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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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land restoration
athchóiriú talún
axle set
tacar acastóra
split axle test
tastáil scoilte acastóra
control group
grúpa cóimheasa; grúpa cóimheastóra; grúpa rialaithe; riailghrúpa
College of Quaestors
Coláiste na gCaestóirí
SLORC; SPDC; State Law and Order Restoration Council; State Peace and Development Council
an Chomhairle Stáit um Athbhunú an Oird Phoiblí; an Chomhairle Stáit um Shíocháin agus um Fhorbraíocht; SLORC; SPDC
IBO; investor buy-out
ceannach thar barr amach ag infheisteoir; IBO
marabou stork
Storm's stork
storc Storm
bonded warehouse; customs warehouse
stóras custaim
customs warehousing; customs warehousing arrangements; customs warehousing procedure
nós imeachta stórála custaim
case history
stóras cánach; trádstóras cánach
institutional investor
infheisteoir institiúideach
anamnesis; medical history
European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cinntí a bhaineann le Coimirce Leanaí a Aithint agus a Fhorfheidhmiú agus maidir le hAthbhunú Coimirce Leanaí
trade-distorting measure; trade-distorting practice
beart a shaobhann an trádáil
maximum equilibrium catch; maximum sustainable yield; MSY; potential yield
uastáirgeacht inbhuanaithe; uastoradh inbhuanaithe
recovery of stocks; restoration of stocks; stock recovery
aisghabháil stoc; athbhunú stoc
energy storage technology
teicneolaíocht stórála fuinnimh
historical cost
costas stairiúil
public customs warehouse
stóras custaim poiblí
Convention concerning Termination of Employment at the Initiative of the Employer; Termination of Employment Convention, 1982
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Foirceannadh Fostaíochta ar Thionscnamh an Fhostóra
energy storage
stóráil fuinnimh
distorting effect; distortive effect
iarmhairt an tsaofa; iarmhairt saofa
trade distortion
saobhadh trádála
disposal of radioactive waste; final disposal of radioactive waste; final storage of radioactive waste; permanent storage of radioactive waste; radioactive waste disposal
diúscairt dramhaíola radaighníomhaí
castor seed
síol ricne
temporary storage of goods
stóráil shealadach earraí
lorry axle weights
meáchan acastóra leoraí
distort competition
saobh (iomaíocht)
electric heating resistors
friotóir téimh leictreach
to restore normal conditions
gnáthchoinníollacha a athbhunú
restoration of monuments
séadchomharthaí a athchóiriú
stóras; trádstóras
fixed storage; read-only memory; read-only storage; ROM
cuimhne inléite amháin; ROM
the collection, storage and supply of human organs
orgáin an duine a bhailiú, a stóráil agus a sholáthar
castor oil plant
planda ola ricne
white stork
storc bán
oriental stork
storc oirthearach
jabiru stork
black stork
storc dubh
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers' Claims in the event of the Insolvency of their Employer; Protection of Workers' Claims (Employer's Insolvency) Convention, 1992
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Éileamh Oibrithe i gCás Dhócmhainneacht a bhFostóra
Recommendation concerning the Protection of Workers' Claims in the Event of the Insolvency of their Employer
Moladh maidir le héilimh fostaithe a chosaint i gcás dhócmhainneacht a bhfostóra
investor protection; protection of investors
cosaint infheisteoirí
investor compensation scheme
scéim cúitimh d'infheisteoirí
temporary warehousing
trádstóráil shealadach
underground storage
stóráil faoi thalamh
storage control
rialú stórála
Common Procurement Vocabulary; CPV
CPV; Stór Focal Comhchoiteann um Sholáthar
storage facility
saoráid stórála
angel; angel investor; business angel; informal investor
aingeal gnó
storage system operator
oibritheoir córais stórála
market distortion
saobhadh margaidh
competitive distortion; distortion in competition; distortion of competition
saobhadh ar an iomaíocht; saobhadh iomaíochta
partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of castor oil
eistir pholaigliocróil pháirteacha d'aigéid shailleacha pholaichomhdhlúite d'ola ricne
glycerol esters of condensed castor oil fatty acids; polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid; polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids from castor oil; polyglycerol polyricinoleate
polairicineoláit pholaigliocróil
storage capacity
toilleadh stórais
significant distortion of the fishing pattern
saobhadh suntasach ar phatrún na hiascaireachta
time of taking into store
am na stórála
potato for winter storing
práta le stóráil le linn an gheimhridh
historical cost convention
coinbhinsiún an chostais stairiúil
discount warehouse
trádstóras lascaine
fixed-price store; one-price store
siopa aonphraghais
variety store
siopa earraí ilchineálacha
chain store; multiple chain; multiple store
ilsiopa; siopa sraithe
free warehouse
trádstóras saor
public warehouse
trádstóras poiblí
private customs warehouse; private warehouse
stóras custaim príobháideach
temporary storage
nós imeachta stórála sealadaí
mini self-service store
mionsiopa féinseirbhíse
expenses for storage
speansais stórála
mail-order store
siopa postdíola
CA storage; controlled atmosphere storage; controlled environment storage; controlled-air storage; storage in controlled atmosphere
stóráil in atmaisféar rialaithe
aid for private storage; private storage aid; PSA
cabhair le haghaidh stóráil phríobháideach
saddle-billed stork
storc Seineagálach
Japanese white stork; white oriental stork
storc oirthearach
shoebill; whale-headed stork
milky stork; milky wood stork
storc luatha
control chart
cairt cóimheastóra
delivery ex-warehouse
seachadadh ón trádstóras
individual investor; non-professional investor; retail investor; small investor
infheisteoir aonair; infheisteoir miondíola
to protect the branch's investors
infheisteoirí an bhrainse a chosaint
stores and fuel
soláthairtí agus breosla
Historically valued asset
sócmhainn ar luach a fála
settlor; truster; trustor
socraitheoir; socraitheoir i leith iontaobhais
storage period
tréimhse stórála
public storage
stóráil phoiblí
combination store; combo; combostore
siopa comhcheangail
collector-storage wall; solar wall; Trombe wall; Trombe-Michel wall
balla Trombe
storage capacity
acmhainn stórála
CAES; compressed air energy storage
stóráil fuinnimh le haer comhbhrúite
TES; thermal energy storage; thermal storage
historic pension fund obligation
oibleagáid stairiúil maidir le ciste pinsean
storekeeper; warehouseman
historical cost convention
coinbhinsiún an chostais stairiúil
historical archives
cartlann stairiúil
private storage aid scheme
scéim cabhrach um stóráil phríobháideach
axle track
rian an acastóra
natural killer cell; NK cell
cill NK; cill scriostóra nádúrtha
store planner
pleanálaí siopa
ice-cream storage container
gabhdán stórála d'uachtar reoite
frozen food storage container
coimeádán stórála le haghaidh bia reoite
to lead to distortion of trade
bheith ina chúis le saobhadh trádála
warehouse discount
lascaine trádstórais
warehouse assistant(m/f)
cúntóir trádstórais (f/b)
storage installation
fearas stórála
to avoid deflections of trade and distortions of competition
d'fhonn sraonadh trádála agus saobhadh iomaíochta a sheachaint
negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse warrant
barántas trádstórais; fáltas inaistrithe trádstórais
cost of acquisition; historical cost; initial costs
costas stairiúil; túschostas
historical cost
costas stairiúil
dock warrant; negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse receipt; warehouse release; warehouse warrant; warrant; WR
barántas duga; barántas trádstórais
approved cold store
fuarstóras formheasta
black stork
storc dubh
‘best before’ date; date of minimum durability; date of minimum durability of a food; minimum durability date; minimum storage life
dáta ar fearr roimhe
cost of processing and storage
costas próiséala agus stórála
fiscal warehouse; tax warehouse
stóras cánach
storage premium; storage subsidy
fóirdheontas stórála; préimh stórála
bias of estimator
laofacht meastóra
axle offset
seach-chur acastóra
castor length
fad roithlín
inlet flow distortion
díchumadh an tsreabhaidh ionraoin
storm wind
gaoth stoirme
LDR; light dependent resistor; photo resistor; photoconductive cell
friotóir solas-spleách
accumulator; secondary battery; secondary cell; storage cell
cill stórais
distortion factor; harmonic distortion; harmonic factor; total harmonic distortion
díchumadh armónach
pump storage; pumped storage
taisce pumpála
SPC; stored program control
rialú le ríomhchlár stóráilte
employer's unilateral action
gníomhú aontaobhach an fhostóra
employer's contribution
ranníocaíocht an fhostóra
employment history; work history
stair fostaíochta
axle load; axle weight; load per axle; weight per axle
ualach in aghaigh an acastóra
underground gas storage; underground gas storage system
córas stórála gáis faoi thalamh
toxic and dangerous waste storage
stóráil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
historical complex
coimpléasc stairiúil
historical heritage council
comhairle oidhreachta stairiúla
historical heritage exportation
onnmhairiúchán na hoidhreachta stairiúla
historical resource
acmhainn stairiúil
storage of waste; waste storage
stóráil dramhaíola
storm water; stormwater
uisce stoirme
killer T lymphocyte; natural killer T cell; NKT cell
limficít T scriostóra
tropical storm
stoirm thrópaiceach
retention period; storage period
tréimhse coinneála sonraí
buffer; buffer memory; buffer storage; buffer store; data buffer
stóras maolánach
memory; storage; storage device
gléas stórála
tuairisc ama
storage reservoir
taiscumar stórála
consumable stores; consumables
approved warehouse
trádstóras formheasta
convenience store
siopa áise
dispatchers and storekeepers; goods inspectors
cigire earraí
axle motor
mótar acastóra
Bachelder axle motor
mótar acastóra Bachelder
bogie frame mounted axle motor
mótar acastóra fráma bógaí
brake resistor; dynamic breaking resistor
friotóir coscánaithe
car barn
stóras carráistí
direct axle motor
mótar díracastóra
elastically mounted axle motor
mótar acastóra suite go leaisteach
maintenance and storage facility
saoráid chothabhála agus stórála
mean time to restore
meán-am aischuir
restoration of service
athbhunú seirbhíse
system restore time
aga gan seirbhís
shelf life; storage life
ships' stores
stórais loinge
storage medium
meán stórála
central storage; internal storage; main storage; primary storage
market economy investor principle; MEIP; private investor principle
prionsabal an infheisteora phríobháidigh i ngeilleagar an mhargaidh
data recovery; data restoration
aisghabháil sonraí
data storage
stóráil sonraí
wine warehouse
trádstóras fíona
historical simulation
ionsamhlúchán stairiúil
ex warehouse
field warehouse
trádstóras allamuigh
store manager
bainisteoir siopa
financial history
stair airgeadais
discount house; discount store
siopa lascaine; teach lascaine
chain store
siopa sraithe
craoladh i siopa
corner store chain
sraith de shiopaí cúinne
corner store
siopa cúinne
in-store promotion
promóisean ar an láthair
push down stock; push down store
stoc brú anuas; stór brú anuas
retail store manager
bainisteoir siopa miondíola
historic cost account
cuntasaíocht chostas stairiúil
acid maltase deficiency; AMD; glycogen storage disease type II; glycogenosis type II; GSD-II; Pompe disease
galar stórála glicigine chineál II
investor-owned utilities; IOU
fóntais infheisteoirí
single axle trailer; two wheel trailer; two-wheeled trailer
leantóir aon acastóra; leantóir dhá roth
storm sewer
séarach stoirme
storm sewage; storm-water runoff
múnlach stoirme
storm water detention pond; stormwater retention basin
taisc-umar uisce stoirme
bankside storage
stóras cois bruaigh
storm overflow
draein forsceite
edge-of-town store / shopping centre; out-of-town store
siopa / ionad siopadóireachta ar imeall an bhaile mhóir; siopa lasmuigh den bhaile mór
clár scéalta
historical cost depreciation
dímheas ar an gcostas stairiúil
data warehousing
ollstóráil sonraí
fertility restoration
athbhunú torthúlachta
historical data
sonraí stairiúla
arrangements other than customs warehousing
socruithe seachas trádstóráil chustaim
foreign portfolio investor; portfolio investor
infheisteoir punainne
single-axle load
ualach aon acastóra
carbon capture and geological storage; carbon capture and storage; carbon dioxide capture and geological storage; carbon dioxide capture and storage; CCS; CO2 capture and storage
gabháil agus stóráil charbóin; gabháil agus stóráil dé-ocsaíd charbóin
Quaestors' Group
Grúpa na gCaestóirí
historical internal loss data
sonraí stairiúla inmheánacha maidir le caillteanas
historical loss data
sonraí stairiúla maidir le caillteanas
minimum historical observation period
íostréimhse bhreathnadóireachta stairiúla
axle-lift device
gaireas ardaithe acastóra
Expert Group on Credit Histories
Sainghrúpa maidir le Startha Creidmheasa
claim of investor
éileamh infheisteora
ensure timeliness of cashflows to investors
áirithigh tráthúlacht sreabha airgid chuig infheisteoirí
storage procedure
nós imeachta stórála
historical default rate
ráta mainneachtana stairiúil
online data storage; online file storage
stóráil comhad ar líne
carbon dioxide geological storage; CO2 geological storage; geological storage of carbon dioxide; geological storage of CO<sub>2</sub>
stóráil gheolaíoch CO2; stóráil gheolaíoch dé-ocsaíd charbóin
operator; operator of a CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage site; operator of a storage site
preliminary storage
temporary storage of waste
stóráil shealadach dramhaíola
data repository
stór sonraí; stóras sonraí
optical distortion
díchumadh optúil
optical distortion test
tástáil ar dhíchumadh optúil
clawback; obligation to restore or account for gifts, advancements or legacies
aisghlámadh; oibleagáid um bronntanais, réamhshocruithe nó leagáidí a thabhairt ar ais nó a mhíniú
buyer-pays model; "investor-pays" model; subscription model
an tsamhail "íocann an ceannaitheoir"; an tsamhail "íocann an t-infheistitheoir"; samhail na suibscríbhinne
TR; trade repository
stór trádála; TR
axle spread
leathadh acastóra
hydraulic braking system with stored energy
córas coscánaithe hiodrálach le fuinneamh taiscthe
static axle load
marbhualach acastóra
washer distorting groove
eitre shéalach
key information document; key investor information; key investor information document; KID; KII; KIID
doiciméad faisnéise bunriachtanaí; faisnéis bhunriachtanach don infheisteoir
decommissioning, restoration and environmental rehabilitation funds
cistí um dhíchoimisiúnú, athchóiriú agus athshlánú comhshaoil
employer payroll taxes and insurance contributions
cánacha párolla agus ranníocaíochtaí árachais fostóra
historical cost
costas stairiúil
historical loss experience
taithí stairiúil maidir le caillteanas
historical summaries
achoimrí stairiúla
investor in a joint venture
infheisteoir i gcomhfhiontar
investor-owned entity
eintiteas faoi úinéireacht infheisteoirí
obligations for removal and restoration
oibleagáidí d’aistriú agus d’athchóiriú
retail store chain
sreangshiopa miondíola
rights to interests arising from decommissioning, restoration and environmental rehabilitation funds
cearta chun leasa a eascraíonn as cistí a bhaineann le díchoimisiúnú, le hathchóiriú agus le hathshlánú comhshaoil
historical waste
dramhaíl stairiúil
special precautions for storage; special storage precautions
réamhchúraimí speisialta stórála
historical financial information
faisnéis airgeadais stairiúil
Central Rating Repository; central repository; CEREP
stór lárnach rátálacha
pre-set control response
freagairt cóimheastóra réamhshocraithe
Keep/Store away from clothing/…/combustible materials.
Coimeád/Stóráil glan ar éadaí/…/ábhair indóite.
Store …
Stóráil …
Store in a dry place.
Stóráil in áit thirim.
Store in a well-ventilated place.
Stóráil in áit dhea-aeráilte.
Store in a closed container.
Stóráil i gcoimeádán iata.
Store locked up.
Stóráil faoi ghlas.
Store in corrosive resistant/… container with a resistant inner liner.
Stóráil i gcoimeádán … frithchreimneach/… le líneáil frithchreimneach laistigh.
Store at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F.
Stóráil ag teocht nach airde ná …°C/…°F.
Store bulk masses greater than … kg/… lbs at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F.
Stóráil bulcmhaiseanna os cionn … kg/… lb ag teocht nach airde ná …°C/…°F.
Store away from other materials.
Stóráil glan ar ábhair eile.
Store contents under …
Stóráil an t-ábhar faoi …
Store in a dry place. Store in a closed container.
Stóráil in áit thirim. Stóráil i gcoimeádán iata.
Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
Stóráil in áit dhea-aeráilte. Coimeád an coimeádán dúnta go docht.
Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
Stóráil in áit dhea-aeráilte. Coimeád fionnuar.
Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place.
Cosain ó sholas na gréine. Stóráil in áit dhea-aeráilte.
Store at temperatures not exceeding …°C/…°F. Keep cool.
Stóráil ag teocht nach airde ná …°C/…°F. Coimeád fionnuar.
warehoused payment order
ordú íocaíochta stóráilte
hiring subsidy
fóirdheontas fostóra; fóirdheontas fruilithe
track-side storage system
córas stórála taobh riain
rail energy storage
stóráil fuinnimh iarnróid
history of safe food use
stair úsáid an bhia shláin
storage facility
saoráid stórála
Working Party on Financial Services (Investor compensation schemes)
an Mheitheal um Sheirbhísí Airgeadais (Scéimeanna cúitimh d'infheisteoirí)
investors' interest
ús infheisteoirí
domain name warehousing
ollstóráil ainm fearainn
professional client; professional customer; professional investor; sophisticated investor
cliant gairmiúil
declaration for temporary storage; temporary storage declaration
dearbhú stórais shealadaigh
EUCAP NESTOR; EUCAP Somalia; European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia; European Union Mission on Regional Maritime Capacity Building in the Horn of Africa
Misean an Aontais Eorpaigh um Fhorbairt Acmhainní Muirí Réigiúnacha i gCorn na hAfraice
dry storage
stóráil tirim
expedited preservation of stored computer data
caomhnú brostaithe ar shonraí ríomhaireachta stóráilte
permanent cookie; persistent cookie; stored cookie; tracking cookie
fianán rianaithe
HAEU; Historical Archives of the European Union
Cartlann Stairiúil an Aontais Eorpaigh
e-Certis; online repository of certificates
e-CERTIS; stór de dheimhnithe ar líne
windstorm risk
riosca stoirme gaoithe
net reversal of storage; storage reversal
aisiompú stórála; glan-aisiompú stórála
investor-state dispute settlement; investor-to-state dispute settlement; ISDS
réiteach díospóide idir infheisteoirí agus an stát
biometric storage
stóráil bhithmhéadrach
cloud storage
investor-state arbitration
eadráin idir infheisteoir agus stát
historical look back standardised approach
cur chuige breathnaithe siar stairiúil caighdeánaithe
investor run
scaoll infheisteoirí
CARS; Council Administrative Registry and Storage
CARS; Clárlann agus Stóras Riaracháin na Comhairle
rechargeable electric energy storage system; rechargeable energy storage system; REESS
córas stórála fuinnimh leictrigh in-athluchtaithe; REESS
accelerated storage
stóráil bhrostaithe
yearling store cattle
eallach bliana stóir
automatic frequency restoration reserve; automatic FRR
CAM uathoibríoch; cúltaca athbhunaithe minicíochta uathoibríoch
frequency restoration reserves; FRR
cúltacaí athbhunaithe minicíochta; FRR
time to restore frequency
am go haischur minicíochta
FRCE; frequency restoration control error
earráid rialaithe athbhunaithe minicíochta; FRCE
Historical Archives Unit
An tAonad um an gCartlann Stairiúil
Quaestors' Secretariat
Rúnaíocht na gCaestóirí
Secretariat of the Bureau and the Quaestors
Rúnaíocht an Bhiúró agus na gCaestóirí
House of European History
Áras Stair na hEorpa
CCT; comparative clinical trial; controlled clinical trial
triail chliniciúil chóimheastóra
internal storage
cuimhne inmheánach; stóras inmheánach
frequency restoration process; FRP
FRP; próiseas athbhunaithe minicíochta
days of storage
laethanta stórála
Convention on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration; Mauritius Convention on Transparency; United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Trédhearcacht in Eadráin Chonradhbhunaithe idir Infheisteoirí agus Stáit
deNOx trap; DNT; lean NO<sub>x</sub> adsorber; lean NO<sub>x</sub> trap; LNA; LNT; NAC; NOx adsorber catalyst; NOx storage catalyst; NOx storage-reduction catalyst; NSC; NSR catalyst
asúiteoir NOx caol
carbon capture, utilisation and storage; CCUS
CCUS; gabháil, úsáid agus stóráil carbóin
qualified investor
infheisteoir cáilithe
large scale pilot STORK; STORK
Treoirscéim Mhórscála STORK
allergen repertoire
stór ailléirginí
data silo; silo
stóras aonraithe sonraí
partial weighted harmonic distortion; PWHD
díchumadh armónach páirtualaithe
impostor fraud
calaois an phasadóra
European aero-medical data repository
stór sonraí aerleighis Eorpach
high-storage anonymous prepaid card
cárta réamhíoctha anaithnid ardstórais
CIR; common identity repository
stóras coiteann sonraí céannachta
technical store account
cuntas stóir theicniúil (fir1)
ammunition store
stóras lón lámhaigh (fir1)
anode resistor
friotaí anóide (fir4)
army storage depot
iosta stórála airm (fir4)
article of store
earra stórais (fir4)
fianaí (fir4, gu: fianaí, ai: fianaithe, gi: fianaithe)
axle housing
cumhdach acastóra (fir1)
axle shaft
fearsaid acastóra (bain2)
vehicle history record
stairthaifead feithicle (fir1)
veterinary history sheet
stairbhileog tréidliachta (bain2)
vocabulary of stores
foclóir stóras (fir3)
warlike store
stóras cogaidh (fir1)
wire bound resistor
friotaí sreangthochraiste (fir4)
storage tank
dabhach taisce (bain)
classification of technical stores
aicmiú stóras teicniúil (fir)
storage cell
cadhain taisce (bain2)
storage cell
taisc-chadhain (bain2, gu: taisc-chaidhne, ai: taisc-chaidhnte, gi: taisc-chaidhnte)
chassis distortion
fiaradh fonnaidh (fir1)
Base Medical Stores [Units and Sub-units: Defence Forces’ Training Centre]
Stórais Bhunáit Liachta (fir1)
Dockyard Stores [Units and Sub-units: Naval Service]
Stóras Longlainne (fir1)
Electrical Stores [Units and Sub-units: Naval Service]
Stóras Earraí Leictreachais (fir1)
Naval Technical Stores [Units and Sub-units: Naval Service]
Stórais Theicniúla na Seirbhíse Cabhlaigh (fir)
stores depot
iosta stóras (fir4)
base depot of medical stores
iosta bunáit stóras liachta (fir4)
camtha (a3)
fiartha (a3)
fiaradh (fir, gu: fiartha, ai: fiarthaí, gi: fiarthaí)
non-linear distortion
fiaradh neamhlíneach (fir)
risk of distortion
baol fiartha (fir1)
lateral distortion
taobhfhiaradh (fir, gu: taobhfhiartha, ai: taobhfhiarthaí, gi: taobhfhiarthaí)
dust proof store
stór deanndíonach (fir1)
explosive store
stóras pléascán (fir1)
heat efficiency
teastoradh (fir1, gu: teastoraidh)
history of epilepsy
dúchas titeamais (fir1)
expendable equipment
trealamh stórais (fir1)
expendable stores
trealamh inídithe (fir1)
fixed resistor
friotaí doaistrithe (fir4)
gun history sheet
stairbhileog ghunna (bain2)
history of epilepsy
dúchas an titimis (fir1)
history sheet
stairbhileog (bain2, gu: stairbhileoige, ai: stairbhileoga, gi: stairbhileoga)
vehicle history sheet
stairbhileog feithicle (bain2)
oil storage installation
feisteas taisce ola (fir1)
issue from stores
eisiúint as stórais (bain3)
inventory of maintenance stores
fardal stórais chothabhála líne (fir1)
kit history sheet
stairbhileog feisteáin (bain2)
linen store
stóras líneadaigh (fir1)
medical store
stóras liachta (fir1)
medical history sheet
stairbhileog liachta (bain2)
officer in charge main technical stores
oifigeach i bhfeighil príomhstórais theicniúla (fir1)
storekeeping personnel
pearsanra stórálachta (fir4)
petrol storage tank
dabhach taisce peitril (bain2)
stores officer
oifigeach stóras (fir1)
chief stores officer
príomhoifigeach stóras (fir1)
oil store
stóras ola (fir1)
ordnance store
stóras ordanáis (fir1)
friotaí (fir4, gu: friotaí, ai: friotaithe, gi: friotaithe)
friotóir (fir3, gu: friotóra, ai: friotóirí, gi: friotóirí)
carbon resistor
friotaí carbóin (fir4)
fixed resistor
friotaí do-aistrithe (fir4)
wirebound resistor
friotaí sreangthochraiste (fir4)
returned store
stóras ar ais (fir1)
repairable store
stóras indeisithe (fir1)
screw driver
scriúchastóir (fir3, gu: scriúchastóra, ai: scriúchastóirí, gi: scriúchastóirí)
staff and stores officer
oifigeach foirne agus stóras (fir1)
store stock
stoc stórais (fir1)
réamh-mheastóir (fir3, gu: réamh-mheastóra, ai: réamh-mheastóirí, gi: réamh-mheastóirí)
predictor operator
oibritheoir réamh-mheastóra (fir3)
store account
cuntas stórais (fir1)
stores organisation
eagraíocht stóras (bain3)
base store
stóras bunáite (fir1)
stores administration
riarachán stóras (fir1)
clothing store
stóras éadaigh (fir1)
store group
grúpa stórais (fir4)
linen store
stóras linéadaigh (fir1)
packing store
stóras pacála (fir1)
technical store
stóras teicniúil (fir1)
torpedo store
stóras toirpéad (fir1)
unit store
stóras aonaid (fir1)
store under survey
stóras faoi shuirbhéireacht (fir1)
stórálacht (bain3, gu: stórálachta)
príomhleabhar stórais (fir1)
stórálaí (fir4, gu: stórálaí, ai: stórálaithe, gi: stórálaithe)
technical storeman
stórálaí teicniúil (fir4)
NCO storeman
oifigeach neamhchoimisiúnta stórála (fir1)
one storey house
teach aon urláir (fir)
ilurlárach (a1)
anfa (fir4, gu: anfa, ai: anfaí, gi: anfaí)
stoirm (bain2, gu: stoirme, ai: stoirmeacha, gi: stoirmeacha)
surplus store
stóras barrachais (fir1)
survey of stores
suirbhéireacht ar stórais (bain3)
tostóir (fir3, gu: tostóra, ai: tostóirí, gi: tostóirí)
aisig (br, láith: aiseagann, abr: aiseag, aidbhr: aiseagtha)
tabhair ar ais (br)
cóirigh (br, abr: cóiriú, aidbhr: cóirithe)
athchóirigh (br, abr: athchóiriú, aidbhr: athchóirithe)
voucher stores
cuir stórais ar chruthúnacht (br)
storage cell
cill taisce
storage cell
taisc-chill (bain2, gu: taisc-chille)
rear axle
cúlacastóir (fir3, gu: cúlacastóra, ai: cúlacastóirí, gi: cúlacastóirí)
acastóir (fir3, gu: acastóra, ai: acastóirí, gi: acastóirí)
deterioration in stores
meath ar stórais
grouping of kindred stores on requisition forms
stórais den tsamhail chéanna a ghrúpail ar na foirmeacha foréilimh
stores remaining on charge
stórais a fhanann ina muirear
75 ohm non-inductive resistor
friotóir neamhionduchtach 75 óm
scrap mechanical transport stores
dramhstórais iompair mheicniúil
ration and meat stores
stórais chiondála agus feola
a tender for the supply of stores
tairiscint chun stórais a sholáthair
unserviceable stores of saleable value
stórais neamhfhóinteacha indíolta
submit a case for the purchase of stores
cuir cás ar aghaidh chun stórais a cheannach
strike an article of stores off store-ledger charge
bain earra stórais de mhuirear príomhleabhair stórais
dispatch stores by rail
cuir stórais ar aghaidh d'iarnród
hold stores on charge
stórais a choimeád faoi mhuirear
issue stores on inventory
eisigh stórais ar fardal
to pass stores
stórais a rith
reject stores as unsuitable
diúltaigh stórais toisc iad a bheith neamhoiriúnach
storm a position
éignigh suíomh
strike an article of stores off store ledger charge
bain earra stórais de mhuinear príomhleabhair stóras
unpack stores
díphacáil stórais
advanced depot of medical stores
tuliosta stóras liachta
classification of technical stores
aicmiú stóras teicniúil
adjust discrepancies (stores)
coigeartaigh neamhréireachtaí
adequate supplies of technical stores
leorsholáthairtí de stórais theicniúla
to hand over stores
stórais a chuir de láimh
stores remaining on charge
stórais a fhanann ar muirear