Torthaí beachta
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ábhar is cúram dó a ardú ar leibhéal an Chomhchoiste
to raise a matter of concern at the level of the Joint Committee
Torthaí gaolmhara
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Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
joint parliamentary committee
comhchoiste parlaiminteach
JCCC; Joint Customs Cooperation Committee
CCCC; comhchoiste um chomhar custaim
Joint Committee on Social Problems of Agricultural Workers
an Comhchoiste um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta Oibrithe Talmhaíochta
Joint Committee on Railways
an Comhchoiste um Iarnróid
Joint Committee on Social Problems in Sea Fishing
an Comhchoiste um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta san Iascaireacht Mhara
JECFA; Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
an Comhchoiste Saineolaithe maidir le Breiseáin i mBia; JECFA
Joint Advisory Committee on Social Questions in Inland Water Transport
an Comhchoiste Comhairleach um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta Iompair d'Uisce Intíre
Joint Advisory Committee on Social Questions arising in Road Transport
an Comhchoiste Comhairleach um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta Iompair de Bhóthar
Joint Committee on Inland Waterways
an Comhchoiste um Uiscebhealaí Intíre
an Comhchoiste um Chomhdheiseanna do Mhná agus d'Fhir
EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee; EEA JPC; European Economic Area Joint Parliamentary Committee
Comhchoiste Parlaiminteach an Limistéir Eorpaigh Eacnamaíoch; Comhchoiste Parlaiminteach LEE
Joint Committee
Joint Audit Committee
an Comhchoiste Iniúchóireachta
EU-Turkey Joint Consultative Committee
Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-an Túirc; Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-na Tuirce
Joint Ministerial Trade Committee
an Comhchoiste Aireachta um Thrádáil
CPI; Joint Advisory Committee for Professional Incompetence; Joint Advisory Committee on Professional Incompetence
Comhchoiste Comhairleach um neamhinniúlacht ghairmiúil
DC; Development Committee; Joint Ministeriel Committee of the Governors of the World Bank and the IMF on the transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
Comhchoiste Aireachta Ghobharnóirí an Bhainc Dhomhanda agus an CAI maidir le hAistriú Fíoracmhainní chuig Tíortha i mBéal Forbartha
Joint Committee on Agriculture
Comhchoiste na hEilvéise-an Chomhphobail um Thalmhaíocht
JCC; joint consultative committee
comhchoiste comhairliúcháin
common Committee 'Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows'
an Comhchoiste um 'Dhlúthpháirtíocht agus um Bainistiú Sreabha Imirce'
Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities
Comhchoiste na nÚdarás Maoirseachta Eorpach
EU-The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee; EU-The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia JCC
Comhchoiste Comhairleach Shochaí Shibhialta AE-Iar-Phoblacht Iúgslavach na Macadóine
joint readmission committee
comhchoiste um athghlacadh isteach
EU-Montenegro Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee; EU-Montenegro Joint Consultative Committee
Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-Montainéagró; Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-Montainéagró i Réimse na Sochaí Sibhialta
CARIFORUM-EU Consultative Committee; EU-CARIFORUM Joint Consultative Committee
Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin CARIFORUM-AE
EU-Chile Joint Consultative Committee
Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-na Sile