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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAcomhéigean fir1
gu comhéigin
iallach fir1
gu iallaigh, ai iallaigh, gi iallach
bagairt nó úsáid fórsa le gníomhartha nó smaointe duine a chosc nó a stiúradh
threat or use of force to prevent, restrict, or dictate the action or thought of others
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
(compel by coercion)
cuireann iallach ar na comhaltaí tacú le beartas
dragoons members to support a policy
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
repetitive flight plan; RPL
plean eitilite atriallach
acyclic hydrocarbon
hidreacarbón neamh-thimthriallach
pro-cyclical effect
éifeacht chomh-thimthriallach
coerced confession; forced confession
admháil faoi iallach
cyclical unemployment
dífhostaíocht thimthriallach
anti-cyclical; contra-cyclical; counter-cyclical
frithchioglach; frith-thimthriallach
tuna boat obliged to land its entire catch
bád tuinníní atá faoi iallach an ghabháil iomlán a thabhairt i dtír
anticyclic measure
beart frith-thimthriallach
cyclical fluctuation
luaineacht thimthriallach
PAH; PCAH; polyaromatic hydrocarbon; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
HIA; hidreacarbón il-timthriallach aramatach
cyclical inspection
iniúchadh timthriallach
high cycle fatigue
strustuirse iltimthriallach
repetitive work
obair atriallach
cyclical unemployment
dífhostaíocht thimthriallach
cyclic load
ualach timthriallach
iteration; iterative method; iterative process
próiseas atriallach
cAMP; cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate; cyclic AMP
AMP timthriallach; monafosfáit adanóisín thimthriallach
CAB; cyclically adjusted balance; cyclically adjusted budget balance
comhardú buiséid a choigeartaítear go timthriallach; iarmhéid buiséadach arna choigeartú go timthriallach
cyclical factor
toisc thimthriallach
counter-cyclical buffer; counter-cyclical capital buffer; counter-cyclical reserve; time-variant capital buffer
cúlchiste fritimthriallach
pro-cyclicality effect
éifeacht comh-thimthriallachta
annual reporting cycle
tuarascáil bhliantúil; tuarascáil thimthriallach bhliantúil
forward-looking iterative process
próiseas atriallach réamhbhreathnaitheach
countercyclical fiscal policy
beartas fioscach fritimthriallach
cyclical deficit
easnamh timthriallach
aerstiall (bain2, gu: aerstéille, ai: aerstiallacha, gi: aerstiallacha)
iall (bain2, gu: éille, ai: iallacha, gi: iallacha)
tromchiallach (a1)
stiall (bain2, gu: stéille, ai: stiallacha, gi: stiallacha)
stiall (bain2, gu: stéille, ai: stiallacha, gi: stiallacha)
enforce the attendance of witnesses
cuir iallach ar fhinnéithe teacht i láthair
compel a person subject to Military Law to join in a mutiny (offence)
cuir iallach ar dhuine atá faoi Dhlí Míleata gabháil le frithcheilg