mhalach
Lord Howe Island wood hen; Lord Howe rail
rálóg foraoise
red-browed parrot; red-crowned parrot
pearóid dheargmhalach
dove flower; dove orchid; Holy Ghost; Holy Ghost flower
magairlín an Spioraid Naoimh
Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
Dearbhú Bhunphrionsabail an Cheartais d'Íospartaigh na Coireachta agus na mí-úsáide cumhachta
CHP plant; cogeneration plant; cogeneration power plant; co-generation power station; combined heat and power installation; combined heat and power plant; combined heat and power station
gléasra CTÉ; gléasra teasa agus cumhachta in éineacht; stáisiún CTÉ; stáisiún cumhachta is teasa in éineacht
Sowerby's whale
míol mór socach na Mara Thuaidh
empowerment of women; women's empowerment
cumhachtú na mban
passion flower
lus na páise
yellow passion flower
lus na páise buí
COWEB Working Party; Working Party on the Western Balkans Region
an Mheitheal um Réigiún na mBalcán Thiar; Meitheal COWEB
law-making powers
cumhacht reachtach
white flower croaker; YED; yellow drum
grágaire buí
LJFL; lower jaw - fork length; lower jaw fork length; lower jaw to fork length
an fad ón ngiall íochtarach go gabhal an eireabaill
cumasú; cumhachtú
Cdre; Commodore; RDML; Rear Admiral (lower half); Rear Admiral LH
conferred powers
cumhachtaí arna dtabhairt; cumhachtaí tugtha
reserve power
cumhacht fhorchoimeádta
lower airspace
aerspás íochtarach
P:H ratio; power-to-heat ratio
cóimheas idir cumhacht agus teas
soft power
cumhacht bhog; cumhacht lách
hard power
cumhacht chrua
horsepower; hp; imperial horsepower; mechanical horsepower
each-chumhacht; each-chumhacht mheicniúil; ec
solar electric power; solar electricity
grianchumhacht leictreach
IHPVA; International Human Powered Vehicle Association
an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta um Fheithiclí faoi Chumhacht Duine
HPV; human powered vehicle
feithicil faoi chumhacht duine
beet producer; beetgrower; beet-grower; sugar beet worker
táirgeoir biatas
edible flowered vegetable
glasra bláthanna inite
LHV; low calorific value; low heat value; lower heating value; NCV; net calorific value; net heating value; net specific energy
glanluach calrach
empowered person
duine cumhachtaithe
showery rain
báisteach cheathach
lower cross-polarization constant
tairiseach íochtarach traspholarúcháin
power law model
samhail de dhlí na cumhachta
co-polar adaptive power control
rialú ar chumhacht chomhpholach oiriúnaitheach
seed grower
saothraí síolta
parity of purchasing power; PPP; purchasing power parity
paireacht cumhachta ceannaigh
borrowed capital; credit capital; debt capital
caipiteal a fuarthas ar iasacht; caipiteal creidmheasa
base money; central bank liability; central bank money; high-powered money; monetary base; outside money; primary money; reserve money
airgead bainc cheannais
Lord Howe wood rail
rálóg foraoise
Coxen blue-browed fig parrot; Coxen double-eyed fig parrot; Coxen two-eyed fig parrot; Coxen's double-eyed fig parrot
pearóid fige dhéshúileach Coxen
fishing power
cumhacht iascaireachta
Borrowed Resources Suspense Accounts
Cuntas Fionraíochta i dtaca le hAcmhainní atá faighte ar Iasacht
import capacity; importing power
cumas allmhairiúcháin
nonborrowed reserves; own reserves
cúlchistí dílse; cúlchistí nach bhfuil faighte ar iasacht
first class borrower; high quality borrower; premier borrower; prime borrower; top grade borrower
iasachtaí ardchaighdeáin; iasachtaí is inchairde; príomh-iasachtaí
the intervention is allowed
ceadaítear an idirghabháil
delegate power of signature
cumhacht sínithe a tharmligean; cumhacht síniúcháin a tharmligean
installed capacity; installed power
toilleadh suiteáilte
central receiver solar power plant; central receiver system; power tower; solar power tower; solar tower
túr grianchumhachta
solar chimney power plant; solar updraft tower
gléasra cumhachta griansimléir
power duration curve
cuar fuinneamh-mharthanachta
support tower; tower
túr taca
coefficient of power; power coefficient
comhéifeacht fuinnimh
hydrogen car; hydrogen powered motor vehicle; hydrogen vehicle; hydrogen-powered vehicle
mótarfheithicil faoi thiomáint hidrigine
motor car; motor coach; power car
towed convoy
conbhua a tharraingítear
PPS; purchasing power standard
caighdeán cumhachta ceannaigh; CCC
empowerment procedure
nós imeachta cumhachtaithe
authorities'power of investigation
cumhacht imscrúdaithe na n-údarás
agreement on lowering prices
comhaontú maidir le hísliú praghsanna; comhaontú maidir le praghsanna a ísliú
power and energy supplied to the network
cumhacht agus fuinneamh a sholáthraítear don líonra
GPU; ground power unit
GPU; talamhaonad cumhachta
APU; auxiliary power plant; auxiliary power unit
aonad cumhachta cúnta
bowel cancer; colorectal cancer
ailse chalaireicteach; ailse putóige
unified electromagnetic-weak force; unified electroweak force
fórsa leictri-lag aontaithe
gléasra cumhachta
disembowel; evisceration; gutting
sunflower oil; sunflower seed oil
ola lus na gréine
power assisted brake; power brake; power-assisted braking system; servo-brake
coscán cumhachtchúnta
borrowing powers
cumhacht iasachtaíochta
earning power; profitability
cumas tuillimh
disallowed deductions; non-allowable charges; non-deductible expenses
muirir neamh-incheadaithe
discount allowed; sales discount
lascaine amach
borrowed capital; debt capital; deposits and borrowed funds; liabilities; loan capital; outside capital
lower value method
modh an íosluacha
angiosperms; flowering plants
ability to germinate; germination ability; germination power; germinative ability; seed viability
cumas péactha
monantha vetch; one-flower vetch; one-flowered vetch; one-leaved vetch; single-flowered vetch
peasair aonbhláthach
floriculture; flower growing
bláthadóireacht; saothrú bláthanna
cut flower
bláth gearrtha
IGCC power plant; integrated gasification combined cycle power plant
stáisiún cumhachta comh-thimthrialla gásúcháin chomhtháite; stáisiún cumhachta IGCC
lower monitoring limit; lower warning limit
íosteorainn faireacháin
power curve of a test
cuar fuinnimh trialach
blower pipe
critical power unit
aonad cumhachta criticiúil
height power factor
fachtóir cumhachta airde
lower lateral band
banda cliathánach íochtair
lowest observed frequency
an mhinicíocht bhreathnaithe is ísle
maximum continuous power
uaschumhacht leanúnach
military rated power
cumhacht de réir ráta míleata
mixed-power-plant aircraft
aerárthach le córas tiomána measctha
lower respiratory system; lower respiratory tract
conair riospráide íochtair
bowel flora; enteric flora; flora of the intestine; gut flora; intestinal flora
flóra na stéige
acoustic power; sound power
cumhacht fuaime
sound energy flux density; sound intensity; sound power density
sound power level
leibhéal chumhacht na fuaime
radiant flux; radiant power
flosc radanta
dipped beam; lower beam; meeting beam; passing beam
léas tardhula
effective radiated power; effective radiated power in a given direction; ERP
cumhacht éifeachtach radaithe i dtreo áirithe
peak envelope power; peak envelope power of a radio transmitter; PEP
cumhacht ag barr an imchlúdaigh mhodhnúcháin; PEP
mean power; mean power of a radio transmitter
carrier power; carrier power of a radio transmitter; Pc
cumhacht iompróra
apparent power
cumhacht dhealraitheach
active power; real power; true power
cumhacht ghníomhach
reactive power; wattless power
cumhacht fhreasaitheach
PF; power factor
fachtóir cumhachta; FC
power transformer; transformer
claochladán; claochladán cumhachta
power electronics
leictreonaic chumhachta
aerial conductor; OHL; open-wire line; overhead cable; overhead conductor; overhead line; overhead power line
cábla lastuas; líne chumhachta lastuas
in-stream hydrokinetic power facility; in-stream plant; run of river installation; run-of-river hydro-electric power station; run-of-river plant; run-of-river power station
fearas shní na habhann
geothermal plant; geothermal power plant; geothermal power station
gléasra geoiteirmeach
wind power station
stáisiún cumhachta gaoithe
lowering of pensionable age; reduction of pensionable age
ísliú ar an aois inphinsin
allowed time; normal time; standard time
gnáthfhad ama
electric power transmission; transmission of electrical energy; transmission of electricity
tarchur leictreachais
launch tower
túr lainseála
maximum power point tracking; MPPT
rianú pointe uaschumhachta
power marketing report
tuarascáil ar mhargadh na cumhachta
bottom trawl; demersal towed net; demersal trawl
trál grinnill
franchisor's control power
cumas urlámhais saincheadúnóra
power module; power unit
aonad cumhachta
discounts allowed
lascaine amach
battery power supply
soláthar cumhachta ó cheallra
current collector; power collector
tiomsaitheoir cumhachta
conduit powered streetcars
tramanna faoi thiomáint seolphíobáin
dual-power system
córas dhá fhoinse cumhachta
emergency generator; emergency power generator
gineadóir cumhachta éigeandála
point follower control
rialú idirachair leanta pointe
power control system
córas rialaithe cumhachta
power frame
fráma cumhachta
power supply section
cuid soláthair chumhachta; cuid soláthair leictreachais
power supply system
córas soláthair chumhachta; córas soláthair leictreachais
power rail; power transmission line
sreang tharchuir chumhachta
power transmission system
córas tarchurtha cumhachta
primary power supply
príomhsholáthar cumhachta
propulsion power
cumhacht tiomána
secondary power supply
soláthar tánaisteach cumhachta
point follower control system; synchronous network control
rialú sioncrónach an ghréasáin
tower wagon
vaigín le léibheann soghluaiste
trolley power collector
tiomsaitheoir cumhachta ar an mbus tralaí
unpowered bogie
bógaí gan mhótar
vehicle follower control
rialú luas na feithicle taobh thiar
maximum take-off power; MTOP
MTOP; uaschumhacht ag éirí de thalamh
jobs to be filled; manpower requirements
riachtanais daonchumhachta
labor statistics; labour statistics; manpower statistics
staidreamh lucht saothair; staitistic dhaonchumhachta
power supply industry
tionscal soláthair cumhachta
power production
táirgeadh cumhachta
sunflower seed
síolta lus na gréine
flowers and ornamental plants
bláthanna agus plandaí ornáideacha
bow anchor; bower; bower anchor
ancaire tosaigh
power block
ulóg mheicniúil
mass to power ratio; power to mass ratio; power to weight ratio
cóimheas cumhachta le meáchan
effective monopole radiated power; effective monopole radiated power in a given direction; EMRP
cumhacht choibhéiseach radaithe a sholáthraíonn aeróg aonpholach
EIRP; equivalent isotropic radiated power; equivalent isotropically radiated power
cumhacht choibhéiseach radaithe go hiseatrópach
high-power amplifier; HPA
aimplitheoir ardchumhachta
power supply
soláthar cumhachta
blooming; flowering
power take-off; PTO
CD; cumhachtdúiseacht
deck cargo allowed
lasta deice ceadaithe
launch escape tower
túr éalaithe don lainseáil
lower denture
cíor fiacla íochtarach
disallowed expenses
speansais dhícheadaithe
flare boom; flare stack; flare tower; riser
simléar bladhaire
power of the statistical test; sensitivity
lower secondary education; second stage of basic education
iar-bhunoideachas íochtarach; iar-bhunoideachas sóisearach
hydroelectric power; hydropower
cumhacht hidrileictreach; hidreachumhacht
solid state power amplifier; SSPA
aimplitheoir cumhachta soladstaide; SSPA
electric power; electrical power; power
cumhacht leictreach
brake force; brake power; braking force
fórsa coiscthe
packed bed scrubber; packed bed wet scrubber; packed tower; packed tower scrubber; packed tower wet scrubber
túr pacáilte
impingement scrubber; plate column; plate scrubber; plate tower; plate tower scrubber; plate-type scrubber
túr-sciúrthóir plátaí
loss of purchasing power; purchasing power loss
caillteanas cumhachta ceannaigh
House of Representatives; House of Representatives of the States General; Lower House of the States General
Teach na dTeachtaí
Netherlands Flower Auction Association
Cumann Bláthcheantála na hÍsiltíre
lower-case name
ainm i gcás íochtar
public borrower
iasachtaí poiblí
lower bumper height
airde íochtar an tuairteora
lower bumper reference line
líne thagartha íochtar an tuairteora
vessel power
cumhacht soithigh
delegation of powers
tarmligean cumhachtaí
buyer power; buying power
cumhacht an cheannaitheora
market power
cumhacht mhargaidh
body packer; body stuffer; internal carrier; swallower
power exchange; power exchange spot market; power pool; PX
malartán cumhachta
power-driven vehicle
feithicil chumhacht-thiomáinte
reporting person; whistleblower
sceithire; sceithire eolais
photovoltaic power system; PV system; solar photovoltaic system
córas fótavoltach gréine
powers of investigation of the Commission
cumhachtaí fiosrúcháin an Choimisiúin
performance of the borrower
feidhmiú an iasachtaí
hybrid power train
gléasra cumhachta hibrideach
rated engine power
cumhacht rátaithe innill
concentrated solar power; concentrating solar power; CSP
CSP; díriú grianteasa
affiliate of the borrower
cleamhnaí de chuid an iasachtaí
declaring the default of the borrower
dearbhaigh mainneachtain an iasachtaí; dearbhú gur mhainnigh an iasachtaí
lower-quality asset
sócmhainn ísealcháilíochta
balancing market; balancing power market; electricity balancing market
margadh cothromúcháin leictreachais
risk of the borrower
riosca an iasachtaí
ETP-ZEP; European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant
an Clár Oibre Eorpach Teicneolaíochta maidir le Gléasraí Cumhachta Breosla Iontaise atá Saor ó Astaíochtaí; ETP-ZEP
An arrangement should be made to allow representatives of Iceland and Norway to be associated with the work of committees assisting the Commission in the exercise of its executive powers. Such an arrangement has been contemplated in the Agreement in the f
Ba cheart go socrófaí go dtabharfaí cead d’ionadaithe ón Íoslainn agus ón Iorua baint a bheith acu le hobair na gcoistí a thugann cúnamh don Choimisiún maidir le feidhmiú a chumhachtaí feidhmiúcháin. Meabhraíodh socrú den sórt sin sa Chomhaontú i bhfoirm
An arrangement should be made to allow representatives of Switzerland to be associated with the work of committees assisting the Commission in the exercise of its executive powers. Such an arrangement has been contemplated in the Agreement in the form of
Ba cheart go socrófaí go dtabharfaí cead d’ionadaithe ón Eilvéis baint a bheith acu le hobair na gcoistí a chuidíonn leis an gCoimisiún maidir le feidhmiú a chumhachtaí feidhmiúcháin. Meabhraíodh socrú den sórt sin sa Chomhaontú i bhfoirm Malartú Litreach
EPS; external power supply
soláthar seachtrach cumhachta
average laser output power; average output power
meánchumhacht aschurtha
automatic power down
specific effective radiant ultraviolet power
cumhacht ultravialait radanta éifeachtach sonrach
internal power supply
soláthar inmheánach cumhachta
cordless power tool
uirlis chumhachta gan sreang
lower leg assembly
cóimeáil na géige coise íochtaraí
lower leg weight
meáchan coise íochtaraí
consumer empowerment; empowerment of consumers
cumasú tomhaltóirí
resolving power
cumas taifigh
steady-state power consumption
ídiú cumhachta foistine
principle of conferral; principle of conferral of powers
prionsabal na tabhartha cumhachtaí
cíocáid Bowen spp.
CCHP; combined cooling, heating and power generation; trigen; trigeneration
electrical protection; power system protection
cosaint an chórais leictrigh
power supply
soláthar cumhachta
power supply system
córas soláthair chumhachta
power multiplier
iolraitheoir cumhachta
hydraulic power
cumhacht hiodrálach
power take-off drive shaft; PTO drive shaft
seafta tiomána cumhachtdúiseachta
pricing power
cumhacht phraghsála
Regions with Legislative Powers - REGLEG/CALRE Interregional Group; Regions with Legislative Powers Interregional Group
an Grúpa Idir-Réigiúnach de na Réigiúin a bhfuil Cumhachtaí Reachtacha acu
allowed alternative treatment
bealach malartach ionramhála
collective power
general purchasing power approach
cur chuige na cumhachta ceannaigh ginearálta
lower level parent
máthairchuideachta ar leibhéal níos ísle
Fatal if swallowed.
Marfach má shlogtar.
Toxic if swallowed.
Tocsaineach má shlogtar.
Harmful if swallowed.
Díobhálach má shlogtar.
May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith marfach má shlogtar é agus má théann sé isteach sna haerbhealaí.
Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
Níor chóir éadaí éillithe oibre a ligean amach as an láthair oibre.
Rinse skin with water/shower.
Sruthlaítear an craiceann le huisce/glac cithfholcadh.
IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.
MÁ SHLOGTAR: Cuir glao láithreach ar IONAD NIMHE nó ar dhoctúir/lia.
IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
MÁ SHLOGTAR: Cuir glao ar IONAD NIMHE nó ar dhoctúir/lia má bhraitheann tú tinn.
IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
MÁ SHLOGTAR: sruthlaítear an béal. NÁ déan urlacan a spreagadh.
IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS AN gCRAICEANN(nó le gruaig): Bain díot láithreach na héadaí éillithe go léir. Sruthlaítear an craiceann le huisce/glac cithfholcadh.
UN Women; United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Eintiteas na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chomhionannas Inscne agus um Chumhachtú na mBan; NA Mná
budget implementation power
cumhacht chur chun feidhme an bhuiséid
resolution powers
cumhachtaí réitigh
blast furnace blower
séidire foirnéise soinneáin
lower tier establishment
foras leibhéil íochtair
smart power
cumhacht chliste
microplate; microtiter plate; microtitre plate; microwell plate; multiwell plate; plate
pláta micrithítir; pláta mion-toirtmheasctha
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant; Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant
Stáisiún Núicléach Fukushima Daiichi; Stáisiún Núicléach Fukushima I
hybrid energy system; hybrid power system; hybrid system
córas cumhachta hibrideach; córas hibrideach
micro-CHP; microcogeneration; micro-cogeneration; micro-combined heat and power
Comitology Regulation; Regulation laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers; Regulation on Committee Procedure
Rialachán lena leagtar síos na rialacha agus na prionsabail ghinearálta a bhaineann leis na sásraí maidir le rialú ag na Ballstáit ar fheidhmiú cumhachtaí cur chun feidhme ag an gCoimisiún; Rialachán maidir le Nós Imeachta Coistí; Rialachán um Choisteolaíocht
operator with significant market power; SMP operator
oibreoir a bhfuil cumhacht shuntasach sa mhargadh aige
maintenance creditor; person owed an obligation of aliment
creidiúnaí cothabhála
widowed person
baintreach; baintreach fir nó mná
society, help and comfort owed by one spouse to another
cúnamh comhpháirteach idir céilí
baintreach; baintreach fir
person empowered to solemnise a marriage; person with authority to solemnise a marriage
duine atá údaraithe le pósadh a shollúnú; sollúnóir
lower-bound; lowerbound level
cuimse íochtair
fusion power plant
gléasra cumhachta comhleá
the lesser of; the lower of
an méid is ísle
EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development; GAP; Gender Action Plan
Plean Gníomhaíochta AE maidir le Comhionannas Inscne agus Cumhachtú na mBan; Plean Gníomhaíochta Inscne
standby power
cumhacht fuireachais
lower urinary tract
íochtar chonair an fhuail
residual powers; residual powers of administration
cumhachtaí iarmharacha riaracháin
deployable air power
aerchumhacht in-imscartha
lower middle market; lower mid-market
rated input power
cumhacht ionchuir rátaithe
wind profile power law
dlí cumhachta maidir le próifíl ghaoithe
wind power density; WPD
dlús cumhachta gaoithe
tubular steel tower; tubular tower
túr feadánach cruach
guyed pole tower
túr cuaille cuibhrithe
full power conversion
lántiontú cumhachta
installed wind power capacity
toilleadh suiteáilte cumhachta gaoithe
delegation of legislative powers
cumhachtaí reachtacha a tharmligean
coercive investigation powers; coercive investigative powers; coercive investigatory powers; coercive powers of investigation
cumhachtaí comhéigneacha imscrúdaitheacha
lasting power of attorney; LPA
cumhacht bhuan aturnae
power generating facility
saoráid giniúna cumhachta
power generating module
modúl giniúna cumhachta
active power frequency response
freagairt mhinicíochta na cumhachta gníomhaí
demand response active power control; demand side response active power control; DSR APC
DSR APC; rialú cumhachta gníomhaí mar fhreagairt don éileamh
demand response reactive power control; demand side response reactive power control; DSR RPC
DSR RPC; rialú cumhachta freasaithí mar fhreagairt don éileamh
demand response very fast active power control; demand side response very fast active power control; DSR VFAPC
DSR VFAPC; rialú an-tapa cumhachta gníomhaí mar fhreagairt don éileamh
power park module; PPM
modúl páirce cumhachta
power system stabiliser; power system stabilizer; PSS
cobhsaitheoir córais cumhachta; PSS
reactive power device
gléas cumhachta freasaithí
synchronous power generating module
modúl sioncrónach giniúna cumhachta
P2G; power-to-gas
gás a fhaightear ó leictreachas
Directive 2010/78/EU amending Directives 98/26/EC, 2002/87/EC, 2003/6/EC, 2003/41/EC, 2003/71/EC, 2004/39/EC, 2004/109/EC, 2005/60/EC, 2006/48/EC, 2006/49/EC and 2009/65/EC in respect of the powers of the European Supervisory Authority (European Banking A; Omnibus I Directive
Treoir "Omnibus I"; Treoir 2010/78/AE lena leasaítear Treoracha 98/26/CE, 2002/87/CE, 2003/6/CE, 2003/41/CE, 2003/71/CE, 2004/39/CE, 2004/109/CE, 2005/60/CE, 2006/48/CE, 2006/49/CE agus 2009/65/CE i ndáil leis na cumhachtaí atá ag an Údarás Maoirseachta Eorpach (an tÚdarás B
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2003/71/EC and 2009/138/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009, (EU) No 1094/2010 and (EU) No 1095/2010 in respect of the powers of the European Supervisory Authority (European Insu; Omnibus II Directive; Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2003/71/EC and 2009/138/EC in respect of the powers of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and the European Securities and Markets Authority
Treoir ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle lena leasaítear Treoracha 2003/71/CE agus 2009/138/CE agus Rialacháin (CE) Uimh. 1060/2009, (AE) Uimh. 1094/2010 agus (AE) Uimh. 1095/2010 i ndáil leis na cumhachtaí atá ag an Údarás Maoirseachta Eorpach (
ex officio powers
cumhachtaí ex officio
directional sound power
cumhacht fuaime threoch
in situ sound power; semi-free field sound power
cumhacht fuaime in situ
transfer power
cumhacht aistrithe
write-down and conversion power
cumhacht díluachála agus chomhshó
peak power current
sruth buaice cumhachta
noise-related power parameter; power setting
socrú cumhachta
engine power setting; power setting; thrust setting
socrú cumhachta innill
magnetic follower; magnetic stirrer bar; stir bar; stirrer bar
barra corraitheora
normal power recharging point
pointe athluchtaithe gnáthchumhachta
alcohol-powered flueless fireplace
tinteán alcólchumhachtaithe gan mhúchán
benchmark dose lower confidence limit; BMDL
BMDL; íosteorainn mhuiníne na dáileoige tagarmhairc
right to revoke a delegation of power
an ceart chun tarmligean cumhachta a chúlghairm
power calculation; statistical power calculation
ríomh cumhachtaithe; ríomh staitisiúil cumhachtaithe
active power reserve
cúltaca cumhachta gníomhaí
DC-connected power park module; direct current-connected power park module
modúl páirce cumhachta arna cheangal le sruth díreach
engine drag power
cumhacht cúltarraingthe innill
actual wheel power
rothchumhacht iarbhír
Northern Powerhouse
Lárionad Cumhachta Thuaisceart Shasana
ADMIE; Independent Power Transmission Operator; IPTO
Oibreoir Neamhspleách Córais Tarchurtha Cumhachta
zero lower bound; ZLB
cuimse íochtair nialais
condensing power plant
stáisiún cumhachta comhdhlúthúcháin
EU Startup Manifesto; manifesto for entrepreneurship & innovation to power growth in the EU
Forógra do ghnólachtaí nuathionscanta in AE
cauliflower coral field
blár stíolastaraidigh
graduation; graduation of a borrower
athaicmiú iasachtaí
cooling tower discharge
sceitheadh trí thúr fuaraithe
cooling tower
túr fuarúcháin
thermal power
cumhacht theirmeach
lower olefins
olaifíní íochtaracha
flower sprout; kale sprout; Kalettes®
bachlóg cáil
pale-leaf sunflower; paleleaf woodland sunflower; woodland sunflower
lus na gréine coillearnaí
EU Gender Action Plan II; GAP II; Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Transforming the Lives of Girls and Women through EU External Relations 2016-2020
Comhionannas Inscne agus Cumhachtú na mBan: Saol na gCailíní agus na mBan a Bhunathrú chun Feabhais trí Chaidreamh Seachtrach an Aontais Eorpaigh 2016-2020; GAP II; Plean Gníomhaíochta II AE maidir le hInscne
cell phone tower; cell tower
crann cumarsáide fón móibíleach; crann cumarsáide fón póca
leantóir (fir3, gu: leantóra, ai: leantóirí, gi: leantóirí)
administrative power
cumhacht riaracháin (bain3)
Manpower, Recruitment and Planning [Units and Sub-units: Naval Service]
Acmhainní Daonna, Earcaíocht agus Pleanáil (bain)
executive power
cumhacht feidhmiúcháin (bain3)
aid to the civil power
cuidiú don chumhacht sibhialta (fir)
air power
aerchumhacht (bain3, gu: aerchumhachta, ai: aerchumhachtaí, gi: aerchumhachtaí)
audio-frequency power output
eischumhacht minicíochta inchloiste (bain3)
power of bisection of the eye
cumas déroinnte na súile (fir1)
lower band
banda íochtarach (fir4)
vibrator power unit
aonad cumhacht chreatha (fir1)
lower cam groove
ceameitre íochtair (bain4)
thrower [Grenade Training]
caiteoir (fir3, gu: caiteora, ai: caiteoirí, gi: caiteoirí)
thrower [Grenade Training]
teilgí (fir4, gu: teilgí, ai: teilgithe, gi: teilgithe)
left-handed thrower
teilgí ciotógach (fir4)
church tower
túr eaglaise (fir1)
church with tower
eaglais le túr (bain2)
civil power
cumhacht shibhialta (bain3)
power of comprehension
cumas tuisceana (fir1)
clock tower arch
stua túr cloig (fir4)
derogation of power
laghdú cumhachta (fir)
destructive power of weapon
cumhacht thoghaileach armáin (bain3)
duty in aid of the Civil Power
dualgas i gcabhair ar an gCumhacht Shibhialta (fir1)
enemy manpower
fearchumhacht an namhad (bain3)
high fire power
tréanchumhacht lámhaigh (bain2)
lower field of view
réimse radhairc íochtair (fir4)
cumhacht lámhaigh (bain3)
teilgeoir lasrach (fir3)
high power
mórchumhacht (bain3, gu: mórchumhachta)
high powered car
carr mórchumhachta (fir1)
áfach (dob)
cumhacht siansáin (bain3)
lower jaw
giall íochtair (fir1)
power loss
caillteanas cumhachta (fir1)
power loss
cumhachtchaillteanas (fir1, gu: cumhachtchaillteanais)
níos ísle (fr.dob.)
loss of power
cailleadh lútha (fir)
ísligh (br, láith: íslíonn, abr: ísliú, aidbhr: íslithe)
lower a boat
cuir bád ar uisce (br)
lower establishment
íosbhunaíocht (bain3, gu: íosbunaíochta)
lower power
cumhacht níos ísle (bain3)
lower staff
foireann íochtarach (bain2, ai: foirne íochtaracha)
magazine follower
leantóir piléarlainne (fir3)
powers of observation
cumas breathnaithe (fir1)
widower officer
oifigeach ina bhaintreach (fir1)
power plant
gléasra cumhachta (fir4)
reasoning power
acmhainn réasúnaíochta (bain2)
reasoning power
cumas réasúnaíochta (fir1)
power of recognition of colours
cumas aitheanta dathanna (fir1)
sea power
muirchumhacht (bain3, gu: muirchumhachta, ai: muirchumhachtaí, gi: muirchumhachtaí)
destructive power
cumhacht scriosúil (bain3)
power of military command
cumhacht ceannais mhíleata (bain3)
searching power
cumas cuardaigh (fir1)
striking power
cumas buailte (fir1)
summary power
cumhacht achoimre (bain3)
summary power
cumhacht achomaire (bain3)
power amplifier
aimplitheoir cumhachta (fir3)
power amplifier
power input
inchumhacht (bain3, gu: inchumhachta, ai: inchumhachtaí, gi: inchumhachtaí)
power output
eischumhacht (bain3, gu: eiscumhachta, gi: eiscumhachtaí, gi: eiscumhachtaí)
power stroke
cumhachtbhuille (fir4, gu: cumhachtbhuille, ai: cumhachtbhuillí, gi: cumhachtbhuillí)
power unit
aonad cumhachta (fir1)
power unit
total carrier power
cumhacht iompróra iomlán (bain3)
sentence by the Civil Power
pianbhreith ón Chumhacht Shibhialta (bain2)
bring fire power into action
cuir cumhacht lámhaigh i gcion (br)
cithfholcadán (fir1, gu: cithfholcadáin, ai: cithfholcadáin, gi: cithfholcadán)
fras (bain2)
towed vehicle
feithicil ar tarraingt (bain2)
towed vehicle
feithicil ar théad (bain2)
control tower
túr rialaithe (fir1)
dí-innigh (br, abr: dí-inniú, aidbhr: dí-innithe)
man power
fearchumhacht (bain3, gu: fearchumhachta, ai: fearchumhachtaí, gi: fearchumhachtaí)
power dissipated heat
cumhacht scaipthe mar theas
íochtarach (a1)
íos- (réimír)
brake horsepower
each-chumhacht choscánta (bain3)
each-chumhacht (bain3, gu: each-chumhachta)
cithfholcadh (fir, gu: cithfholctha, ai: cithfholcthaí, gi: cithfholcthaí)
power factor
fachtóir cumhachta (fir3)
electric power
cumhacht leictreach (bain3)
cathode follower
leantóir catóide (fir3)
cóilis (bain2, gu: cóilise, ai: cóiliseacha, gi: cóiliseacha)
túr (fir1, gu: túir, ai: túir, gi: túr)
cith (fir3, gu: ceatha, ai: ceathanna, gi: ceathanna)
call out the Reserve for duty in aid of the Civil Power
gair amach an Cúltaca ar dualgas i gcabhair ar an gCumhacht Shibhialta
the appointment shall carry the power of military command
gabhfaidh cumhacht cheannais mhíleata leis an gceapachán
gratuity calculable at the lower rate
aisce is inríofa ar an ráta íseal
power shall cease to be exercisable
scoirfidh an chumhacht de bheith infheidhmithe
a concentration of superior force and fire-power at the decisive place
barr nirt agus cumhachta lámhaigh a chomhchruinniú san áit chinnteach
power conferred by subsection (a.)
cumhacht a thugtar le fo-alt (a.)
the powers exercisable by an officer
ná cumhachtaí is infheidhmithe ag oifigeach
soldier medically graded not lower than -22333
saighdiúir nach lú ná –22333 a ghrád liachta
the sights are lowered
tá na treoracha íslithe
a soldier medically graded not lower than -/3/3/3/4/4
saighdiúir nach lú ná -/3/3/3/4/4 a ghrád liachta
his military conduct merits an assessment of not lower than ‘good’
meastar nach ísle ná 'go maith' a iompar míleata
powers of a commanding officer
cumhachtaí oifigigh cheannais
the sights are lowered
tá na treoracha íslithe
vest powers in an officer
cumhachtaí a dhílsiú d'oifigeach
delegate command/ the powers of Commanding Officer (to)
ceannas/cumhachtaí Oifigigh Cheannais a tharmligean (chun)
lower a target to half-mast
ísligh targaid go leathchrann
clock tower arch
stua túr cloig
church without spire or tower
eaglais gan stuaic nó túr
empower (an officer)
cumhachtú (oifigeach)
empower (an officer)
cumasú (oifigeach)