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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENjob s
GAobair bain2
gu bain oibre
(cion oibre)
The Minister has done a good job.
Tá a chuid oibre déanta go maith ag an Aire.
ENjob s
GApost fir1
gu poist, ai poist, gi post
jab fir4 gnáthúsáid/common usage
gu jab, iol jabanna
post due to breach of maximum class size guidelines
post de bharr sárú ar na treoirlínte faoi uasmhéideanna ranganna
post due to school's developing status
post de bharr stádas forbartha na scoile
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAjabmheastóireacht bain3
gu jabmheastóireachta, iol jabmheastóireachtaí
jab-mheastóireacht bain3 dímholta/superseded
gu jab-mheastóireachta, iol jab-mheastóireachtaí
postmheastóireacht bain3 dímholta/superseded
gu postmheastóireachta, iol postmheastóireachtaí
meastóireacht bain3 oibre dímholta/superseded
measúnú fir poist dímholta/superseded
GAjabshocrúchán fir1
gu jabshocrúcháin, ai jabshocrúcháin, gi jabshocrúchán
jabshocrú fir dímholta/superseded
gu jabshocraithe, iol jabshocruithe
GAjableathán fir1
gu jableatháin, ai jableatháin, gi jableathán
(in particular)
GAbeart fir1 oibre
gu birt oibre, ai bearta oibre, gi beart oibre
A forged email, in which a spammer or hacker fakes a genuine email address in order to hide his identity
Ríomhphost bréige, ina mbaineann seoltóir turscair nó haiceálaí leas as seoladh nó cuntas bréige ionas nach n-aithneofar é.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
precarious employment; precarious job; precarious work
fostaíocht fhorbhásach; jab forbhásach; obair fhorbhásach
green employment; green job
post glas
local job
post áitiúil
creation of employment; employment creation; employment generation; job creation
cruthú fostaíochta; cruthú post
job-intensive project
tionscadal dlúthfhostaíochta
ancillary job
post coimhdeach
jobless growth; jobless recovery
téarnamh gan breis fostaíochta
skilled job
post do dhaoine oilte
job mobility; occupational mobility; professional mobility
soghluaisteacht ghairmiúil
jobs where women are under-represented
poist mar a bhfuil mná faoi ghannionadaíocht
employment protection; job protection
cosaint fostaíochta
JD; job description
sainchuntas poist
job rotation; work rotation
rothlú post
job creation for specific groups
cruthú fostaíochta do ghrúpaí sonracha
job quality; quality in work
cáilíocht poist
job-seeking service
seirbhís cuardaigh fostaíochta
job card; job ticket; labor time record; labour time record; work slip
job wage; payment by the job; piece rate; piece wage; piece work remuneration; piecework earnings; piece-work payment; straight piecework; task wage; unit wage
íocaíocht ar thascobair
job analysis; job breakdown; work analysis
anailís oibre; postainilís
job sharing
employment segregation; job segregation; labour market segregation; occupational segregation; segregation of the labour market
deighilt fostaíochta
job requirements
riachtanais an phoist
job evaluation system
córas postmheastóireachta
job content
dualgais poist
access to a job
rochtain ar phost
job induction
jobseeker's allowance; JSA; unemployment benefit
liúntas cuardaitheora poist; sochar dífhostaíochta
job classification
aicmiú na bpost
job; position; post
dual job holding; multiple job holding
job instability
éagobhsaíocht poist
part-time job
post páirtaimseartha
key job; reference job
jab lárnach
job shortage; shortage of work
ganntanas oibre
job evaluation; labour grading
job placement; placement
socrúchán; socrúchán fostaíochta; socrúchán i bpost
jobseeker; job-seeker; person seeking work
cuardaitheoir poist
in-company training; learning in the work-place; on-the-job coaching; on-the-job learning; on-the-job training
oiliúint sa láthair oibre
contract rate; job rate
ráta conartha; ráta poist
designated employment; protected job
post ainmnithe; post cosanta
job enrichment
jobs to be filled; manpower requirements
riachtanais daonchumhachta
jobless person; person out of a job; person unemployed; unemployed person
duine dífhostaithe
OJT; on the job training
oiliúint sa láthair oibre
job classification system; job grading system
córas aicmithe post; córas grádaithe post
job vacancy
JC; job center
malartán fostaíochta
Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs
Treoirlínte Comhtháite um Fhorás agus um Fhostaíocht
job insecurity; job precariousness; precariousness of jobs
neamhshláine post
renewed Lisbon strategy; renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs
stráitéis Liospóin athnuaite; straitéis Liospóin athnuaite i leith fáis agus fostaíochta
New Skills for New Jobs Initiative
Tionscnamh um Scileanna nua do Phoist nua
Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) Keeping up the pace of change
an Tuarascáil Straitéiseach ar Straitéis Liospóin athnuaite i leith Fáis agus Fostaíochta: an Timthriall Nua á sheoladh (2008-2010) Lean de Luas na Leasuithe
EURES; EURES Portal; European Job Mobility portal
an Tairseach Eorpach um Shoghluaisteacht ó Phost go Chéile; EURES; Tairseach EURES
jobless household
teaghlach gan duine fostaithe
Global Jobs Pact; ILO Global Jobs Pact
Comhshocrú Domhanda maidir le Fostaíocht
EU 2020 strategy; EUROPE 2020 A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth; Europe 2020 strategy; Europe 2020 Strategy for Jobs and Growth; Europe 2020 strategy for jobs and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
an Eoraip 2020: Straitéis i leith fostaíochta agus fáis; an straitéis Eoraip 2020; Eoraip 2020: Straitéis an Aontais Eorpaigh do phoist agus don fhás cliste, inbhuanaithe, cuimsitheach
white job
post cúraim
agenda for new skills and jobs
clár oibre do scileanna nua agus do phoist; clár oibre do scileanna nua agus do phoist nua: an Rannchuidiú Eorpach sa lánfhostaíocht
Your first EURES job
Do chéad phost EURES
job transition; job-to-job transition; professional transition
aistriú gairmiúil
aid for job creation; aid for the creation of employment; aid to create employment; aid to create jobs; aid to job creation
cabhair le haghaidh cruthú fostaíochta
job-search disincentive
dídhreasú chun fostaíocht a chuardach; dídhreasú chun post a chuardach
job-search incentive
dreasú chun fostaíocht a chuardach; dreasú chun post a chuardach
High-Level Forum on Jobs for Youth; High-Level Policy Forum on Jobs for Youth: Addressing Policy Challenges in OECD Countries; Jobs for Youth Forum; OECD Youth Forum
Fóram Ardleibhéil Beartais um Poist don Aos Óg: Ag Tabhairt Aghaidh ar Dhúshláin Bheartais i dtíortha ECFE
job-creating growth; job-rich growth
fás lena gcruthófar poist
a chuireann le poist; fabhrach don fhostaíocht
national job plan
plean náisiúnta fostaíochta; plean náisiúnta le haghaidh post
EU-US High-Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth
an Mheitheal Ardleibhéil AE/SA um Phoist agus um an bhFás; an Mheitheal Ardleibhéil AE-SAM um Fhostaíocht agus um Fhás
Compact for Growth and Jobs
Comhshocrú le haghaidh Fáis agus Post
quasi-jobless household
teaghlach gar-dhífhostaithe
Declaration of the European Ministers responsible for the Integrated Maritime Policy and the European Commission, on a Marine and Maritime Agenda for growth and jobs; Limassol Declaration
Dearbhú ó na hAirí Eorpacha atá freagrach as an mBeartas Muirí Comhtháite agus ón gCoimisiún Eorpach, maidir le Clár Mara agus Muirí le haghaidh fáis agus post
investment for growth and jobs goal
Infheistíocht um sprioc fáis agus fostaíochta
Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs
an Mhór-Chomhghuaillíocht maidir le Poist Dhigiteacha
digital job; ICT job
post digiteach
job separation rate; separation rate
ráta foirceanta post
job finding rate
ráta aimsithe post
Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
an Leas-Uachtarán um Poist, Fás, Infheistíocht agus Iomaíochas
job coach
cóitseálaí poist
job-integration agreement
comhaontú maidir le himeascadh i bpost
Single Market Agenda; Single Market Agenda for Jobs, Growth and Investment
clár oibre an mhargaidh aonair
Social Summit; Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth
cruinniú mullaigh sóisialta do phoist chóra agus d'fhás
Africa – Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs
Comhghuaillíocht idir an Afraic agus an Eoraip le haghaidh Infheistíocht agus Poist Inbhuanaithe