Torthaí beachta
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10m platform men
comórtas léibhinn 10m na bhfear
10m platform women
comórtas léibhinn 10m na mban
synchronized diving 10m platform men
comórtas léibhinn 10m na bhfear tumadh comhuaineach
synchronized diving 10m platform women
comórtas léibhinn 10m na mban tumadh comhuaineach
Torthaí gaolmhara
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an evidence-based online platform that provides information about policies that can help children and their families face the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe
evidence-based online platform that provides information about policies that can help children and their families face the challenges that exist in the current economic climate in Europe
(for wheeled tractor)
GAtimpeallacht bain3 il-ardán crua-earraí agus bogearraí▼
ai timpeallachtaí il-ardán crua-earraí agus bogearraí
timpeallacht bain3 il-léibhinn crua-earraí agus bogearraí▼ dímholta/superseded
ai timpeallachtaí il-léibhinn crua-earraí agus bogearraí
timpeallacht bain3 ilardáin crua-earraí agus bogearraí▼ dímholta/superseded
ai timpeallachtaí ilardáin crua-earraí agus bogearraí
any type of multilateral exchange that brings together or facilitates the bringing together of multiple third-party buying and selling interests
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
digital platform; online platform
ardán ar líne; ardán digiteach
Civic Platform; PO
An tArdán Cathartha
Fixed Platform Protocol; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
an Prótacal chun Cosc a Chur le Gníomhartha Neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh Sábháilteacht Ardán Seasta atá Suite ar an Scairbh Ilchríochach; an Prótacal maidir le hArdáin Seasta
Beijing Platform for Action; Beijing Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women; BPfA
clár oibre gníomhaíochta Bhéising; clár oibre gníomhaíochta Bhéising, arna ghlacadh ag an gceathrú comhdháil dhomhanda ar stádas na mban
ETP; European Technology Platform
Ardán Teicneolaíochta Eorpach; ETP
satellite platform
ardán satailíte
platform truck; truck
trucail ardáin
disembarkation platform
ardán díbhordála
airdrop platform
ardán aerscaoilte
copy platform
cáipéis straitéise an fheachtais fógraíochta
centre platform; island platform
ardán láir
centre platform station
stáisiún ardáin láir
cross-platform interchange
acomhal trasardáin
full platform station
stáisiún ardáin faid traenach
platform attendant; stationman
freastalaí ardáin
platform capacity
toilleadh ardáin
edge of platform; platform edge
imeall ardáin
platform nosing
corr ardáin
platform position
áit stoptha
side platform station
stáisiún taobh-ardán
observation platform; platform; remote sensing platform
ardán grinnithe
high altitude platform station
stáisiún ardáin ar airde mhór
platform based container open sided; platform-based container
coimeádán ardánbhunaithe; coimeádán ardánbhunaithe taobhoscailte
Diet, Physical Activity and Health – a European Platform for Action; EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health; EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
Clár AE maidir le Cothú, Gníomhaíocht Choirp agus Sláinte
SNETP; Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform
an Clár Oibre Teicneolaíochta um Fhuinneamh Inbhuanaithe Núicléach
Crisis Platform
ardán géarchéime
ETP-ZEP; European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant
an Clár Oibre Eorpach Teicneolaíochta maidir le Gléasraí Cumhachta Breosla Iontaise atá Saor ó Astaíochtaí; ETP-ZEP
European Third Party Logistic Support Platform; TPLS Platform; TPLSP
Ardán Eorpach um Thacaíocht Lóistíochta Tríú Páirtí
passage between platforms
pasáiste idir ardáin
assay platform
ardán measúnachta
ECCP; European Cybercrime Platform
an tArdán Cibearchoireachta Eorpach
usable length of a platform
fad inúsáidte ardáin
EPAPSE; European platform against poverty and social exclusion
an Clár Oibre Eorpach i gcoinne na bochtaineachta agus an eisiaimh shóisialta; an tArdán Eorpach i gcoinne na bochtaineachta agus an eisiaimh shóisialta
inspection platform
ardán iniúchta
trading platform holding account
cuntas coinneála seirbhíse trádála
auction platform
ardán ceantála
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; IPBES
an Clár Idir-Rialtasach maidir le Beartas Eolaíochta um Sheirbhísí Bithéagsúlachta agus Éiceachórais
Gas Platform
an Comhthionscnamh Gáis
Single Shared Platform; SSP
Comhardán Aonair
Venice Platform
Ardán na Veinéise
collaborative platform
ardán comhoibríoch
open platform
ardán oscailte
IGDTP; IGD-TP; Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Technology Platform; Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform
An tArdán Teicneolaíochta um Dhiúscairt Gheolaíoch Dramhaíola Radaighníomhaí a chur chun feidhme
S3 Platform; Smart Specialisation Platform
ardán um speisialtóireacht chliste
Africa-EU Platform for dialogue on Governance and Human Rights
Clár Oibre na hAfraice agus AE um Idirphlé ar Rialachas agus Cearta an Duine
CLIMATE-ADAPT; EU Climate Change Adaptation Clearing House; European Climate Adaptation Platform; European Union Clearing House on Adaptation
Teach Imréitigh AE i ndáil le hOiriúnú d'Athrú Aeráide
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action; ADP
Meitheal ad hoc i leith Chlár Oibre Durban um Ghníomhaíocht Fheabhsaithe
mobile operating system; mobile OS; mobile platform
córas oibriúcháin móibíleach; OS móibíleach
PaaS; platform as a service
ardán mar sheirbhís
EGTC Platform; European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Platform
Ardán GECC
EMPACT; European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats
an Clár Oibre Ildisciplíneach Eorpach i gCoinne Bagairtí Coiriúla; an tArdán Eorpach Ildisciplíneach i gCoinne Bagairtí Coiriúla
external trading platform; trading platform
ardán trádála seachtraí; seirbhís trádála
national administrative platform
ardán riaracháin náisiúnta
Platform for Tax Good Governance; Platform for Tax Good Governance, Aggressive Tax Planning and Double Taxation
an tArdán um Dhea-Rialachas Cánach; an tArdán um Dhea-Rialachas Cánach, Pleanáil Ionsaitheach Cánach agus Cánachas Dúbailte
Social Tourism European Exchanges Platform; STEEP
Ardán um Malartuithe Turasóireachta Sóisialta san Eoraip
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
an tArdán Domhanda um Laghdú Rioscaí Tubaistí
Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe; EPALE
EPALE; ríomh-Ardán don Fhoghlaim Aosach san Eoraip
EU Platform for Blending in External Cooperation; EU Platform for External Cooperation and Development; EUBEC
Clár Oibre AE um Meascadh sa Chomhar Eachtrach; EUBEC
European Platform to enhance cooperation in tackling undeclared work; European Platform to enhance cooperation in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared work; Platform
an tArdán Eorpach chun feabhas a chur ar an gcomhar maidir le dul i ngleic le hobair neamhdhearbhaithe; an tArdán Eorpach chun feabhas a chur ar an gcomhar maidir le hobair neamhdhearbhaithe a chosc agus a dhíspreagadh
CAPS; Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation
ardáin chomhchoiteanna feasachta i gcomhair inbhuanaitheacht agus nuálaíocht shóisialta
EREP; European Resource Efficiency Platform
an tArdán Eorpach um Éifeachtúlacht Acmhainní; EREP
Platform 1; Platform 1: Democracy, good governance and stability; Platform on Democracy, Good Governance and Stability
an tArdán um Daonlathas, Dea-Rialachas agus Cobhsaíocht
Platform 2; Platform 2: Economic integration and convergence with EU policies; Platform on Economic Integration and Convergence with EU Policies
an tArdán um Lánpháirtíocht Eacnamaíoch agus Cóineasú Beartas AE
Platform 3; Platform 3: Energy security; Platform on Energy Security
Clár Oibre 3; Clár Oibre um Shlándáil Fuinnimh
Platform 4; Platform 4: Contacts between people; Platform on Contacts between People
an tArdán maidir le Teagmhálacha Idirphearsanta
investment platform
ardán infheistíochta
High Level Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe; Platform for European Rail Infrastructure Managers; PRIME
Ardán Ardleibhéil do Bhainisteoirí Bonneagair Iarnróid san Eoraip; PRIME
fi-compass; fi-compass advisory platform
ardán comhairleach fi-compass; fi-compass
European Cybercrime Platform
Ardán Ciberchoireachta na hEorpa
airborne observation platform; airborne platform
aerardán breathnóireachta
single allocation platform
ardán leithdháilte lárnach
ODR Platform; Online Dispute Resolution Platform
an clár réitigh díospóidí ar líne; clár ODR
virtual currency exchange platform
ardán malartaithe um airgeadra fíorúil
CJPE; Criminal Justice Platform; Criminal Justice Platform Europe
an tArdán um Cheartas Coiriúil; CJPE
MSP; multi-sided platform
ardán iltaobhach
matchmaking platform for businesses
comhar-ardán do ghnólachtaí
core service platform
ardán croísheirbhíse
blending facility; blending platform
saoráid mheasctha
EU - Central Asia Rule of Law Platform; EU Rule of Law Platform
Clár Oibre AE - Áise Láir um Smacht Reachta; Clár Oibre AE um Smacht Reachta
EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste
Ardán an Aontais Eorpaigh maidir le Caillteanas Bia agus Cur Amú Bia
platform economy
geilleagar ardán
ETP4HPC; European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing
Ardán Teicneolaíochta Eorpach um Ríomhaireacht Ardfheidhmíochta
Technical Platform for Cooperation on the Environment
Ardán Teicniúil le haghaidh Comhar maidir leis an gComhshaol
EUCIS-LLL; European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning; Lifelong Learning Platform; LLLPlatform
Ardán don Fhoghlaim ar Feadh an tSaoil; Ardán-LLL
Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information Sharing Platform
an tArdán le haghaidh Comhroinnt Faisnéise faoi Fhreagairt Cibearbhagairtí agus Cibirtheagmhas
regional disembarkation platform
ardán réigiúnach díbhordála
all-round traverse platform
léibheann imchasta (fir1)
gun platform
léibheann gunna (fir1)
platform method [Movement by Road]
modh léibhinn (fir3)
magazine platform
léibheann piléarlainne (fir1)
magazine platform spring
tuailm léibheann piléarlainne (bain2)
all-round traverse platform
léibheann lán-imchasta (fir1)
platform method
modh an léibhinn (fir3)
all-round traverse platform
léibheann trasnála imchasta (fir1)