Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
cuireann x Teachta Dála ar fionraí
x suspends a TD
cuireann x Comhalta Parlaiminte ar fionraí
x suspends a Member of Parliament
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
suspension of the sitting
an suí a chur ar fionraí
suspension of the right to vote; suspension of voting rights
cearta vótála a chur ar fionraí
suspension of a sitting
suí a chur ar fionraí
suspension of an official
oifigeach a chur ar fionraí
suspension of the operation of a treaty
oibriú conartha a chur ar fionraí
mechanism for the temporary suspension of the exemption from the visa requirement; suspension mechanism; visa waiver suspension mechanism
sásra chun an díolúine ón gceanglas víosa a fhionraí go sealadach; sásra fionraíochta; sásra lena gcuirtear tarscaoileadh víosaí ar fionraí
in abeyance
ar fionraí (fr.dob.)