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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
burra · curra · durra · surra · urea
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAráthóir fir3
gu ráthóra, iol ráthóirí
urra fir4 in úsáid/in use
gu urra, iol urraí
coinnigh leis an ráthóir i gcomhair airgead dlite
pursue the guarantor for monies due
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAbanna fir4 urra
ai bannaí urra
Airgeadas Ráthú go gcomhlíonfaidh duine nó corparáid oibleagáid atá dlite do dhuine nó do chorparáid eile.
Finance Guarantee that a person or corporation will perform an obligation due to another person or corporation.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
engine bay; engine compartment
urrann innill
raspberry ringspot nepovirus; raspberry ringspot virus; raspberry Scottish leaf curl virus; red currant ringspot virus; RpRSV
víreas fáinnebhall sú craobh
secured by mortgage
urraithe le morgáiste
cuirín dearg
State-guaranteed public body
comhlacht poiblí Stát-urraithe
to respect existing powers
na hinniúlachtaí atá ann cheana a urramú
the principle of respect for the law
an prionsabal nach foláir an dlí a urramú
to respect these rights
na cearta sin a urramú
to observe the principles
urramaigh na priosabail
to honour a commitment
tiomantas a urramú
to guarantee steady expansion
ráthaigh fairsingiú rianúil; urraigh forleathnú seasta
to sponsor information campaigns
feachtas faisnéise a choimirciú; urraíocht a dhéanamh ar fheachtas faisnéise
provided that the conditions are observed
ar chuntar go n-urramaítear na coinníollacha
while respecting the provisions ...
agus na forálacha á n-urramú ...
durra; Indian millet
sorgum curaíochta
cuirín dubh
organise statistical work at appropriate administrative levels and duly observe the need for statistical confidentiality
obair staidrimh a eagrú ar leibhéil riarthacha iomchuí agus riachtanas na rúndachta staidrimh a urramú go cuí
secured bond
banna urraithe
electric-shock belt; electro-shock stun belt; stun belt
beilt turrainge leictrí
KCM; Murray king crab; Subantarctic stone crab
ríphortán Murray
guarantee; surety
ráthaíocht; urra
heat-shock protein; HSP
HSP; próitéin turrainge teasa
secured liability
dliteanas urraithe
sponsored event
ócáid urraithe
load compartment; load space
urrann an lasta
debenture; unsecured bond
banna neamhurraithe
unsecured debt
fiachas neamhurraithe
sampling spear with compartments
sleá shamplála le hurranna
engine compartment; engine room; machinery space
seomra innill; spás an innealra; urrann an innill
loan or credit secured on real property
creidmheas urraithe
attached shock; attached shock wave
tonn turrainge cheangailte
compartment marking
marcáil urrainne
compression shock
turraing chomhbhrú
condensation shock; condensation shock wave
tonn turrainge chomhdhlúthúcháin
impact extrusion
easbhrú turrainge
dynamic pressure; impact pressure
brú turrainge
landing shock
turraing tuirlingthe
advance in current account secured; advance to client secured; advance to customer secured; current account advance secured; current secured loan; loan and advance to customer secured
airleacan urraithe ar an gcuntas reatha
gan urrús; neamhurraithe
passenger compartment
urrann phaisinéirí
naked option; uncovered option
díol folamh; gealltanas céadrogha neamhurraithe
sponsoring; sponsorship
urraíocht; urrú
cardiogenic shock
turraing chardaigineach
engine bay; engine compartment
urrann innill
damper; shock absorber
maolaire turrainge
secured creditor
creidiúnaí urraithe
currant; Zante currant
commercial program
clár urraithe
clinical trial sponsor; sponsor
urraitheoir; urraitheoir trialach cliniciúla
Association of Dutch Sponsorship Consultancies
Comhlachas Chomhairleachtaí Urraíochta na hÍsiltíre
secured on real estate property
urraithe ar réadmhaoin
exposures fully and completely secured by shares
neamhchosaintí a urraítear go hiomlán le scaireanna; neamhchosaintí arna n-urrú go hiomlán le scaireanna
secured part of the past due item
an chuid urraithe de mhír dhlite thar téarma
unsecured part of an item
an chuid neamhurraithe de mhír
sponsor; sponsor credit institution; sponsor institution
proxy war; state-sponsored terrorism; surrogate war; war by proxy; warfare by proxy
sceimhlitheoireacht státurraithe
secured parts of exposures
cuid urraithe de neamhchosaint
secured lending transaction
idirbheart iasachta urraithe
secured part; secured portion
cuid urraithe
upward and downward rate shocks
turraing de bharr ardú agus ísliú rátaí
exposures fully and completely secured by mortgages
neamhchosaintí a urraítear go hiomlán le morgáistí; neamhchosaintí arna n-urrú go hiomlán le morgáistí
senior unsecured exposures
neamhchosaint neamhurraithe shinsearach
unsecured part of the exposure
an chuid neamhurraithe den neamhchosaint
investment compartment
urrann infheistíochta
<i>Trypanosoma evansi</i> infection; Derrengada; mal de Caderas; maladie de Caderas; Murrina; surra
naked short sale; naked short selling; naked shorting; uncovered short sale; uncovered short selling; uncovered shorting
díol folamh neamhurraithe
cabin compartment
urrann chábáin
landing gear shock strut
teanntóg turrainge fearais tuirlingthe
surety bonds
bannaí urra
unsecured commercial loans
iasachtaí tráchtálacha gan urrús; iasachtaí tráchtálacha neamhurraithe
Do not subject to grinding/shock/…/friction.
Ná nocht do mheilt/do thurraing/…/do fhrithchuimilt.
portable electric shock device
gléas turrainge leictrí iniompartha
Invitation to lodge a claim. Time limits to be observed.
Cuireadh chun éileamh a thaisceadh. Teorainneacha ama atá le hurramú.
two-compartment test system
córas tástála dhá urrann
systemic compartment
urrann shistéamach
luggage compartment
urrann an bhagáiste
instruction in the event of failure to cover
treoir i gcás nach n-úrraítear díol folamh
uncovered sovereign CDS; uncovered sovereign credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa cheannasach neamhurraithe
secured cash borrowing
iasacht urraithe airgid
unsecured cash borrowing
iasacht neamhurraithe airgid
secured arrangements for the deposit of financial instruments
socruithe urraithe um thaisceadh ionstraimí airgeadais
secured arrangements for maintaining cash
socruithe urraithe chun airgead tirim a choinneáil
shock absorber
maolaire turrainge
engine compartment encapsulation system
córas imchochlaithe urrann an innill
electric-shock stun device
stiúdghléas turrainge leictrí
cold shock protein
próitéin turrainge fuachta
national compartment
urrann náisiúnta
sponsoring employer
fostóir urraíochta
pension sponsoring employer
fostóir urraithe pinsin
proof of sponsorship
cruthúnas ar urraíocht
certificate of sponsorship
deimhniú urraíochta
blackcurrant yellows; blackcurrant yellows disease
galar buíochana an chuirín dhuibh
vein clearing and vein net of blackcurrant
díbirt agus mogallú féitheacha an chuirín dhuibh
blackcurrant reversion nepovirus; blackcurrant reversion virus; BRV
víreas cúlaithe an chuirín dhuibh
BlShV; blueberry shock virus
víreas turrainge an fhraocháin ghoirm
suretyship risk
riosca urraíochta
catastrophic event
teagmhas turraingeach
unsecured wholesale funding
maoiniú neamhurraithe mórdhíola
surety bond
banna urra
private sponsorship; private sponsorship programme; private sponsorship scheme
clár urraíochta príobháidí
corporate sponsorship
urraíocht chorparáideach
unsecured liability
dliteanas neamhurraithe
unsecured creditor
creidiúnaí neamhurraithe
senior unsecured debt
fiachas neamhurraithe sinsearach
sponsorship announcement
fógra urraíochta
main sponsor; sponsor
príomhurraitheoir; urraitheoir
angle of impact
uillinn turrainge (bain2)
Curragh area
líomatáiste an Churraigh (fir4)
burrs or rust
burra nó meirg (fir)
Curragh Training Camp headquarters
ceanncheathrú Champa Traenála an Churraigh (bain5)
Curragh Training Camp staff
foireann Champa Traenála an Churraigh (bain2)
Curragh Training Camp
Campa Traenála an Churraigh (fir4)
urraim (bain2, gu: urraime)
urramach (a1)
shock front
éadan turrainge (fir1)
revolver holster
curra gunnáin (fir4)
Curragh General Military Hospital
Ospidéal Míleata Ginearálta an Churraigh (fir1)
mean point of impact
meánphointe turrainge (fir4)
Logistics Base Curragh
Bunáit Lóistíochta an Churraigh (bain2)
nervous shock
néarthurraing (bain2, gu: néarthurrainge, ai: néarthurraingí, gi: néarthurraingí)
shock of recoil
turraing athchasta (bain2)
point of impact
pointe turrainge (fir4)
turraing (bain2, gu: turrainge, ai: turraingí, gi: turraingí)
shock of discharge
scaoilturraing (bain2, gu: scaoilturrainge, ai: scaoilturraingí, gi: scaoilturraingí)
shock action
comhrac turrainge (fir1)
shock troop
trúpa turrainge (fir4)
absorb a shock
maolaigh turraing (br)
respect a person
tabhair urraim do dhuine (br)
red currant
cuirín dearg (fir4, ai: cuiríní dearga)
cuirín dearg (fir4, ai: cuiríní dearga)
black currant
cuirín dubh (fir4, ai: cuiríní dubha)
cuirín dubh (fir4, ai: cuiríní dubha)
Curragh Logistics Base [Units and Sub-units: Defence Forces’ Training Centre]
Bunáit Lóistíochta an Churraigh (bain2)
shock absorber
maolaire turrainge (fir4)
cuirín (fir4, gu: cuirín, ai: cuiríní, gi: cuiríní)
urrann (bain2, gu: urrainne)
correct position of mean point of impact with reference to aiming mark
suíomh ceart an mheánphointe turrainge i leith an mharc díríochta
the permissible distance of the mean point of impact from the point of aim
an fad incheadaithe idir an meánphointe turrainge agus an pointe dírithe
permissible variation in position of mean point of impact
malartú incheadaithe i suíomh an mheánphointe turrainge
area of Curragh Training Camp
líomatáiste Champa Traenála an Churraigh