Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Shouldering the goalkeeper in the chest or pushing him into the net is a foul.
Is feall é an ghualainn a thabhairt don chúl báire san ucht nó é a bhrú isteach sa líon.
sending your committed changes to a remote repository
athruithe dearbhaithe a sheoladh chuig cianstór
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
A factor that leaves one with no choice but to leave one's current home (especially parental home), country, region, organization, or religion.
push off from the wall of the pool
sáigh amach ó bhalla na linne
push off one's opponent
sáigh amach ó chéile comhraic
push off from the bottom of the pool
sáigh amach ó bhun na linne
Computers, Computer Science Add an entity (a byte etc.) to a stack.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Cuir aonán (beart etc.) le cruach.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
cost-push inflation
boilsciú de bharr costbhrú
push boat; pusher; pusher craft
pushed tanker; tank lighter
lictéar tancaeir
push factor
toisc bhrú
pushed convoy
conbhua a bhrúitear
crash bar; panic bar; panic exit bar; push bar
push net
eangach thraschurtha
push door
doras uait
push-in train
traein bhreise
push-pull train
traein bhrú is tarraingthe
pushbutton interlocking machine
meaisín comhghlasála brúchnaipe
push down stock; push down store
stoc brú anuas; stór brú anuas
pushcart; shopping cart
tralaí siopadóireachta
pedestrian light controlled crossing; pelican crossing; push-button signalised crossing
trasrian soilsithe coisithe
self-propelled pusher barge
brúbháirse féinghluaiste
self-propelled pusher tanker barge
tancaerbháirse brú féinghluaiste
pushed tanker barge
tancaerbháirse a bhrúitear
pusher vessel
soitheach brúite
push and pull factors
tosca brú agus tarraingthe
pushrod stroke
buille brúshlaite
dial plate push button
brúchnaipín pláta diaile (fir4)
single switch or push-button
lasc shingil nó brúlasc
pushing east from
brú soir ó