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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
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GAtodhchaí bain4
gu todhchaí, iol todhchaíochtaí
future of rural communities in South Dublin
todhchaí na bpobal tuaithe i mBaile Átha Cliath Theas
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Finance US Federal Commission with authority to oversee futures trading.
Airgeadas Coimisiún feidearálach Stát Aontaithe Mheiriceá le húdarás chun maoirseacht a dhéanamh ar thrádáil i dtodhchaíochtaí.
Finance Contracts specifying a standard volume of a particular currency to be exchanged on a specific settlement date.
Airgeadas Conarthaí a shonraíonn méid caighdeánach d'airgeadra áirithe atá le malartú ar dháta sonraithe socraíochta.
GAluach fir3 cumaisc
gu luacha cumaisc, ai luachanna cumaisc
Finance The value that a sum of money (the present value) invested at compound interest will have in the future.
Airgeadas An luach a bheidh sa todhchaí ar shuim airgid (an luach láithreach) a infheistítear ar ráta úis athiolraithe.
GAtodhchaíocht bain3
gu todhchaíochta, iol todhchaíochtaí
Finance An agreement to buy or sell a fixed quantity of a particular commodity, currency, or security for delivery at a fixed date in the future at a fixed price. Unlike an option, a futures contract involves a definite purchase or sale and not an option to buy or sell; it may therefore entail a potentially unlimited loss.
Airgeadas Comhaontas ar mhéid seasta de thráchtearra, d'airgeadra, nó d'urrús ar leith a dhíol nó a cheannach lena sheachadadh ar dháta seasta sa todhchaí ar phraghas seasta. Murab ionann agus rogha (nó céadrogha), bíonn ceannach nó díol cinnte i gceist i gconradh todhchaíochtaí; d'fhéadfadh caillteanas, a bheadh neamhtheoranta go poitéinsiúil, a tharlú dá bharr.
Finance standardized foreign exchange contract written against the exchange clearing-house for a fixed number of foreign currency units and for delivery on a fixed date
Airgeadas conradh airgeadraí caighdeánaithe a scríobhtar in aghaidh theach imréitigh an mhalartáin ar líon seasta d'aonaid airgeadraí eachtracha agus ar iad a sheachadadh ar dháta seasta
rogha bain4 ar chonradh todhchaíochtaí dímholta/superseded
ai roghanna ar chonradh todhchaíochtaí
Finance contract giving the buyer the right to buy or sell a designated futures contract at a certain exercise price through contract expiration
Airgeadas conradh a thugann an ceart don cheannaitheoir conradh todhchaíochtaí sonraithe a dhíol nó a cheannach ar phraghas feidhmithe ar leith trí éag chonartha
ENoption s on futures contract
pl options on futures contracts
GArogha bain4 ar chonarthaí todhchaíochtaí
ai roghanna ar chonarthaí todhchaíochtaí
Finance Right to purchase or sell the futures contract of a specified currency at a specified price by a specified expiry date.
Airgeadas An ceart chun an conradh todhchaíochtaí d'airgeadra sonraithe a cheannach nó a dhíol ar phraghas sonraithe roimh dháta éaga sonraithe.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
PFE; potential future credit exposure
neamhchosaint fhéideartha todhcaí ar chreidmheas
single-stock future; SSF; universal stock future
todhchaíocht stoic uilíoch
Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in North-East Atlantic Fisheries; NEAFC Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le comhoibriú iltaobhach sa todhchaí in iascaigh an Atlantaigh thoir thuaidh; Coinbhinsiún NEAFC
futures exchange; futures market
margadh todhchaíochtaí
currency future
todhchaíocht airgeadraí
stock index forward; stock index future; stock index futures contract
conradh todhchaíochtaí innéacsanna stoic; todhchaíocht innéacsanna stoic
Convention for the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Twenty-eight Sessions for the Purpose of Making Provision for the Future Discharge of Certain Chancery Functions; Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hathbhreithniú páirteach ar na coinbhinsiúin a ghlac Comhdháil Ghinearálta an EIS ina céad ocht seisiún is fiche
EFP; exchange against actuals; exchange for physical; exchange of futures for cash; exchange versus cash
malartú le haghaidh sócmhainní fisiceacha
future; futures contract
conradh todhchaíochtaí; todhchaíocht
to future-proof
féachaint chuige go seasfaidh rud an aimsir
interest rate future
todhchaíocht ráta úis
future credit exposure
neamhchosaint todhchaí ar chreidmheas
stock market index future; stock-index future contract
conradh todhchaíochtaí innéacsanna stoic
assignation of debts; assignment of present or future debts; charge on assets
sannadh fiachas
financial futures exchange; financial futures market
margadh todhchaíochtaí airgeadais
forward market; futures market
margadh todhchaíochtaí
LIFFE; London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
LIFFE; Malartán Idirnáisiúnta Todhchaíochtaí agus Roghanna Airgeadais Londan
slán i bhfad na haimsire
Reflection Group on the Future of the European Civil Service
GRASPE; Grúpa Machnaimh maidir le Todhchaí na Seirbhíse Sibhialta Eorpaí
future margin income
ioncam éarlaise todhchaí
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the Future: Renewable Sources of Energy - Green Paper for a Community Strategy
Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún - Fuinneamh don Todhchaí: Foinsí Inathnuaite Fuinnimh - Páipéar Uaine maidir le Straitéis Chomhphobail
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy - White Paper for a Community strategy and action plan
Cumarsáid ón gCoimisiún: Fuinneamh don todhchaí: Foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh - Páipéar Bán maidir le straitéis Chomhphobail agus plean gníomhaíochta; Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún: Fuinneamh don todhchaí: Foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh - Páipéar Bán maidir le straitéis Chomhphobail agus plean gníomhaíochta
capitalisation of future income
caipitliú ioncaim todhchaí
future administrative costs
costas riarthach todhchaí
Green Paper on the future Common European Asylum System
Páipéar Uaine maidir leis an gComhchóras Tearmainn Eorpach sa todhchaí
future drawings
tarraingt thodhchaí
Reflection Group; Reflection Group horizon 2020-2030; Reflection Group on the Future of the Union
Meitheal Mhachnaimh faoi choinne 2020-2030
aid for early adaptation to future Community standards for SMEs
cúnamh d'fhiontair bheaga agus mheánmhéide chun iad a luathoiriúnú do chaighdeáin an Chomhphobail mar a bheidh amach anseo
capitalised future income
ioncam caipitlithe todhchaí; ioncam todhchaí caipitlithe
expected future competitiveness
iomaíochas todhchaí ionchasach
future collateral movements
gluaiseacht chomhthaobhach thodhchaí
future exposure
neamhchosaint thodhchaí
Future Group on Justice; High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Justice Policy
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil maidir le Todhchaí an Bheartais Eorpaigh Cheartais; an Grúpa Todhchaí maidir le Ceartas
Future Group; High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil ar Thodhchaí an Bheartais Eorpaigh um Ghnóthaí Baile
future discretionary benefits; future discretionary bonus
sochair lánroghnacha todhchaí
estimated future cash flows
sreabhadh airgid todhchaí measta
future cash flow
sreabhadh airgid todhchaí
future economic benefit
leas eacnamaíoch a bheidh ann amach anseo; leas geilleagrach a bheidh ann amach anseo
refund or a reduction in future contributions
aisíoc nó laghdú ar ranníocaíochtaí todhchaí
Factories of the Future
Monarchana na Todhchaí
Future Internet
Idirlíon na Todhchaí
Automotive Crisis Group; Future of the Automotive Industry Interregional Group; Interregional group on the Future of the Automotive Industry; Interregional Group on the Future of the Automotive Industry in our Territories
An Grúpa Idir-réigiúnach um Thodhchaí an Tionscail Gluaisteán
deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability
sócmhainní cánach iarchurtha atá ag brath ar bhrabúsacht todhchaí
Future of Europe Group
an Grúpa ar Thodhchaí na hEorpa
equity future
todhchaíocht chothromais
Equal Futures Partnership
An Chomhpháirtíocht Chomhionannais
entitlement to future goods and services on an exclusive basis
teidlíocht i leith earraí agus seirbhísí todhchaí ar bhonn eisiach
Panel for the Future of Science and Technology; Science and technology options assessment
An Painéal um Thodhchaí na hEolaíochta agus na Teicneolaíochta; Measúnú na Roghanna Eolaíocha agus Teicneolaíocha; Roghanna measúnaithe eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta (STOA); STOA
single stock dividend future
todhchaíocht díbhinní aonstoic
volatility index future
todhchaíocht innéacs luaineachta
Task Force on the Future of Eurojust
Tascfhórsa ar Thodhchaí Eurojust
futures roll
todhchaíochtaí a rolltar ar aghaidh
dividend future
todhchaíocht díbhinní
dividend index future; dividend index futures contract
todhchaíocht innéacs díbhinní
Council of Europe Forum for the Future of Democracy; Forum for the Future of Democracy
an Fóram um Thodhchaí an Daonlathais; Fóram Chomhairle na hEorpa um Thodhchaí an Daonlathais
White Paper on the Future of Europe
Páipéar Bán maidir le Todhchaí na hEorpa
Commission reflection paper on the future of European defence; Reflection paper on the future of European defence
páipéar machnaimh ón gCoimisiúin ar a bhfuil i ndán do bheartas cosanta na hEorpa
Commission reflection paper on the future of EU finances; Reflection paper on the future of EU finances
páipéar machnaimh ón gCoimisiúin ar a bhfuil i ndán do bheartas airgeadais an Aontais Eorpaigh
GFV; Group on the Future of VAT
an Grúpa maidir le Todhchaí CBL; GFV
future contingency
teagmhas todhchaí (fir1)
future operation
oibríocht todhchaí (bain3)
future plan
plean todhchaí (fir4)
future officer
oifigeach todhchaí (fir1)
in the immediate future
go luath amach anseo (fr.dob.)