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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
bicycle · C clef · CCE · CCL · chyle
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GArothar fir1
gu rothair, ai rothair, gi rothar
Bicycles will be removed
Cuirfear rothair as an tslí
Please do not chain bicycles to railings
Ná ceanglaigí rothair de na ráillí le bhur dtoil
ENcycle s
(repetitive pattern of activity)
GAtimthriall fir3
gu timthrialla, iol timthriallta
(patrún athchleachtach gníomhaíochta)
ENcycle s
GAtimthriall fir3
gu timthrialla, iol timthriallta
An action designed to repeat itself after a certain number of frames, allowing the frames to be looped together eg: a walk cycle for an animated character.
Gníomh atá ceaptha tarlú arís agus arís eile tar éis méid áirithe fráma, le gur féidir iad a lúbadh e.g. timthriall siúil do charactar beochana.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
part of a carriageway designated for cycles, distinguished from the rest of the carriageway by longitudinal road markings
'Ní ceadmhach tiomáint i lánaí atá druidte (m.sh. nuair atá oibreacha bóthair ar siúl) ná i lánaí a bhfuil cosc ar iad a úsáid (m.sh. an lána éigeandála ar mhótarbhealach) ná i lánaí atá curtha in áirithe d'úsáideoirí eile an bhóthair (m.sh. lána bus, lána rothar).'
'D’éirigh go maith le go leor scéimeanna le déanaí i measc rothaithe i limistéar na cathrach amhail Rotharbhealach na Canálach Móire ó Shráid na nGildeanna go Portobello, a thug méadú nach beag do líon na rothaithe ar feadh na canála ó osclaíodh é in 2011.'
GAtimthriall fir3 airgid
gu timthrialla airgid, ai timthriallta airgid
Finance Time between cash disbursement and cash collection.
Airgeadas An t-am idir íoc amach agus bailiú an airgid thirim.
GAgoid bain3 ciogal
gu gada/goidte ciogal
Computers, Computer Science A method of delaying execution of a program to allow an operation that would normally require a complete cycle for completion. A cycle stealing data channel will allow the storage of a data word without changing the processor logic. After the word is stored, the program can continue as though it never stopped. A cycle steal is different from an interrupt in that it does not change the contents of an instruction register.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Modh chun rith ríomhchláir a mhoilliú chun oibríocht a cheadú a ghlacfadh ciogal iomlán chun a chur i gcrích de ghnáth. Ceadóidh cainéal sonraí gada ciogal giotánra sonraí a stóráil gan loighic an phróiseálaí a athrú. Tar éis an giotánra a stóráil, féadann an ríomhchlár leanúint ar nós nár stop sé riamh. Ní hionann goid ciogal agus idirbhriseadh mar nach n-athraíonn an ghoid ciogal an t-ábhar atá i dtabhall seolacháin.
Business » Enterprise & Development 1. A sociological concept that describes changes in families across time. Emphasis is placed on the effects of marriage, divorce, births, and deaths on families and the changes in income and consumption through various family stages. 2. Families account for a very large percentage of all consumer expenditures. Much of this spending is systematic and stems from natural needs that change as a family unit goes through its natural stages of life. These range from the young single and the newly married stages to the full nest as the children are born and grow, to the empty nest and the final solitary survivor stage. Each transition prompts changes in values and behaviour.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
flight cycle
timthriall eitilte
EUDC; extra-urban cycle; extra-urban driving cycle
timthriall tiomána seach-uirbeach
growing cycle; growth cycle
timthriall fáis
PCM; Project Cycle Management
bainistíocht saolré tionscadail; PCM
LCC; life-cycle costing; whole life costing; WLC
costáil saolré
combined cycle plant
gléasra comh-thimthrialla
life cycle
INFCE; International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation
an Mheastóireacht Idirnáisiúnta ar Réim Breosla Núicléigh; INCE
production cycle
timthriall táirgeachta
business cycle
timthriall gnó
life cycle
IGCC; IGCC technology; integrated gasification combined cycle
comh-thimthriall gásúcháin chomhtháite
cradle-to-grave analysis; LCA; life cycle analysis; life cycle assessment
measúnú saolré
food cycle; food web; trophic web
CCGT; combined cycle gas turbine; combined-cycle gas turbine
gástuirbín comh-thimthrialla
LCI; Life Cycle Inventory
Fardal Saolré
EAPC; electrically assisted pedal cycle; pedelec
rothar leictreach
biogeochemical cycle
timthriall bith-gheoiceimiceach
stock cycle
timthriall na stoc
Carnot cycle
timthriall Carnot
citric acid cycle; Krebs cycle; TCA cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle
timthriall aigéid chitrigh; timthriall Krebs
open-cycle gas turbine
gástuirbín timthrialla oscailte
UDC; urban cycle; urban driving cycle
timthriall tiomána uirbeach
driving cycle
timthriall tiomána
boom and bust cycle; boom-bust cycle; business cycle; economic cycle; short-term business cycle; trade cycle
timthriall eacnamaíoch; timthriall gnó; timthriall trádála
oestrous cycle
timthriall éastrasach
IGCC power plant; integrated gasification combined cycle power plant
stáisiún cumhachta comh-thimthrialla gásúcháin chomhtháite; stáisiún cumhachta IGCC
bicycle undercarriage
fearas tuirlingthe rothaí teaindim
closed cycle engine
inneall le ciorcad iata
high cycle fatigue
strustuirse iltimthriallach
life cycle cost
costas saolré
recycled paper
páipéar athchúrsáilte
proof cycle
timthriall promhaidh
stress cycle
timthriall struis
gluaisrothar; rothar gluaiste
business cycle; economic cycle
timthriall eacnamaíoch
fuel cycle; nuclear fuel cycle
timthriall breosla; timthriall breosla núicléach
cell cycle; cell-division cycle
timthriall cille
fixed cycle operation
oibríocht timthrialla tráthrialta
operating duty cycle
timthriall an fheidhmithe
thermodynamic cycle
timthriall teirmidinimiciúil
cell cycle kinetics
cinéitic an timthrialla chille
solar cycle; sunspot cycle
ciogal na ngrianspotaí
switching cycle
timthriall lascacháin
accounting cycle
timthriall cuntasaíochta
operating cycle
timthriall oibriúcháin
four-stroke cycle engine; four-stroke engine
inneall ceithre bhuille
moped; motor-assisted bicycle
cycle helmet
clogad rothaíochta
pavement LCC; pavement life-cycle costing; pavement whole of life costing
costas thar shaolré dromchla pábhála
bicycle coalition
comhghuaillíocht rothaíochta
bicycle coordinator
comhordaitheoir rothaíochta
bicycle lane; bike lane; BL; cycle lane; on-carriageway cycle lane; on-street cycle lane
lána rothar; rotharbhealach
bicycle facilities
saoráid rothar
bicycle crossing
trasrian rothar
cycle network
gréasán raon rothar
bicycle route; class III bike route
budget cycle; budgetary cycle
timthriall buiséadach
crop cycle; crop growth cycle
timthriall barr
recyclate; recycled material
ábhar athchúrsáilte
Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) Keeping up the pace of change
an Tuarascáil Straitéiseach ar Straitéis Liospóin athnuaite i leith Fáis agus Fostaíochta: an Timthriall Nua á sheoladh (2008-2010) Lean de Luas na Leasuithe
NEDC; New European Drive Cycle; New European Driving Cycle
an tSraith Nua Eorpach Tiomána; NEDC; Timthriall Tiomána Nua Eorpach
full business cycle
timthriall gnó iomlán
off-cycle emissions
astaíochtaí lasmuigh den timthriall
qualified bicycle commuting reimbursement
aisíocaíocht cháilithe as comaitéireacht rothair
LCIA; Life Cycle Impact Assessment
measúnú tionchair saolré
ILCD; International Reference Life Cycle Data System
an Bunachar Sonraí Tagartha Idirnáisiúnta maidir leis an Saolré; ILCD
ELCD; European Reference Life Cycle Database
an Bunachar Sonraí Tagartha Eorpach maidir leis an Saolré; ELCD
bicycle car; velomobile
feithicil rothair
through the cycle approach; through-the-cycle rating system
córas rátála feadh an timthrialla
Amani Africa Cycle
rothaíocht Amani Africa
European Union of Cycle Touring
Aontas Eorpach um Thurasóireacht Rothair; UECT
thermal cycler; thermocycler
timthriallaire teirmeach
braking cycle
timthriall coscánaithe
BCC; business cycle clock
clog timthriallta gnó
temperature cycle test
tástáil teocht-timthriallta
extreme temperature pressure cycle test
tástáil brú-thimthriallta teochta foircní
dark cycle
timthriall dorchadais
life-cycle toxicity test
tástáil tocsaineachta i dtaca le saolré
cell cycle duration; cell cycle length; cell cycle time
fad an timthrialla chille
germ cell cycle
timthriall gaiméití
annual reporting cycle
tuarascáil bhliantúil; tuarascáil thimthriallach bhliantúil
spermatogenetic cycle
timthriall speirmitiginiteach
spermatogenic cycle
timthriall speirmitiginiteach
LCT; Life Cycle Thinking; life-cycle thinking
LCT; smaointeoireacht saolré
SRC; Standard Road Cycle
SRC; Timthriall Bóthair Caighdeánach
SDBC; standard diesel bench cycle
timthriall binse caighdeánach díosail
urban cycle
timthriall beatha uirbeach
lifecycle events
teagmhais saolré
cleaning cycle
timthriall glantacháin
transient test cycle
timthriall tástála díomuan
ILCD Data Network; ILCD DN; International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Data Network
an Líonra Sonraí um Chóras Idirnáisiúnta de Shonraí Tagartha ar Smaointeoireacht Saolré
EU policy cycle for organised and serious international crime
timthriall beartais an Aontais do choireacht idirnáisiúnta eagraithe thromchúiseach
disaster management cycle
timthriall bainistithe tubaistí
institutional cycle
timthriall institiúideach
bicycle boulevard; cycle street
sráid rothar
folding bicycle; folding bike
rothar infhillte
balance bicycle; run bike
rothairín reatha
bicycle parking; cycle parking
saoráid páirceála rothar
bicycle sharing system; bike share scheme; cycle hire scheme
scéim roinnte rothar
mandatory cycle line
líne rothaíochta éigeantach
advisory cycle lane
rotharbhealach molta
SBC; Standard Bench Cycle
timthriall binse caighdeánach
WLTC; WLTP cycle; worldwide harmonised light vehicles test cycle
timthriall tástála comhchuibhithe domhanda d’fheithiclí éadroma; WLTC
European cycle route network; EuroVelo
Líonra rotharbhealaí na hEorpa
ciogal timthriall (fir1)
cycles per second
ciogail an soicind (fir1)
four stroke cycle
timthriall ceithre bhuille (fir3)
planning cycle
ciogal pleanála (fir1)
motor cycle escort
coimhdeacht gluaisrothar (bain3)
motorcycle with side car
gluaisrothar le taobhcharr (fir1)
planning cycle
ord pleanála (fir1)
gluaisrothar (fir1, gu: gluaisrothair, ai: gluaisrothair, gi: gluaisrothar)
cileachuairt (bain2, gu: cileachuairte, ai: cileachuairteanna, gi: cileachuairteanna)
athchúrsáil (br, láith: athchúrsálann, abr: athchúrsáil, aidbhr: athchúrsáilte)