Torthaí beachta
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The angle that the lateral body axis of an aircraft or similar body makes with a chosen reference plane in rolling; usually, the angle between the lateral axis and a horizontal plane. The angle of roll is considered positive if the roll is to starboard.
(for titles)
(of satellite)
(i gcás satailíte)
Natural Sciences & Mathematics » Astronomy » Satellites The movement of a satellite, about an axis through its center of gravity, which causes the antenna footprint to move North and South.
(sudden turn to face the basket)
(turn suddenly to face the basket)
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
directly controlled wheel
roth dír-rialaithe
indirectly controlled wheel
roth faoi rialú indíreach
controlled designation of origin
sonrúchán tionscnaimh cláraithe
State-controlled activities
gníomhaíochtaí Stát-rialaithe
carriage of goods at controlled temperature
carraeireacht theochtrialaithe earraí
controlled nuclear fusion; controlled thermonuclear fusion
comhleá núicléach rialaithe
pressure reducing valves and thermostatically-controlled valves
comhla bhrúlaghdaithe agus comhla theasrialaithe
remote-controlled mechanical manipulators
cianláimhsitheoirí meicniúla
CFC; controlled foreign company; controlled foreign corporation
CFC; corparáid faoi rialú eachtrach
controlled substance
substaint rialaithe
national greenhouse gas inventory; national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
fardal náisiúnta de gháis cheaptha teasa; fardal náisiúnta maidir le hastaíochtaí antrapaigineacha ag foinsí agus aistriú linnte na ngás ceaptha teasa uile nach bhfuil rialaithe ag Prótacal Montréal.
controlled transaction
idirbheart rialaithe
controlled substance; substance under control
substaint rialaithe
rolled barley grains
gráinní eorna rollta
CA storage; controlled atmosphere storage; controlled environment storage; controlled-air storage; storage in controlled atmosphere
stóráil in atmaisféar rialaithe
controlled undertaking
gnóthas rialaithe
randomised controlled trial; RCT
triail randamaithe faoi riail
centrally planned economy; command economy; CPE; planned economy; state-controlled economy
geilleagar lárphleanáilte
controlled access area; controlled area
limistéar rialaithe
controlled juridical person
duine dlítheanach faoi rialú
mechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Community; monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States; monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
sásra faireacháin astaíochtaí CO2 agus gás ceaptha teasa eile sa Chomhphobal
GCA procedure; ground-controlled approach procedure
nós imeachta ascnaimh arna rialú ón talamh
circulation controlled rotor
rótar faoi rialú aershruthaithe
close controlled air interception
tascradh aeir le neasrialú
controlled aerodrome
aeradróm rialaithe
controlled deployment bag
mála an pharaisiúit rialaithe; mála rialaithe an pharaisiúit
controlled interception
tascradh rialaithe
controlled slipping
sleamhnú rialaithe
controlled solidification
soladú rialaithe
controlled stretching
ríochan rialaithe
controlled tab
liopa rialaithe; táb rialaithe
controlled test
tástáil rialaithe
GCA; ground controlled approach
ascnamh arna rialú ón talamh
controlled spin; normal spin
gnáth-ghuairne; guairne rialaithe
employee-controlled shift work; extended flex-time
fleisc-am sínte
hot rolled coil
corna teorollta
controlled tipping; deposition; landfilling
líonadh talún
AGT; automated guideway transit; automated guideway transportation; computer controlled vehicle system
uathchóras feithiclí treoir-raoin
controlled siding
taobhlach rialaithe
controlled pollination
pailniú rialaithe
controlled market; regulated market
margadh rialáilte
consumer jury; controlled-opinion test; purchase panel
giúiré tomhaltóirí
rent-controlled housing
tithíocht ar cíos rialaithe
controlled-potential coulometry; controlled-potential coulometry method
modh cúlóiméadrachta an phoitéinsil rialaithe
controlled evaluation
meastóireacht rialaithe
pedestrian light controlled crossing; pelican crossing; push-button signalised crossing
trasrian soilsithe coisithe
signal-controlled pedestrian crossing
trasrian coisithe faoi rialú soilse tráchta
uncontrolled pedestrian crossing
trasrian neamhrialaithe do choisithe
controlled traffic farming; CTF
Feirmeoireacht Thráchtrialaithe
controlled early amortisation provision
soláthar um luathamúchadh faoi rialú
non-controlled early amortisation provision
soláthar um luath-amúchadh neamhrialaithe
International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
Uimhir Chaighdeánach Idirnáisiúnta um Thrialacha Rialaithe Randamaithe
controlled reactor
imoibreoir rialaithe
controlled entity
eintiteas rialaithe
jointly controlled entities—non-monetary contributions by venturers
eintitis chomhrialaithe - ranníocaíochtaí neamhairgeadaíochta fiontraithe
jointly controlled entity
eintiteas comhrialaithe
state-controlled entities
eintiteas stát-rialaithe
controlled flight
eitilt rialaithe
controlled opening equipment
trealamh oscailte rialaithe
CAS; controlled access system
córas rochtana rialaithe
pitch-controlled wind turbine; pitch-regulated wind turbine
tuirbín gaoithe céimrialaithe
stall controlled wind turbine; stall-regulated wind turbine
tuirbín gaoithe faoi loic-rialú
controlled legal person
duine dlítheanach faoi rialú
controlled mechanical ventilation
aeráil mheicniúil rialaithe
CCT; comparative clinical trial; controlled clinical trial
triail chliniciúil chóimheastóra
state-controlled enterprise
fiontar faoi úinéireacht stáit
gear-controlled weapon
armán gléasrialaithe (fir1)
handcontrolled weapons
armán lámhrialaithe (fir1)
controlled correction
ceartú rialaithe (fir)
ground controlled approach
tárrachtain rialaithe ar talamh (bain3)
ground controlled interception
tascradh rialaithe ón talamh (fir)