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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENring s
GAfáinne fir4
gu fáinne
a network topology with the cable configuration in the form of a circle
leagan amach líonra agus cumraíocht na gcáblaí i bhfoirm chiorcail
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
a thickened band of extremely vascular tissue that lies at the upper border of the wall of the hoof of the horse and related animals and that plays an important part in the secretion of the horny walls
GApraghasfháinne fir4
gu praghasfháinne, iol praghasfháinní
group of traders who cooperate, usually illegally, to fix the price of the goods that they sell in order to prevent competition
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
distance measuring equipement; DME
trealamh tomhais achar
environmental monitoring
faireachán comhshaoil
racketeering and extortion
cambheartaíocht agus sracaireacht
understeer; understeering [dynamic behaviour of a vehicle]
bring to justice
tabhairt faoi réim an cheartais
aquifer; water-bearing formation; water-bearing stratum
biomedical engineering; BME
innealtóireacht bhithleighis
monitoring committee
coiste faireacháin
livestock production; livestock rearing; stockfarming
feirmeoireacht stoic; togáil stoic
PNRSV; prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus; prunus necrotic ringspot virus
ilivíreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí; víreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí
flowering of the culture of the Member States; flowering of the cultures of the Member States
borradh chultúir na mBallstát
restructuring of the workforce
athstruchtúrú an lucht oibre
ETNS; European Telephony Numbering Space
Spás Uimhrithe Teileafónaíochta na hEorpa
transnational hiring-out of workers
fruiliú trasnáisiúnta oibrithe
National Human Rights Monitoring Centre; National Observatory for Human Rights; ONDH
Faireachlann Náisiúnta um Chearta an Duine
enduring power of attorney; EPA
cumhacht mharthanach aturnae
reverse engineering
ais-innealtóireacht; díthiomsú
raspberry ringspot nepovirus; raspberry ringspot virus; raspberry Scottish leaf curl virus; red currant ringspot virus; RpRSV
víreas fáinnebhall sú craobh
PBRSV; potato black ringspot nepovirus; potato black ringspot virus
víreas fáinnebhall dubh prátaí
contouring control
comhrianú a rialú; rialú comhrianaithe
SLRSV; strawberry latent ringspot virus
víreas fáinnebhall folaigh sú talún
Whitehead's round herring
scadán cruinn Whitehead
MLRO; money laundering reporting officer
oifigeach tuarascála um sciúradh airgid
laundering network
líonra faoi choinne sciúradh airgid
APG; APGML; Asia/Pacific Group; Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering
APG; APGML; Grúpa na hÁise agus an Aigéin Chiúin; Grúpa na hÁise agus an Aigéin Chiúin maidir le Sciúradh Airgid
MLRO; Money Laundering Reporting Office; MROS
MLRO; Oifig Tuairiscithe um Sciúradh Airgid
MLCA; Money Laundering Control Authority
an tÚdarás um Rialú ar Sciúradh Airgid; MLCA
Global Manufacturing Principles; GMP
Prionsabail Dhomhanda Monaraíochta
AML; anti-money laundering
AML; comhrac i gcoinne sciúradh airgid; frithsciúradh airgid
clearing balance
iarmhéid imréitigh
Convention on International Factoring
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fachtóireacht Idirnáisiúnta
periodic payment by way of a penalty; periodic penalty payment; recurrent fine; recurring fine
íocaíocht phionósach thréimhsiúil
for the purpose of acquiring and retaining the right to benefit
d'fhonn an ceart chun sochair a fháil agus a choinneáil
chartering agent
gníomhaire cairtfhostaíochta
clearing through customs; customs clearance
imréiteach custaim
clearing account
cuntas imréitigh
clupeiforms; herring-like fish
gearing effect; leverage effect; leveraging effect
éifeacht ghiarála
to bring proceedings; to commence proceedings; to institute proceedings
imeachtaí a thionscnamh; imeachtaí a thionscnamh i gcoinne
to bring (tariff) into line with
cuir (taraif) i gcomhréir le
contract award procedure; procurement procedure; public procurement procedure; tender procedure; tendering procedure
nós imeachta tairisceana
after hearing the other parties
tar éis na páirtithe eile a éisteacht
to bring into line with (tariffs)
cuir i gcomhréir le (taraifí)
action for infringement of fundamental rights and freedoms
caingean mar gheall ar shárú ar chearta agus saoirsí bunúsacha
Agreement Providing for the Provisional Application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road
an Comhaontú lena bhforáiltear do Chur i bhFeidhm Sealadach na nDréachtchoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta Custaim maidir le Turasóireacht, le Feithiclí Tráchtálacha Bóthair agus le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí de Bhóthar
European Agreement concerning the provision of medical care to persons during temporary residence
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Soláthar Cúram Leighis do Dhaoine le linn Cónaí Sealadach
Atlantic herring; herring
scadán Atlantach
procuring entity
eintiteas soláthair
potato ring rot; ring rot of potato
lobhadh fáinneach prátaí
period chartering; time charter
cairtfhostú ar feadh téarma
open call for tenders; open procedure; open tendering procedure
iarratas oscailte ar thairiscintí
EMEP Protocol; Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, ar Mhaoiniú Fadtéarma an Chláir Comhairíochta chun Faireachán agus Measúnú a dhéanamh ar Thruailleáin Aeir Tarchurtha Fadraoin san Eoraip (EMEP)
Protocol No. 2 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, a thugann inniúlacht don Chúirt Eorpach um Chearta an Duine chun Tuairimí Comhairleacha a thabhairt
Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, securing certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in the Convention and in the first Protocol thereto
Prótacal Uimh. 4 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint d''fhonn cearta agus saoirsí eile a áirithiú nach raibh san áireamh sa Choinbhinsiún agus sa chéad Phrótacal leis
Additional Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta
limited tendering procedure
nós imeachta teoranta tairisceana
examination of witnesses; hearing of witnesses
ceistiú finné; éisteacht finné
chaptalisation; dry sugaring
security for tender; tender security; tendering security
urrús tairisceana
Convention ensuring Benefit or Allowances to the Involuntarily Unemployed; Unemployment Provision Convention, 1934
an Coinbhinsiún a áirithíonn Sochair nó Liúntais dóibh siúd atá Dífhostaithe dá nAinneoin
European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta
Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Saoráidí Custaim don Turasóireacht
Customs Convention concerning Spare Parts Used for Repairing EUROP Wagons
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le Páirteanna Spártha a Úsáidtear i nDeisiú Vaigíní "EUROP"
AIT; International Touring Alliance
an Comhaontas Idirnáisiúnta Turasóireachta
control; monitoring
Cooperative Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe; EMEP
an Comharchlár chun Faireachán agus Measúnú a dhéanamh ar Tharchur Fadraoin Truailleán Aeir san Eoraip; EMEP
Information Technology Steering Committee; ITSTC
an Coiste Stiúrtha um Theicneolaíocht Faisnéise; ITSTC
alewife; allice shad; allis shad; rock herring
sead alósach
bastard sturgeon; fringebarbel sturgeon; fringe-barbel sturgeon; ship; ship sturgeon; spiny sturgeon; thorn sturgeon
bradán fearna bolgnocht
Pacific herring
scadán an Aigéin Chiúin; scadán an Aigéin Chiúin Thuaidh
ringed seal
rón fáinneach
common finback; common rorqual; fin whale; finner; herring whale; razorback
chinook salmon; king salmon; spring salmon
restructuring plan
plean athstruchtúrúcháin
addition of sucrose in aqueous solution; sugaring and watering
siúcrós a chur le tuaslagán uisciúil; siúcrú agus uisciú
ECU clearing system
córas imréitigh AAE
meet without requiring to be convened
teacht le chéile, gan aon ghá lena comóradh
European System for the International Clearing of Vacancies and Applications for Employment; SEDOC
an Córas Eorpach chun Folúntais agus Iarratais ar Fhostaíocht a Imréiteach ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta; SEDOC
agreement conferring jurisdiction; agreement on the choice of court; choice of court agreement; prorogation agreement
comhaontú lena dtugtar dlínse
to bring ... into line with
cuir ... i gcomhréir le
to infringe (patent)
sáraigh (paitinn)
ós mian leo
measuring device
feiste tomhais
factoring; non-recourse factoring; true factoring
fachtóireacht neamhiontaofa
financial restructuring
athchóiriú airgeadais
nuclear measuring techniques
teicníochtaí núicléacha tomhais
Protocol on Litigation; Protocol on the Settlement of Litigation; Protocol on the Settlement of Litigation concerning the Infringement and Validity of Community Patents
an Prótacal maidir le dlíthíocht; Prótacal ar Shocrú Dlíthíochta maidir le Sárú agus Bailíocht Paitinní Comhphobail
sectorial restructuring
athstruchtúrú earnálach
monitoring system
córas faireacháin; córas monatóireachta
clearing banks
bainc imréitigh; banc imréitigh
debt collection and factoring
bailiú fiach agus fachtóireacht
electrical engineering (industry)
tionscal na hinnealtóireachta leictrí
Convention concerning Employment of Women during the Night; Night Work (Women) Convention, 1919
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hObair Oíche Ban
Convention concerning Unemployment Indemnity in Case of Loss or Foundering of the Ship; Unemployment Indemnity (Shipwreck) Convention, 1920
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Slánaíocht Dífhostaíochta i gCás Caillteanas nó Trochlúchán Loinge
Convention concerning Employment of Women during the Night (Revised); Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1934
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hObair Oíche Ban (Athbhreithnithe 1934)
colouring agents
Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work in the Principal Mining and Manufacturing Industries, Including Building and Construction, and in Agriculture; Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work, 1938
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Staitisticí a bhaineann le Pá agus le hUaireanta Oibre sna Príomhthionscail Mianadóireachta agus Déantúsaíochta lena n-áirítear an Fhoirgníocht agus an Tógáil, agus sa Talmhaíocht
Convention concerning Food and Catering for Crews on Board Ship; Food and Catering (Ships' Crews) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bia agus lónadóireacht d'fhoirne ar bord long
smurfing; structuring
smurfáil; struchtúrú
laundering channel; money-laundering channel
bealach chun airgead a sciúradh
MEAT; most economically advantageous tender; tender offering best value for money
an tairisicint is buntáistí go heacnamaíoch
selective tendering procedure
nós imeachta tairisceana ar cuireadh
residence permit conferring the right to the longest period of residency
cead cónaithe a thugann an ceart don tréimhse chónaithe is faide
quasi-factoring; recourse factoring
fachtóireacht iontaofa
conferring of powers; delegation of powers
cumhachtaí a thabhairt
to bring a case before the Court of Justice of the European Union; to bring a matter before the Court of Justice of the European Union; to bring an action before the Court of Justice of the European Union
cás a thabhairt os comhair na Cúirte Breithiúnais
voluntary work; volunteering
obair dheonach; oibriú go deonach
manufacturing defect
fabht sa déantúsaíocht
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime; Money Laundering Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sciúradh, Cuardach, Urghabháil agus Coigistiú a dhéanamh ar na Fáltais ó Choireacht
suspected infringement
sárú amhrasta
to have the infringement established
an sárú a shuíomh
Member State encountering special difficulties
Ballstát dá mbaineann deacrachtaí speisialta
electrostatic measuring instrument
gléas tomhais leictreastatach
chemical engineering
innealtóireacht cheimiceach
the hearing in court shall be public
is i gcúirt oscailte a éistfear cásanna
to bring ... to an end
...a thabhairt chun críche
to bring about conditions ...
dálaí a thabhairt i gcrích ...
steel industries in neighbouring countries
an tionscal cruach sna tíortha comharsanachta
infringement of the principles
sárú ar na prionsabail
procedures for ensuring the uniform interpretation of Community law
nós imeachta chun léirmhíniúchán comhionann an dlí Comhphobail a áirithiú; nós imeachta lena n-áirithítear go léireofar an dlí Comhphobail ar an gcuma chéanna
to bring ... to the knowledge of ...
... cuir i bhfios do ...
laminated spring
sprionga lannach
manufacturing industry; manufacturing sector
tionscal déantúsaíochta
the hearing by the Court of witnesses
an Chúirt d'éisteacht finnéithe
dyes or other colouring matter in forms of a kind sold by retail; stamping foils
ruaimeanna nó ábhar dathúcháin eile i bhfoirmeacha lena miondíol; scragall stampála
fat liquoring
olú a dhéanamh ar sheithe
should the infringement be repeated
dá ndéanfaí an sárú athuair
syringes of plastic materials
steallairí d'ábhair phlaisteacha shaorga
action for infringement; infringement action; infringement proceedings
imeachtaí um shárú
infringement clearance search
cuardach réamhaíochta
money laundering
sciúradh airgid
to bring an action for infringement; to bring an infringement action; to sue for infringement
caingean um shárú a thabhairt
EMCDDA; European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
an Lárionad Faireacháin Eorpach um Dhrugaí agus um Andúil i nDrugaí; EMCDDA
bonus; profit participation; profit sharing
roinnt an bhrabúis
the court addressed; the court applied to; the court hearing the action; the court in which the claim is pending; the court seised
an chúirt a bhfuiltear os a comhair
sponsoring undertaking
gnóthas coimircíochta
clearing and settlement systems
córas um imréiteach agus um ghlanadh
ECOMOG; ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group; ECOWAS Military Observer Group; ECOWAS Monitoring Group; Military Observer Group of ECOWAS; Military Observer Group of the Economic Community of West African States
ECOMOG; Grúpa Breathnóireachta Míleata i gComhphobal Eacnamaíoch Stáit na hAfraice Thiar
volcano rabbit or teporingo
coinín bolcáin
Mauritius ring-necked parakeet
pearaicít Oileán Mhuirís
BEM; biological effect monitoring
faireachán éifeachtaí bitheolaíocha
European Convention relating to Questions on Copyright Law and Neighbouring Rights in the framework of Transfrontier Broadcasting by Satellite
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Ceisteanna faoi Dhlí an Chóipchirt agus Cearta Tadhlacha i gcreat an Chraolacháin Trasteorann le Satailít
products covered by a single transport document covering their shipment from the exporter to the consignee
táirgí a chumhdaítear i ndoiciméad iompair aonair lena gcumhdaítear a loingsiú ón onnmhaireoir chuig an gcoinsíní
for the purpose of establishing the existence of infringements to ... before a final decision is taken
d'fhonn a shuíomh an ndearnadh sáruithe ar ... sula nglacfar cinneadh críochnaitheach
Protocol No 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, restructuring the control machinery established thereby
Prótacal Uimh. 11 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, ag athstruchtúrú an tsásra rialaithe arna bhunú leis
EUMC; European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
an Lárionad Eorpach um Fhaireachán ar an gCiníochas agus ar an tSeineafóibe; EUMC
Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use items and technology; Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items
Córas Comhphobail chun rialú a dhéanamh ar onnmhairiú, ar aistriú agus ar bhróicéireacht ítimí dé-úsáide agus ar iad a bheith ar idirthuras
Arrangement for the Application of the European Agreement of 17 October 1980 concerning the Provision of Medical Care to Persons during Temporary Residence
Comhshocraíocht maidir le cur i bhfeidhm Chomhaontú Eorpach an 17 Deireadh Fómhair 1980 a bhaineann le soláthar cúram leighis do dhaoine le linn cónaí sealadach
illegal money-laundering activities
gníomhaíochtaí neamhdhleathacha sciúrtha airgid
car pooling; car sharing; lift sharing
roinnt gluaisteáin
motoring offence; road traffic offence; traffic offence
cion i gcoinne na rialachán um thrácht ar bhóithre; cion mótarthráchta
Agreement among the European Atomic Energy Community, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation in the engineering design activities for the international thermonuc
an Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach, Rialtas na Seapáine, Rialtas Chónaidhm na Rúise agus Rialtas Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá maidir le comhar i ngníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le dearadh innealtóireachta don imoibreoir trialach teirm
goods infringing an intellectual property right; infringing goods
earraí a sháraíonn ceart maoine intleachtúla
Common Understanding on the principles of international cooperation in research and development activities in the domain of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems between the European Community and the United States of America, Japan, Australia, Canada and the
Comhthuiscint maidir le prionsabail an chomhair idirnáisiúnta i ngníomhaíochtaí taighde agus forbartha i réimse na gCóras Monaraíochta Cliste idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, an tSeapáin, an Astráil, Ceanada agus na baill sin de
burden sharing
comhroinnt dualgas
dí-uisciú; dí-uisciúchán
clearing system
córas imréitigh
Model Regulations Concerning Laundering Offences Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Offences
Samhailrialacháin maidir le Cionta Sciúradh Airgid a Bhaineann le Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí agus Mórchionta Eile
assets covering technical provisions; assets covering the technical provisions; assets used to cover the technical provisions
sócmhainní lena gcumhdaítear forálacha teicniúla
solidarity in burden-sharing
dlúthpháirtíocht i gcomhroinnt dualgas
tissue engineering
innealtóireacht fíochán
Joint Action on money laundering
Gníomhaíocht Chomhpháirteach maidir le sciúradh airgid
biological monitoring; biomonitoring; environmental biomonitoring
bithmhonatóireacht; monatóireacht bhitheolaíoch
Baltic herring
scadán Baltach
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the scope of the laundering of proceeds in the Convention on the use of information technology for customs purposes and the inclusion of the registration number of the means
Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir leis an raon feidhme atá le sciúradh na bhfáltas sa Choinbhinsiún ar úsáid na teicneolaíochta faisnéise chun críocha custaim agus maidir le cláruimhir an mheáin iompai
CCBSP; Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea
an Coinbhinsiún um Chaomhnú agus um Bainistiú Acmhainní Mangach sa Mhuir Bheiring Láir
catering waste
dramhaíl lónadóireachta
MOKAS; Unit for Combating Money Laundering
an tAonad um Sciúradh Airgid a Chomhrac; MOKAS
Law for the prevention and suppression of money laundering activities
Dlí um ghníomhaíochtaí sciúrtha airgid a chosc agus a chur faoi chois
IMS; International Monitoring System
an Córas Faireacháin Idirnáisiúnta; IMS
CIFTA; Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials
an Coinbhinsiún Idir-Mheiriceánach i gcoinne déantúsaíocht neamhdhleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, armlón, pléascán, agus ábhar gaolmhar
neighbouring region
réigiún máguaird
Money Laundering Experts Group; Money Laundering Experts' Group
Grúpa Saineolaithe um Sciúradh Airgid
Each Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, th
Socróidh gach Ballstát na smachtbhannaí a bheidh le forchur nuair a shárófar forálacha an Rialacháin seo. Beidh forálacha den sórt sin éifeachtach, comhréireach agus athchomhairleach. Go dtí go nglacfar, más gá, reachtaíocht ar bith chun na críche sin, ci
Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime; UN Firearms Protocol; UNFP
Prótacal i gcoinne monarú aindleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, a bpáirteanna, a gcomhpháirteanna agus a n-armlón lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne coireacht eagraithe trasnáisiúnta
IMoLIN; International Money Laundering Information Network
IMoLIN; Líonra Idirnáisiúnta Faisnéise um Sciúradh Airgid
Global Programme against Money Laundering; GPML
Clár Domhanda in aghaidh Sciúradh Airgid
Atlantic round herring; red-eye round herring
scadán cruinn deargshúileach
Pacific thread herring
snáithscadán an Aigéin Chiúin
Atlantic thread herring
snáithscadán Atlantach
dorab wolf-herring
faolscadán dorab
Spring European Council
Comhairle Eorpach an Earraigh
Copernicus; European Earth monitoring programme; European Earth Observation Programme; Global Monitoring for Environment and Security; GMES; Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
clár an Aontais um fhaire agus um fhaireachán na Cruinne; Copernicus; GMES; Monatóireacht Dhomhanda don Chomhsaol agus don tSlándáil
EU Monitoring Mission; European Union Monitoring Mission
misean faireacháin AE; misean faireacháin an Aontais Eorpaigh
social engineering
innealtóireacht shóisialta
human rights treaty body; treaty body; treaty monitoring body
comhlacht monatóireachta conarthaí
Wolfsberg Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Principles
Prionsabail Wolfsberg in aghaidh Sciúradh Airgid
gendering; gendering practice
Saimaa ringed seal; Saimaa seal
rón fáinneach Saimaa
spectrum sharing
comhroinnt speictrim
Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financial Offences
Coimisiún um Chosc ar Sciúradh Airgid agus ar Chionta Airgeadais
file sharing
comhroinnt comhad
voluntary work; volunteering
obair dheonach; seirbhís dheonach
Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group; ESAAMLG
ESAAMLG; Grúpa Oirthear agus Dheisceart na hAfraice in aghaidh sciúradh airgid
Committee on the monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
an Coiste um meicníocht monatóireachta astaíochtaí CO2 agus gás ceaptha teasa eile sa Chomhphobal
BSA; burden-sharing agreement
comhaontú comhroinnte dualgas
ABS; access and benefit-sharing
rochtain agus comhroinnt tairbhí
Office for Money Laundering Prevention
an Oifig um Chosc ar Sciúradh Airgid
MIC; Monitoring and Information Centre
an tIonad um Fhaireachán agus Fhaisnéis
Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system; vessel traffic monitoring and information system; VTMIS
córas Comhphobail faireacháin agus faisnéise um thrácht soithí; córas faireacháin agus faisnéise um thrácht árthach; VTMIS
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Albania on the activities of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in the Republic of Albania
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na hAlbáine maidir le gníomhaíochtaí Misin Faireacháin AE (EUMM) i bPoblacht na hAlbáine
Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism; MONEYVAL; Select Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures
MONEYVAL; Roghchoiste saineolaithe chun bearta frithsciúradh airgid a mheas
mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol
sásra chun faireachán a dhéanamh ar astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa de chuid an Chomhphobail agus maidir le Prótacal Kyoto a chur chun feidhme
European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport (revised)
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta (athbhreithnithe)
Financial Action Task Force of South America Against Money Laundering; GAFISUD
GAFISUD; Tascfhórsa um Ghníomhaíocht Airgeadais Mheiriceá Theas in aghaidh Sciúradh Airgid
Commission's Spring Report; Report from the Commission to the Spring European Council
Tuarascáil Earraigh an Choimisiúin; Tuarascáil ón gCoimisiún chuig Comhairle Eorpach an Earraigh
EU/UN Steering Committee on crisis management; EU-UN Steering Committee; Steering Committee
Coiste Stiúrtha AE-NA um Bainistíocht Géarchéime
CERT; Council for Education, Recruitment and Training for the Hotel and Catering Industry; Council for Education, Recruitment and Training for the Hotel, Catering and Tourism industries; State Tourism Training Agency
an Chomhairle le haghaidh Oideachais, Earcaíochta agus Oiliúna do Thionscal na hÓstánaíochta, na Lónadóireachta agus na Turasóireachta; CERT
International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering; IOBB
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Biteicneolaíocht agus Bithinnealtóireacht
occurring of liquid striations
fabhrú stríoc leachtach
measuring cell
cill tomhais
graduated cylinder; measuring cylinder; measuring glass
sorcóir grádaithe; sorcóir tomhais
bordering area
limistéar críochantachta; limistéar tadhlach
maritime waters bordering both parties
uiscí farraige atá i dteorainn leis an dá pháirtí
fishing for herring with a gillnet
iascaireacht scadán le heangach gheolbhaí
stock of fish occurring within the areas of fisheries jurisdiction
stoc éisc atá i limistéir iascaigh an dlínse
directed fishing for herring
iascaireacht scadán dhírithe
insect borer; woodborer; woodboring insect
feithid tollta adhmaid
over-wintering pond; winter pond
linn gheimhridh
dark beer for colouring
beoir dhorcha le haghaidh dathúcháin
fallow on the fringes of towns
garbhlach ar imeall bailte
dairy engineering
innealtóireacht déiríochta
potato for winter storing
práta le stóráil le linn an gheimhridh
financial leverage; gearing; leverage
clearing accounts; clearing transactions
cuntais imréitigh; idirbhearta imréitigh
watering of capital; watering of stock
caolú stoic
price cartel; price ring; price-fixing cartel
cairtéal praghas-socraithe
gene technology; genetic engineering; genetic manipulation
innealtóireacht ghéiniteach
issue with preemptive right; rights issue; rights offering
eisiúint de cheart
direct offering; own issue; prospectus issue
eisiúint dhíreach
public issue; public offering
eisiúint phoiblí; tairiscint phoiblí
ergonomics; human engineering; human factors; human factors engineering
sliding falsework; sliding form; sliding shuttering; slipform
comhlra sleamhnáin
participation in tendering procedures
rannpháirtíocht i nósanna imeachta tairisceana
monitoring function
feidhm fhaireacháin
incurrence of a customs debt; incurring of a customs debt
fiach custaim a thabhú
minutes of the hearing
miontuairiscí na héisteachta
Judge hearing applications for interim measures
breitheamh ag éisteacht le hiarratais ar bhearta eatramhacha
neighbouring right; related right; right related to copyright
ceart gaolmhar
pain and suffering
pian agus fulaingt
special emergency slaughtering
marú éigeandála speisialta
action for infringement; infringement action; infringement proceedings; proceedings for infringement
imeachtaí um shárú
decision on infringement
cinneadh mar gheall ar shárú
flotation; flotation on the stock market; going public; initial public offering; IPO; stock market launch
tairiscint tosaigh don phobal; TTP
manufacturing formula; master formula
interest-free deposit; non-interest-bearing deposit
taisce neamhúsmhar
Mauritius parakeet; rose-ringed parakeet
pearaicít Oiléan Mhuirís; pearaicít rósbhráisléadach
clearing bank
banc imréitigh
recurrent receipt; recurring receipt
fáltas atréimhseach
entering provisions in the accounts
soláthairtí a iontráil sna cuntais
debt restructuring
athstruchtúrú fiachais
carnadh orduithe
clearance; clearing
tax saving credit; tax sparing
spáráil cánach
collusive bidding; collusive tendering
tairiscint chlaonpháirteach
current loan maturity; current maturity; loan maturing within one year
aibíocht iasachtaí reatha
intravaginal ring; IVR; vaginal ring; V-ring
fáinne faighne
to bring an action; to bring legal proceedings; to initiate legal proceedings; to institute legal proceedings; to introduce legal proceedings; to take legal action
imeachtaí a thionscnamh
judgment referring the case back
breithiúnas lena dtarchuirtear an cás ar ais
retiring Advocate General
Abhchóide Ginearálta a bheidh ag scor
retiring judge
breitheamh a bheidh ag scor
sharing of costs
cionroinnt costas
declare the oral procedure closed at the end of the hearing
dearbhaigh ag deireadh na héisteachta go bhfuil clabhsúr curtha ar an nós imeachta ó bhéal
report for the hearing
tuarascáil na héisteachta
beta-lactam; beta-lactam ring; β-lactam; β-lactam ring
AFIL; Audio Frequency Induction Loop; audio induction loop; hearing loop; induction loop
clos-lúb ionduchtaithe
wafer slicing; wafering
moorage; mooring
restructuring programme
clár athstruchtúraithe
preparation of a case for hearing
ullmhú cáis le haghaidh éisteachta
flaring; gas flaring
bladhmadh gáis
ring joint; ring joint gasket
gaiscéad ailt fháinnigh
Committee on aid for economic restructuring in Poland and Hungary; Committee on economic assistance to certain central and eastern European countries and for coordination of aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategy; Phare Committee; Phare Management Committee
Coiste Bainistíochta PHARE; Coiste um chabhair eacnamaíoch do thíortha áirithe san Eoraip Láir agus Thoir agus um chabhair chomhordúcháin do na stáit iarrthacha faoi chuimsiú na straitéise réamhaontachais (PHARE)
European System for the International Clearing of Vacancies and Applications for Employment; SEDOC
an Córas Eorpach chun Folúntais agus Iarratais ar Fhostaíocht a Imréiteach ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta
management and control system; management and monitoring system
córas bainistíochta agus rialúcháin; córas bainistithe agus faireacháin; córas bainistithe agus rialaithe
infringement procedure
nós imeachta maidir le sárú; nós imeachta um shárú
balancing; bringing into state of equilibrium
market-sharing cartel
cairtéal a roinneann margadh
market in the hiring out of video cassettes
margadh fruilithe físchaiséad
agreement on lowering prices
comhaontú maidir le hísliú praghsanna; comhaontú maidir le praghsanna a ísliú
emergency infringement procedure
nós imeachta éigeandála um shárú
páirtiú i margadh
code covering certain non-tariff barriers
cód a chuimsíonn bacainní áirithe neamhtharaifí
EIMS; European Innovation Monitoring System
an Córas Faireacháin ar an Nuálaíocht san Eoraip
origin of the product bearing the trade mark
tionscnamh an táirge lena ngabhann an trádmharc
mechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Community; monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States; monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
sásra faireacháin astaíochtaí CO2 agus gás ceaptha teasa eile sa Chomhphobal
centering pin; centring pin; guide pin
pionna láraitheach
engineering drawing
líníocht innealtóireachta
partial unemployment; short time; short-time work; short-time working; work-sharing unemployment
obair ghearr-ama; páirt-dífhostaíocht
food colouring
dathúchán bia
metal ore sintering; sintering
benzene ring
fáinne bheinséine
azo colouring matter; azo compound; azo dye; azo-dye
calibrated flask; graduated flask; measuring flask; volumetric flask
fleascán toirtmhéadrach
leaf spring
sprionga lannóg
commercial engineering
innealtóireacht thráchtálach
consulting engineering
innealtóireacht chomhairleach
hand lettering
litreoireacht láimhe
silkworm rearing
tógáil seiriceán
decision ordering recovery; recovery decision
cinneadh gnóthaithe
Community Reference Laboratory for marine biotoxins; EU reference laboratory for the monitoring of marine biotoxins; EURLMB; European Union Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Biotocsainí Muirí
Aber disease; digestive gland disease of the European oyster; infection with <i>Marteilia refringens</i>; marteiliosis
drug monitoring; drug safety monitoring; pharmacovigilance; PhV; PV
faireachas cógas
Community procedure for administering quantitative quotas
nós imeachta Comhphobail chun cuótaí cainníochtúla a riar
to investigate cases of suspected infringement of these principles
cásanna a iniúchadh ina bhfuil amhras gur sáraíodh na prionsabail
examination of witnesses and experts; hearing of witnesses and experts
ceistiú finnéithe agus saineolaithe; éisteacht finnéithe agus saineolaithe
neighbouring market
margadh comharsanach
to initiate an infringement proceeding
imeacht um shárú a thionscnamh
market-sharing arrangement
socrú um páirtiú i margadh
exceptional non-recurring costs
costais neamh-athfhillteacha eisceachtúla
capital commitments not provided for in the accounts; liability not appearing in the balance-sheet; memo item; memorandum item
dliteanas lasmuigh den chlár comhardaithe
debt ratio; gearing; solvency ratio
cóimheas fiachais
rendering an account
cuntas a thabhairt
angiosperms; flowering plants
dehairing; de-hairing; depilation; scudding
slaughter; slaughtering
descendant; offspring; progeny
rearing performance; rearing production
táirgeacht tógála
dairy cattle breeding; dairy cattle rearing
tógáil eallaigh déiríochta
pasture rearing
tógáil ar féarach
<i>Trypanosoma equiperdum</i> infection; covering disease; dourine
galar cúplála eachaí; ionfhabhtú <I>Trypanosoma equiperdum</I>
job sharing
bird line; bird scaring line; streamer line; tori line
líne scanraithe éan
Compton effect; Compton scattering; incoherent scattering
scaipeadh Compton
cargo-sharing arrangement
socrú um pairtiú lasta
SBT; Steering Board for Trade
an Bord Stiúrtha um Thrádáil; BST
light scattering
scaipeadh solais
IETF; INDIA EXPO; Indian Engineering Trade Fair
Aonach Trádála Innealtóireachta na hIndia
lower monitoring limit; lower warning limit
íosteorainn faireacháin
pouring basin; tundish
báisín scairdte
liquid ring vacuum pump; liquid-ring pump
folúschaidéal fáinne leachta
dí-uisciú; dí-uisciúchán
coning and quartering
cónú agus ceathrúnú
air bearing pad
ceap imthaca aeir
mooring; picketing; tie-down
ceangal; fosú; múráil
aircraft vectoring
rialú treoch aerárthaigh; treorialú aerárthaigh
alternative firing handle
drol eisiachtana malartach; eisiachtóir malartach; lámh eisiachtana malartach; lasclámh mhalartach
automatic direction finder bearing indicator
uatáscaire treo-uillinn treo-aimsitheora
bulkhead wiring
sreangú bulcaide
burner ring
fáinne dó; fáinne dócháin; fáinne dóire
centre point mooring
múráil lárphointe
chemical contouring; chemical milling; contour etching
eitriú ceimiceach; muilleáil cheimiceach
chord wiring
sreangú an chorda
collector ring
fáinne tiomsúcháin
concentration ring
fáinne cruinnithe
dielectric curing
leasú tréleictreach
exhaust collector ring
fáinne tiomsaithe sceite
exhaust deflecting ring
fáinne sraonta sceite
athrú an chlaonta; athrú claonta; cleiteáil
firing controls
rialtáin lámhaigh
gore ring
fáinne góire
hovering ceiling
uas-airde foluana
Kalman filtering
scagadh Kalman
load ring
fáinne crochta
main mooring wire
príomhshreang mhúrála
manoeuvring valve
comhla ainlithe
manual disconnect handle; manual override Dring
hanla díscortha láimhe
mesh wiring
mogalra sreinge
radar vectoring; vectoring
treorialú radair
radio bearing
treo-uillinn raidió
silver brazing; silver soldering
prásáil airgid
interfering compound; interfering substance
comhdhúil trasnaíochta; substaint trasnaíochta
pointing; score judging; scoring
multiplying farm; rearing farm
feirm thógála stoic
nerve deafness; perceptive deafness; sensorineural deafness; sensorineural hearing loss; sensori-neural hearing loss; SNHL
bodhaire aireachtála; bodhaire néarógach
capture hood; capturing hood; hood
cochall gabhála
insurance covering professional liability; professional indemnity insurance; professional liability insurance
árachas slánaíochta gairmiúla
capital restructuring
athchóiriú caipitil
low gearing
profit-sharing provision
soláthar le haghaidh roinnt an bhrabúis
balance with the central bank; balance with the National Bank; clearing account; clearing account with the National Bank; current account; giro; giro account
banc ceannais
hearing level; hearing threshold level
leibhéal éisteachta
hearing impairment; hearing loss
lagú éisteachta
hearing aid
áis éisteachta
colour rendering
colour rendering index; CRI
treoiruimhir dathscáthaithe
piston ring
fáinne loine
O-ring; O-ring seal
colorant; colourant; colouring agent; colouring matter
market-sharing agreement
comhaontú um páirtiú i margadh
lowering of pensionable age; reduction of pensionable age
ísliú ar an aois inphinsin
fringe benefits; wage supplements
sochair imeallacha
beltway; ring road
resistance to shear; shear strength; shearing strength
neart fiartha
shear force; shearing force
fórsa fiartha
accuracy; accuracy of measurement; accuracy of the measurement; degree of accuracy; measuring accuracy
beachtas; cruinneas
Ringelmann microscale
micreascála Ringelmann
centre; centring
draw string; purse line; purse rope; purse string; pursing wire
braighdín íochtair
purse ring; pursing ring
clearing house; clearing office
teach imréitigh
manufacturing franchise
saincheadúnas monaraíochta
financial restructuring period
tréimhse don athchóiriú airgeadais
franchisee's ordering procedure
nós imeachta ordúcháin an tsaincheadúnaí
financial restructuring
athchóiriú airgeadais
bring to the boil
bain fiuchadh as; tabhair chun fiuchta
chartering conditions; terms of affreightment
coinníollacha an chairtfhostaithe
GMP; good manufacturing practice
dea-chleachtas déantúsaíochta; dea-chleachtas monaraíochta
steering control
rialtán stiúrtha
common ordering procedure
nós imeachta coiteann ordúcháin
ordú aonuaire
steering control effort
iarracht rialúcháin stiúrtha
steering time
aga stiúrtha; tréimhse stiúrtha
steering angle
uillinn stiúrtha
steering force
fórsa stiúrtha
mean steering ratio
cóimheas stiúrtha meánach
multi-wheel steering equipment
trealamh stiúrtha ilrotha
hybrid steering transmission
traiseoladh stiúrtha hibrideach
abortus Bang ring test; milk ring test; MRT; ring-test
tástáil fáinne
profit sharing
comhroinnt brabúis
clearing member; CM; member of the clearing house
ball den teach imréitigh
sponsoring; sponsorship
urraíocht; urrú
cyclic hydrocarbon; ring hydrocarbon
hidreacarbón fáinneach
employees'profit sharing account
cuntas maidir le páirtiú an fhostaí i mbrabús
cost of acquiring fixed assets
costas fála sócmhainní dochta
cash clearing account; internal transfers
aistrithe inmheánacha; cuntas imréitigh airgid
employee profit sharing-corporation tax
páirtiú an fhostaí i mbrabús - cáin chorparáide
employee profit sharing
páirtiú an fhostaí i mbrabús
hard of hearing
expenditure incurred during the financial year
caiteachas a tabhaíodh sa bhliain airgeadais
Bourneville disease; Bourneville syndrome; Bourneville-Brissaud disease; Bourneville-Pringle syndrome; Bourneville-Pringle's disease; epiloia; TSC; tuberous sclerosis; tuberous sclerosis complex
galar Bourneville; scléaróis thiúbrach
Gräfenberg ring; Gräfenberg's ring
fáinne Gräfenberg
hearing threshold
tairseach na héisteachta
PC board; PCB; printed circuit board; printed wiring board; PWB
clár ciorcad priontáilte; PCB
Ackermann steering
stiúradh Ackermann
automatic vehicle monitoring
ríomhfhaireachán ar fheithiclí
bolster spring
sprionga adhairte
centre bearing
maighdeog an bhógaí
decision and manoeuvering region; weaving section
treoir-raon ionramhála
engineering spares
páirteanna spártha innealtóireachta
fare registering turnstile
geata cláraithe táillí taistil
fringe parking; peripheral parking
páirceáil fhorimeallach
guiderail; steering rail
ráille treorach
safety engineering
innealtóireacht sábháilteachta
signal-return-time measuring method
modh tomhais aga athfhillte comharthaí
spring-loaded brake
coscán spriongualaithe
spring switch
ladhróg sprionga
vehicle monitoring
faireachán ar fheithiclí
manoeuvring area
limistéar ainlithe eitilte
non-recurring expenditures
caiteachas neamh-athfhillteach
product sharing
comhroinnt táirgí
raw materials; raw materials and supplies; raw materials for further manufacturing
building and civil engineering
foirgníocht agus innealtóireacht shibhialta
connecting ring
fáinne ceangail
RD Spring Show; Royal Dublin Spring Show
Seó Earraigh an RDS; Seó Earraigh Chumann Ríoga Bhaile Átha Cliath
manufacturing authorisation
údarú monaraíochta
data collection; data gathering
bailiú sonraí
main steering gear
príomhfhearas stiúrtha
steering apparatus; steering gear
gaireas stiúrtha
auxiliary steering arrangement; auxiliary steering gear
gaireas stiúrtha tánaisteach
berth; mooring place
beart feistithe
deck stringer; deck stringer plate; stringer plate
planc treisithe
mooring buoy
baoi múrála
mooring winch
castainn mhúrála
friction ring; slip ring
space telemetering; space telemetry
spásteiliméadracht; teiliméadráil an spáis
frequency sharing
comhroinnt minicíochtaí
fairing; shroud
cón tosaigh
troposcatter; tropospheric scatter; tropospheric scatter propagation; tropospheric scattering
scaipeadh trópaisféarach
blooming; flowering
dewatering press; dewatering screw press; screw press
scriúfháisceán dí-uiscithe
filtering; filtration
thrust pad bearing
ceap imthaca sá
spring brake; spring-operated brake
coscán sprionga
vertical boring and turning lathe; vertical boring and turning machine; vertical boring and turning mill; vertical boring machine; vertical boring mill; vertical mill
tollaire ingearach
clearing balance
iarmhéid imréitigh
fostú; fruiliú
metal channeled lettering
litreoireacht mhiotalach ar U-cruth; litreoireacht mhiotalach U-cruthach
non recurring capital cost
costas caipitil neamh-athfhillteach