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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAcaitheamh fir1
gu caithimh, ai caithimh, gi caitheamh, abr caite
teilgean fir1 le faomhadh/for approval
gu teilgin
ENthrow s
caitheamh thar an mballa
throw over the wall
caitheamh tríd an mballa
throw through the wall
GAteilgean fir1
gu teilgin
ENcast s
(in programming)
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Sa teanga C, tiontaíonn slonn a dtéann ainm cineál sonraí idir lúibíní roimhe, cineál an tsloinn go dtí cineál na sonraí sainithe (an t-oibreoir)
Computers, Computer Science In the C language, an expression preceded by the parenthesized name of a data type converts the type of the expression to that of the specified data type (the operator)
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt Teacht le chéile i ngrúpa beag chun tabhairt faoi fhadhb ar leith, le teorainn ama de ghnáth. Is í an aidhm ná teacht ar an oiread smaointe agus réitigh i leith na faidhbe agus is féidir, is cuma cén fiúntas a bheadh sna smaointe sin.
Business » Enterprise & Development Meeting in a small group to attack a specific problem, usually in a limited time frame. The goal is to come up with as many ideas and solutions to the problem as possible, regardless of the quality of those ideas.
GAteicníc bain2 theilgin
ai teicnící teilgin
teicníc bain2 theilgeach dímholta/superseded
gu teicníce teilgí, ai teicnící teilgeacha
ENprojective technique s
pl projective techniques
Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt Gnás chun airíonna iompraíochta duine a fháil amach tríd an mbealach a ghníomhaíonn an duine, i ndálaí nach n-éilíonn freagairt ar leith, a thabhairt faoi deara.
Business » Enterprise & Development A procedure for discovering a person's behavioral characteristics by observing how the individual acts in situations that do not demand a particular response.
Ós rud é go bhfuil roghanna oiriúnacha ann, ba cheart an toirmeasc reatha ar heicseafluairíd sulfair a úsáid i dteilgean dísle maignéisiam agus athchúrsáil cóimhiotal teilgin dísle maignéisiam a leathnú go saoráidí a úsáideann níos lú ná 850 kg de heicseafluairídí sulfair in aghaidh na bliana.
Given that there are suitable alternatives available, the current ban on using sulphur hexafluoride in magnesium die-casting and the recycling of magnesium die-casting alloys should be extended to facilities that use less than 850kg of sulphur hexafluoride per year.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
projection; screen projection
teilgean ar scáileán
azimuthal orthomorphic projection; stereographic projection
teilgean steiréagrafach
teilgean lártheifeach
command ejection
eisteilgean ordaithe
design ejection envelope
imchlúdach deartha um eisteilgean
linked ejection
eisteilgean nasctha
GDC; gravity die casting; permanent mold casting
teilgean dísle buan
die casting; high pressure die casting; HPDC
teilgean dísle ardbhrú
gas injection valve
comhla d'inteilgean gáis
deep packet injection; DPI
inteilgean domhainphaicéid
cathode casting
teilgean catóide
manganese bronze casting
teilgean d'umha mangainéise (fir1)
teilgean (fir1, gu: teilgin)
faulty ejection
teilgean lochtach (fir1)
put weight behind the throw (Grenade Training)
cuir meáchan na colainne leis an teilgean
put weight behind the throw (Grenade Training)
cuir meáchan leis an teilgean