Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
(process, state of being developed or expanded)
their contributions to the development
an méid a chuir siad leis an bhforbairt
a gcion san fhorbairt
to assess the overall functioning and the development of the Agreement
oibriúchán foriomlán agus forbraíocht an chomhaontaithe a mheas
(of a theme)
(event or occurence, or state of being developed)
Are there any developments on this?
An bhfuil aon chor sa scéal?
in light of developments at our school
i bhfianaise forbairtí sa scoil seo againne
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
GAcaighdeán fir1 forbartha feidhmchlár▼
ai caighdeáin forbartha feidhmchlár, gi caighdeán forbartha feidhmchlár
Computers, Computer Science Defines the standards by which the development of the current application is to be carried out. The standards are agreed by Project Management at the beginning of Stage 6; they are based on the Application Style Guide produced from Technical System Options.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Sainíonn sé na caighdeáin d'fhorbairt an fheidhmchláir reatha. Comhaontaíonn lucht Bainistíochta Tionscadail na caighdeáin ag tús Chéim 6; bunaítear iad ar an Treoir Stíle Feidhmchláir a tháirgtear as Roghanna Córas Teicniúil.
community development approaches and principles
modhanna agus prionsabail forbartha pobail
ENcooperation s in the field of Union research, technological development and demonstration▼ CFAE/Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
experimental development
forbairt thurgnamhach
Black Communities Development Act
Acht Forbraíochta na bPobal Gorm
ICPD; International Conference on Population and Development
Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Daonra agus Forbairt
aid for research and development
cabhair le haghaidh taighde agus forbartha
developmental toxicity
tocsaineacht fhorbarthach
Cedefop; European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
an Lárionad Eorpach um Fhorbairt na Gairmoiliúna; Cedefop
SLORC; SPDC; State Law and Order Restoration Council; State Peace and Development Council
an Chomhairle Stáit um Athbhunú an Oird Phoiblí; an Chomhairle Stáit um Shíocháin agus um Fhorbraíocht; SLORC; SPDC
framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities; RTD Framework Programme
Creatchlár um Thaighde agus um Fhorbairt; Creatchlár um thaighde agus um fhorbairt theicniúil
SAPARD; Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development; special pre-accession instrument for agriculture and rural development
Clár Aontachais Speisialta um Thalmhaíocht agus Forbairt na Tuaithe
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration in urban areas; Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development; URBAN II
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta cathracha agus comharsanachtaí a bhfuil géarchéim iontu d''fhonn forbraíocht uirbeach inbhuanaithe a chur ar aghaidh; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta i gceantair uirbeacha; URBAN II
Community Initiative for rural development; Leader+
Leader +; Tionscnamh Comhphobail um Fhorbairt Tuaithe
UN Lima Regional Centre; United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean; UNLIREC
Ionad Réigiúnach na Náisiún Aontaithe um Shíocháin, Dí-armáil agus Forbairt i Meiriceá Laidineach agus sa Mhuir Chairib; UN-LiREC
NRDS; Nuba Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Society
an Cumann um Fhóirithint, Athshlánú agus Forbairt in Nuba
Agricultural and Food Development Authority; Agriculture and Food Development Authority; Teagasc
an tÚdarás Forbartha Talmhaíochta agus Bia; Teagasc
BOBC; Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal
an Coiste um Fhorbairt agus Bainistiú Iascaigh i mBá na Beangáile; BOBC
continuing professional development; CPD
CPD; forbairt ghairmiúil leantach
disorders of sex development; DSDs; hermaphroditism; intersex
CDM EB; CDM Executive Board; Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
Bord Feidhmiúcháin maidir leis an meicníocht ghlanfhorbraíochta
Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Eagraíocht um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta
SD; sustainable development
forbairt inbhuanaithe
Colombo Plan; Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific
tíortha Phlean Colombo
management development
forbairt bainisteoireachta
CODEV Working Party; Working Party on Development Cooperation
an Mheitheal um Chomhar um Fhorbairt; Meitheal CODEV
IDA; International Development Association
an Comhlachas Forbartha Idirnáisiúnta
ODA; official development assistance
COF; cúnamh oifigiúil forbartha; cúnamh oifigiúil um fhorbairt; ODA
Agreement establishing the African Development Fund
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Ciste Afracach Forbraíochta
Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Ciste Idirnáisiúnta um Fhorbraíocht Talmhaíochta
Agreement establishing a Financial Support Fund of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Ciste Tacaíochta Airgeadais de chuid na hEagraíochta um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta
rural development
forbairt tuaithe
public development contract
conradh forbartha poiblí
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; BTWC; BWC; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Thocsaine; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Tocsaine agus maidir lena nDíothú; BTWC
Convention concerning Organisations of Rural Workers and their Role in Economic and Social Development; Rural Workers' Organisations Convention, 1975
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEagraíochtaí d'Oibrithe Tuaithe agus an Ról atá acu san Fhorbairt Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta
IGADD; Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development
an tÚdarás Idir-rialtasach ar thriomach agus ar fhorbairt; IGADD
CODEST; Committee for the European Development of Science and Technology
an Coiste um Fhorbairt na hEolaíochta agus na Teicneolaíochta san Eoraip
IADB; IDB; Inter-American Development Bank
an Banc Forbartha Idir-Mheiriceánach
IBRD; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; World Bank
an Banc Idirnáisiúnta Athfhoirgníochta agus Forbartha; BIAF
DAC; Development Assistance Committee
an Coiste Cúnaimh Forbartha; DAC
Committee on Trade and Development; CTD
an Coiste um Thrádáil agus Fhorbairt
IDB; Industrial Development Board
an Bord Forbartha Tionscail
CERD; European Research and Development Committee
an Coiste Eorpach um Thaighde agus Forbairt
WADB; West African Development Bank
Banc Forbartha na hAfraice Thiar; BFAT
Community Research and Development Information Service; CORDIS
Seirbhís Eolais um Thaighde agus um Fhorbraíocht Chomhphobail
least favoured region; region whose development is lagging behind
réigiún mídheisiúil
UNCTAD; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe ar Thrádáil agus Forbairt; UNCTAD
Commission on Science and Technology for Development; CSTD
an Coimisiún Eolaíochta agus Teicneolaíochta um Fhorbairt; CSTD
Regional Cooperation for Development
an Comhar Réigiúnach um Fhorbraíocht
ADF; AsDF; Asian Development Fund
Ciste Forbraíochta na hÁise
EDF; European Development Fund
an Ciste Eorpach Forbraíochta
UNCDF; United Nations Capital Development Fund
Ciste Forbraíochta Caipitiúla NA; Ciste Forbraíochta Caipitiúla na Náisiún Aontaithe
IFAD; International Fund for Agricultural Development
an Ciste Idirnáisiúnta um Fhorbairt Talmhaíochta; IFAD
Advisory Committee on Industrial Research and Development; CORDI; Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee; IRDAC
an Coiste Comhairleach um Thaighde agus Fhorbairt Tionscail; IRDAC
ADB; AfDB; African Development Bank
Banc Forbartha na hAfraice
Andean Development Corporation; CAF
Corparáid Forbraíochta na nAindéas
ADF; AfDF; African Development Fund
Ciste Afracach Forbraíochta
Working Party on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development
an Mheitheal um Struchtúir Talmhaíochta agus um Fhorbairt Tuaithe
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development; UNRISD
Institiúid Taighde na Náisiún Aontaithe um Fhorbairt Shóisialta; UNRISD
OECD; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
an Eagraíocht um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta; ECFE; OECD
UNIDO; United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Eagraíocht Forbartha Tionscail na Náisiún Aontaithe; UNIDO
Working Party on Preparation for International Development Conferences
an Mheitheal um Ullmhúchán do Chomhdhálacha Idirnáisiúnta don Fhorbairt
Articles of Agreement of the International Development Association
Airteagail Chomhaontaithe an Chomhlachais Idirnáisiúnta Forbraíochta
non-quota section; non-quota section of the European Regional Development Fund
roinn neamhchuóta de Chiste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa
UNDP; United Nations Development Programme
Clár Forbartha na Náisiún Aontaithe; UNDP
R&D; research and development
taighde agus forbairt; taighde agus forbraíocht
R, D & D; research, development and demonstration
T, F & T; taighde, forbairt agus taisealbhadh
TDB; Trade and Development Board
an Bord Trádála agus Forbartha
adaptation to the economic development
oiriúnú don fhorbairt eacnamaíoch
scientific and technical developments
forbairtí eolaíocha agus teicniúla
developments in the European Communities
forbairtí sna Comhphobail Eorpacha
ADB; AsDB; Asian Development Bank
Banc Forbartha na hÁise
development of the case-law
forbairt an chásdlí
EBRD; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
an Banc Eorpach Athfhoirgníochta agus Forbartha; BEAF
CARIBANK; Caribbean Development Bank; CDB
Banc Forbartha Mhuir Chairib; CARIBANK
Development Council
an Chomhairle Forbraíochta
economic development programme
clár forbraíochta don eacnamaíocht
Community redevelopment programme
clár Comhphobail um athfhorbairt
MDB; multilateral development bank
banc forbartha iltaobhach; MDB
Cartagena Convention; Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an timpeallacht mhuirí i mór-réigiún Mhuir Chairib a chosaint agus a fhorbairt
Convention concerning Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training in the Development of Human Resources; Human Resources Development Convention, 1975
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gairmthreoir agus Gairmoiliúint i bhForbairt Acmhainní Daonna
IDA; Industrial Development Authority
an tÚdarás Forbartha Tionscail
ERDF Committee; European Regional Development Fund Committee
Coiste Chiste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa
Development Finance Cooperation Committee; DFCC
an Coiste um Chomhar i Maoiniú na Forbraíochta
Action programme for the development of continuing vocational training in the European Community; Community action programme for the development of continuing vocational training; FORCE
Clár gníomhaíochta chun an ghairmoiliúint leanúnach a fhorbairt sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; FORCE
Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Banc Eorpach Athfhoirgníochta agus Forbraíochta
Agreement establishing the African Development Bank
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Banc Forbartha na hAfraice
Agreement establishing the Asian Development Bank
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Banc Forbraíochta Áiseach
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Development Bank
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Banc Forbraíochta Idir-Mheiriceánach
Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Airteagail Chomhaontaithe an Bhainc Idirnáisiúnta Athfhoirgníochta agus Forbraíochta
Agreement for the Establishment of the International Development Law Institute
an Comhaontú maidir leis an Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta um Dhlí Forbraíochta a Bhunú
level of development
leibhéal forbartha
science and technology for development; STD
eolaíocht agus teicneolaíocht um fhorbairt
UNIFEM; United Nations Development Fund for Women
Ciste Forbraíochta na Náisiún Aontaithe do Mhná; UNIFEM
Development Centre (of OECD)
Ionad Forbartha (an OECD)
urban development
forbairt uirbeach
Community initiative for rural development; LEADER
tionscnamh Comhphobail um fhorbairt na tuaithe
GEF; Global Environment Facility; Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Áis do Thimpeallacht na Cruinne; GEF
LEDA; Local Employment Development Action; Local Employment Development Action Programme
Clár Gníomhaíochta chun Fostaíocht Áitiúil a Fhorbairt; LEDA
the contemporary development of society and technology
forbairt chomhaimseartha na sochaí agus na teicneolaíochta; forbairt na sochaí agus na teicneolaíochta sa nua-aois
co-ordinated development of investment
forbairt chomhordaithe ar infheistíocht
technical development
forbairt theicniúil
to retard the pace of economic development
an luas faoin bhforbairt eacnamaíoch a mhoilliú
economic and social development
forbairt eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta
development of a power reactor
forbairt imoibreora cumhachta
Governing Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training; Management Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Bord Bainistíochta an Lárionaid Eorpaigh um Fhorbairt na Gairmoiliúna
Commission for Social Development; CSocD
an Coimisiún um Fhorbairt Shóisialta
EADB; East African Development Bank
Banc Forbraíochta na hAfraice Thoir; EADB
Science and Technology for Regional Innovation and Development in Europe; STRIDE
Eolaíocht agus Teicneolaíocht um Nuáil Réigiúnach agus um Fhorbairt Réigiúnach san Eoraip; Eolaíocht agus Teicneolaíocht um Nuálaíocht Réigiúnach agus um Fhorbairt Réigiúnach san Eoraip; STRIDE
IDB; Islamic Development Bank
Banc Ioslamach um Fhorbraíocht
Nairobi Programme of Action; Nairobi Programme of Action for the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy; NPA
Clár Gníomhaíochta Nairobi um Fhorbairt agus um Úsáid Foinsí Nua agus Inathnuaite Fuinnimh
NGDO; non-governmental development organisation
eagraíocht forbartha neamhrialtasach
ENDA; Environment and Development in Africa
Comhshaol agus Forbairt san Afraic
Commission on Sustainable Development; CSD; UNCSD; United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
an Coimisiún um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe; Coimisiún na Náisiún Aontaithe um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe; UNCSD
SADC; Southern African Development Community
Comhphobal Forbraíochta Dheisceart na hAfraice; SADC
Working Party on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development (Outermost Regions and Aegean Islands)
an Mheitheal um Struchtúir Talmhaíochta agus um Fhorbairt Tuaithe (Na hOileáin Aeigéacha agus na réigiúin is forimeallaí)
CIDSE; International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity
Comhar Idirnáisiúnta um Fhorbairt agus um Dhlúthpháirtíocht
Council for Development in Agriculture
an Chomhairle Oiliúna Talmhaíochta
capacity development
fothú acmhainneachta; fothú acmhainní; neartú acmhainní
Chemical Weapons Convention; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction; CWC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh, Stoc-Charnadh agus Úsáid Arm Ceimiceach agus maidir lena nDíothú; an Coinbhinsiún um Airm Cheimiceacha; CWC
Latin American Fisheries Development Organisation; Latin American Organisation for Fisheries Development; OLDEPESCA
Eagraíocht Mheiriceá Laidinigh um Fhorbairt Iascaigh
Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Social Development Fund
Airteagail Chomhaontaithe Chiste Forbraíochta Sóisialta Chomhairle na hEorpa
Coordination Working Party (OECD); Coordination Working Party (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
an Mheitheal um Chomhordúchán (an Eagraíocht um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta); an Mheitheal um Chomhordúchán (ECFE)
Community initiative concerning border development, cross-border cooperation and selected energy networks; Interreg II
Interreg II; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le forbairt réigiúin teorann, comhar trasteorann agus gréasáin fuinnimh roghnaithe
specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, in the field of advanced communication technologies and services (1994-1998)
clár sonrach le haghaidh taighde agus forbartha teicneolaíochta, lena n-áirítear taisealbhadh, i réimse na dteicneolaíochtaí agus na seirbhísí ardchumarsáide (1994-1998)
KEDO; Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organisation
Eagraíocht Forbartha Fuinnimh Leithinis na Cóiré; KEDO
development cooperation
comhar um fhorbairt
ERDF; European Regional Development Fund
CFRE; Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa
BTWC Review Conference; Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe an Choinbhinsiúin maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Toscaine; Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe de na Stáit is Páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Toscaine agus maidir lena nDíothú
ICMPD; International Centre for Migration Policy Development
an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta um Fhorbairt Beartas Imirce
HDI; Human Development Index
an tInnéacs um Fhorbairt Dhaonna; IFD
Common Understanding on the principles of international cooperation in research and development activities in the domain of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems between the European Community and the United States of America, Japan, Australia, Canada and the
Comhthuiscint maidir le prionsabail an chomhair idirnáisiúnta i ngníomhaíochtaí taighde agus forbartha i réimse na gCóras Monaraíochta Cliste idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, an tSeapáin, an Astráil, Ceanada agus na baill sin de
IGAD; Intergovernmental Authority on Development
an tÚdarás Idir-rialtasach ar fhorbairt; IGAD; Údarás Idir-rialtasach Forbartha
NDF; Nordic Development Fund
an Ciste Nordach Forbraíochta; NDF
Commission on Population and Development
an Coimisiún maidir le Daonra agus Forbairt
WBCSD; World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Comhairle Dhomhanda na nGnóthas um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe
CDM; clean development mechanism
CDM; meicníocht ghlanfhorbraíochta
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education; European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach um riachtanais speisialta oideachais agus um oideachas ionchuimsitheach
Working Party on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development (Rural Development)
an Mheitheal um Struchtúir Talmhaíochta agus um Fhorbairt Tuaithe (Forbairt Tuaithe)
Agreement between the European Community, the European Space Agency and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation on a European Contribution to the development of a global navigation satellite system (GNSS)
Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach, an Ghníomhaireacht Spáis Eorpach agus an Eagraíocht Eorpach um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta maidir le Rannchuidiú Eorpach i bhforbairt córas loingseoireachta satailíte (GNSS)
UN Development Group; UNDG; United Nations Development Group
Grúpa Forbartha na Náisiún Aontaithe
European Fusion Development Agreement
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir leis an gComhleá a Fhorbairt; EFDA
Working Party on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development (Agriculture and Environment)
an Mheitheal um Struchtúir Talmhaíochta agus um Fhorbairt Tuaithe (an Talmhaíocht agus an Comhshaol)
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank; BSTDB
Banc na Mara Duibhe um Thrádáil agus um Fhorbairt; BSTDB
Agreement on Trade, Development and Cooperation.; TDCA; Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement
Comhaontú maidir le Trádáil, Forbraíocht agus Comhar; TDCA
CARDS; Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation
Cúnamh Comhphobail um Athfhoirgníocht, um Fhorbairt agus um Chobhsú
SEAFDEC; Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre
Lárionad Forbartha Iascaigh na hÁise Thoir Theas
ICFD; International Conference on Financing for Development; Monterrey Conference; United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development
Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta um Maoiniú Forbraíochta; Comhdháil Monterrey
Sixth framework programme for research and technological development; Sixth Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities, contributing to the creation of the European Research Area and to Innovation (2002 to 2006)
an séú creatchlár le haghaidh taighde agus forbartha teicneolaíochta; séú creatchlár an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh le haghaidh taighde, forbartha teicneolaíochta agus gníomhaíochtaí taispeántais (2002 go 2006)
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh on partnership and development
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Daon-Phoblacht na Banglaidéise i dtaca le páirtnéireacht agus forbairt
EU SDS; European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development; SDS; Sustainable Development Strategy
SFI; Straitéis an Aontais Eorpaigh um Fhorbraíocht Inbhuanaithe; Straitéis um Fhorbraíocht Inbhuanaithe
Working Party on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development (Agricultural Structures)
an Mheitheal um Struchtúir Talmhaíochta agus um Fhorbairt Tuaithe (Struchtúir Talmhaíochta)
DDA; Doha Agenda; Doha Development Agenda
Clár Oibre Doha um Fhorbairt
Capability Development Mechanism; CDM
an Sásra Forbartha Cumais; SFC
MDG; Millennium Development Goal
SFM; sprioc forbartha na Mílaoise
Doha Development Round; Doha Round
Babhta Doha; Clár Oibre Forbartha Doha
Link between Relief, Rehabilitation and Development; Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development; LRRD
Nasc idir Fóirithint, Athshlánú agus Forbairt
As regards Iceland and Norway, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of No
Maidir leis an Íoslainn agus leis an Iorua, is éard atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen, de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe arna thabhairt i gcrích idir Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne agus Ríocht na hIo
This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> in which the United Kingdom does not take part, in accordance with Council Decision 2000/365/EC of 29 May 2000 concerning the request of the United Kingdom of Grea
Is forbairt é [an Ionstraim] seo ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen nach nglacann an Ríocht Aontaithe páirt iontu, i gcomhréir le Cinneadh 2000/365/CE ón gComhairle an 29 Bealtaine 2000 maidir leis an iarraidh ó Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisc
This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> in which Ireland does not take part, in accordance with Council Decision 2002/192/EC of 28 February 2002 concerning Ireland's request to take part in some of the p
Is forbairt é [an Ionstraim] seo ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen nach nglacann Éire páirt iontu, i gcomhréir le Cinneadh 2002/192/CE ón gComhairle ar 28 Feabhra 2002 maidir leis an iarraidh ó Éirinn páirt a ghlacadh i gcuid d’fhorálacha acquis Schengen.* Dá
EAFRD; European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development; Rural Development Fund
an Ciste Eorpach Talmhaíochta um Fhorbairt Tuaithe; CETFT
International Organisation for Rural Development; IORD
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiunta um Fhorbairt Tuaithe
International Organisation for the Study of Human Development; IOSHD
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Fhorbairt Dhaonna
AEIAR; European Association for Rural Development Institutions
Comhlachas Eorpach na nInstitiúidí um Fhorbairt na Tuaithe
DBP; Development Bank of the Philippines
Banc Forbraíochta na nOileán Filipíneach
official development assistance loan
iasacht chúnaimh phoiblí don fhorbraíocht
official development assistance grant
deontas cúnaimh oifigiúil um fhorbairt; deontas cúnaimh phoiblí don fhorbraíocht
muscular development
forbairt mhatánach
DC; Development Committee; Joint Ministeriel Committee of the Governors of the World Bank and the IMF on the transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
Comhchoiste Aireachta Ghobharnóirí an Bhainc Dhomhanda agus an CAI maidir le hAistriú Fíoracmhainní chuig Tíortha i mBéal Forbartha
development pharmaceutics
cógaisíocht forbartha
Agenda 21; Agenda 21 on Environment and Development
Clár 21; Clár 21 maidir le Comhshaol agus le Forbairt
Committee on the Development of Trade
an Coiste um Fhorbairt na Trádála
OFID; OPEC Fund for International Development; OPEC Special Fund
Ciste ETOP um Fhorbairt Idirnáisiúnta; Ciste Speisialta ETOP
general framework of regional development
creat ginearálta na forbraíochta réigiúnaí
cooperation policy; development cooperation policy
beartas maidir le comhar; beartas maidir le comhar um fhorbairt
development programming; programming; programming of development aid
pleanáil forbartha; pleanáil maidir le cúnamh forbartha
DOSES; Specific programme for the research and development of statistical expert systems
Clár Sonrach um Thaighde ar Shainchórais Staidrimh agus ar a bhForbairt
Framework programme of Community activities in the field of research and technological development(1990-94)
Creatchlár an Chomhphobail le haghaidh gníomhaíochtaí taighde agus forbartha teicniúla (1990-94)
Multiannual programme for the development of Community statistics on research,development and innovation(1993-97)
Clár ilbhliantúil chun staidreamh Comhphobail a fhorbairt maidir le taighde, forbraíocht agus nuálaíocht (1993-97)
development of the archaeological heritage
an oidhreacht seandálaíochta a fhorbairt; forbairt na hoidhreachta seandálaíochta
RDP; rural development plan
plean forbraíochta tuaithe
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of India on partnership and development
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Poblacht na hIndia i dtaca le comhpháirtíocht agus forbairt
business development
forbairt gnó; forbairt gnóithe
the development of international trade
forbairt na trádála idirnáisiúnta
to limit or control markets or technical development
margaí nó forbairt theicniúil a theorannú nó a rialú
R & D expenditure; research and development expenditure
caiteachas ar thaighde agus ar fhorbairt; caiteachas R & D
development bank
banc forbartha
development flight; test flight
eitilt tástála
amortisation of development costs
amúchadh costais forbraíochta; costais forbraíochta a amúchadh
development sites
láithreán forbraíochta
development education
oideachas san fhorbairt
curriculum development
forbairt curaclaim
urban redevelopment
athfhorbairt uirbeach
land management; land use planning; resource planning and development; spatial planning; town and country planning
bainistíocht talún; pleanáil agus forbairt acmhainní; pleanáil bhaile agus tuaithe; pleanáil spásúlachta; pleanáil úsáide talún
franchise development strategy
straitéis chun saincheadúnas a fhorbairt
research and development costs
costais taighde agus forbraíochta
amortisation of research and development costs
costais taighde agus forbartha a amúchadh
developmental impairment; feeble-mindedness; intellectual disability; intellectual impairment; LD; learning disability; mental deficiency; mental retardation; mental subnormality; oligophrenia
lagú intleachta; míchumas foghlama; míchumas intleachta
development status
stádas forbraíochta
development aid; development assistance
cabhair um fhorbairt; cúnamh forbraíochta
market development
forbairt margaidh
organizational development manager
bainisteoir um fhorbraíocht eagrúcháin
supervisor of marketing development
maoirseoir na forbartha margaíochta
development engineer
innealtóir forbraíochta
development manager
bainisteoir forbraíochta; bainisteoir taighde agus forbraíochta
market development engineer
innealtóir um fhorbairt an mhargaidh
development capital
caipiteal forbraíochta
ASD; autism; autism spectrum disorder; PDD; pervasive developmental disorder
neamhord ar speictream an uathachais; neamhord forleatach forbraíochta
PDD-NOS; pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
neamhord forleatach forbraíochta nach bhfuil sonraithe ar shlí eile
viable development
forbairt inmharthana
ODF; official development finance; official development financing
Maoiniú Oifigiúil Forbartha
Palestinian Economic Development and Reconstruction Authority; PEDRA
an tÚdarás Palaistíneach um Fhorbairt Eacnamaíoch agus um Atógáil; PEDRA
Agency for International Development; AID
an Ghníomhaireacht um Fhorbairt Idirnáisiúnta
curriculum development
forbairt curaclaim
Dutch development bank; FMO; Netherlands Development Finance Company
Cuideachta Airgeadais na hÍsiltíre um Fhorbairt; FMO
development-related export transactions; development-related export transactions programme
clár um idirbhearta onnmhairiúcháin atá bainteach le forbraíocht; idirbheart onnmhairiúcháin atá bainteach le forbraíocht
private sector development programme
clár forbraíochta san earnáil phríobháideach
Netherlands Development Organisation; SNV
Eagraíocht Forbraíochta na hÍsiltíre
Development DG; Directorate-General for Development and Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht na Forbartha
Fifth framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities
Cúigiú Creatchlár an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh le haghaidh taighde, forbartha teicneolaíochta agus gníomhaíochtaí taispeántais
Fourth framework programme of the European Community for activities in the field of research and technological development and demonstration
Ceathrú Creatchlár an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh le haghaidh taighde, forbartha teicneolaíochta agus gníomhaíochtaí taispeántais
LEADER II; Links between actions for the development of the rural economy
LEADER II; Naisc idir gníomhaíochtaí um fhorbairt gheilleagar na tuaithe
organisational development
forbairt eagraíochta
TOD; transit oriented development
forbairt dírithe ar iompar poiblí; TOD
R&D agreement; Research and Development agreement
comhaontú taighde agus forbartha
EURODAD; European Network on Debt and Development
an Líonra Eorpach um Fhiachas agus um Fhorbairt
development policy
beartas forbartha
rural development measure
beart forbartha tuaithe
CEB; CoEDB; Council of Europe Development Bank
Banc Forbartha Chomhairle na hEorpa; CEB
EU Energy Initiative; EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development; EUEI
Tionscnamh fuinnimh AE; Tionscnamh Fuinnimh AE maidir le Díothú na Bochtaineachta agus Forbairt Inbhuanaithe
Cooperation agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on partnership and development
an Comhaontú um chomhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Poblacht Ioslamach na Pacastáine maidir le páirtnéireacht agus forbairt
African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development; AMESD
Faireachán ar chúrsaí comhshaoil san Afraic chun forbairt inbhuanaithe a bhaint amach
FP7; Seventh Framework Programme; Seventh framework programme for research and technological development; Seventh framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
an seachtú creatchlár le haghaidh taighde agus forbartha teicneolaíochta; seachtú creatchlár an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh le haghaidh taighde, forbartha teicneolaíochta agus gníomhaíochtaí taispeántais (2007 go 2013)
As regards Switzerland, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss Confederati
Maidir leis an Eilvéis, is ionann an [Ionstraim] seo agus forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Cónaidhm na hEilvéise maidir le comhlachas Chónaidhm na hEilvéise i dtaca l
PCD; policy coherence for development
comhtháthú beartas ar mhaithe le forbairt
DG Agriculture and Rural Development; Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht na Talmhaíochta agus na Forbartha Tuaithe
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development
an Coimisinéir um Thalmhaíocht agus Forbairt na Tuaithe; an Coimisinéir um Thalmhaíocht agus Forbairt Tuaithe
European Consensus on Development
an Chomhthoil Eorpach um Fhorbairt; an Comhdhearcadh Eorpach maidir le Forbairt; an Comhdhearcadh Eorpach maidir leis an bhForbraíocht
International Organisation of Indigenous Resource Development
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Acmhainní Dúchasacha a Fhorbairt
NAT Section; Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment
an Rannóg um Thalmhaíocht, Forbairt Tuaithe agus Comhshaol; NAT
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy; F4E; Fusion for Energy
an Comhghnóthas Eorpach um ITER agus um Fhuinneamh Comhleá a Fhorbairt; F4E; Fuinneamh Comhleá
measure building upon the Schengen acquis; measure constituting a development of the Schengen acquis; Schengen-building measure
beart chun cur le acquis Schengen
Netherlands Organisation for International Development Cooperation; Novib; Oxfam Novib
Eagraíocht na hÍsiltire um Chomhar Idirnaisúnta Forbraíochta
IJO; IJOED; International Juridical Organisation for Environment and Development
eagraíocht idirnáisiúnta dlítheanach don chomhshaol agus don fhorbairt
DCECI; DCI; Development Cooperation and Economic Cooperation Instrument; Development Cooperation Instrument; financing instrument for development cooperation
ionstraim airgeadais le haghaidh comhar um fhorbairt
GFMD; Global Forum on Migration and Development
an Fóram Domhanda maidir le hImirce agus Forbairt; GFMD
Afghanistan National Development Strategy; ANDS
ANDS; Straitéis Forbartha Náisiúnta na hAfganastáine
Temporary Rural Development Instrument; Transitional Rural Development Instrument; TRDI
Ionstraim Shealadach le haghaidh Forbairt Tuaithe
Capability Development Plan; CDP
plean forbraíochta um chumas; plean forbraíochta um inniúlacht
IDT; Integrated Development Team
foireann chomhtháite forbraíochta
EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy
Cód Cleachtais AE maidir le Comhlántacht agus le Roinnt an tSaothair sa Bheartas Forbraíochta
R&D&I; RDI; Research & Development & Innovation; research and development and innovation; research, development and innovation
Taighde, Forbairt agus Nuálaíocht
Community initiative concerning trans-European cooperation intended to encourage harmonious and balanced development of the European territory; Interreg III
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le comhoibriú traseorpach chun forbairt chomhchuí agus chothromúil na críche Eorpaí a spreagadh
EDD; European Development Days
Laethanta Eorpacha Forbartha
European initiative for the development of micro-credit in support of growth and employment
tionscnamh Eorpach chun an micrichreidmheas a fhorbairt ar mhaithe leis an bhfás agus leis an bhfostaíocht
As regards Liechtenstein, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen acquis within the meaning of the Protocol between the European Union, the European Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtens
Maidir le Lichtinstéin, is é atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Phrótacail idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach, Cónaidhm na hEilvéise agus Prionsacht Lichtinstéin i ndáil le haontachas Phrionsacht
Capability Development Plan strand; CDP strand
snáithe den Phlean Forbraíochta um Chumas
GSP Plus; GSP+; special incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance
socrú dreasachta speisialta um fhorbairt inbhuanaithe agus um dhea-rialachas
As regards Switzerland, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss Confederati
Maidir leis an Eilvéis, is é atá sa [Ionstraim] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe arna thabhairt i gcrích idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Cónaidhm na hEilvéise maidir le comhlachas Chónaidhm n
As regards Liechtenstein, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Protocol between the European Union, the European Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Li
Maidir le Lichtinstéin, is ionann an [IONSTRAIM] seo agus forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Phrótacail idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach, Cónaidhm na hEilvéise agus Prionsacht Lichtinstéin maidir le haontachas Phrionsacht
Bio EDEP; Biological Equipment Development and Enhancement Programme
an Clár um Fhorbairt agus um Fheabhsú Trealaimh chun troid in aghaidh Oibreán Bitheolaíocha; an Clár um Threalamh Bitheolaíoch a fhorbairt agus a fheabhsú
LCDS; low-carbon development strategy
straitéis forbartha ísealcharbóin
Conference of Chairpersons of the Development and International Cooperation Committees of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Parliament
Comhdháil Chathaoirllgh na gCoistí um Fhorbraíocht agus um Chomhar Idirnáisiúnta de chuid Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Pharlaimint na hEopra
Commissioner for Development
an Coimisinéir um Fhorbairt
SDO; Sustainable Development Observatory
an Fhaireachlann um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe; FFI
AECI; AECID; Spanish Agency for International Cooperation; Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
AECID; an Ghníomhaireacht Spáinneach um Chomhar Idirnáisúnta Forbraíochta
ICARRD; International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
an Chomhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hAthriar Talúntais agus Forbairt Tuaithe
ESPON; European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion
Gréasán Faire Eorpach um Fhorbairt Chríochach agus um Chomhtháthú Críochach
CALC; Latin American and Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development; Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean on Integration and Development
Cruinniú Mullaigh Mheiriceá Laidinigh agus na Caraibe maidir le Lánpháirtiú agus Forbairt
EPA Development Programme; PAPED
Clár Forbartha EPA; PAPED
development costs
costais forbartha
Pakistan Development Forum
Fóram Forbartha na Pacastáine
Agricultural and Rural Development Agency
an Ghníomhaireacht Forbartha Talmhaíochta agus Tuaithe
Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development
Treoirghrúpa um Maoiniú Nuálach don Fhorbairt
HLPM; MDG Summit; MDG+10 Summit; UN high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly; United Nations High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals
Cruinniú Iomlánach Ardleibhéil na Náisiún Aontaithe den Chomhthionól Ginearálta; Cruinniú Iomlánach Ardleibhéil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Spriocanna Forbartha na Mílaoise
BONUS; Joint Baltic Sea Research and Development Programme
Clár Comhpháirteach Taighde agus Forbartha Mhuir Bhailt
DG Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid; DG International Cooperation and Development; Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid; Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development; EuropeAid; EuropeAid Development and Cooperation DG; EuropeAid Development and Cooperation Directorate-General
an Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Chomhar Idirnáisiúnta agus Forbairt; an Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Fhorbraíocht agus um Chomhar – EuropeAid; an AS um Fhorbraíocht agus um Chomhar – EuropeAid; AS um Chomhar Idirnáisiúnta agus Forbairt; DEVCO
education for sustainable development; ESD
OFI; oideachas le haghaidh forbairt inbhuanaithe
Development Impact Assessment Framework; DIAF
creat measúnachta um thionchar forbartha
10-year network development plan; Ten-Year Network Development Plan; TYNDP
plean forbartha gréasáin deich mbliana
prenatal developmental toxicity study
staidéar ar an tocsaineacht fhorbarthach réamhbhreithe
developmental neurotoxicity
néarthocsaineacht fhorbarthach
developmental toxicology
tocsaineolaíocht fhorbarthach
IHTSDO; International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Fhorbairt Caighdeán Téarmaíochta Sláinte
QDDR; Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review
Athbhreithniú Taidhleoireachta agus Forbartha Ceathairbhliantúil; QDDR
postnatal developmental toxicity
tocsaineacht fhorbarthach iarbhreithe
Memorandum of understanding on the development of the Motorways of the Sea at the BSEC region
Meabhrán comhthuisceana um fhorbairt Uiscebhealaí na Mara i réigiún an BSEC
PIDA; Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa
an Clár maidir le Forbairt Bonneagair san Afraic
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines; Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used
Treoirlínte deonacha Akwé:kon; Treoirlínte deonacha Akwé:kon maidir le stiúradh measúnaithe ar thionchar cultúrtha, timpeallachta agus sóisialta i gcás forbairtí atá beartaithe a chur i gcrích ar, nó ar dócha go mbeadh tionchar acu ar, ionaid shácráilte, agus ar thailte agus uiscí ar a
Directorate 1 - Trade, Development, Horizontal Issues, Foreign Affairs Council Support; Directorate 1 - WTO, Trade Relations, Development, ACP
Stiúrthóireacht 1 - Trádáil, Forbraíocht, Ceisteanna Cothrománacha, Tacaíocht don Chomhairle um Ghnóthaí Eachtracha.; Stiúrthóireacht 1 - WTO, Caidreamh Trádála, Forbraíocht, ACC
upbringing and development of the child
oiliúint an pháiste
responsibilty to maintain and protect a child; responsibilty to safeguard and promote child's health development and welfare
dualgas cúraim leanaí
URBACT; Urban development network programme
an Clár um Líonrú maidir le Forbairt Uirbeach; URBACT
Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation; Common Strategic Framework for research, innovation and technological development; H2020; Horizon 2020; Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Deiseanna Nua 2010; Deiseanna Nua 2020: an Creatchlár um Thaighde agus um Nuálaíocht; Fís 2020; Fís 2020: an Clár Réime um Thaighde agus um Nuálaíocht
PARIS21; Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century
an Chomhpháirtíocht maidir le Forbairt Staidrimh san 21ú hAois; PARIS21
community-led development; open development; open development method
forbairt oscailte
Agenda for Change; Increasing the Impact of EU Development Policy: an Agenda for Change
an Tionchar a bhíonn ag Beartas Forbartha an Aontais Eorpaigh a Mhéadú: Clár Oibre don Athrú; Clár Oibre don Athrú
Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development; Euro-African Migration and Development Process; Rabat Process
Idirphlé idir an tAontas Eorpach agus an Afraic maidir leis an Imirce agus le Forbairt; Próiseas Rabat
brownfield development; brownfield regeneration
athfhorás athfhorbraíochta
IFSD; Institutional framework for sustainable development
creat institiúideach um fhorbairt inbhuanaithe
EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development; GAP; Gender Action Plan
Plean Gníomhaíochta AE maidir le Comhionannas Inscne agus Cumhachtú na mBan; Plean Gníomhaíochta Inscne
Global Goal; SDG; Sustainable Development Goal
SDG; sprioc forbartha inbhuanaithe
Ministry of Regional Development
an Aireacht Forbartha Réigiúnaí
Assises of Decentralised Cooperation; assises on decentralised cooperation; Cities and Regions for Development Cooperation forum
comhdháil um chomhar díláraithe; Fóram na gCathracha agus Réigiún don Chomhar um Fhorbairt
Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation; Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
Comhpháirtíocht Busan maidir le Comhar um Fhorbairt Éifeachtach
Common Provisions Regulation; CPR; Regulation laying down common provisions for the European Structural and Investment Funds; Regulation laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund laying down general provisio
an Rialachán lena leagtar síos forálacha coiteanna maidir le Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa, le Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa, leis an gCiste Comhtháthaithe, leis an gCiste Eorpach Talmhaíochta um Fhorbairt Tuaithe agus leis an gCiste Eorpach Muirí ag; Rialachán na bhForálacha Coiteanna
CLLD; community-led local development
forbairt áitiúil faoi stiúir an phobail
DEAR; Development Education and Awareness Raising
DEAR; Oideachas agus Múscailt Feasachta maidir le Forbairt
Employment and Social Developments in Europe; ESDE
Athbhreithniú Bliantúil ar Fhostaíocht agus ar Fhorbairtí Sóisialta san Eoraip; Fostaíocht agus Forbairtí Sóisialta san Eoraip
Managing Authority of the Rural Development Programme of Greece
Údarás Bainistíochta Chlár um Fhorbairt Tuaithe na Gréige
developmental supporting evidence
fianaise thacaíochta fhorbraíochta
GGDC; Good Governance and Development Contract
CDRF; Conradh um Dhea-rialachas agus Forbairt
innovative financing; innovative financing for development; innovative funding
maoiniú nuálach forbraíochta
state aid for R&D&I; state aid for research and development and innovation
státchabhair le haghaidh taighde, forbartha agus nuálaíochta; státchabhair le haghaidh TFN
Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals; Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
An Meitheal Oscailte den Chomhthionól Ginearálta um Spriocanna Forbartha Inbuanaithe
European Charter on development cooperation in support of Local Governance
an Chairt Eorpach maidir le comhar um fhorbairt mar thaca leis an rialachas áitiúil
European Year for Development; EYD2015
Bliain Eorpach na Forbartha
International Conference on Migration and Development; Migration and Development Conference
Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hImirice agus Forbairt
AAL Programme; Active and Assisted Living Research and Development Programme
an Clár Taighde agus Forbartha um Maireachtáil Ghníomhach agus Chuidithe; Clár AAL
EU strategy for security and development in the Sahel
Straitéis AE maidir le slándáil agus forbairt i réigiún na Saiheile
EU Platform for Blending in External Cooperation; EU Platform for External Cooperation and Development; EUBEC
Clár Oibre AE um Meascadh sa Chomhar Eachtrach; EUBEC
High-level Political Forum; High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development; HLPF
an Fóram Ardleibhéil Polaitíochta; an Fóram Ardleibhéil Polaitíochta um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe
community-led local development strategy
straitéis forbartha áitiúil faoi stiúir an phobail
Committee on Development
An Coiste um Fhorbairt
Committee on Regional Development
An Coiste um Fhorbairt Réigiúnach
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
An Coiste um Thalmhaíocht agus um Fhorbairt Tuaithe
Secretariat of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Rúnaíocht an Choiste um Thalmhaíocht agus um Fhorbairt Tuaithe
Secretariat of the Committee on Regional Development
Rúnaíocht an Choiste um Fhorbairt Réigiúnach
Secretariat of the Committee on Development
Rúnaíocht an Choiste um Fhorbairt
Applications and IT Systems Development Unit
An tAonad um Fhorbairt Feidhmchlár agus Córas TF
Directorate for Development and Support
An Stiúrthóireacht um Fhorbairt agus um Thacaíocht
Unit ICT Conception & Development
An tAonad um Cheapadh agus Forbairt TFC
Directorate for HR Development
An Stiúrthóireacht um Fhorbairt Acmhainní Daonna
Career Development and Ethics Unit
An tAonad um Fhorbairt Gairme agus um Eitic
Learning and Development Unit
An tAonad um Fhoghlaim agus um Fhorbairt
UN Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing
Coiste idir-rialtasach na Náisiún Aontaithe um maoiniú na forbartha inbhuanaithe
Pacific Islands Development Forum; PIDF
Fóram Forbartha Oileáin an Aigéin Chiúin
knowledge development
forbairt eolais
Civilian Capability Development Plan
Plean Forbartha maidir le Cumas Sibhialtach
HRBA; human rights-based approach; human rights-based approach to development programming; RBA; rights-based approach; rights-based approach to development; rights-based approach to development cooperation
cur chuige bunaithe ar chearta an duine; cur chuige bunaithe ar chearta an duine maidir le comhar um fhorbairt
BRICS Development Bank; New Development Bank
an Banc Forbartha Nua
developmental neurotoxicity study
staidéar ar néarthocsaineacht fhorbarthach
Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development
an Coimisinéir um Chomhar Idirnáisiúnta agus Forbairt
development enabler
cumasóir forbartha
post-2015 development agenda
an clár oibre iar-2015 um fhorbairt
development impact
tionchar forbartha
climate-resilient development
forbairt atá athléimneach ó thaobh aeráide de
area and animal-related rural development measures
bearta forbartha tuaithe a bhaineann le hainmhithe
KD; knowledge development
forbairt eolais
CEDRA; Commission for the Economic Development of Rural Areas
An Coimisiún um Fhorbairt Eacnamaíoch na gCeantar Tuaithe; CEDRA
EU Development and Cooperation Results Framework; EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework
Creat an Aontais le haghaidh Torthaí sa Chomhar Idirnáisiúnta agus san Fhorbairt
RDPP; regional development and protection programme
clár forbartha cosanta réigiúnaí; clár um fhorbairt agus um chosaint réigiúnach
Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund; HRADF; TAIPED
Ciste Forbraíochta Sócmhainní na Poblachta Heilléanaí; HRADF
EU Accountability Report on Financing for Development
Tuarascáil Chuntasachta AE maidir le Maoiniú don Fhorbairt
Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015
an Chomhpháirtíocht Dhomhanda maidir le Díothú na Bochtaineachta agus Forbairt Inbhuanaithe tar éis 2015
2030 Agenda; 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Clár Oibre 2030; Clár Oibre 2030 don Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe; I mbun athraithe: Clár oibre 2030 don Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe
Sustainable Development Summit; UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda; UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015; United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015
Cruinniú Mullaigh na Náisiún Aontaithe chun an clár oibre iar-2015 um fhorbairt a ghlacadh; Cruinniú Mullaigh na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Forbairt Inbhuanaithe, 2015
Central African Party for Unity and Development; PCUD
Páirtí na hAfraice Láir um Aontacht agus Forbairt; PCUD
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
Lá Domhanda na hIlchineálachta Cultúrtha ar son Comhphlé agus Forbartha
EFSD; European Fund for Sustainable Development
CEFI; Ciste Eorpach um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe
LEDS; low greenhouse gas emission development strategy; low-emission development strategy
straitéis forbartha íseal-astaíochtaí
Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework; ANPDF
an Creat Náisiúnta don tSíocháin agus don Fhorbairt san Afganastáin
Capacity Building in Support of Security and Development; CBSD
CBSD; Fothú acmhainní chun tacú leis an tslándáil agus an fhorbairt
Marrakech Action Proclamation; Marrakech action proclamation for our climate and sustainable development
Forógra Gníomhaíochta Marrakech; Forógra Gníomhaíochta Marrakech ar son ár n-aeráide agus na forbartha inbhunaithe
D4D; Digital for Development
D4D; Digitiú don Fhorbairt
PCSD; policy coherence for sustainable development
comhtháthú beartais ar mhaithe le forbairt inbhuanaithe; PCSD
EDIDP; European Defence Industrial Development Programme
an Clár Eorpach Forbartha Tionscal i réimse na Cosanta
Friends of the Presidency Group (EIP/EFSD); Friends of the Presidency Group (External Investment Plan/European Fund for Sustainable Development)
Meitheal Chairde na hUachtaránachta (An Plean Infheistíochta Seachtraí/An Ciste Eorpach um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe); Meitheal Chairde na hUachtaránachta (PIS/CEFI)
Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, of the other part
comhaontú comhair maidir le comhpháirtíocht agus forbairt idir an tAontas Eorpach agus na Ballstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht Ioslamach na hAfganastáine, den pháirt eile
Friends of the Presidency Group (EDIDP); Friends of the Presidency Group (European Defence Industrial Development Programme)
Meitheal Chairde na hUachtaránachta (an Clár Eorpach Forbartha Tionscal i réimse na Cosanta); Meitheal Chairde na hUachtaránachta (EDIDP)
Agenda 2030 Working Party; Working Party on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
an Mheitheal um Chlár Oibre 2030; an Mheitheal um Chlár Oibre 2030 don Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe
Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development; nrg4SD
Líonra na Rialtas Réigiúnach um Bainistiú Inbhuanaithe; nrg4SD
EURADA; European Association of Development Agencies
Comhlachas Eorpach na nGníomhaireachtaí Forbartha; EURADA
Instructor Exchange and Development Programme
clár malartaithe agus forbartha teagascóirí
Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction; Special Session of the Conference of the States Parties to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
seisiún speisialta den Chomhdháil Athbhreithnithe ag na Stáit is Páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún ar oibríocht arm ceimiceach maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm agus úsáid arm ceimiceach agus maidir lena nDíothú
forbairt (bain3, gu: forbartha, ai: forbairtí, gi: forbairtí)
tarlú (fir, gu: tarlaithe, ai: tarluithe, gi: tarluithe)
unexpected development
tarlú gan choinne (fir)