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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAsubh bain2 le faomhadh/for approval
gu suibhe, ai subha, gi subh
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
A sum payable to the legal personal representative of one who had been entitled to preserved benefits but who died before such benefits became payable.
Suim iníoctha le hionadaí dlíthiúil pearsanta an duine a bhí i dteideal sochar caomhnaithe a fháil ach a bhásaigh sular tháinig an tráth go n-íocfaí an tsuim.
“preserved death gratuity” means a gratuity payable on death by virtue of paragraph 15 of the Main Scheme;
ciallaíonn "aisce bháis chaomhnaithe" aisce is iníoctha ar bhás de bhua mhír 15 den Phríomh-Scéim;FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The monetary value remaining in a pension package when the pension holder has died before the pension has matured and which is payable to the beneficiaries of his/her estate
An luach airgid atá fágtha i bpacáiste pinsin nuair a fhaigheann sealbhóir an phinsin bás roimh dháta aibíochta an phinsin agus atá iníoctha le tairbhithe a h/eastáit
A member whose membership ceases for any other reason and who is not eligible to receive a pension and/or gratuity or a preserved pension and/or a preserved gratuity ...
Aon chomhalta a scoireann a chomhaltas ar aon chúis eile agus nach bhfuil i dteideal pinsean agus/nó aisce nó pinsean caomhnaithe agus/nó aisce chaomhnaithe a fháil ... FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Similar to a normal lump sum, but it includes pay increases as appropriate.
Cosúil le gnáth-chnapshuim, ach cuimsíonn sí arduithe pá de réir mar is cuí.
“lump sum”, except in the expression “preserved lump sum”, means a gratuity under paragraph 11 of the Main Scheme;
ciallaíonn "cnapshuim", ach amháin san abairt "cnapshuim chaomhnaithe", aisce faoi mhír 11 den phríomh-Scéim;FOINSE: I.R. 1981
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
grape must with fermentation arrested; muté; preserved must
úrfhíon fíonchaor agus é coiscthe ó choipeadh
to preserve products in good condition
táirgí a chaomhnú i ndea-bhail
preserved egg
ubh leasaithe
preserved by sugar
leasaithe i siúcra
deferred pension; deferred retirement pension; dormant pension; frozen pension; paid-up pension; preserved benefits
pinsean iarchurtha; pinsean iarchurtha scoir