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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAidirghabháil bain3
gu idirghabhála
Finance Purchase and sale of currencies by central banks to influence the exchange rate.
Airgeadas Bainc lárnacha ag ceannach agus ag díol airgeadraí chun tionchar a bheith acu ar an ráta malairte.
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GAidirghabháil bain3 neamhsteirilithe
gu idirghabhála neamhsteirilithe
Finance Intervention in the foreign exchange market without adjusting for the change in money supply.
Airgeadas Idirghabháil sa mhargadh airgeadraí gan coigeartú a dhéanamh maidir leis an athrú sa soláthar airgid.
GAidirghabháil bain3 steirilithe
gu idirghabhála steirilithe
Finance Intervention in the foreign exchange market while retaining the existing money supply.
Airgeadas Idirghabháil sa mhargadh airgeadraí ach an soláthar airgid atá ann cheana féin a choinneáil.
Any of the noninvasive procedures usually performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.
Ceann ar bith de na gnáthaimh neamhionracha a dhéantar sa tsaotharlann cataitéaraithe cairdiaiche.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
intervention buying; intervention buying-in
ceannach idirghabhála
humanitarian intervention
idirghabháil dhaonnúil
intervention stock
stoc idirghabhála
activating price; activating threshold price for intervention; threshold activating price; threshold price activating the intervention system
Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil
Prótacal a bhaineann le hIdirghabháil ar an Mórmhuir i gcás Truailliú ag Substaintí seachas Ola
International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta um Idirghabháil ar an Mórmhuir i gcás Taismí ó Ola-Thruailliú
derived intervention price
praghas idirghabhála díorthaithe
rate of cover (financing of intervention operations)
ráta cumhdaigh (maoiniú oibríochtaí idirghabhála)
at the time of his intervention
tráth a idiragartha
intervention board
bord idirghabhála
powers of intervention
meáin idirghabhála
intervention price
praghas idirghabhála
intervention measure; public intervention measure
beart idirghabhála; beart idirghabhála poiblí
foreign military intervention; military intervention
idirghabháil mhíleata
Community Civil Protection Mechanism; Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions; EU Civil Protection Mechanism; EU CPM; Union Civil Protection Mechanism
an Sásra Aontais um Chosaint Shibhialta
benevolent intervention in another's affairs; negotiorum gestio
bainistíocht gnóthaí; negotiorum gestio
invasive treatment; invasive treatment intervention
cóireáil ionrach
derived intervention price
praghas idirghabhála díorthaithe
intervention agency
gníomhaireacht idirghabhála
products from intervention stocks
táirgí as stoic idirghabhála
human intervention study; intervention study
staidéar idirghabhála
the intervention is allowed
ceadaítear an idirghabháil
case as it is found at the time of the intervention
an cás mar a fhaightear é tráth na hidiragartha
intervention of a case before the Court
idirghabháil i gcás os comhair na Cúirte
statement in intervention
ráiteas idiragartha
intervention centre
lárionad idirghabhála
Community butter; intervention butter
im an Chomhphobail; im idirghabhála
products may be bought in by intervention agencies in Denmark
féadfaidh gníomhaireachtaí idirghabhála sa Danmhairg táirgí a cheannach
interventional radiology
raideolaíocht idirghabhálach
non-interventional study
triail neamh-idirghabhálach
action level; intervention level
leibhéal idirghabhála
central bank policy rate; central intervention rate; official interest rate
ráta tagartha
public intervention
idirghabháil phoiblí
intervention team
foireann idirghabhála
RABIT; Rapid Border Intervention Team
Foireann Mear-Idirghabhála Teorann
special intervention unit
aonad speisialta idirghabhála
invasive medical intervention; invasive medical procedure; invasive procedure
gnáthamh ionrach; gnáthamh liachta ionrach
asylum intervention pool
an díorma um idirghabháil tearmainn
IL; intervention limit
teorainn idirghabhála
early intervention
idirghabháil luath; luath-idirghabháil
central bank intervention
idirghabháil an bhainc ceannais
Atlas Decision; Decision 2008/617/JHA on the improvement of cooperation between the special intervention units of the Member States of the European Union in crisis situations
Cinneadh 2008/617/CGB maidir le Feabhsú an Chomhair idir Aonaid Speisialta Idirghabhála Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh i gcás Staideanna Géarchéime; Cinneadh Atlas
primary market intervention
idirghabháil sa bhunmhargadh
secondary market intervention
idirghabháil sa mhargadh táinisteach
non-interventional PASS; non-interventional post-authorisation safety study
staidéar sábháilteachta iar-údarúcháin neamh-idirghabhálach
low-intervention clinical trial
triail chliniciúil íseal-idirghabhála
interventional clinical performance study
staidéar feidhmíochta cliniciúil idirghabhálach
National Police Intervention Force
Fórsa Idirghabhála na bPóilíní Náisiúnta
brief intervention
psychosocial intervention
idirghabháil shíceasóisialta
Frontex Rapid Return Intervention Team
foireann Frontex mear-idirghabhála um fhilleadh
return intervention
idirghabháil um fhilleadh
European return intervention team
foireann idirghabhála Eorpach um fhilleadh
rapid border intervention
mear-idirghabháil teorann
explosives intervention
idirghabháil pleascán (bain3)
idirghabháil (bain3, gu: idirghabhála)