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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAuisce fir4
gu uisce, iol uiscí
ENwater s
Ar phléasc do chuid uisce go fóill?
Have your waters broken yet?
linnte d'uisce reatha nó marbh de bhunús saorga
moving or stagnant water bodies, artificial in origin
Aire - Uisce An-Te
Caution – Hot Water
Dainséar – Uisce Domhain
Danger – Deep Water
Ná fliuch
Coinnigh glan ar an uisce
Keep out of water
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Fad idir líne snámhe soithigh agus an pointe is airde den soitheach.
Distance from the vessel's waterline to its highest point.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
mineral water; spa water
uisce mianraí
other land and associated surface water
talamh eile agus uisce dromchla gaolmhar
recreational land and associated surface water
talamh áineasa agus uisce dromchla gaolmhar
aquatic ecosystem; water ecosystem
éiceachóras uisceach
Athens Piraeus Water Supply Company; Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company; EYDAP SA
Cuideachta na hAithne um Sholáthar Uisce agus Séarachais
water rail
rálóg uisce
preferential child sex abuser
drochúsáideoir gnéasach ar túisce leis leanaí
Chinese water chestnut; water chestnut
castán uisce; castán uisce Síneach
water poverty
bochtaineacht a bhaineann le huisce
aquatic box turtle; coahuila turtle; water bow turtle
turtar boscach uisce
flavoured spa waters
uisce mianra blaistithe
inland water transport
iompar uisce intíre
water intended for human consumption
uisce a bheartaítear le hól ag an duine
water energy; waterpower
cumhacht uisce; fuinneamh uisce
Paris Memorandum of Understanding; Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control; Paris MoU; PMoU
Meabhrán Comhthuisceana Pháras; Meabhrán Comhthuisceana um Rialú Stáit ar Chalafoirt
water melon; watermelon
mealbhacán uisce
Paris Protocol to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 1982; Protocol to amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
Prótacal maidir le leasú an Choinbhinsiúin um Bogaigh a bhfuil Tábhacht Idirnáisiúnta leo go háirithe mar Ghnáthóg d''Éanlaith Uisce; Prótacal Pháras a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún Ramsar um Bogaigh, 1982
Convention on the Measurement of Inland Waterway Vessels
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Soithí Uiscebhealaí Intíre a Thomhas
ADN; European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways
ADN; an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Contúirteacha ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre
aquatic invertebrates n.e.i.
inveirteabraigh uisceacha nach n-áirítear in áit eile
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Inland Waterway; CVN
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gConradh le haghaidh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Paisinéirí agus Bagáiste ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre; CVN
freshwater breams n.e.i.
brain fionnuisce nach n-áirítear in áit eile
freshwater prawns, shrimps nei
cloicheáin fionnuisce
freshwater turtle
turtar fionnuisce
last in, first out; LIFO
is déanaí isteach is túisce amach; LIFO
Partial Test Ban Treaty; PTBT; Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water
an Conradh lena gcoisctear Tástálacha Arm Núicléach san Atmaisféar, sa Chianspás agus Faoi Uisce; an Conradh Páirtchoiscthe trialacha
water re-aeration
athaerú uisce
super-heated water boiler
coire uisce forthéite
spa water
uisce mianraí
FIFO; first in, first out
FIFO; is túisce isteach, is túisce amach
common moorhen; moorhen
cearc uisce
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat; Ramsar Convention
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Bogaigh a bhfuil Tábhacht Idirnáisiúnta leo go háirithe mar Ghnáthóg d''Éin Uisce; Coinbhinsiún Ramsar
management of water resources; water management; water resources management
bainistiú uisce
electrolysis of water
leictrealú uisce
Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern
Coinbhinsiún agus Reacht maidir le Córas na nUiscebhealaí Inseolta is Cúram Idirnáisiúnta
inland waterway
uiscebhealach intíre
Joint Advisory Committee on Social Questions in Inland Water Transport
an Comhchoiste Comhairleach um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta Iompair d'Uisce Intíre
purification plant
gléasra íonaithe uisce; gléasra íonúcháin
treatment of industrial refrigeration water
uisce ón tionscal cuisniúcháin a chóireáil
Joint Committee on Inland Waterways
an Comhchoiste um Uiscebhealaí Intíre
Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage; CPUCH
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Fo-uisce
craft; inland waterways craft
árthach; árthach uiscebhealaí intíre
freshwater aquaculture; inland aquaculture
dobharshaothrú fionnuisce
memorandum of agreement; memorandum of understanding; MOA; MOU; protocol of understanding
MC; meabhrán comhaontaithe; meabhrán tuisceana
false water-rat
francach uisce bréige
aquatic box turtle; Coahuila turtle; water bow turtle
turtar boscach uisce
water chevrotain
seibhreatán uisce
water activity
gníomhaíocht an uisce
untreated grape marc macerated in water
marc fíonchaor neamhchóireáilte arna mhaothú in uisce
AEWA; African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement; Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds
AEWA; an Comhaontú maidir le hÉin Uisce Imirceacha Afracacha-Eoráiseacha a Chaomhnú
Som catfish; Wels catfish
cat fionnuisce Eorpach
midwater shrimp trawl
trál meánuisce séaclaí
Protocol on Combined Transport on Inland Waterways to the European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC) of 1991
an Prótacal um Iompar Traschórais ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre a ghabhann le Comhaontú Eorpach 1991 maidir le Mórlínte Iompair Idirnáisiúnta agus leis na Suiteálacha a bhaineann leo (AGTC)
waterborne transport; waterborne transportation
iompar d'uisce; uisce-iompar
Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
Prótacal maidir le hUisce agus Sláinte a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1992 maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
aquatic plants n.e.i.
plandaí uisceacha nach n-áirítear in áit eile
painted river prawn
cloicheán fionnuisce dathannach
giant river prawn; PRF
cloicheán fionnuisce mór
river prawns
cloicheáin fionnuisce
freshwater mussels
diúilicíní fionnuisce
drinking water abstraction point
pointe astarraingte uisce óil
Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy; Water Framework Directive; WFD
an Chreat-treoir Uisce; CTU; Treoir 2000/60/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle lena mbunaítear creat i gcomhair gnímh ag an gComhphobal sa réimse a bhaineann le beartas uisce
Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway; CMNI
Coinbhinsiún Bhúdaipeist maidir leis an gConradh um Iompar Earraí ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre
water cannon
canóin uisce
deep-sea red crab; deep-water red crab
portán dearg domhainuisce
mains water; tap water
uisce buacaire
C<sub>w</sub>; CWP; waterplane coefficient
comhéifeacht phlána uisce; CWP
freshwater fishes n.e.i.; freshwater fishes(not elsewhere identified); FRF
iasc fionnuisce nach n-áirítear in áit eile
bi-distilled water; double distilled water; double-distilled water; doubly distilled water
uisce dédhriogtha
deionised water
uisce dí-ianaithe
fresh trawler; wet trawler
trálaer éisc fionnuisce
distant-water fleet
cabhlach cianuisce
mid water trawl
trál meánuisce
aquatic biomass
bithmhais uisceach
drinking water; potable water
uisce óil
shady business
gnó amhrasach; gnó scáthach; modarghnó; uisce faoi thalamh
supercooled liquid water; super-cooled water
uisce sárfhuaraithe
water vapour
goods carried by inland waterway
earraí arna n-iompar d'uiscebhealach intíre
cooling water
uisce fuarúcháin
water chevrotain
seibhreatán uisce
dog-faced water snake
nathair uisce madréadanach
poc uisce
first in,last out-FILO
FILO; is túisce isteach, is déanaí amach
boiling heavy water reactor; HBWR; heavy water boiling reactor
imoibreoir tromuisce fiuchta
sour water
uisce aigéadach; uisce sulfarach
bilge water
uisce ruma
bathing water
uisce snámha
water temperature sensor; WTS
braiteoir theocht an uisce
abstraction; abstraction of water; water abstraction
astarraingt; astarraingt uisce
freshwater fish
iasc fionnuisce
rain water; rainwater
uisce báistí
water heater
téitheoir uisce
freshwater fishing; fresh-water fishing
iascaireacht fhionnuisce
extraneous water
uisce seachtrach
water glass
waste water disposal system
córas diúscartha fuíolluisce
scarcity of water; water scarcity
ganntanas uisce
FILO; First In,Last Out
is túisce isteach is déanaí amach
hardness of water; water hardness
cruas uisce
distilled water; DW
uisce driogtha
bain-marie; water bath
dabhach uisce
water supply
soláthar uisce
turnover; water renewal
athnuachan uisce
inland waterway vessel; inland waterways vessel
soitheach uiscebhealaí intíre
water soluble substance
substaint uiscethuaslagtha
surface water
uisce dromchla
biological effluent treatment; biological purification; biological treatment; biological wastewater treatment; biological water treatment; biotreatment
cóireáil bhitheolaíoch fuíolluisce
pressurised-water reactor; PWR
imoibreoir uisce bhrúchóirithe
heavy water reactor; heavy-water reactor; HWR
imoibreoir tromuisce
waterborne disease; water-borne disease; waterborne infection
galar uisce-iompartha
supercritical water oxidation
ocsaídiú le huisce forchriticúil
water quality biologic index
innéacs bitheolaíoch de cháilíocht an uisce
agricultural pollution of ground water
truailliú talmhaíoch an screamhuisce
industrial pollution of ground water
truailliú tionsclaíoch screamhuisce
urban pollution of ground water
truailliú uirbeach screamhuisce
ground water outflow; watershed leakage
ligean dobhardhroma; sceitheadh screamhuisce
pollution risk of ground water
riosca truailliúcháin screamhuisce
quality objective for aquatic environment
sprioc cháilíochta faoi choinne timpeallacht uisceach
groundwater; sub-surface water; subterranean water; underground water
cúrsa uisce; sruthchúrsa
amchlár dáilte uisce
conveyance efficiency; water conveyance efficiency
éifeachtúlacht iompair; éifeachtúlacht iompair uisce
field application efficiency
éifeachtúlacht uisce a chur ar pháirc
deficit of water
easnamh uisce
water control
rialú uisce
midwater pair trawl
trál meánuisce dhá bhád
midwater otter trawl; pelagic one-boat trawl
trál otair meánuisce
learning ability; understanding ability
bua na tuisceana; cumas foghlamtha
storm water; stormwater
uisce stoirme
municipal effluents; municipal waste water; urban waste water
fuíolluisce uirbeach
light water reactor; light-water moderated reactor; LWR
imoibreoir éadromuisce
D<sub>2</sub>O; deuterium oxide; DO; heavy water; HW
ocsaíd deoitéiriam; tromuisce
PHWR; pressurised heavy-water-moderated and cooled reactor
imoibreoir a mheasraítear agus a fhuaraítear le tromuisce brúchóirithe
last in, first out; last in, first out method; LIFO
is déanaí isteach is túisce amach
excess water
barraíocht uisce
boiling water reactor; BWR
imoibreoir uisce fiuchta
mashing-in liquor
uisce maistreáin
white water
uisce bán
demineralised water
uisce dímhianraithe
submerged tunnel
tollán faoi uisce
watertight integrity
sláine uiscedhíonachta
bilge water(taste or odor); stagnant
uisce ruma
geyser; instantaneous water heater; on-demand water heater; stand-alone water heater; tankless water heater
prapthéitheoir uisce
flowing water; running water
uisce reatha
water retention
coinneáil uisce
saprobic water quality classification
aicmiú sapróbach cáilíocht uisce
wastewater concentration
tiúchan fuíolluisce
water quality criteria
critéir cáilíochta uisce
acid rain water
uisce báistí aigéadach
septic wastewater
fuíolluisce seipteach
stabilized wastewater
fuíolluisce cobhsaithe
mesosaprobic surface water; mesosaprobic water; mesosaprobic waters
uisce dromchla méiseasapróbach
ground water pumping
pumpáil screamhuisce
organic matter in polluted water
ábhar orgánach in uisce truaillithe
water curtain scrubber
sciúrthóir cuirtín uisce
water improvement
feabhsú uisce
standard for drinking water quality
caighdeán um cháilíocht uisce óil
water quality standard
caighdeán cáilíochta an uisce
withdrawal use
asbhaint uisce
net water intake
glan-iontógáil uisce
protection of ambient water
cosaint an uisce chomhthimpeallaigh
storm water detention pond; stormwater retention basin
taisc-umar uisce stoirme
land application; wastewater land application
leathadh ar an talamh; leathadh fuíolluisce ar an talamh
breams; freshwater breams
brain fionnuisce
river pearl mussel
diúilicín péarla fionnuisce
air draft; air draught
airde os cionn an uisce
national inland waterways transport; national IWT
iompar náisiúnta ar uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways cabotage transport
iompar cabatáiste uiscebhealaí intíre
cross-trade inland waterways transport; cross-trade IWT
trádáil idirnáisiúnta tríú páirtí trí iompar ar uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways transport; IWT
iompar uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways traffic
trácht uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways convoy
conbhua uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways journey
turas ar uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways transit
idirthuras uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways passenger
paisinéir uiscebhealaí intíre
hazardous goods by inland waterways
iompar earraí guaiseacha d'uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways transport enterprise; IWT enterprise
fiontar iompair ar uiscebhealaí intíre
inland waterways transport vessel; IWT passenger vessel
soitheach paisinéirí uiscebhealaí intíre
capacity of an inland waterways transport passenger vessel; capacity of an IWT passenger vessel
toilleadh soithigh uiscebhealaí intíre
navigable inland waterway
uiscebhealach intíre inseolta
World Day for Water; World Water Day
Lá Domhanda an Uisce
dobharthacsaí; tacsaí ar uisce
Committee for implementation of the directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
an Coiste chun an treoir lena mbunaítear creat do ghníomhaíocht Chomhphobail i réimse an bheartais uisce a chur chun feidhme
ACP-EU Water Facility; ACP-EU WF
Saoráid Uisce ACC-AE
water resources stress; water stress
strus maidir le hacmhainní uisce
WAF; water-accommodated fraction
codán ar fuaidreamh in uisce
Integrated European Action Programme for inland waterway transport; NAIADES
an Clár Gníomhaíochta Comhtháite Eorpach um Iompar ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre; NAIADES
shaking water-bath
dabhach chreathach uisce
madra uisce Seapánach
water footprint; WF
lorg coise uisce
solar water heating
téamh gréine an uisce
aquatic food
bia uisceach
water quench check
seiceáil fuaraithe uisce
water spray
sprae uisce
BPW; Buffered Peptone Water
BPW; uisce peaptóin maolánaithe
water cooled micro-crusher
micreabhrúiteoir uiscefhuaraithe
ice-water bath
dabhach oighearuisce
Palestinian Water Authority; PWA
an tÚdarás Uisce Palaistíneach; PWA
1-octanol/water partition coefficient; K<sub>ow</sub>; log P<sub>ow</sub>; n-octanol/water partition coefficient; octanol-water partition coefficient; P<sub>ow</sub>
comhéifeacht rannach ochtanól/uisce
fast boiling water bath
dabhach uisce mearbhruite
suspended water
uisce ar fuaidreamh
aqueous solubility; solubility in water; water solubility
tuaslagthacht an uisce
waterbed effect
éifeacht tocht uisce
actuarial assumptions
boinn tuisceana achtúireacha
FIFO; first-in, first-out
FIFO; is túisce isteach is túisce amach
last-in, first-out; LIFO
is déanaí isteach is túisce amach; LIFO
In contact with water releases flammable gases which may ignite spontaneously.
I dteagmháil le huisce scaoiltear gáis inadhainte a d'fhéadfadh uathadhaint.
In contact with water releases flammable gases.
I dteagmháil le huisce scaoiltear gáis inadhainte.
Very toxic to aquatic life.
An-tocsaineach don saol uisceach.
Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
An-tocsaineach don saol uisceach, le héifeachtaí fadtréimhseacha.
Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Tocsaineach don saol uisceach, le héifeachtaí fadtréimhseacha.
Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Díobhálach don saol uisceach, le héifeachtaí fadtréimhseacha.
May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life.
D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith ina chúis le héifeachtaí fadtréimhseacha díobhálacha ar an saol uisceach.
Reacts violently with water.
Imoibríonn go foirtil le huisce.
Contact with water liberates toxic gas.
I dteagmháil le huisce scaoiltear gás tocsaineach.
reconstituted water
uisce athdhéanta
oxygenation of the water; water aeration; water oxygenation
aerú uisce
Keep away from any possible contact with water, because of violent reaction and possible flash fire.
Ná ceadaigh teagmháil de shaghas ar bith le huisce, mar gheall ar imoibriú foirtil agus splancthine a d’fhéadfadh a bheith ann.
Immerse in cool water/wrap in wet bandages.
Tum in uisce fionnuar/cuir bréid fliuch air.
Thaw frosted parts with lukewarm water. Do no rub affected area.
Leáigh codanna sioctha le huisce alabhog. Ná cuimil an réimse lena mbaineann.
Gently wash with plenty of soap and water.
Nigh go bog le neart gallúnaí agus uisce.
Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.
Sruthlaítear go faichilleach le huisce ar feadh roinnt nóiméad.
Wash with plenty of soap and water.
Nigh le neart gallúnaí agus uisce.
Rinse skin with water/shower.
Sruthlaítear an craiceann le huisce/glac cithfholcadh.
Rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes.
Sruthlaítear éadaí éillithe agus an craiceann láithreach le neart uisce sula mbaineann an duine na héadaí de.
IF ON SKIN: Immerse in cool water/wrap in wet bandages.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS AN gCRAICEANN: Tum in uisce fionnuar/cuir bréid fliuch air.
IF ON SKIN: Gently wash with plenty of soap and water.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS AN gCRAICEANN: Nigh go bog le neart gallúnaí agus uisce.
IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS AN gCRAICEANN: Nigh le neart gallúnaí agus uisce.
IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS AN gCRAICEANN(nó le gruaig): Bain díot láithreach na héadaí éillithe go léir. Sruthlaítear an craiceann le huisce/glac cithfholcadh.
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS NA SÚILE: Sruthlaigh go cúramach le huisce ar feadh roinnt nóiméad. Tóg amach na tadhall-lionsaí, más ann dóibh agus más furasta. Lean den sruthlú.
IF ON CLOTHING: rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LE hÉADAÍ: sruthlaítear éadaí éillithe agus an craiceann láithreach le neart uisce sula ndéantar na héadaí a bhaint den duine.
Brush off loose particles from skin. Immerse in cool water/wrap in wet bandages.
Scuab cáithníní scaoilte den chraiceann. Tum in uisce fionnuar/cuir bréid fliuch air.
inland silverside; silverside; tidewater silverside
airgintíneach uisce taoide
aquatic dispersal; aquatic dispersion
easrú uisceach
FIFO principle; first in, first out principle
prionsabal an ceann is túisce isteach, is túisce amach; prionsabal FIFO
consensus conference
comhdháil chomhthuisceana
water-unstable substance
substaint uisce-éagobhsaí
distribution coefficient; Kd; pesticide soil sorption coefficient; soil/water adsorption coefficient
comhéifeacht asúcháin uisce ar ithir; comhéifeacht asúcháin uisce le hithir; comhéifeacht dáileacháin; comhéifeacht súcháin lotnaidicíde ar ithir; Kd
Water-Efficient Europe
an Eoraip atá tíosach ar uisce
Memorandum of Understanding on specific economic policy conditionality
meabhrán tuisceana um choinníollacht i dtaca le beartas geilleagrach sonrach
Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters; COE CSW
an tIonad Barr Feabhais um Oibríochtaí in Uisce Teoranta agus Uisce Éadomhain
water alkalinity
alcaileacht uisce
Memorandum of understanding on the development of the Motorways of the Sea at the BSEC region
Meabhrán comhthuisceana um fhorbairt Uiscebhealaí na Mara i réigiún an BSEC
groundwater deposit passport
pas i dtaca le sil-leagan screamhuisce
waterborne disease outbreak; waterborne outbreak; WBDO
ráig de ghalar uisce-iompartha
fresh water biological resources
acmhainní bitheolaíocha fionnuisce
water cooled system
córas uiscefhuaraithe
firewater pump
caidéal uisce le haghaidh dóiteáin
thermal spring water
fíoruisce teirmeach
water extracted fruit juice
sú torthaí uisce-úsctha
water draw-off
tarraingt uisce
MMoU; Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information
Meabhrán Comhthuisceana Iltaobhach maidir le Comhairliúchán agus Comhar agus Malartú Faisnéise
rights to water and sanitation
cearta ar uisce agus sláintíocht
Memorandum of Understanding on financial-sector policy conditionality
an Meabhrán Tuisceana maidir le coinníollacht bheartais don earnáil airgeadais
water filter vacuum cleaner
folúsghlantóir uisce-scagaire
SEWRC; State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission
Coimisiún Stáit na Bulgáire um Rialú Fuinnimh agus Uisce
disease control aquatic food establishment
gnóthas rialaithe galar don bhia uisceach
aquatic animal health professional
gairmí sláinte ainmhithe uisceacha
water diplomacy
dobharthaidhleoireacht; taidhleoireacht maidir le huisce
waste water stream
sruth fuíolluisce
flavourings for water based clear flavoured drinks
blastáin le haghaidh glédheochanna blaistithe uiscebhunacha
flowback water
uisce athlíonta
melt water; meltwater
inland aquatic fauna
fána uisceach intíre
caor uisce
piorra uisce
Strategy for Water in the Western Mediterranean; Water Strategy for the Western Mediterranean; WSWM
an Straitéis Uisce do Reigiún na Meánmhara Thiar
water Trombe wall; water wall
balla uisce Trombe
sewage epidemiology; wastewater analysis
anailís fuíolluisce
Morris water maze; Morris water navigation task; MWM
lúbra uisce Morris
wild aquatic animal
ainmhí uisceach fiáin
RNase-free water
uisce saor ó ribeanúicléáis
safe drinking water; safe water
uisce óil sábháilte
Council Directive 98/83/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption; Drinking Water Directive
an Treoir maidir le huisce óil; Treoir 98/83/CE ón gComhairle maidir le cáilíocht uisce atá ceaptha le hól ag daoine
unsafe drinking water; unsafe water
uisce óil neamhshábháilte
API oil water separator; API separator
deighilteoir uisce agus ola API
European agreement concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time in inland waterway transport
Comhaontú Eorpach a bhaineann le gnéithe áirithe i ndáil le heagrú ama oibre san iompar ar uiscebhealaí intíre
Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks; Sharks MoU
Meabhrán Tuisceana um Shiorcanna Imirceacha a Chaomhnú
segregation of water streams; segregation of waters; wastewater segregation
leithscaradh fuíolluisce
secondary cooling water
uisce fuaraithe tánaisteach
primary cooling water system; primary system
príomhchóras uiscefhuaraithe
cold-water coral reef
sceir choiréalaigh fuaruisce
seawater FGD; seawater flue gas desulfurisation
sciúradh dé-ocsaíde sulfair le huisce sáile
waste water incineration
loscadh fuíolluisce
water ring pump; water ring vacuum pump
folúschaidéal fáinne uisce
ring water
uisce fáinne
quench water
uisce fuaraithe
distilled water
uisce driogtha (fir4)
ar uisce (fr.dob.)
water point
pointe uisce (fir4)
watercooling system
córas uiscefhuaraithe (fir1)
underwater burst
pléasc faoi uisce (bain2)
tuisceanach (a1)
territorial water
uisce teorann (fir4, ai: uiscí teorann)
tidal water
uisce taoide (fir4)
coastal waters
uisce cósta (fir4, ai: uiscí cósta)
power of comprehension
cumas tuisceana (fir1)
surface craft
árthach dromchla uisce (fir1)
waterproof disc
diosca uiscedhíonach (fir4)
watercooled gun
gunna uiscefhuaraithe (fir4)
lower a boat
cuir bád ar uisce (br)
múisc (bain2, gu: múisce)
watering point
pointe uisce (fir4)
sterilised water
uisce steirilithe (fir4)
tuiscint (bain3, gu: tuisceana)
water-cooling system
córas uiscefhuaraithe (fir1)
shoal water
uisce oitreach (fir4)
conspire with
déan uisce faoi thalamh (br)
tar i mbarr uisce (br)
memorandum of understanding
meamram ar tuisceana (fir1)
aoluisce (fir4, gu: aoluisce)
múisc (bain2, gu: múisce)
uiscedhroim (fir3, ai: uiscedhromanna, gi: uiscedhromanna, gu: uiscedhroma)
fuisce (fir4, gu: fuisce)
uisce beatha (fir4)
uiscerian (fir1, gu: uisceriain, ai: uiscerianta, gi: uiscerianta)
uisce faoi thalamh (fir4)
uiscebhealach (fir1, gu: uiscebhealaigh, ai: uiscebhealaí, gi: uiscebhealaí)
uisce (fir4, gu: uisce, ai: uiscí, gi: uiscí)
uiscedhíonach (a1)
running water
uisce reatha (fir4)
míthuiscint (bain3, gu: míthuisceana, ai: míthuiscintí, gi: míthuiscintí)
bullets ricochet freely from water
athscinneann piléir go héasca d'uisce
the submarine submerged
chuaigh an fomhuireán faoi uisce
to drain water off
taosc uisce
passage of a water obstacle
constaic uisce a ghabháil
sniff cold water
smúr uisce fuar