Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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GAtairiscint bain3 ghinearálta airgid▼
gu tairisceana ginearálta airgid, ai tairiscintí ginearálta airgid
“place on the market” includes agree or offer to sell or expose for sale or invite an offer to buy;
áirítear le "táirge a chur ar an margadh" aontú, nó tairiscint a dhéanamh, ar táirge a dhíol nó é a thaispeáint lena dhíol nó tairiscint cheannaigh a lorg ina leith; FOINSE: I.R. 1981
Finance Offering that gives a current shareholder the opportunity to maintain a proportionate interest in the company before the shares are offered to the public.
Airgeadas Tairiscint a thugann an deis do scairshealbhóir reatha leas comhréireach a choimeád sa chuideachta sula dtairgtear na scaireanna don phobal.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
MEAT; most economically advantageous tender; tender offering best value for money
an tairisicint is buntáistí go heacnamaíoch
issue with preemptive right; rights issue; rights offering
eisiúint de cheart
direct offering; own issue; prospectus issue
eisiúint dhíreach
public issue; public offering
eisiúint phoiblí; tairiscint phoiblí
flotation; flotation on the stock market; going public; initial public offering; IPO; stock market launch
tairiscint tosaigh don phobal; TTP
initial public offering
tairiscint phoiblí thosaigh
ECCL+; enhanced conditions credit line offering partial risk protection; enhanced conditions credit line with sovereign partial risk protection
líne chreidmheasa le coinníollacha feabhsaithe agus cosaint pháirteach ar riosca
authorisation offering a right to stay
údarú a thugann ceart fanachta
a person offering to enlist
duine a thairgeann liostáil (fir4)