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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Cuideachta a sholáthraíonn liostaí seoltaí ríomhphoist do dhreamanna atá ag iarraidh dul i mbun feachtas margaithe.
A company that provides lists of email addresses to groups wishing to conduct direct marketing campaigns.
GAliosta fir4 áirithe
ai liostaí áirithe
Mathematics » Geometry » Coordinate Geometry A list of items in order. Thus the items are organized in such a way that they can be counted, and for each non-negative integer i within an appropriate range there is a unique item associated with it. An enumeration may be finite or infinite; when an infinite set is involved, the infinite set must be countable. An enumeration is said to be effective if there is an algorithm for producing the enumeration. Enumeration is used to define types in the languages of the Pascal and Jovial families. It also plays a significant role in combinatorics where one might typically talk of an enumeration of permutations or combinations, of binary trees, of graphs, of groups, etc..
GAliosta fir4 ciorclach
gu liosta chiorclaigh, ai liostaí ciorclacha
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Ní hionann agus nialas é réimse pointeora na heiliminte deiridh i liosta. Ina ionad sin, pointeálann sí ar ais chuig an gcéad eilimint sa liosta.
Computers, Computer Science The pointer field of the last list element is not zero. Instead it points back to the first list element.
GAliosta fir4 dénasctha
gu liosta dhénasctha, ai liostaí dénasctha
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Liosta nasctha ina bhfuil dhá phointeoir ag gach nód, ceann i dtreo a réamhtheachtaí agus ceann i dtreo a chomharba, rud a cheadaíonn an liosta a thrasnáil chun deiridh agus chun tosaigh.
Computers, Computer Science A linked list in which each node contains two pointers, one to its predecessor and another to its successor, thus allowing traversal of the list both backwards and forwards.
GAliosta fir4 ilnasctha
ai liostaí ilnasctha
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Struchtúr liosta nasctha a bhfuil nascanna aige do gach ceann de réimse ord ina bhfuil an liosta le trasnú.
Computers, Computer Science A linked list structure that has links for each of several orders in which the list is to be traversed.
GAliosta fir4 líneach
gu liosta línigh, ai liostaí líneacha
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Tacar, atá ordaithe go líneach, d'eilimintí sonraí a bhfuil an struchtúr céanna acu agus a gcaomhnaítear a n-ord sa stóras trí leas a bhaint as leithdháileadh seicheamhach.
Computers, Computer Science A linearly ordered set of data elements that have the same structure and whose order is preserved in storage by using sequential allocation.
GAliosta fir4 nasctha
ai liostaí nasctha
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Liosta ina bhféadfadh na heilimintí sonraíochta a bheith easraithe ach ina bhfuil faisnéis i ngach eilimint sonraíochta chun teacht ar an gcéad cheann eile.
Computers, Computer Science A list in which the data elements may be dispersed but in which each data element contains information for locating the next.
GAliosta fir4 saor
gu liosta shaoir, ai liostaí saora
saorliosta fir4
gu saorliosta, iol saorliostaí
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Chun spás a leithdháileadh do chomhad ar an diosca, ní mór don chóras oibriúcháin tuairisc a choinneáil ar cé na haonaid leithdháiliúcháin atá saor, agus cé na cinn atá in úsáid cheana ag stóráil comhad eile. Modh amháin is ea liosta a choinneáil de na poill go léir. Is éard is poll ann, líon ar bith aonad leithdháilte atá buailte le chéile. Tugtar liosta saor ar an liosta seo.
Computers, Computer Science In order to allocate space on the disk for a file, the operating system must keep track of which allocation units are available, and which are already in use storing other files. One method consists of maintaining a list of all the holes, a hole being any number of contiguous allocation units. This list is called the free list.
GAliosta fir4 seachadta
ai liostaí seachadta
liostáil ar liosta seachadta nuashonraithe na nuachtlitreacha
subscribe to the updated newsletters mailing list
díliostáil de liosta seachadta nuashonraithe na nuachtlitreacha
un-subscribe to the updated newsletters mailing list
Liosta de sheoltaí ríomhphoist síntiúsóirí atá curtha le chéile agus coinnithe go neamhspleách ag comhlacht ar leith dá n-úsáid féin amháin.
A list of opt-in subscribers’ email addresses that is independently compiled and maintained by a company purely for its own use
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
CDL; Configuration Deviation List
Liosta Diallta Cumraíochta
list of speakers
liosta cainteoirí
catalogue of fundamental rights; list of basic rights; list of fundamental rights
liosta de chearta bunúsacha
reserve list
liosta ionadaithe
bulleted list; UL; unordered list
liosta le hurchair
listed security; quoted security; security admitted to trading on a regulated market
stoc liostaithe
price list
list of abbreviations
liosta giorrúchán
ship's manifest
lastliosta loinge
free list
liosta saor; saorliosta
to make additions to (list)
cuir le (liosta)
the following countries shall be added to the list
cuirfear na tíortha seo a leanas ar an liosta
Agreement on the determination of part of the Common Customs Tariff in respect of the products in List G annexed to the EEC Treaty
Comhaontú i dtaobh cuid den Chomhtharaif chustaim a bhunú a bhaineann le táirgí i liosta G atá i gceangal le Conradh CEE
list of names
liosta ainmneacha
common list of aliens for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry
comhliosta d'eachtrannaigh a bhfuil foláireamh eisithe ina leith ar mhaithe le hiontráil a dhiúltú dóibh
listed in
atá liostaithe in
liberalisation list
liosta léirscaoilte
a liostaítear; liostaithe
General Sales List medicine; GSL medicine
cógas ar an Liosta Díolachán Ginearálta
case list
liosta na gcásanna
IUCN Red List; IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; RLTS
Liosta Dearg IUCN; Liosta Dearg IUCN na Speiceas faoi Bhagairt
non-listed company
cuideachta neamhliostaithe
Red List of Wadden Sea species and biotopes
Liosta Dearg na Speiceas agus na mBiotóp sa Mhuir Wadden
MEL; minimum equipment list
íosliosta trealaimh
NSG trigger list; trigger list
liosta truicir; liosta truicir NSG
Working Party on Products not listed in Annex I
an Mheitheal um Tháirgí nach bhfuil liostaithe in Iarscríbhinn I
common list of military equipment; common military list; Common Military List of the European Union; EU CML
liosta comhchoiteann míleata; Liosta Comhchoiteann Míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh
CEL; combined events list
Comhliosta Imeachtaí
Master Minimum Equipment List; MMEL
máistirliosta trealaimh íosta
approval of the list of "A" items
formheas liosta na míreanna "A"
watch list
liosta faire
list of ledger balances
liosta na n-iarmhéideanna mórleabhair
liberalisation list
liosta léirscaoilte
company listed on a stock exchange; company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges; listed company; publicly listed company; publicly traded company; quoted company
cuideachta arna liostú ar stocmhalartán; cuideachta liostaithe
attendance list; list of participants
liosta na rannpháirtithe
heliostat field
réimse héileastait
bill of materials; BOM
liosta ábhar
waiting list
liosta feithimh
classified forest
foraois liostaithe
load manifest
toxic and dangerous waste check list
seicliosta de dhramhaíl thocsaineach agus chontúirteach
list of supplies
liosta soláthairtí
exchange-traded put; exchange-traded put option; listed put; listed put option
céadrogha ar dhíol liostaithe
distribution list; DL; mailing list
liosta seachadta
list of products
liosta táirgí
list of materials
liosta ábhar
offsetting table; settlements list
liosta socraíochtaí; tábla fritháirimh
listing service
seirbhís liostaithe
mailing list; mailing-list
liosta postála
weight list
liosta meáchain
black list of very dangerous ships; indicative black-list of substandard ships
dúliosta long contúirteach
European list of waste; List of Waste; list of wastes; LoW
liosta dramhaíola
tenderer to be examined
tairgeoir arna chur ar an ngearrliosta
Energy Consumer Checklist
seicliosta don tomhaltóir fuinnimh
customer list
liosta custaiméirí
dual listed corporation
corparáid dhéliostaithe
acceptance check list; acceptance checklist
seicliosta inghlacthachta
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines
Liosta Eiseamlárach EDS de na cógais riachtanacha
inventory of conflicts of interest
liosta de choimhlintí leasa
trusted list; trusted service list
liosta seirbhíse iontaofa
provisional list of "A" items
liosta sealadach na míreanna "A"
addition to provisional list of "A" items
cur le liosta sealadach na míreanna "A"
unlisted company
cuideachta neamhliostaithe
common merit order list
liosta in ord fiúntais coiteann
buddy list
liosta cairde
non-listed asset; unlisted asset
sócmhainn neamhliostaithe
non-listed undertaking; unlisted undertaking
gnóthas neamhliostaithe
date of listing
dáta an liostaithe
customs goods manifest
lastliosta earraí custaim
common EU list of safe countries of origin; EU common list of safe countries of origin
liosta coiteann an Aontais Eorpaigh de thíortha sábháilte tionscnaimh
black flag list; black list; black list of flags
dúliosta bratstát
grey flag list; grey list
liosta liath bratstát
Energy Community list
Liosta an Chomhphobail Fuinnimh
mail preference service list; Robinson list
liosta Robinson
liosta iata
active list
feidhmliosta (fir4, gu: feidhmliosta, ai: feidhmliostaí, gi: feidhmliostaí)
advanced supply depot
tuliosta soláthair (fir4)
re-enlistment bounty
deolchaire athliostála (bain4)
unattached list
liosta ar neamhcheangal (fir4)
term of enlistment
téarma liostála (fir4)
term of original enlistment
téarma na liostála bunaidh (fir4)
circulation list
liosta cúrsaíochta (fir4)
contract of enlistment
conradh liostála (fir)
date of re-enlistment
dáta athliostála (fir4)
detached officers' list
liosta oifigeach ar dícheangal (fir4)
detached other ranks' list
liosta céimneach eile ar dícheangal (fir4)
distribution list
liosta dáilithe (fir4)
enlisted personnel section
rannóg pearsanra liostáilte (bain2)
liostáil (bain3, gu: liostála)
direct enlistment
liostáil go díreach (bain3)
fraudulent enlistment
liostáil chalaoiseach (bain3)
irregular enlistment
liostáil neamhrialta (bain3)
original enlistment
liostáil bhunaidh (bain3)
liostáil (bain3, gu: liostála)
general list
liosta ginearálta (fir4)
illegality in enlistment
neamhdhleathacht liostála (bain3)
Defence Forces' List
Liosta Óglaigh na hÉireann (fir4)
re-enlistment leave
saoire athliostála (bain4)
distribution list
liosta imdhála (fir4)
half-pay list
liosta leathphá (fir4)
officers' seniority list
liosta sinsearachta oifigeach (fir4)
postal voters' list
liosta vótálaithe poist (fir4)
sick list
liosta lucht breoite (fir4)
offence in relation to enlistment
cion maidir le liostáil (fir4)
a person offering to enlist
duine a thairgeann liostáil (fir4)
enlisted personnel section
rannóg an phearsanra liostáilte (bain2)
muster list
liosta tiomsachain (fir4)
re-enlistment in the Permanent Force
athliostáil sa Bhuanfhórsa (bain3)
enlisted personnel section
an Rannóg Pearsanra Liostáilte (bain2)
proceedings for enlistment
imeachtaí le haghaidh liostála (fir)
liosta sláintí (fir4)
liostáil (br, abr: liostáil, aidbhr: liostáilte)
liostáil (br, abr: liostáil, aidbhr: liostáilte)
athliostáil (br, abr: athliostáil, aidbhr: athliostáilte)
Enlisted Personnel Management Office [Units and Sub-units: Defence Forces’ Headquarters]
An Oifig um Bainistíocht na bPearsanra Liostáilte (bain2)
check list
promhliosta (fir4, gu: promhliosta, ai: promhliostaí, gi: promhliostaí)
liosta (fir4, gu: liosta, ai: liostaí, gi: liostaí)
discharge from the sick list
urscaoileadh as liosta an lucht bhreoite
re-enlistment in the Reserve—First Line
athliostáil sa Chúltaca—an Chéad Líne
admit to the sick list
glac ar liosta an lucht bhreoite
be eligible for re-enlistment
bí in-athliostáilte
enlist for service
liostáil le haghaidh seirbhíse
to enlist freely and voluntarily
(duine) a liostáil dá shaorthoil féin
extend the term of enlistment
fadaigh an téarma liostála
to enlist a minor
liostáil mionaoiseach
be eligible for re-enlistment
bheith inathliostáilte
advanced depot of medical stores
tuliosta stóras liachta