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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
seconding national unit
aonad náisiúnta tionscnaimh
second-hand asset; used asset
sócmhainn athláimhe
secondary distribution of income account
cuntas dáilte thánaistigh ioncaim
second reading
an dara léamh
recommendation for second reading
moladh don dara léamh
SCP; secondary compensating product
táirge cúiteach tánaisteach
SBO; secondary buy-out
ceannach thar barr amach tánaisteach
second basket of the Helsinki Final Act
an dara ciseán d'Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach Heilsincí
early foreign language acquisition; early foreign language learning; early language learning; early second language acquisition; early second language learning; early stages foreign language learning; early-stage foreign language acquisition; early-stage foreign language learning
luathshealbhú dara teanga
deleting the second decimal
an dara hionad deachúlach a scriosadh
second home; secondary residence
áit chónaithe thánaisteach; athbhaile
diseconomy of scale
díbharainneacht scála
Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extradition
an Dara Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Eiseachadadh
secondary Community legislation; secondary legislation
reachtaíocht thánaisteach
secondary energy
fuinneamh tánaisteach
secondary market
margadh tánaisteach
secondary effect; side effect
court of second instance
cúirt an dara céim
second engineer; second engineer officer
dara hoifigeach innealtóireachta
second-hand good
earraí athláimhe
millions of instructions per second; mips
MIPS; na milliúin treoir sa soicind
middle management; MM; second line management
Final Act of the Second Peace Conference
Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach an Dara Comhdháil Síochána
second-tier market; unlisted securities market
margadh tánaisteach
ICCPR-OP2; Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
an Dara Prótacal roghnach don Chúnant idirnáisiúnta ar chearta sibhialta agus polaitiúla, ar mhaithe le pionós an bháis a dhíothú
secondment in the interests of the service
iasacht ar mhaithe le leas na seirbhíse
official on secondment; seconded official
oifigeach atá ar iasacht
Second Protocol amending the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
an Dara Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún um laghdú cásanna ilnáisiúntachta agus um oibleagáidí míleata i gcásanna ilnáisiúntachta
Second Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
an Dara Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Ginearálta ar Phribhléidí agus ar Dhíolúintí Chomhairle na hEorpa
Member State of origin; seconding Member State
Ballstát tionscnaimh
Economic and Financial Committee; Second Committee
an Coiste Eacnamaíoch agus Airgeadais
Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on mutual legal assistance; Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters; Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters; Second Protocol to the European Convention on mutual legal assistance
an Dara Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach ar chúnamh frithpháirteach in ábhair choiriúla
second-round effects
éifeachtaí indíreacha
Second Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests
an Dara Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Ariteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le leasanna airgeadais na gComhphobal Eorpach a chosaint
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980, and to the First and Second Protoco
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún ar an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha, a osclaíodh chun a shínithe sa Róimh an 19 Meitheamh 1980, agus don Chéad Ph
exchange and secondment of personnel
pearsanra a mhalartú agus a thabhairt ar iasacht
secondary prevention
cosc tánaisteach
irregular secondary movement; secondary movement
gluaiseacht thánaisteach; gluaiseacht thánaisteach neamhrialta
second generation Schengen Information System; SIS II
an dara glúin de Chóras Faisnéise Schengen; CFS II
second line check; second line control; second-line border check
seiceáil ar an dara líne
secondary nutrient
cothaitheach tánaisteach
SecOPs; Security Operating Procedures
Nósanna Imeachta Oibríochtaí Slándála; SecOps
second free-at-frontier offer price
bunphraghas ag an teorainn
second quality egg
ubh den dara grád
second mortgage
morgáiste den dara tosaíocht
secondary structure
struchtúr tánaisteach
blues; seconds
secondary attack rate
ráta ruaige tánaistí
second-generation migrant
imirceach den dara glúin
acquisition of second homes
áit chónaithe thánaisteach a fháil
seconded national expert; SNE
saineolaí náisiúnta ar iasacht; SNI
acquired drug resistance; secondary drug resistance; secondary resistance
frithsheasmhacht thánaisteach in aghaidh drugaí
second messenger
dara teachtaire
secondary school-leaving certificate
secondary boycott
baghcat tánaisteach
secondhand article
earra athláimhe
second service
certified seed of the second generation; second generation certified seed
síol deimhnithe den dara glúin
second-hand good
earra athláimhe
error of second kind
earráid den dara cineál
risk of second kind; type ii risk
riosca de chineál ii; riosca den dara cineál
secondary braking system
córas coscánaithe éigeandála
secondary metal
miotal tánaisteach
secondary sample
sampla tánaisteach
accumulator; secondary battery; secondary cell; storage cell
cill stórais
secondary action; secondary strike; solidarity strike; sympathetic strike; sympathy action; sympathy strike
stailc chomhbhá; stailc dhlúthpháirtíochta
secondary education
meánoideachas; oideachas meánscoile
second-chance education
oideachas an dara deis
secondary raw material
amhábhar tánaisteach
floating point operations per second; FLOPS
FLOPS; oibríochtaí snámhphointe sa soicind
grouped packaging; secondary packaging
pacáistíocht thánaisteach
secondary air
aer tánaisteach
secondary prevention
cosc tánaisteach
second home; secondary residence
áit chónaithe thánaisteach
secondary industry; secondary sector
earnáil thánaisteach
closure by secondary intent; secondary intention
cneasú tánaisteach
secondary infection
galar tánaisteach
secondary power supply
soláthar tánaisteach cumhachta
co-pilot; second pilot
Gaussian distribution; Gauss-Laplace distribution; Laplacean distribution; Laplace-Gauss distribution; Laplacian distribution; normal distribution; normal probability density distribution; second law of Laplace
dáileadh Laplace-Gausse; dáileadh normalach
second site mutation
claochlú an dara suímh; claochlú dara suímh
secondary radar; secondary surveillance radar; SSR
radar tánaisteach faireachais
refermentation; secondary fermentation
coipeadh tánaisteach
second alcoholic fermentation; second fermentation
dara coipeadh
secondary timbers
admhad den dara grád
secondary medium
meán tánaisteach
picosecond; ps; psec
second cover page
dara leathanach cumhdaigh
B-road; minor road; non-principal road; secondary road
bóthar den dara grád
nanosecond; ns; nsec
nanashoicind; ns
metastatic cancer; secondary cancer
ailse mheiteastáiseach
upper secondary education
meánoideachas deiridh céime
lower secondary education; second stage of basic education
iar-bhunoideachas íochtarach; iar-bhunoideachas sóisearach
secondary production
táirgeadh tánaisteach
secondary tillage
curaíocht thánaisteach
secondary fermentation
coipeadh tánaisteach
secondary combustion chamber
cuasán dó tánaisteach
secondary sedimentation
dríodrú tánaisteach
Eastern bloc; second world countries
Bloc an Oirthir; tíortha an dara domhan
secondary road network
gréasán bóithre den dara grád
flexible pavement basecourse
bonnchúrsa solúbtha pábhála
secondary safety
sábháilteacht thánaisteach
secondary railway enterprise
fiontar tánaisteach iarnróid
secondary processed product
táirge próiseáilte tánaisteach
transitional arrangements for second-hand means of transport
socruithe sealadacha le haghaidh córacha iompair athláimhe
second loss position
suíomh dara caillteanas
second loss tranche
an dara tráinse caillteanais
second loss tranche or better
dara tráinse caillteanais nó níos fearr
secondary market
margadh tánaisteach
second chance
dara deis
secondary autism
uathachas tánaisteach
second generation biofuel
bithbhreosla den dara glúin
second lamp envelope
dara himchlúdach lampa
second tuner
dara tiúnóir
secondary characteristic
saintréith thánaisteach
secondary image
íomhá thánaisteach
secondary-image-separation test
tástáil ar dheighilt na híomhá tánaistí
separation of secondary image
deighilt íomhá tánaistí
secondary brake
coscán éigeandála
secondary methods of customs valuation
modhanna tánaisteacha luachála custaim
secondary segment information
faisnéis thánaisteach deighleoige
Cyanoacrylate. Danger. Bonds skin and eyes in seconds. Keep out of the reach of children.
Cianaicrioláit. Contúirt. Nascann craiceann agus súile laistigh de shoicindí. Coimeád as aimsiú leanaí.
secondary effluent
eisilteach tánaisteach
Agreement amending for the second time the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part; Agreement amending the Cotonou Agreement for the second time
an Comhaontú lena leasaítear den dara huair an Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir Baill Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Charaib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile; dara leasú Chomhaontú Cotonou
secondary drug
druga tánaisteach
secondary extraction
eastóscadh tánaisteach
second earner
an dara duine sa teaghlach atá ag tuilleamh
second-generation human rights
an dara glúin de chearta an duine
secondary market intervention
idirghabháil sa mhargadh táinisteach
diagnostic ion; qualifier ion; secondary ion
ian diagnóiseach
secondary education
meánoideachas; oideachas meánscoile
second economic governance package; two-pack
dara pacáiste rialachais eacnamaíoch; dé-phaca
adrenal suppresion; adreno-cortical suppression; secondary adrenal insufficiency
sochtadh aidréineacortach
second-order coefficient
comhéifeacht den dara hord
derived product; secondary product
táirge díorthaithe
secondary osteosarcoma
oistéasarcóma tánaisteach
SIS-VIS committee; the second generation Schengen Information System and Visa Information System committee
an coiste um an dara glúin de Chóras Faisnéise Schengen agus den Chóras Faisnéise Víosaí; Coiste CFS-VIS
secondary infestation
fíniú tánaisteach
second energy package
an dara pacáiste fuinnimh
agreement at the stage of second reading in the European Parliament; second-reading agreement
comhaontú ag céim an dara léamh i bParlaimint na hEorpa
conclusion of second reading
an dara léamh a thabhairt chun críche
double burden; second shift
ualach dúbailte
liaison prosecutors from third States seconded to Eurojust
ionchúisitheoirí idirchaidrimh ó thríú Stáit ar iasacht le Eurojust
secondary concentrator
comhchruinnitheoir tánaisteach
second-tier subsidiary
fochuideachta thánaisteach
secondary particulate matter
ábhar cáithníneach tánaisteach
PSPP; public sector asset purchase programme; public sector purchase programme; secondary markets public sector asset purchase programme
clár ceannaithe sócmhainní na hearnála poiblí; clár ceannaithe sócmhainní na hearnála poiblí ar na margaí tanáisteacha; PSPP
secondary income balance
iarmhéid ioncaim thánaistigh
second-degree relative
gaol den dara céim
Second Lord of the Treasury
Dara Tiarna an Státchiste
secondary emissions
astaíochtaí tánaisteacha
secondary production
táirgeadh tánaisteach
secondary smelting
bruithniú tánaisteach
irregular secondary flow; secondary flow
sreabh thánaisteach; sreabh thánaisteach neamhrialta; sreabhadh tánaisteach neamhrialta
secondary issuance
eisiúint thánaisteach
secondary cooling water
uisce fuaraithe tánaisteach
seconded guest officer; SGO
aoi-oifigeach teorann atá ar iasacht; SGO
second-level reception; second-line reception
glacadh dara líne
Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on payment services in the internal market; Payment Services Directive 2; PSD2; Second Payment Services Directive
an Dara Treoir maidir le Seirbhísí Íocaíochta; Treoir (AE) 2015/2366 maidir le seirbhísí íocaíochta sa mhargadh inmheánach
second-parent adoption
uchtú ag an dara tuismitheoir
dara (a3)
ar iasacht (fr.r.)
Leascheannasaí (fir4, gu: Leascheannasaí, ai: Leascheannasaithe, gi: Leascheannasaithe)
secondary attack
ionsaí tánaisteach (fir4)
watch with second hand
uaireadóir le snáthaid soicind (fir3)
secondary charges retaining spring
tuailm choinneála athlánán (bain2)
secondary cartridge
athchartús (fir1, gu: athchartúis, ai: athchartúis, gi: athchartús)
secondary cell
fochadhain (bain2, gu: fochaidhne, ai: fochaidhnte, gi: fochaidhnte)
secondary charge
athlánán (fir1, gu: athlánáin, ai: athlánáin, gi: athlánán)
cycles per second
ciogail an soicind (fir1)
secondary damage
damáiste tánaisteach (fir4)
secondary evidence
fianaise thánaisteach (bain4)
feet per second
troithe an soicind (bain)
second lieutenant [Rank Titles]
2/Lt (gior)
second lieutenant [Rank Titles]
dara leifteanant (fir1)
platoon second-in-command
leascheannasaí buíne (fir4)
secondary role
gnó tánaisteach (fir4)
second line repair
deisiúchán dara líne (fir1)
second-in-command of platoon
leascheannasaí buíne (fir4)
réchaite (a3)
seconds of angle
soicindí d'uillinn (fir)
second pressure
dara fáscadh (fir1)
second maximum temperature
an dara huasteocht (gu mar a)
ath- (réimír)
fo- (réimír)
secondary battery
focheallra (fir4, gu: focheallra)
secondary charges retaining spring
tuailm choinnithe athlánán (bain2)
secondary coil
fochorna (fir4, gu: fochorna, ai: fochornaí, gi: fochornaí)
secondary fire
tine thánaisteach (bain4)
secondary fission
scoilteadh tánaisteach (fir)
secondary winding
athritheán (fir1, gu: athritheáin, ai: athritheáin, gi: athritheán)
seconded to the EU
curtha ar iasacht leis an AE
second class shot
lámhachóir den dara grád (fir3)
soicind (fir4, gu: soicind, ai: soicindí, gi: soicindí)
tánaisteach (a1)
a soldier seconded to a civilian organisation
saighdiúir ar iasacht le heagraíocht shibhialta
the allowances specified in the second schedule
na liúntais a shonraítear sa dara sceideal
change into second gear
aistrigh go dtí an dara giar
second class certificate of education
deimhniú oideachais den dara grád,
obtain the 'feel' of 12 seconds on the working head (range finder)
faigh cothrom 12 shoicind ar an roithín oibre le meabhair na lámh
12 seconds of angle
12 soicind d'uillinn
the velocity of the bullet is 800 metres a second
is é luas an philéir ná 800 méadar an tsoicind