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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
Leathphionta de lágar tarraingthe
Half-pint of draught lager
1p an leath phionta ar leann dubh, leann agus lágar ar tarraingt
1p per half-pint of draught stout, ale and lager
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAbabhtáil bain3 tarraingthe anuas
gu babhtála tarraingthe anuas
Airgeadas Babhtáil ó ráta úis comhlúthach go ráta úis seasta a bhfuil sé mar aidhm aige tarlú ag an am céanna le sceideal tarraingthe anuas pleanáilte, rud a dhéantar, mar shampla, chun tionscadal a airgeadú.
Finance Swap from floating to fixed rate interest designed to coincide with a planned drawdown schedule typical of some project financing.
Airgeadas Sócmhainn shaorga chúltaca cruthaithe agus coimeádta ar leabhair an IMF.
Finance Artificial reserve asset created and held on the books of the IMF.
An dáta deiridh ar féidir tarraingt siar ó aonad ar bith gan táille a íoc.
The last date which you can withdraw from any unit(s) without incurring financial liability for the fee.
Duine atá ina shealbhóir ar ghnáthcheadúnas iascaireachta lena n-údaraítear inneall iascaireachta de chineál a shonraítear i gcolún (3) de Chuid II den Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis, an bPríomh-Acht ag uimhreacha tagartha 1, 2,3,4,6, 7, 8 nó 9 a úsáid nó ceadúnas a eisíodh faoi chaibidil II de Chuid VI den Phríomh-Acht a bhaineann le líon tarraingthe agus atá i dteideal vótáil (i gceachtar cás).
A person who is the holder of either an ordinary fishing licence authorising the use of a fishing engine of a kind specified in column (2) of Part II of the Fourth Schedule to the Principal Act at reference numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 or 9 or a licence issued under Chapter II of Part VI of the Principal Act and which relates to a draft net and who (in either case) is entitled to vote
GAtarraing br le faomhadh/for approval
láith tarraingíonn, abr tarraingt, aidbhr tarraingthe
(glasraí mionghearrtha)
ENsweat v
(of chopped vegetables)
tarraing an t-oinniún
sweat the onion
GAtarraing br
láith tarraingíonn, abr tarraingt, aidbhr tarraingthe
(to cause)
Tharraing a chuid focal mioscais.
His words occasioned ill will.
GAtarraing br
láith tarraingíonn, abr tarraingt, aidbhr tarraingthe
ENcause v
tarraingíonn achrann
cause strife
GAtarraing br
láith tarraingíonn, abr tarraingt, aidbhr tarraingthe
ENpull v
leagan ó chianstór a chur in áit leagan logánta
to replace local version with version from a remote repository
Is mian leis ní a tharraingt anuas chun díospóireachta ar stopadh an ghnó.
Is mian leis ní a tharraingt anuas chun díospóireachta ar stopadh na ngnóithe.
He wishes to bring up a matter for discussion on the interruption of business.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
SDR; Special Drawing Right
Ceart Tarraingthe Speisialta
towing device
gléas tarraingthe
withdrawal price
praghas aistarraingthe
pull factor
toisc tarraingthe
towing vehicle; tractor vehicle
feithicil tarraingthe; tarracóir
SDR; SDRs; special drawing rights
cearta speisialta tarraingthe; CST
dragged gear; towed gear
trealamh iascaireachta tarraingthe
drawbar trailer
leantóir barra tarraingthe
drawing axle
acastóir tarraingthe
Microgravity User Support Centre; MUSC
an tIonad Tacaíochta d'Úsáideoirí sna hEolaíochtaí Micrea-dhomhantarraingthe
heaving line
téadán tarraingthe
retracting headlamp; retracting headlight
ceannlampa in-aistarraingthe
technically permissible maximum towable mass
an uasmhais intarraingthe incheadaithe go teicniúil
acceleration due to gravity; acceleration of gravity; gravity acceleration
luasghéarú de bharr domhantarraingthe
withdrawal period; withholding period
tréimhse aistarraingthe
withholding period
tréimhse aistarraingthe
aero-tow flight
eitilit um aertharraingt; eitilt aerárthaigh tarraingthe
alpha hinge
inse cúltarraingthe
button out
díscortha; scoradán ciorcaid tarraingthe
canopy drag area
achar cúltarraingthe an téastair
drag axis
ais chúltarraingthe
drag creep
téaltú cúltarraingthe
drag rope
rópa cúltarraingthe
drag rudder
stiúir chúltarraingthe
drag wire
sreang chúltarraingthe
extraction time
aga na hastarraingthe
L/D ratio; lift/drag ratio; lift-to-drag ratio
cóimheas ardaithe/cúltarraingthe
drive battery; traction battery
bataire tarraingthe; bataire tiomána
fume cupboard; fume hood
cochall eastarraingthe; múchlann
boat dredge
dreidire tarraingthe
drawbar coupling
cúplán barra tarraingthe
drawbar eye
súil bharra tarraingthe
rigid drawbar
barra tarraingthe docht
draft gear; draught gear
trealamh tarraingthe
effective tractive effort
iarracht éifeachtúil tarraingthe
gravity model
samhail domhantarraingthe
multifrequency traction unit
aonad tarraingthe ilmhinicíochtaí
multisystem traction unit
aonad tarraingthe ilchórais
push-pull train
traein bhrú is tarraingthe
traction system
córas tarraingthe
tractive effort at motor shaft
iarracht na tarraingthe ag seafta an mhótair
traction current
sruth tarraingthe
drag; drag force; drag resistance force
fórsa cúltarraingthe
draught bar; drawbar; hitch bar; towing bar
barra tarraingthe
gravity deduster
eastarraingteoir deannaigh domhantarraingthe
towing bracket
brac tarraingthe
ATC; automatic traction control
uathrialaitheoir tarraingthe
tractive vehicle
feithicil tarraingthe
draught scale
scála tarraingthe
push and pull factors
tosca brú agus tarraingthe
cold extraction unit; cold extractor
aonad fuar-eastarraingthe
cooling-off period; withdrawal period
tréimhse aistarraingthe
brake retraction force; brake retraction pressure; retraction pressure
brú aistarraingthe coscáin
drag force
fórsa cúltarraingthe
“pull” mode
modh "tarraingthe"
drawn amount
méid tarraingthe
withdrawn convention
coinbhinsiún aistarraingthe
pivoted drawbar
barra tarraingthe maighdeogach
shoulder belt traction device
gléas tarraingthe creasa gualainne
traction; tractive force
fórsa tarraingthe
traction noise
torann tarraingthe
gravity convection
comhiompar domhantarraingthe
tow duration; towing duration; towing time
aga tarraingthe
engine drag power
cumhacht cúltarraingthe innill
amount of credit line drawn down
méid na líne creidmheasa atá íostarraingthe
drag torque
torc cúltarraingthe
force of attraction
fórsa na tarraingthe (fir4)
tarraing (br, láith: tarraingíonn, abr: tarraingt, aidbhr: tarraingthe)
solid drawn brass
dlúthphrás tarraingthe (fir1)
gun towing vehicle
feithicil tarraingthe gunna (bain2)
aistarraingt (bain, gu: aistarraingthe, ai: aistarraingtí, gi: aistarraingtí)
withdrawing troop
trúpa aistarraingthe (fir4)
direction of withdrawal
treo aistarraingthe (fir4)
drag link
nasc tarraingthe (fir1)
tarraingthe (aidbhr)
drawn brass
prás tarraingthe (fir1)
force of attraction
fórsa tarraingthe (fir4)
line of withdrawal
líne aistarraingthe (bain4)
route of withdrawal
bealach aistarraingthe (fir1)
towing vehicle
feithicil tarraingthe (bain2)
tarraingt (bain, gu: tarraingthe, ai: tarraingtí, gi: tarraingtí)
tarraingt (bain, gu: tarraingthe, ai: tarraingtí, gi: tarraingtí)
cosán tarraingthe (fir1)
during a withdrawal
le linn aistarraingthe