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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAcreidmheas fir3
gu creidmheasa, iol creidmheasanna
(formal pay-later system)
Is é éileamh an Ghearánaí suim £.......... atá dlite agus iníoctha de bhun an chomhaontaithe creidmheasa sin a ghnóthú ón gCosantóir/ó na Cosantóirí
The Plaintiff's claim is to recover against the Defendants the sum of £.......... due and owing on foot of the said credit agreement
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAanailís bain2 creidmheasa
gu anailíse creidmheasa, ai anailísí creidmheasa
Airgeadas Próiseas trína ndeimhnítear an sroicheann iarrthóir ar chreidmheas an caighdeán a éilíonn an gnólacht.
Finance Process of determining whether a credit applicant meets the firm's standards.
A specific kind of counterparty agreement which allows the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange of regular periodic payments (essentially an insurance premium). If the third party defaults, the party providing insurance will have to purchase from the insured party the defaulted asset. In turn, the insurer pays the insured the remaining interest on the debt, as well as the principal.
a credit card issued by a bank or credit-card company, which donates a small percentage of the money spent using the card to a specified charity
GAcomhar fir1 creidmheasa
gu comhair creidmheasa
Airgeadas Comharchumann neamhbhrabúis a fheidhmíonn mar bhanc taisce, ag glacadh taiscí ó choigilteoirí agus ag tabhairt iasachtaí do cheannaitheoirí tí, etc.
Finance A non-profitmaking cooperative that functions as a savings bank, taking deposits from savers and lending to house-buyers, etc.
GAcreidmheas fir3 imrothlach
gu creidmheasa imrothlaigh
Airgeadas Líne chreidmheasa bainc is féidir a úsáid nó gan a úsáid de réir mar a theastaíonn ón iasachtaí. Íoctar ús ar an méid creidmheasa a bhíonn in úsáid go fírinneach, agus íoctar táille ceangaltais ar an sciar neamhúsáidte.
Finance Line of bank credit that may be used or not used at the borrower's discretion. Interest is paid on the amount of credit actually in use, while a commitment fee is paid on the unused portion.
GAcreidmheas fir3 tar-rollta
gu creidmheasa tar-rollta
Airgeadas Iasacht bhainc a nuashonraítear a ráta úis go tréimhsiúil chun rátaí úis an mhargaidh a léiriú.
Finance Bank loan whose interest rate is periodically updated to reflect market interest rates.
GAcreidmheas fir3 téarma
ai creidmheasanna téarma
ENterm credit s
pl term credits
Airgeadas Iasachtaí bainc a dhéantar de réir sceidil ama.
Finance Bank loans made according to a time schedule.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
trade credits and advances
creidmheasanna trádála agus airleacain
intraday credit
creidmheas ionlae
acceptance credit; acceptance facility
creidmheas glacachta
CLN; credit linked note
nóta creidmheas-nasctha
credit insurance
árachas creidmheasa
credit containment; credit control
rialú creidmheasa
documentary credit; letter of credit
creidmheas doiciméadach
credit card
cárta creidmheasa
bank credit; bank financing; bank loan; bank-based funding
creidmheas bainc
acceptance credit
creidmheas glacachta
credit constraint; credit crunch; credit recession
géarchor creidmheasa
commercial credit
creidmheas tráchtála
officially supported export credit
creidmheas onnmhairiúcháin a bhfuil tacaíocht oifigiúil aige; creidmheasanna onnmhairiúcháin arna dtacú go hoifigiúil
Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits; OECD Consensus
Comhdhearcadh OECD; Socraíochtaí maidir le treoirlínte le haghaidh creidmheasanna onnmhairiúcháin a bhfuil tacaíocht oifigiúil acu
ECTS; European Community Course Credit Transfer System; European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; European credit transfer system
an Córas Eorpach Aistrithe Creidiúna; córas Eorpach d'aistriú creidmheasa; ECTS
confirmed documentary credit
creidmheas doiciméadach daingnithe
credit institution
foras creidmheasa
creditor quota
cuóta creidmheasa
credit operations
oibríochtaí creidmheasa
to draw on credit facilities
tarraing ar shaoráidí creidmheasa
credit risk; default risk; loan risk
riosca creidmheasa; riosca mainneachtana
trade credit
creidmheas trádála
granting of limited credits
deonú creidmheasanna teoranta
CRA; credit rating agency
CRA; gníomhaireacht rátála creidmheasa
deposit liabilities to credit institutions
dliteanais taisce d'institiúidí creidmheasa
an Comhaontú maidir le Gíorónna Bainc; an Comhaontú maidir le hAistriú Creidmheasa Bainc
credit card fraud
calaois cártaí creidmheasa; calaois chártaí creidmheasa
trade finance; trade financing
creidmheas trádála
credit market
margadh creidmheasa
credit exposure
neamhchosaint creidmheasa
carbon credit; carbon emission reduction credit; CERC
creidmheas carbóin; creidmheas laghdaithe astaíochtaí carbóin
nationally recognised statistical ratings organisation; NRSRO
gníomhaíocht rátála creidmheasa atá aitheanta go náisiúnta; NRSRO
partially untied aid credit
creidmheas cabhrach páirt-neamhcheangailte
individual aid credit
creidmheas cabhrach aonair
aid credits
creidmheas cabhrach
premixed credit
creidmheas réamh-mheasctha
credit benefiting from official support
creidmheas ag a bhfuil tacaíocht oifigiúil
Sector Understanding on Export Credits
an Comhaontú Earnála maidir le Creidmheasanna Onnmhairiúcháin
concessional credit
creidmheas lamháltais
creidiúnaí; tabharthóir creidmheasa
credit policy; loan policy
beartas creidmheasa; beartas iasachta
cash credit
creidmheas airgid; creidmheas airgid thirim
open-ended credit; renewable credit; revolving credit; revolving loan
creidmheas imrothlach
export credit
creidmheas onnmhairiúcháin
supplier credit
creidmheas soláthraí
buyer's credit
creidmheas ceannaitheora
consumer credit; consumer lending; consumer loan
creidmheas tomhaltais; creidmheas tomhaltóirí
credit expansion
fairsingiú creidmheasa; forleathnú creidmheasa; leathnú creidmheasa
borrowed capital; credit capital; debt capital
caipiteal a fuarthas ar iasacht; caipiteal creidmheasa
charge account; credit account
cuntas creidmheasa
credit flow; credit flux
sreabhadh creidmheasa
credit easing
bogadh creidmheasa; éascú creidmheasa
DCS; direct credit substitute
DCS; ionadach creidmheasa díreach
credit drawdown; drawdown
tarraingt anuas creidmheasa
emission reduction credit; ERC
creidmheas maidir le laghdú astaíochtaí; ERC
daylight credit; daylight exposure; daylight overdraft; intraday credit; intraday overdraft
creidmheas aon lae; neamhchosaint aon lae; rótharraingt aon lae
credit purchase; term purchase
ceannach creidmheasa; ceannach téarma
acceptance credit; credit letter
creidmheas glacachta; litir chreidmheasa
loan or credit secured on real property
creidmheas urraithe
credit control; credit surveillance
rialú creidmheasa
credit sale
díol ar cairde; díol creidmheasa
credit agreement; loan agreement
comhaontú creidmheasa; comhaontú iasachta
tax credit
creidmheas cánach
deferred credit grants
deontas creidmheasa iarchurtha
trade credit
creidmheas trádála
creidmheasanna custaiméirí
confirmed credit; confirmed documentary credit; confirmed letter of credit
creidmheas daingnithe; litir dhaingnithe chreidmheasa
liability arising from letters of credit; liability from letters of credit
dliteanas a eascraíonn ó litreacha creidmheasa
credit spread
raon difríochta creidmheasa
trade debtors-credit balances
féichiúnaithe trádála - iarmhéideanna creidmheasa
letters of credit
litreacha creidmheasa
credit consultant
sainchomhairleoir creidmheasa
credit allowance; credit margin
corrlach creidmheasa; liúntas creidmheasa
credit manager; credit supervisor
bainisteoir creidmheasa; maoirseoir creidmheasa
wage credits
creidmheasanna pá
Freely negotiable credit
creidmheas soshannta go neamhshrianta
Red clause credit
creidmheas dearg
back-to-back credit
creidmheas 'cúl le chéile'; creidmheas 'droim le droim'
negotiable documentary credit
creidmheas doiciméadach inaistrithe
official export credit insurance system
córas oifigiúil maidir le hárachas creidmheasa onnmhairiúcháin
export credit guarantee for the account of the State
ráthaíocht creidmheasa onnmhairiúcháin ar chuntas an Stáit
credit risk
riosca creidmheasa
credit insurance policy
polasaí árachais creidmheasa
credit reference services
seirbhísí teistiméireachtaí creidmheasa
ECVET; European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
an Córas Creidmheasa Eorpach don Ghairmoideachais agus don Ghairmoiliúint; ECVET
credit intermediary
idirghabhálaí creidmheasa
ECAI; external credit assessment institution
IMCS; institiúid um measúnú creidmheasa seachtrach
CDS; credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa; CDS
credit event
teagmhas creidmheasa
funded credit protection
cosaint chistithe creidmheasa
first-asset-to-default credit derivative; first-to-default credit derivative
díorthach creidmheasa don chéad mhainneachtain
adjustment of a credit balance; adjustment of credit balance
coigeartú ar chomhardú creidmheasa
unfunded credit protection
cosaint neamhchistithe creidmheasa
parent credit institution in a Member State
máthairinstitiúid creidmheasa i mBallstát
EU parent credit institution; EU parent institution; Union parent institution
máthairinstitiúid creidmheasa san AE
CCR; counterparty credit risk
riosca creidmheasa an chontrapháirtí
non credit-obligation assets
sócmhainn neamhoibleagáide creidmheasa
non-cash credit
creidmheas neamhairgid
own funds requirement for credit risk
íoscheanglais cistí dílse in aghaidh rioscaí creidmheasa
retail credit line
líne creidmheasa miondíola
SA; standardised approach; standardised approach to credit risk
cur chuige caighdeánaithe; Cur Chuige Caighdeánaithe maidir le riosca creidmheasa
maximum credit event payment
uasíocaíocht i gcás teagmhas creidmheasa
unearned credit spreads
raon difríochta creidmheasa neamhthuillte
diversification of credit portfolios
éagsúlú punanna creidmheasa
problem credit
creidmheas fabhtach
credit assessment based method
modh bunaithe ar mheasúnú creidmheasa
individual credit assessment
measúnú creidmheasa aonair
short-term credit assessment
measúnú creidmheasa gearrthéarmach
solicited credit assessment; solicited credit rating
measúnú creidmheasa iarrtha
recognition of credit risk mitigation on securitisation positions
maolú riosca creidmheasa ar shuíomhanna urrúsaithe a aithint
seller-provided credit enhancement
feabhsú creidmheasa arna sholáthar ag an díoltóir
credit portfolio
punann creidmheasa
governing bodies of the credit institution
comhlachtaí rialaithe na hinstitiúide creidmheasa
credit approval process
próiseas chun creidmheas a fhaomhadh
credit risk mitigating effect
éifeacht mhaolaitheach maidir le riosca creidmheasa
distressed restructuring of the credit obligation
athchóiriú struis na hoibleagáide creidmheasa
draw credit
tarraing creidmheas
credit risk
riosca creidmheasa
one-sided credit valuation adjustment
coigeartú leataobhach ar luacháil creidmheasa
non credit-obligation asset
sócmhainn neamhoibleagáide creidmheasa
single-name credit derivative
díorthach creidmheasa aonainm
ascertain the credit risk of the customers
fionn riosca creidmheasa na gcustaiméirí
credit loss event
teagmhas caillteanas creidmheasa
hedge the credit risk
riosca creidmheasa a fhálú
internal credit policy
beartas creidmheasa inmheánach
credit decision process
próiseas cinnteoireachta creidmheasa
Expert Group on Credit Histories
Sainghrúpa maidir le Startha Creidmheasa
credit mitigation; credit risk mitigation; CRM
maolú riosca creidmheasa
credit enhancement
feabhsú creidmheasa
termination of credit protection
foirceannadh na cosanta creidmheasa
credit enhancement position
suíomh feabhsaithe creidmheasa
credit review
athbhreithniú creidmheasa
credit deterioration
meathlú creidmheasa
CQS; credit quality step
céim cáilíochta creidmheasa
credit risk transfer; CRT
aistriú riosca creidmheasa
credit support
forlíonadh creidmheasa; tacaíocht creidmheasa
credit-related loss
caillteanas a bhaineann le creidmheas
internal credit review
athbhreithniú creidmheasa inmheánach
enforceability of credit protection
in-fhorfheidhmitheacht cosanta creidmheasa
aggregate credit risk exposure
neamhchosaint chomhiomlán ar riosca creidmheasa
constituent risk components
comhpháirteanna na rioscaí creidmheasa
credit derivative hedge
fálú díorthach creidmheasa
credit derivatives product
táirge díorthach creidmheasa
credit rating downgrade
íosghrádú rátála creidmheasa
credit valuation adjustment; credit value adjustment; CVA
coigeartú ar luacháil creidmheasa
effective credit duration
ré creidmheasa iarbhír; ré iarbhír creidmheasa
internal credit derivative hedge
fálú inmheánach ar dhíorthach creidmheasa
non-trading book credit risk exposure
neamhchosaint leabhair neamhthrádála ar riosca creidmheasa
CCR exposure; counterparty credit risk exposure
neamhchosaint ar riosca creidmheasa an chontrapháirtí
credit derivative booked in the trading book
díorthach creidmheasa curtha sa leabhar trádála
credit protection provider; protection provider
soláthraí cosanta creidmheasa
external credit derivative hedge
fálú seachtrach ar dhíorthach creidmheasa
intra-day usage of credit lines
úsáid ionlae na línte creidmheasa
pre-settlement credit risk
riosca creidmheasa réamhshocraíochta
settlement credit risk; settlement risk
riosca creidmheasa socraíochta
single-name unfunded credit derivative
díorthach creidmheasa neamhchistithe aonainm
credit risk exposure
neamhchosaint ar riosca creidmheasa
external credit assessment; external rating
measúnú creidmheasa seachtrach
deonú creidmheasa
credit risk-bearing portfolios and exposures
punann agus neamhchosaint atá ag dul i riosca creidmheasa; punann agus neamhchosaint atá rioscúil ó thaobh an chreidmheasa de
re-financing credits
athmhaoiniú creidmheasanna; creidmheasanna a athmhaoiniú
assign credit assessements
sann measúnachtaí creidmheasa
mapping of credit assessments
mapáil measúnachtaí creidmheasa
nominated ECAI; nominated External Credit Assessment Institution
IMCS ainmnithe; institiúid ainmnithe um measúnú creidmheasa seachtrach
credit derivative
díorthach creidmheasa
CAD; Capital Adequacy Directive; Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions (recast)
Treoir 2006/49/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le leordhóthanacht caipitil gnólachtaí infheistíochta agus institiúidí creidmheasa (athmhúnlú); Treoir maidir le Leordhóthanacht Caipitil
Banking Directive; Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (recast)
Treoir 2006/48/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle a bhaineann le gnó na n-institiúidí creidmheasa a ghlacadh agus a shaothrú (athmhúnlú)
credit risk control
rialú ar riosca creidmheasa; rialú riosca creidmheasa
credit-related economic loss
caillteanas eacnamaíoch a bhaineann le creidmheas; caillteanas eacnamaíoch atá bainteach le creidmheas
credit loss
caillteanas creidmheasa
credit derivative transaction
idirbheart díorthach creidmheasa
credit risk exposures to central counterparties
neamhchosaint riosca creidmheasa ar chontrapháirtí lárnach
pro rata exposure to the undrawn amounts of the credit lines
neamhchosaint pro rata ar mhéideanna neamhtharraingthe na línte creidmheasa
post-credit-event valuation
luacháil tar éis teagmhas creidmheasa
group of credit rating agencies
grúpa gníomhaireachtaí rátála creidmheasa
Working Party on Financial Services (Credit rating agencies)
an Mheitheal um Sheirbhísí Airgeadais (Gníomhaireachtaí Rátála Creidmheasa)
AD credit; avoided deforestation credit; deforestation credit
creidmheas a ghabhann le dífhoraoisiú seachanta
cainéal creidmheasa
credit guarantee scheme
scéim ráthaíochta creidmheasa
credit growth
fás creidmheasa
wholesale credit market
margadh mórdhíola creidmheasa
offset crediting
eisiúint creidmheasanna cúitimh
credit scoring
scór creidmheasa; scóráil creidmheasa
credit rating process
próiseas rátála creidmheasa
credit rating activities; rating business
gníomhaíochtaí rátála creidmheasa
credit migration risk; migration risk
riosca imirce; riosca imirce creidmheasa
credit spread risk
riosca raon difríochta creidmheasa
SCT Scheme; SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme
Scéim ACS; Scéim Aistrithe Creidmheasa SEPA
SCT; SEPA Credit Transfer
ACS; Aistriú Creidmheasa SEPA
ECAF; Eurosystem credit assessment framework
creat measúnaithe creidmheasa an Eurochórais
sovereign CDS; sovereign credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa cheannasach; CDS ceannasach
concentration of credit risk
comhchruinniú riosca creidmheasa
credit enhancements
feabhsuithe creidmheasa
credit facilities
saoráidí creidmheasa
credit insurance contract
conradh árachais creidmheasa
credit risk
riosca creidmheasa
investment tax credits
creidmheasanna cánach infheistíochta
letters of credit
litreacha creidmheasa
projected unit credit method
modh na n-aonad réamh-mheasta creidmheasa
rated and unrated credit exposures
neamhchosaintí creidmheasa rátáilte agus gan rátáil
stand-by credit facilities
saoráidí creidmheasa teannta
single-name CDS; single-name credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa aonainm
credit transfer order
ordú creidmheasa bainc
credit event servicing
seirbhísiú teagmhas creidmheasa
underwriting of credits
frithghealladh creidmheasanna
single name credit linked note
nóta creidmheas-nasctha aonainm
multiple name credit linked note
nóta creidmheas-nasctha il-ainmneacha
certified CRA; certified credit rating agency
gníomhaireacht rátála creidmheasa dheimhnithe
specific credit risk adjustment
coigeartú sonrach ar riosca creidmheasa
general credit risk adjustment
coigeartú ginearálta ar riosca creidmheasa
provide credit protection; provide protection
cosaint creidmheasa a sholáthar
risk-weighted exposure amounts for credit risk
méideanna neamhchosanta atá ualaithe ó thaobh riosca le haghaidh riosca creidmheasa
credit default spread
raon difríochta mainneachtana creidmheasa
CDS spread; credit default swap spread
raon difríochta na babhtála mainneachtana creidmheasa
Directive on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property; MCD; Mortgage Credit Directive; Mortgages Directive
an Treoir maidir le comhaontuithe creidmheasa do thomhaltóirí i dtaca le maoin chónaithe dho-aistrithe; Treoir um Chreidmheas Morgáiste
index CDS; index credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa innéacs; innéacs CDS; innéacs na babhtála mainneachtana creidmheasa
credit risk associated with an exposure
riosca creidmheasa a bhaineann le neamhchosaint
credit risk on the exposure of an institution
riosca creidmheasa maidir le neamhchosaint institiúide
credit watch
faire creidmheasa
European Credit Rating Agency
Gníomhaireacht Rátála Creidmheasa Eorpach
OCR; own credit risk
priacal creidmheasa féin; riosca creidmheasa féin
tied credit intermediary
idirghabhálaí creidmheasa faoi cheangal
EACRA; European Association of Credit Rating Agencies
Comhlachas Eorpach na nGníomhaireachtaí Rátála Creidmheasa
uncovered sovereign CDS; uncovered sovereign credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa cheannasach neamhurraithe
committed lines of credit
línte creidmheasa geallta
international credit
creidmheas idirnáisiúnta
unused credit entitlement
teidlíocht creidmheasa nár úsáideadh
Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive; BRRD; Directive establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms
an Treoir maidir le Téarnamh agus Réiteach na mBanc; Treoir lena mbunaítear creat le haghaidh institiúidí creidmheasa agus comhlachtaí infheistíochta a théarnamh agus a réiteach
non-tied credit intermediary
idirghabhálaí creidmheasa nach bhfuil faoi cheangal
shared equity credit agreement
comhaontú creidmheasa cothromais chomhroinnte
industrial gas credits; international credits from projects involving industrial gases
creidmheasanna gáis tionsclaíoch; creidmheasanna idirnáisiúnta ó thionscadail a bhfuil baint acu le gáis thionsclaíocha
Participants Group; Participants to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits
Rannpháirtithe sa Socrú maidir leis na Creidmheasanna Onnmhairiúcháin arna dTacú go hOifigiúil
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits
Socrú maidir leis na Creidmheasanna Onnmhairiúcháin arna dTacú go hOifigiúil
rolling credit agreement
comhaontú creidmheasa tar-rollta
open ended credit agreement; open-end credit agreement
comhaontú creidmheasa imrothlaigh
creditworthiness assessment
measúnú creidmheasa
structured credit product
táirge creidmheasa struchtúrtha
weighted average credit quality step
céim cáilíochta creidmheasa meáin ualaithe
credit register code
cód cláir creidmheasa
credit claim
éileamh creidmheasa
total amount of credit
méid iomlán creidmheasa
credit decision
cinneadh creidmheasa
amount of credit line drawn down
méid na líne creidmheasa atá íostarraingthe
written credit derivative
díorthach creidmheasa i scríbhinn
deferred tax credits; DTC
creidmheasanna cánach iarchurtha
credit protection sold
cosaint creidmheasa dhíolta
credit protection bought
cosaint creidmheasa cheannaithe
quanto CDS; quanto credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa quanto; CDS quanto
export credit provider
soláthraí creidmheasa onnmhairiúcháin
unfunded credit risk mitigation; unfunded CRM
maolú riosca creidmheasa neamhchistithe
funded credit risk mitigation; funded CRM
maolú riosca creidmheasa cistithe
tax credit
creidmheas cánach
consumer credit card
cárta creidmheasa tomhaltóra
long-term credit rating scale
scála rátála creidmheasa fadtéarmach
short-term credit rating scale
scála rátála creidmheasa ghearrthéarmaigh
credit reference entity
eintiteas tagartha creidmheasa
credit risk category add-on
forlíontán na catagóire riosca creidmheasa
credit card debt
fiachas cárta creidmheasa
creidmheas (fir3, gu: creidmheasa, ai: creidmheasanna, gi: creidmheasanna)