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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAgeilleagar fir1
gu geilleagair
Business » Enterprise & Development 1. The organization or ordered state of a community or nation as regards its (esp. material) resources and concerns; the economic condition of a State. 2. A country defined in terms of the total composition of its economic activities and the ultimate location of economic decision making.
Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt 1. Eagrú nó ord pobail nó náisiúin i leith a acmhainní agus a chúraimí (ábhartha, go speisialta). 2. Cur síos ar thír i dtéarmaí chomhdhéanamh iomlán a ghníomhaíochtaí eacnamúla agus mar áit ina ndéantar an cinneadh deiridh ar chomhairlí eacnamúla.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
ENeconomy s of scale
pl economies of scale
GAbarainneacht bain3 scála
ai barainneachtaí scála
Finance lower average cost per unit resulting from increased production
Airgeadas meánchostas níos ísle in aghaidh an aonaid mar thoradh ar mhéadú sa táirgeacht
An economy that has successfully made the transition from a closed market economy to an open market economy, has undergone some degree of reform and has expanded.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
total economy
geilleagar iomlán
analogue country; analogue market economy country
tír analógach
digital economy; e-economy; internet economy; new economy; online economy; web economy
social and solidarity economy; SSE
geilleagar dlúthpháirtíochta sóisialta
economy; principle of economy
social market economy
geilleagar sóisialta margaidh
black economy; shadow economy; underground economy
geilleagar dubh
diseconomy of scale
díbharainneacht scála
NME; non-market economy
geilleagar neamh-mhargaidh; NME
social business; social economy enterprise; social enterprise
fiontar an gheilleagair shóisialta
modernisation of the economy
nuachóiriú an gheilleagair
open market economy
geilleagar margaidh oscailte
real economy
social economy
geilleagar sóisialta
economic fundamentals; fundamentals of an economy
buntosca an gheilleagair
informal economy
geilleagar neamhfhoirmiúil
to diversify (economy)
éagsúlaigh (geilleagar)
sector of the economy
earnáil den gheilleagar
overheating the economy
róbhorradh an gheilleagair
principle of economy
prionsabal na barainneachta
economic slowdown; slowdown of the economy
moilliú ar an ngeilleagar
economy in transition; EIT; transition economy
geilleagar idirlinne
country with an emerging economy; emerging country
tír i mbéal a tionsclaithe
emerging economy
geilleagar éiritheach
KBE; knowledge economy; knowledge-based economy; knowledge-driven economy
geilleagar eolasbhunaithe
principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness
prionsabal na barainneachta, na héifeachtúlachta agus na héifeachtachta
Resolution concerning decent work and the informal economy
Rún maidir le hobair chuibhiúil agus an geilleagar neamhfhoirmiúil
Committee on the Informal Economy
an Coiste um an nGeilleagar Neamhfhoirmiúil
free economy; free enterprise economy; free market economy; liberal economy; market economy; market oriented economy
geilleagar margaidh
centrally planned economy; command economy; CPE; planned economy; state-controlled economy
geilleagar lárphleanáilte
compiling economy
geilleagar ina bhfuil na cuntais á dtiomsú
ecological economy; green economy
geilleagar glas
CBNE; Classification of National Economy Branches of the CMEA; Classification of the Branches of National Economy of the CMEA Member countries; CNEB
ABGN; Aicmiú Bhrainsí Geilleagair Náisiúnta Bhallstáit an CCEF
mixed-economy company; mixed-ownership company
cuideachta geilleagair measctha; cuideachta infheistíochta measctha; cuideachta úinéireachta measctha
energy economy; energy industries; energy sector
earnáil an fhuinnimh
market economy investor principle; MEIP; private investor principle
prionsabal an infheisteora phríobháidigh i ngeilleagar an mhargaidh
macroeconomics; macroeconomy
mixed economy
geilleagar measctha
LEADER II; Links between actions for the development of the rural economy
LEADER II; Naisc idir gníomhaíochtaí um fhorbairt gheilleagar na tuaithe
market economy status; MES
MES; stádas an gheilleagair mhargaidh
NOE; non-observed economy
geilleagar neamhbhreathnaithe; NOE
claim for MET; market economy treatment claim; MET application; MET claim
éileamh ar chóir gheilleagair margaidh; éileamh MET
market economy treatment; MET
cóir gheilleagair margaidh; MET
circular economy
geilleagar ciorclach
LCE; low carbon economy
geilleagar ísealcharbóin
formal economy; mainstream economy
geilleagar foirmiúil
Operational Programme Innovative Economy; OP-IE
Cláir Oibriúcháin "Geilleagar Nuálach"
eco-efficient economy
geilleagar éicéifeachtúil
positive economy
geilleagar deimhneach
low-input economy
geilleagar atá tíosach ar acmhainní; geilleagar ionchuir ísil
decarbonisation of the economy
dícharbónú an gheilleagair
carbon-free economy
geilleagar saor ó charbón
Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
Cruinniú Mullaigh faoi mhargaí airgeadais agus faoin ngeilleagar domhanda
Social Economy Category
catagóir an Gheilleagair Shóisialta
servo-industrial economy
geilleagar seirbhithionsclaíoch
bio-based economy
geilleagar bithbhunaithe
emerged economy
geilleagar éirithe
2050 low carbon economy roadmap; EU roadmap for a low-carbon economy by 2050; Low carbon economy roadmap; Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050
Treochlár 2050 um gheilleagar ísealcharbóin; Treochlár AE um gheilleagar iomaíoch ísealcharbóin roimh 2050
resource efficient economy
geilleagar atá tíosach ar acmhainní
maritime economy
geilleagar muirí
lending to the economy
iasachtú sa gheilleagar
fuel economy
barainneacht breosla
Expert Group on Taxation of the Digital Economy
an Grúpa Saineolaithe um Chánachas ar an nGeilleagar Digiteach; an Sainghrúpa um Chánachas ar an nGeilleagar Digiteach
sharing economy
geilleagar comhroinnte
vulnerable economy
geilleagar leochaileach
presence of organised crime groups in the economy
láithreacht grúpaí coiriúla eagraithe sa gheilleagar
data economy; data-driven economy; data-led economy
geilleagar sonraí; geilleagar sonraíbhunaithe
Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society
an Coimisinéir um an nGeilleagar Digiteach agus an tSochaí Dhigiteach
linear economy
geilleagar líneach
gig economy; task-based economy
geilleagar poistíneachta
European agenda for the collaborative economy
an Clár Oibre Eorpach don Gheilleagar Comhroinnte
crowd economy
bioeconomy strategy
straitéis bhithgheilleagair
circular economy strategy
straitéis geilleagair chiorclaigh
collaborative economy
geilleagar comhoibríoch
smart economy
geilleagar cliste
Building a European data economy
geilleagar Eorpach sonraí a chur ar bun
platform economy
geilleagar ardán
digital taxation; taxation of the digital economy
cánachas digiteach
baileachas (fir1, gu: baileachais)
cnuaisciúin (bain3, gu: cnuaisciúna)
coigilt (bain2, gu: coigilte, ai: coigiltí, gi: coigiltí)
fearachas (fir1, gu: fearachais)
geilleagar (fir1, gu: geilleagair)
tíos (fir1, gu: tís)
economy of force
cnuaisciúin nirt (bain3)
economy of force
coigilt nirt (bain2)
economy of effort
coigilt iarrachta (bain2)
economy label
duillín fearachais (fir4)
political economy
geilleagar polaitiúil (fir1)