Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Piece of metal that weighs an exact amount and is lifted by people as a sport.
Píosa miotail a bhfuil meáchan beacht ar leith ann agus a bhíonn á ardú ag daoine mar spórt.
relative darkness of the characters of a type font resulting from the relative thickness of the strokes
dorchacht choibhneasta na gcarachtar clófhoirne mar thoradh ar thiús coibhneasta na stríoc
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
GAtoradh fir1 ualaithe ó thaobh airgid▼
gu toraidh ualaithe ó thaobh airgid, ai torthaí ualaithe ó thaobh airgid
Calculate the variable component in proportion to the net weight of the product presented for clearance.
Ríomh an chomhpháirt athraitheach i gcoibhneas le glanmheáchan an táirge arna thíolacadh le haghaidh imréitigh.
toradh fir1 ualaithe ó thaobh ama▼ dímholta/superseded
gu toraidh ualaithe ó thaobh ama, ai torthaí ualaithe ó thaobh ama
The following voluntary codes have now been agreed with advertisers, advertising agencies and the relevant media suppliers. The objective is to limit the placement and weight of exposure of alcohol advertising, thereby reducing its exposure to young people (young people are defined as those under eighteen years). It is intended that these voluntary codes will be implemented from January 2005.
Finance Measure of the level of interest rate risk calculated by weighting cash flows by the time to receipt and multiplying by the fraction of total present value represented by the cash flow at that time.
Airgeadas Tomhas de leibhéal an riosca rátaí úis a áirítear trí shreafaí airgid thirim a mheá leis an am chun fáltais agus iad a iolrú faoin gcodán de luach láithreach iomlán a léiríonn an sreabhadh airgid thirim um an dtaca sin.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
correction factor; corrective factor; weighting
fachtóir ceartaitheach; fachtóir ceartúcháin; ualú
conclusive force; evidential value; evidentiary effect; evidentiary value; evidentiary weight; probative force; probative value; probative weight
luach fianaiseach; ualach cruthúnais
gross weight
Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker; Maximum Weight Convention, 1967
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Uasmheáchan is ceadmhach d'Oibrí Amháin a Iompar
BIPM; IBWM; International Bureau of Weights and Measures
an Biúró Idirnáisiúnta um Meáchain agus um Thomhais
green weight; live weight; round weight
maximum take-off weight; MTOW
uasmheáchan tráth turgabhála
weights (for weighing machines)
tromáin (do mheánna)
weighting of votes
ualú vótaí
Convention concerning the Marking of the Weight on Heavy Packages Transported by Vessels; Marking of Weight (Packages Transported by Vessels) Convention, 1929
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Meáchan a Mharcáil ar Phacáistí Troma arna nIompar in Árthaí
weighted index
innéacs meáite
iomarca meáchain; róthrom
ratio of weight; weighting coefficient
cómhéifeacht ualúcháin
lorry axle weights
meáchan acastóra leoraí
earnáil de réir meáchain
the lower weight limit
an íosteorainn mheáchain
weight-operated counting and checking machines
meá-dhroichid agus meánna do sheiceáil earraí ceirdnithe
wheel-balancing weights
eirí cothromaíochta le haghaidh rothaí
risk weight
ualú riosca
A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level; LAeq; LpAeq
LAeq; leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach A-ualaithe
gross vehicle mass; gross vehicle weight; gross vehicle weight rating; GVM; GVW; GVWR; MAM; maximum authorised mass; permissible maximum weight
ollmhais feithicle
WAS; weighted average spread
meánraon difríochta ualaithe
reweighting of votes
na vótaí a athualú
deadweight; deadweight effect; deadweight loss
éifeacht mharbhualaigh
WACC; weighted average cost of capital
meánchostas ualaithe an chaipitil
specific weight
meáchan sainiúil; sainmheáchan
grade of weight; grading by weight; weight grade
grádú de réir meáchain
WAP; weighted average price
meánphraghas ualaithe
weight-average molecular weight
meánmheáchan an mheáchain mhóilínigh
number-average molecular weight
meán uimhríochtúil an mheáchain mhóilínigh
ounce troy(weight); oz t; oz tr.; oz.t.; troy ounce
unsa troí
weight card
cárta meáchain
lean meat as percentage of carcass weight; lean meat percentage; lean-meat content; lean-meat content of pig carcass
cion feola trua; feoil thrua mar chéatadán de mheáchan an chonablaigh
net weight; weight
trade weighted
ualaithe ó thaobh trádála
deadweight loss
caillteanas marbhualaigh
unit weight(of a cigar)
aonadmheáchán (todóige)
live weight
M<sub>r</sub>; M<sub>w</sub>; molecular weight; relative molar mass; relative molecular mass
mais mhóilíneach choibhneasta; meáchan móilíneach
arithmetic weighted mean
meán uimhríochtúil ualaithe
aircraft prepared for service weight; APS weight
meáchan aerárthaigh ullamh do sheirbhís
all up weight
meáchan iomlán
basic weight
charge weight ratio
cóimheas idir lucht agus meáchan; cóimheas luchta meáchain; cóimheas meáchain; cóimheas meáchan luchta
CL weight; conventional landing weight
meáchan gnáth-thuirlingthe
construction weight; structural weight
meáchan an struchtúir; meáchan struchtúrach
conventional take-off weight; CTD weight
meáchan i ngnáthéirí de thalamh
design gross weight
ollmheáchan dearaidh
dischargeable weight
meáchan in-díluchtaithe
disposable weight
meáchan inbhainte
distributed mass-balance weight
meáchan maischothromaíochta dáilte
gross weight
lightweight turbojet engine
inneall éadrom turbascairde
mass balance weight
meáchan maischothromaíochta
maximum all up weight
uasmheáchan iomlán
maximum landing weight
uasmheáchan tuirlingthe
agravic state; weightlessness; zero-g condition
by volume; mass concentration; percentage by mass; percentage by weight; w/v; weight by volume; weight per volume; weight-in-volume
mais-tiúchan; w/v
market weight; sale weight
meáchan díola; meáchan margaidh
b.w.; body weight; Bw
meáchan coirp
A-weighted sound level; A-weighted sound pressure level
leibhéal fuaimbhrú A-ualaithe
frequency weighting
ualú minicíochta
empty weight; tare; tare weight; unladen weight
meáchan gan ualach; táir
loss in weight; loss of weight
cailliúnt meáchain
axle load; axle weight; load per axle; weight per axle
ualach in aghaigh an acastóra
daily weighted concentration
tiúchan ualaithe laethúil
risk weighting
ualú riosca
actual vehicle weight
meáchan iarbhír feithicle
curb weight
meáchan feithicle foilmhe
lightweight construction
tógáil éadrom
sprung mass; sprung weight; suspended weight
mais chrochta
non-suspended mass; non-suspended weight; unsprung mass; unsprung weight
mais nach bhuil ar fuaidreamh; mais neamhchrochta
weighted sound pressure level
leibhéal ualaithe fuaimbhrú
weight; weighting factor
toisc ualúcháin
pondered average; weighted average; weighted mean
meán ualaithe
base weight
light displacement; light displacement tonnage; lightweight
toillíocht de cheal tonnáiste
deadweight; deadweight capacity; deadweight tonnage; DWT; tons deadweight
heavy cargoes; heavy traffic conveyed in bulk; weight cargo
lasta trom
mass to power ratio; power to mass ratio; power to weight ratio
cóimheas cumhachta le meáchan
fresh weight; wet weight
weight note
nóta meáchain
shipping weight
meáchan loingseoireachta
gross for net weight
ollmheáchan in ionad glanmheáchain
basis weight; substance weight
bunmheáchan; bunmheáchan páipéir
trade weighted index
innéacs ualaithe ó thaobh trádála
live weight; load capacity; pay load
deadweight gauge
tomhsaire támh-mheáchain
weight list
liosta meáchain
live weight gain; liveweight gain
breisiú beomheáchain
average weighted date of the deliveries
meándáta ualaithe an tseachadta; meándáta ualaithe na seachadtaí
tel quel weight
meáchan "tel quel"
by weight; mass fraction; percent by weight; percentage by mass; percentage by weight; w/w; weight by weight; weight for weight; weight-in-weight
maischodán; w/w
risk-weighted exposure
neamhchosaint ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
average risk weight
meánualach riosca
preferential risk weight
ualach riosca fabhrach
risk weight exposures
ualach riosca a shannadh do neamhchosaintí; ualaigh neamhchosaintí ó thaobh riosca de
risk-weight floor
íosteorainn ualaigh riosca
reduction in risk-weighted exposure amounts
laghdú ar shuimeanna neamhchosanta ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
risk-weighted exposure amount
méid neamhchosanta ualaithe de réir riosca
weighted-average risk weight
meáchan meánriosca ualaithe
minimum risk weighted exposure amount
íosmhéid neamhchosanta ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
retail risk weight function
feidhm ualaigh riosca miondíola
risk-weighted asset; RWA
sócmhainn ualaithe ó thaobh riosca; sócmhainní coigeartaithe de réir riosca
weighted average remaining maturity of the exposure
meánaibíocht ualaithe atá ar marthain den neamhchosaint; meánaibíocht ualaithe iarmhair na neamhchosanta
effective risk weight
ualach iarbhír riosca
risk weight band
banda ualaigh riosca
exposure-weighted average risk weight
meánualach riosca ualaithe ó thaobh na neamhchosanta
weighted average remaining maturity of the transactions
meánaibíocht ualaithe atá ar marthain de na hidirbhearta; meánaibíocht ualaithe iarmhair na n-idirbheart
risk weight formula
foirmle ualaigh riosca
weighted average over time
meán ualaithe thar thréimhse ama
100% risk weight
ualach riosca 100%
risk weight based method
modh atá bunaithe ar ualach riosca; modh bunaithe ar ualach riosca
risk weighted asset amount
méid sócmhainne ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
adjusted risk weight
ualach riosca coigeartaithe
default weighted average
meán mainneachtain-ualaithe
risk weighted capital requirement
riachtanas caipitil ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
headform; headform weight
meáchan chruth an chloiginn
lower leg weight
meáchan coise íochtaraí
thigh weight
meáchain leise
service weight pickup
méadú meáchain de bharr seirbhíse
risk weight for a securitisation position; securitisation risk weight
ualú priacal i leith suímh urrúsúcháin
weight of evidence; weight of evidence approach; weight-of-evidence; weight-of-evidence analysis; weight-of-the-evidence analysis; WOE
tromachar na fianaise
takeoff weight
meáchan in éirí de thalamh
adjusted weighted-average shares
scaireanna meán ualaithe arna gcoigeartú
time-weighting factor
toisc ualúcháin ama
weighted average cost formula
foirmle an mheánchostais ualaithe
risk weighted prudential capital requirements
riachtanais stuamachta chaipitil ualaithe de réir riosca
weighted regression; weighted regression analysis
anailís chúlchéimnithe ualaithe
total wet weight
fliuchmheáchan iomlán
CO<SUB>2</SUB> weighted tonne; CWT
tona ualaithe ar bhonn CO<sub>2</sub>; tona ualaithe ó thaobh na dé-ocsaíde carbóin de
ELGD; exposure-weighted average loss-given-default
meánchaillteanas i gcás mainneachtana ualaithe ó thaobh na neamhchosanta
risk-weighted exposure amounts for dilution risk
méideanna neamhchosanta atá ualaithe ó thaobh riosca le haghaidh riosca caolúcháin
risk-weighted exposure amounts for credit risk
méideanna neamhchosanta atá ualaithe ó thaobh riosca le haghaidh riosca creidmheasa
WAM; weighted average maturity
meánaibíocht ualaithe
WAL; weighted average life
meánré ualaithe; WAL
weight sensor
braiteoir meáchain
blotted uterine weight
meáchan útarais iar-ionsúcháin
wet uterine weight
fliuchmheáchan útarach
weighted least squares linear regression; weighted linear regression
cúlchéimniú ualaithe líneach
additional risk weight
ualú riosca breise
weighted average credit quality step
céim cáilíochta creidmheasa meáin ualaithe
EAD weighted average default rate for calibration
meánráta mainneachtana EAD-ualaithe do chalabrúchán
case weighted average default rate for calibration
meánráta mainneachtana cás-ualaithe do chalabrúchán
flow-weighted average; flow-weighted average concentration; flow-weighted mean concentration
mmeántiúchán sreabh-ualaithe
loss-in-weight batching; loss-in-weight feeding; loss-in-weight system
córas cailliúna meáchain
weight bin; weight range
bosca meáchain
volume-weighted average price
meánphraghas ualaithe de réir méid
lightweight plastic carrier bag
mála plaisteach éadrom
very lightweight plastic carrier bag
mála plaisteach an-éadrom
partial weighted harmonic distortion; PWHD
díchumadh armónach páirtualaithe
balance weight
meáchan cothromaíochta (fir1)
bantam weight
coileachmheáchan (fir1, gu: coileachmheáchain, ai: coileachmheáchain, gi: coileachmheáchan)
welterweight winner
buaiteoir an chomórtais mharcmheáchain (fir3)
welterweight runner-up
neasach an chomórtais mharcmheáchain (fir1)
cleitmheáchan (fir1)
featherweight winner
buaiteoir comórtas cleitmheáchain (fir3)
featherweight runner-up
neasach comórtas cleitmheáchain (fir1)
flyweight winner
buaiteoir comórtas cuilmheáchain (fir3)
flyweight runner-up
neasach comórtas cuilmheáchain (fir1)
heavyweight winner
buaiteoir trom-mheáchain (fir3)
heavyweight runner-up
neasach trom-mheáchain (fir1)
meáchan scotrom (fir1)
laden weight
meáchan ualaithe (fir1)
light heavyweight winner
buaiteoir comórtais sa mheáchan scotrom (fir3)
light heavyweight runner-up
neasach comórtais sa mheáchan scotrom (fir1)
lightweight winner
buaiteoir comórtais éadrom-mheáchain (fir3)
lightweight runner-up
neasach comórtais éadrom-mheáchain (fir1)
middleweight winner
buaiteoir meánmheáchain (fir3)
middleweight runner-up
neasach meánmheáchain
cuilmheáchan (fir1, gu: cuilmheáchain, ai: cuilmheáchain, gi: cuilmheáchan)
éadrom-mheáchan (fir1, gu: éadrom-mheáchain, ai: éadrom-mheáchain, gi: éadrom-mheáchan)
meánmheáchan (fir1, gu: meánmheáchain, ai: meánmheáchain, gi: meánmheáchan)
marcmheáchan (fir1, gu: marcmheáchain, ai: marcmheáchain, gi: marcmheáchan)
trom-mheáchan (fir1, gu: trom-mheáchain, ai: trom-mheáchain, gi: trom-mheáchan)
meáchan (fir1, gu: meáchain, ai: meáchain, gi: meáchan)
put weight behind the throw (Grenade Training)
cuir meáchan na colainne leis an teilgean
put weight behind the throw (Grenade Training)
cuir meáchan leis an teilgean