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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
nose · foinse · ionise · noes · NOS
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
ENnoise s
GAfuaim bain2
gu fuaime, iol fuaimeanna
torann fir1
gu torainn, ai torainn, gi torann
Danger - Noise Area
Dainséar - Láthair Challáin
Dainséar - Láthair Thorainn
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
noise certificate
deimhniú torainn
aerodynamic noise
torann aeraidinimice
noise emission; sound emission
astaíocht torainn
rolling noise
torann rollta
diagnostic imaging
íomháú diagnóiseach
Noise Framework Directive
an Chreat-treoir Torainn
L<SUB>night</SUB>; night equivalent level; night-time noise indicator
táscaire torainn oíche
noise event; sound event
teagmhas fuaime
zoonosis; zoonotic disease
galar zónóiseach; zónóis
ambient noise; environmental noise
torann timpeallachta
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration; Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint oibrithe i gcoinne priacail cheirde sa timpeallacht oibre mar gheall ar aerthruailliú, ar thorann agus ar chreathadh
stipulation of the noise level of household equipment
leibhéal torainn trealamh tí a shonrú
air and noise pollution
aerthruailliú agus truailliú ó thorann
device used for in vitro diagnosis; in vitro diagnostic medical device
feistí leighis diagnóiseacha in vitro
Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals
Lámhleabhar um Thástálacha Diagnóiseacha agus um Vacsaíní Ainmhithe Talún
noise mapping
mapáil torainn
Noise Directive
treoir a bhaineann le torann
non-invasive diagnosis; non-invasive diagnostic procedure
gnáthamh neamhionrach diagnóiseach
noise figure; S/N; S/N ratio; signal/noise ratio; signal-to-noise ratio; SNR
cóimheas comhartha le fuaim; S/N
diagnostic trouble code; DTC
cód diagnóise fabht; DTC
diagnostic reference level
leibhéal tagartha diagnóiseach
ANL; annoyance noise level
leibhéal bearráin de thoradh torainn
buzz saw noise; combination tone noise; multiple pure tone noise
torann sáibh chiorclaigh
combustion noise
torann dócháin
CNEL; community noise equivalent level
leibhéal coibhéiseach torainn i gcomharsanacht
composite noise rating
rátáil torainn ilchodach
composite noise rating
rátáil torainn ilchodach
compressor noise
torann an chomhbhrúiteora; torann comhbhrúiteora
effective perceived noise level; EPNL
EPNL; leibhéal torainn braite iarbhír
excess noise
barraíocht torainn
Gutin noise
torann Gutin
HNL; hourly noise level
leibhéal torainn in aghaidh na huaire
longitudinal noise
noise contour; noise exposure contour
comhrian torainn
noise footprint
lorg torainn
noise meter; SLM; sound level meter; sound meter; sound-level meter
méadar fuaimleibhéil
noise generator; noise source
foinse torainn
perceived noise level; PNL
leibhéal torainn braite
acoustic propagation; noise propagation; sound propagation
forleathadh fuaime
anti-noise barriers; sound absorbing shields; sound resistant screens
bacainn fuaim-mhaolaithe
impact noise; impact sound
fuaim tuairte
equivalent continuous noise level; equivalent continuous sound level; equivalent continuous sound pressure level; Equivalent Sound Level; Leq; time average sound pressure level
leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach
gain to noise temperature ratio
cóimheas idir neartú agus teocht torainn
noise index; noise indicator
táscaire torainn
noise reception
leibhéal torainn
noise pollution level; NPL
an leibhéal de thruailliú ó thorann; NPL
ambient noise; background din
torann timpeallach
intruding noise
torann sáiteach
noise labelling system
córas lipéadaithe um thorann
aeroplane noise exposure index
treoiruimhir na neamhchosanta ar thorann eitileán
noise evaluation scale
scála measúnaithe torainn
audible sound; noise; sound
zoonotic agent; zoonotic organism
oibreán zónóiseach
audio pollution; noise pollution
truailliú de dheasca torainn; truailliú ó thorann
constant noise; continuous-spectrum noise; steady noise; steady-state noise
torann foistine
equivalent satellite link noise temperature
teocht torainn choibhéiseach ó nasc satailíte
noise abatement; noise attenuation; noise control; noise mitigation; noise reduction; sound abatement; sound control
laghdú torainn
point-of-care diagnostic test
tástáil dhiagnóiseach sa láthair chúraim
zoonotic bacterium
baictéar zónóiseach
traffic noise barrier
bacainn torainn tráchta
wooden barrier; wooden noise barrier
torannbhac adhmaid
vegetative barrier; vegetative noise barrier
fuaimbhacainn fhásúil
low-noise surfacing
dromhchla torannlaghdaitheach
calculation of road traffic noise; CRTN
ríomh torann tráchta ar bhóithre
calculation of railway noise; CRN
ríomh torann iarnróid
NEC; noise exposure category
catagóir a bhaineann le neamhchosaint ar thorann
traffic noise measurement
tomhas torainn tráchta; tomhas torann tráchta
vehicle noise measurement
tomhas thorann na bhfeithiclí
zoonotic <i>Salmonella</i>; zoonotic <i>Salmonella</i> species; zoonotic <i>Salmonella</i> spp.
<i>Salmonella</i> zónóiseach
invasive diagnostic procedure; invasive diagnostic technique
gnáthamh ionrach diagnóiseach
background; background noise
torann cúlrach
diagnostic specificity
sainiúlacht dhiagnóiseach
diagnostic sensitivity
íogaireacht dhiagnóiseach
nosemosis of bees
nóiseamóis bheach
food-borne zoonotic agent
oibreán zónóiseach bia-iompartha
pyknotic nucleus
núicléas píocnóiseach
ODX; Open Diagnostic Data Exchange
malartú oscailte sonraí diagnóiseacha; ODX
diagnostic ion; qualifier ion; secondary ion
ian diagnóiseach
zoonotic salmonellosis
salmanallóis zónóiseach
diagnostic investigational medicinal product
táirge íocshláinte imscrúdaitheach diagnóiseach
aircraft noise performance
feidhmíocht torainn aerárthaí
diagnostic instrumentation
ionstraimíocht dhiagnóiseach
noise fraction
codán torainn
traction noise
torann tarraingthe
tonal noise
torann tonúil
propulsion noise
torann tiomána
noise-related power parameter; power setting
socrú cumhachta
incoherent noise sources; incoherent sources
foinsí scaipthe torainn
fothram (fir1)
fuaim (bain2, gu: fuaime, ai: fuaimeanna, gi: fuaimeanna)
glór (fir1, gu: glóir, ai: glórtha, gi: glórtha)
signal noise
comhartha torainn (fir4)
impulsive noise signal
torannchomhartha bangach (fir4)