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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
takeoff roll
rothlúchán roimh éirí de thalamh
wheel nut
directly controlled wheel
roth dír-rialaithe
indirectly controlled wheel
roth faoi rialú indíreach
wheel lock sequence; wheel locking sequence
seicheamh glasála rotha
rotary kiln
áith rothlach
coast-down; coast-down test; coast-down testing
tástáil luasmhoillithe saor-rothlaithe
2 x 4; 2WD; two-wheel drive
tiomáint dhá roth
carousel fraud
calaois rothlach
Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these
an Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha maidir le ceadanna arna ndeonú ar bhonn na s; Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha chun ceadanna bunaithe orthu sin a aithint go c
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock (EUROFIMA)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cuideachta Eorpach a bhunú chun stoc rothra iarnróid a mhaoiniú (EUROFIMA)
overdraft facilities
saoráid rótharraingthe
converter (rotary or static)
tiontaire (rothlach nó statach)
iomarca meáchain; róthrom
excessive exposure to the sun
róthógáil na gréine
wheel-balancing weights
eirí cothromaíochta le haghaidh rothaí
railway rolling stock
rothra iarnróid
job rotation; work rotation
rothlú post
Bali minah; Rothschild's mynah; Rothschild's starling; white starling
míona Bali
overdraft facility
saoráid rótharraingthe
wheeled agricultural tractor
tarracóir talmhaíochta le rothaí; tarracóir talmhaíochta rothach
wheeled forestry tractor
tarracóir foraoiseachta ar rothaí
revolving securitisation
urrúsú imrothlach
EAPC; electrically assisted pedal cycle; pedelec
rothar leictreach
angle of rotation
uillinn an rothlaithe; uillinn rothlaithe
revolving underwriting facility; RUF
saoráid frithgheallta imrothlaigh
prothrombin time; PT
aga prótroimbine; PT
rotary evaporator; rotary vacuum evaporator; vacuum rotary evaporator
galaitheoir rothlach
optical rotation
rothlú optúil
fast rotating feed window
fuinneog fotha mhear-rothlach
4WD; four-wheel drive
tiomáint ceithre roth
open-ended credit; renewable credit; revolving credit; revolving loan
creidmheas imrothlach
TFT; trifluorothymidine
luasmhoilliú saor-rothlaithe
mountain peacock-pheasant; Rothschild's peacock-pheasant
piasún péacóige sléibhe
churning; overtrading
crown wheel
roth corónach
gearwheel; toothed wheel
roth fiaclach
rotational speed
luas an rothlaithe; luas rothlaithe
fleet overcapacity; overcapacity of the fleet
róthoilleadh cabhlaigh
wheel base (fully loaded); wheelbase when fully loaded
rothfhad lánluchtaithe
clotting factor II; coagulation factor II; factor II; prothrombin
revolving window display
taispeántas fuinneoige imrothlach
rotary drum vacuum filter; rotary vacuum drum filter
folús-scagaire druma rothlaigh
daylight credit; daylight exposure; daylight overdraft; intraday credit; intraday overdraft
creidmheas aon lae; neamhchosaint aon lae; rótharraingt aon lae
<I>O</I>,<I>O</I>-dimethyl <I>O</I>-(3,5,6-trichloropyridin-2-yl) phosphorothioate; <I>O</I>,<I>O</I>-dimethyl <I>O</I>-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate; chlorpyrifos-methyl
<I>O</I>,<I>O</I>-diethyl <I>O</I>-(4-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate; parathion; parathion-ethyl
2,4,5,6-tetrachlorobenzene-1,3-dicarbonitrile; chlorothalonil; tetrachloroisophthalonitrile
ECF; European Cyclists' Federation
an Chónaidhm Eorpach Rothaithe; ECF
overproduction; surplus production
rótháirgeacht; rótháirgeadh
wheel offset; wheel off-set
seach-chur an rotha
fifth wheel lead
rith an chúigiú roth
angle of roll
uillinn an rothlúcháin
bicycle undercarriage
fearas tuirlingthe rothaí teaindim
contra rotating propellers; counter rotating propellers
liáin fhrithrothlacha
contravane; countervane
eite fhrithrothlach
Earth rate
ráta imrothlaithe an Domhain
fire and overheat detector
brathadóir dóiteáin agus róthéimh
solanóideach rothlach
overdraft facilities
saoráidí rótharraingthe
revolving fund facility
saoráid chiste imrothlach
rotary hearth furnace; rotating-hearth furnace
foirnéis teallaigh rothlaigh
axle-counter; wheel-counting apparatus; wheel-counting device
áiritheoir acastóirí; gléas áirimh rothaí
rotating strike; staggered strike
stailc rothlach
revolving door
doras imrothlach
<I>O</I>,<I>O</I>-diethyl <I>O</I>-(3,5,6-trichloropyridin-2-yl) phosphorothioate; <I>O</I>,<I>O</I>-dimethyl-<I>O</I>-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate; chlorpyrifos; chlorpyrifos-ethyl
clóirpireafos; clóirpireafos-eitil
rotary furnace
foirnéis rothlach
electro-convulsive therapy; electrotherapeutic measures; electrotherapy
leictriteiripe; teiripe leictreabhaoth-thonnach
Dorothy Reed cell; Hodgkin cell; Reed-Sternberg cell
cill Hodgkin; cill Reed-Sternberg
gluaisrothar; rothar gluaiste
steered wheel
roth faoi stiúir
multi-wheel steering equipment
trealamh stiúrtha ilrotha
overdraft facilities
saoráidí rótharraingthe
fifth wheel coupling
cúplán an chúigiú roth
bank loans and overdrafts
iasachtaí bainc agus rótharraingtí bainc
cold therapy; cryotherapy; psychrotherapy
idler wheel
roth réchasta
polyfoam wheel
roth polacúir
rolling stock unit
aonad rothstoic
rotational friction brake
coscán rothlach frithchuimilte
wheel-rail interface safety
sábháilteacht an rothlaithe
pair of wheels; set of wheels; wheel set
foireann rothaí; péire rothaí
wheel slide
sleamhnú rotha
wheel slip
sciorradh rotha
wheel slip indicator
táscaire sciorradh rotha
wheel spin
rothlam rothaí
wheel suspension
crochadh rotha
twin wheels; twinned wheels
rotha dúbailte
revolving door
doras imrothlach
check rail; guard rail
ráille treorach; ráille treorach do na rothaí
maintenance of rolling stock
cothabháil an rothstoic
rim; wheel rim
fonsa rotha
roth lústair
reaction wheel
roth frithghníomhaithe
r.p.m.; revolutions per minute
imrothluithe sa nóiméad; isn
invalid carriage; wheelchair
cathaoir rothaí
overdrawn account
cuntas rótharraingthe
axle spacing; wheelbase
wheel alignment
ailíniú rothaí
wheel brake
coscán rotha
wheeled vehicle
feithicil rothach
single axle trailer; two wheel trailer; two-wheeled trailer
leantóir aon acastóra; leantóir dhá roth
fifth wheel; turntable
an cúigiú roth
carousel oxidation ditch
díog ocsaídiúcháin rothlach
rotary connection
cónasc rothlach
rotary washer
niteoir rothlach
rotating cup method
modh an chupáin rothlaigh
electrothermal propulsion
tiomáint leictriteirmeach
cycle helmet
clogad rothaíochta
moped rider
rothaí móipéide
steering wheel intrusion
ionsá roth stiúrtha
bicycle coalition
comhghuaillíocht rothaíochta
bikeways master plan
máistirphlean do ghréasán rothar
bicycle coordinator
comhordaitheoir rothaíochta
bicycle lane; bike lane; BL; cycle lane; on-carriageway cycle lane; on-street cycle lane
lána rothar; rotharbhealach
bicycle facilities
saoráid rothar
bicycle crossing
trasrian rothar
cycle network
gréasán raon rothar
bicycle route; class III bike route
curb cut; wheelchair ramp
rampa faoi choinne cathaoireacha rothaí
revolving exposure
neamhchosaint imrothlach
wheelchair user
úsáideoir cathaoir rothaí
qualifying revolving retail exposure
neamhchosaint cháilitheach imrothlach ar mhiondíol; neamhchosaint cháilitheach imrothlach mhiondíola
qualifying revolving retail subportfolio
fophunann mhiondíola imrothlach cháilitheach
specific optical rotation; specific rotation
sainrothlú; sainrothlú optúil
non-revolving exposure
neamhchosaint neamh-imrothlach
revolving retail exposure
neamhchosaint imrothlach ar mhiondíol
qualified bicycle commuting reimbursement
aisíocaíocht cháilithe as comaitéireacht rothair
rotary riffling
rifiliú rothlach
compound rotary table
comhthábla rothlach
bicycle car; velomobile
feithicil rothair
aerothermal energy
fuinneamh aeraiteirmeach
hydrothermal energy
fuinneamh hidriteirmeach
Amani Africa Cycle
rothaíocht Amani Africa
European Union of Cycle Touring
Aontas Eorpach um Thurasóireacht Rothair; UECT
abrasive wheel
roth scríobach
left-hand steering control vehicle
feithicil le roth stiúrtha ar chlé
spare wheel
roth breise; roth spártha
cog wheeled crusher
brúiteoir rothaí fiaclacha
tumbler; tumbler mixer
meascthóir rothlaim
total optical rotation
rothlú optúil iomlán
rotary film evaporator
sceoghalaitheoir rothlach
frothing substance
rotary inertia; rotational inertia
táimhe rothlach
wheel lock; wheel-locking
glasáil rotha
free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry
saorghluaiseacht na rothaí ag an tslí isteach chuig an ráille cosanta
free wheel passage at crossing nose
saorghluaiseacht na rothaí ag soc an trasriain
free wheel passage in switches
saorghluaiseacht na rothaí ag na ladhróga
landing gear wheel bearing
imthaca rotha fearas tuirlingthe
bank overdraft
rótharraingt bhainc
current holder of the rotating Presidency; rotating President
sealbhóir reatha na hUachtaránachta rothlaí
sheave train
sraith rothaí síobha
excess toxicity
excess maternal toxicity
róthocsaineacht mháthartha
vertical dynamic wheel load
ualach dinimiciúil ingearach rotha
overdraft interest
ús ar rótharraingt
‘rolling stock’ subsystem
fochóras rothstoic
deartháir céile
deartháir leasghaolmhar
ghost bike
rothar cuimhneacháin
rotation mechanism; rotation rule
riail rothlúcháin
S-[(1R,3S)-1-oxidotetrahydrothiophen-3-yl] ethanethioate
S-[(1R,3S)-1-ocsaíditeitrihidritiaiféin-3-il] eatáintiaiáit
steering wheel hub
mol roth stiúrtha
factory overrun; overrun
rótháirgeadh neamhúdaraithe
angular rotation
rothlú uilleach
ramp; wheelchair ramp
rampa do chathaoireacha rothaí
Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Railway Rolling Stock; Luxembourg Rail Protocol; Rail Protocol; Railway Protocol
Prótacal Iarnróid; Prótacal Lucsamburg a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar Leasanna Idirnáisiúnta i dTrealamh Soghluaiste ar nithe a bhaineann go sonrach le Cúrsaí Rothstoc Iarnróid
open ended credit agreement; open-end credit agreement
comhaontú creidmheasa imrothlaigh
bicycle boulevard; cycle street
sráid rothar
folding bicycle; folding bike
rothar infhillte
rothar comhrá
balance bicycle; run bike
rothairín reatha
contraflow cycling
rothaíocht in aghaidh an tsrutha
wheeling ramp
rampa rothar
bicycle parking; cycle parking
saoráid páirceála rothar
bicycle sharing system; bike share scheme; cycle hire scheme
scéim roinnte rothar
mandatory cycle line
líne rothaíochta éigeantach
advisory cycle lane
rotharbhealach molta
actual wheel power
rothchumhacht iarbhír
rotary drum; rotary drum thickener
tiúsóir druma rothlaigh
TBRC; top-blown rotary converter; top-blown rotary converter furnace; top-blown rotary furnace
tiontaire rothlach barrshéidte
casting wheel
roth teilgin
tilt rotary furnace; tilting furnace; tilting rotary furnace; tilting rotary melting furnace; TR furnace
foirnéis inchlaonta; foirnéis leáite rothlach inchlaonta; foirnéis rothlach inchlaonta; foirnéis TR
European cycle route network; EuroVelo
Líonra rotharbhealaí na hEorpa
caterpillar wheel
roth altach (fir3)
rothaí (fir4, gu: rothaí, ai: rothaithe, gi: rothaithe)
bore-measuring instrument
airnéis cróthomhais (bain2)
backsight fine adjustment worm wheel
piastroth mionchoigeartaithe cúltreorach (fir3)
rolling barrage
baráiste rothlaidh (fir4)
bevel wheel
roth beibhealta (fir3)
rotary valve
comhla rothlach (bain4)
elevating wheel
roth ardaithe (fir3)
elevating wheel bush
braicille rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel feather
cleite rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel nut
cnó rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel bush collar
coiléar braicille rotha ardaithe (fir1)
rothfhad (fir1, gu: rothfhaid, ai: rothfhaid, gi: rothfhad)
steering wheel
roth stiúrtha (fir3)
wheeled vehicle
feithicil ar rothaí (bain2)
wheeled vehicle
feithicil rotha (bain2)
péistroth (fir3, gu: péistrotha, ai: péistrothaí, gi: péistrothaí)
wormwheel bracket
brac péistrotha (fir1)
car with front wheel drive
carr tiomána tulrothaí (fir1)
trajectory table
tábla rothaig (fir4)
collar roller
coiléar rothlóra (fir1)
collar roller split pin
gabhalbhiorán coiléar rothlóra (fir1)
rotary convertor
claochladán rothlach (fir1)
cyclist regiment
reisimint rothaithe (bain2)
trothlú (fir, gu: trothlaithe)
front wheel drive
tiomáint tulrothaí (bain3)
range drum handwheel
lámhroth an raondruma (fir3)
motor cycle escort
coimhdeacht gluaisrothar (bain3)
flywheel guard
garda roth luastair (fir4)
roth luastair (fir3)
flywheel momentum
móiminteam roth luastair (fir1)
hammer roller
rothlóir casúir (fir3)
lámhroth (fir3, gu: lámhrotha, ai: lámhrothaí, gi: lámhrothaí)
hand-wheel method of indication
taispeáint ar mhodh lámhrotha (bain)
hand-wheel method of indication
taispeáint ar mhodh an lámhrotha (bain3)
pionna rotha (fir4)
motorcycle with side car
gluaisrothar le taobhcharr (fir1)
gluaisrothaí (fir4, gu: gluaisrothaí, ai: gluaisrothaithe, gi: gluaisrothaithe)
rotary motion
gluaiseacht rothlach (bain3)
rotation of the earth
rothlú an domhain (fir)
fiacail rotha (bain2)
cyclist squadron
scuadrún rothaithe (fir1)
rothag (fir1, gu: rothaig, ai: rothaig, gi: rothag)
curving trajectory
rothag cuarach (fir1)
flat trajectory
rothag íseal (fir1)
high trajectory
rothag ard (fir1)
cyclist troop
trúpa rothaithe (fir4)
right slide with collar and roller
sleamhnán deas le coiléar agus rothlóir (fir1)
rothlaigh (br, abr: rothlú, aidbhr: rothlaithe)
overemphasise a thing
luigh róthrom ar rud (br)
róthéigh (br, láith: róthéann, abr: róthéamh, aidbhr: róthéite)
roth cothromaíochta (fir3)
roth fiaclach (fir3)
sprocket wheel
roth fiaclach (fir3)
saor rothaí (fir1)
gluaisrothar (fir1, gu: gluaisrothair, ai: gluaisrothair, gi: gluaisrothar)
roth (fir3, gu: rotha, ai: rothaí, gi: rothaí)
the curve of the trajectory
cuar an rothaig
the tangent to the trajectory
an tadhall don rothag
traversing wheel with handle
roth trasnála le hanla