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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
ENpoint s
(of dart)
GAbior fir3 le faomhadh/for approval
gu beara, iol bioranna
(i gcás dairte)
ENpoint s
(tip of cutting tool, of screw)
GAbior fir3
gu beara, iol bioranna
rinn bain2
gu rinne, ai reanna, gi reann
(barr uirlis gearrtha, scriú)
ENpoint s
(tip of bow, projectile etc.)
GArinn bain2
gu rinne, ai reanna, gi reann
(barr bogha, diúracáin etc.)
ENpoint s
GAcúilín fir4
gu cúilín, iol cúilíní
pointe fir4
gu pointe, iol pointí
Only two points separate the teams.
Níl idir na foirne ach dhá chúilín.
Aisling has scored a point.
Tá cúilín faighte ag Aisling.
Point stands as played.
Seasann an pointe mar a imríodh.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAbonnphointe fir4
gu bonnphointe, iol bonnphointí
Finance 0.0001 One-hundredth of one percent.
Airgeadas 0.0001 An céadú cuid de chéatadán amháin.
Má thosaíonn an druileáil as lár is féidir í a lárnú, mura mbíonn an poll ródhomhain, trí eitre bheag a ghearradh i dtaobh amháin den pholl leis an siséal muileata nó leis an siséal soc-chiorclach
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
MAP; MAPt; missed approach point
pointe ascnaimh iomraill
change-over point; COP
pointe aistrithe
significant point
pointe suntasach
point of order
pointe oird
cut-off point
focal point; FOP; national focal point
an Lárionad Náisiúnta Sábháilteachta agus Sláinte; pointe fócasach
diffuse pollution source; diffuse source; non-point source
foinse idirleata
appointed distributor; authorised distributor
dáileoir údaraithe
pointe cóimheasa; tagarmharc
National Focal Point; NFP
Pointe Fócasach Náisiúnta
instrument appointing an official
ionstraim lena gceaptar oifigeach
ball-point pencil
pionsail gránbhiorach
AA; Appointing Authority
údarás ceapacháin
basis point; bp
point of law
pointe dlí; ponc dlí
to appoint (chairman)
to appoint (representative)
break-even analysis; break-even point analysis
anailís mheá ar mheá
auditors appointed under Article...
iniúchóirí arna gceapadh faoi Airteagal...
starting point
banknote dispenser; cash dispenser; cash dispensing machine; cashpoint
dáileoir airgid; uathmheaisín bainc
Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law of Patents for Invention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAontú Pointí Áirithe den Dlí Substainteach i leith Paitinní Aireagáin
BCP; border crossing point
pointe trasnaithe teorann
to reappoint a person
duine a athcheapadh
the members ... shall be appointed in their personal capacity
ceapfar comhaltaí ... ina gcáil phearsanta
HACCP; HACCP system; hazard analysis and critical control point; hazard analysis critical control point system; hazard analysis of critical control points
AGPRC; anailís ghuaise agus phointí rialúcháin criticiúla
reach the point where it is irreversible
imeacht chomh fada sin go bhfuil sé do-athraithe; pointe do-aisiompaithe a shroicheadh
exit point; point of exit
pointe fágála; pointe scoir
handover point; point of handover
pointe aistrithe
bullet point
pointe urchair
one-stop shop; OSS; point of single contact; PSC; single entry point; single point of contact; single window; SPOC
ionad ilfhreastail
Europol focal point; focal point; FP
pointe fócasach
drinking water abstraction point
pointe astarraingte uisce óil
B<sub>lim; biomass limit; biomass limit reference point; limit biomass
B<sub>lim</sub>; teorainn bhithmhaise
entry point
pointe teagmhála
conservation reference point
pointe tagartha um chaomhnú
precautionary reference point
pointe tagartha réamhchúramach
focal point for maritime security
lárionad um shlándáil mhuirí
boiling point elevation
ardú an fhiuchphointe
electronic point of sale; EPOS
díolphointe leictreonach; EPOS
SPB; Special Boiling Point
fiuchphointe speisialta
contact point
pointe teagmhála
point-of-lay pullet; pullet ready to lay
eireog ar tí breithe; eireog i mbéal beirthe
price delivered to loading point
praghas go luchtú
entry point; place of introduction; place of introduction into the customs territory; point of entry; point of introduction
pointe iontrála; pointe iontrála sa chríoch custaim; pointe isteach
fire point
flash point; flashing point; flash-point
critical point; lambda point
monthly returns to a central control point
tuairisciú mhíosúil chuig lárphointe rialúcháin
instrument of appointment of a Judge
ionstraim lena gceaptar breitheamh
clarify the points at issue between the parties
soiléiriú a dhéanamh ar na pointí atá faoi cheist idir na páirtithe
determine the points which call for measures of inquiry
cinneadh a dhéanamh ar na pointí a éilíonn bearta fiosrúcháin
determine the points on which the parties must present further argument
na pointí a chinneadh a gcaithfidh na páirtithe breis áitithe a dhéanamh ina leith
bullet; bullet point; bullet symbol
U.S.P.; unique selling point
gné uathúil dhíolacháin
E.S.P.; emotional selling point
an ghné is meallacaí den táirge
movable point crossing; moveable point frog; swing nose crossing
froga pointí inghluaiste
boiling point; boiling temperature
plug gap; spark plug gap; sparking plug point gap
SAFR; stoichiometric air/fuel ratio; stoichiometric fuel/air ratio; stoichiometric ideal air/fuel ratio; stoichiometric point; stoichiometric ratio
cóimheas stócaiméadrach aer/breosla idéalach; pointe stócaiméadrach
crystallisation point; crystallising point
pointe criostalúcháin
freezing point; freezing temperature
jacking point
pointe seacála
pour point; pour-point temperature
seat reference point; SRP
pointe tagartha suíocháin; SRP
AFTN entry-exit points
pointí isteach-amach AFTN
mid-point of class
lárphointe aicme
indifference point; point of control; point of control of the oc curve
pointe neafaise; pointe neafaise den chuar oc
producer's risk point
pointe riosca an táirgeora
consumer's risk point
pointe priacail an tomhaltóra; pointe riosca an tomhaltóra
accelerator heel point; heel point
aerodrome reference point; ARP
pointe tagartha aeradróim
blade station
pointe tagartha lainne
burble point
pointe boirbéil
centre point mooring
múráil lárphointe
centre point pennant
igín lárphointe
centre point rigging
rigín lárphointe
CG datum point
pointe tagra CG; pointe tagra meáchanláir
characteristic exhaust velocity
sainluas sceite; treoluas ag an bpointe fágála; treoluas sainiúil sceite
check point
confluence point
pointe comhchumair
critical point
pointe criticiúil
first point of Aries
túsphointe Aries
impact point
pointe tuirlingthe
landing point
pointe tuirlingthe
leaving point
pointe fágála
loading point
pointe lastála
minimum pressure point
brúphointe íosta
PNR; point of no return
an pointe fillte is faide amach; PNR
point source
pointing; score judging; scoring
appointments budget
buiséad ceapachán
point sound source; point source
melting point; melting temperature
leáphointe; pointe leáite
dew point; dewpoint
points; switch; turnout
discharge point; outfall; point of discharge
pointe sceite
point source
maximum power point tracking; MPPT
rianú pointe uaschumhachta
point of sale location; point of sale situation; salespoint location
ionad an díolphointe; ionad an POS
point-of-sale terminal; POS terminal
críoch-ionad díolphointe; teirminéal POS
floating point operations per second; FLOPS
FLOPS; oibríochtaí snámhphointe sa soicind
BIP; border inspection post
PCT; pointe cigireachta teorann
point-to-point connection; point-to-point link
nasc ó phointe go pointe
to point; to round up the news
achoimrigh; tabhair achoimre ar an nuacht
pointe go hilphointe
ATM; automated teller machine; automatic teller machine; cash dispenser; cash machine; cashpoint
dáileoir airgid; uathmheaisín bainc; UMB
branch point
control centre; control office; control point
lárionad rialaithe
curve points
ladhróg ar cuar
data collection point
pointe bailithe sonraí
egress point
pointe fágála
exit speed
luas ag an bpointe fágála
facing points
ladhróga aghaidhe
fare sales point
ionad díolta ticéad
fare section point; fare stage
céim táillí
interlocked points
ladhróga comhghlasáilte
merge; merge point
pointe coinbhéirsithe
movable point frog
froga pointí inghluaiste
pneumatic point operation
aeroibriú ladhróige
point accessibility
inrochtaine pointe
point follower control
rialú idirachair leanta pointe
point heater; switch heater
téitheoir ladhróige
point-to-point service
seirbhís ó phointe go pointe
point follower control system; synchronous network control
rialú sioncrónach an ghréasáin
trailing points
ladhróga cúil
exchange point; interchange point; transfer point; transit point
pointe idirthurais
paisinéir a shiúlann chuig an bpointe imeachta
binomial distribution; binomial distribution theory; binomial theory; point binomial
dáileadh déthéarmach
point of origin
pointe tionscnaimh
point of destination
ceann scríbe
bench mark; benchmark; bench-mark; benchmark data; BM; reference data
pointe cóimheasa
percentage point
pointe céatadáin
equivalence point; stoichiometric point
pointe stócaiméadrach
pointe socraithe
genetic endpoint
críochphointe géiniteach
fire point
point-to-point communication link; point-to-point link
nasc ó phointe go pointe
ó phointe go pointe
bow pointer; breast hook; breast knee; breasthook; forehook
fire point
dóphointe; lasphointe
base pair substitution; gene point mutation; point mutation; substitution mutation
ionadú péire bunaidh
distribution point; DP
pointe dáileacháin
interconnection point; POI; point of interconnection
pointe idirnaisc
network termination point; NTP
críochphointe an líonra
change point
pointe athraithe
check point; check station; checking station
pointe rialúcháin; stáisiún rialúcháin
gold point
flexible appointment plan
plean solúbtha coinní
burning point; fire point; ignition point
basis point
access point; AP
pointe rochtana
point-contact cell; point-contact solar cell
grianchill teagmhálacha pointe
point of presence; POP
pointe rochtana Idirlín; POP
burning point; fire point; ignition point
adhaintphointe; dóphointe
break point chlorination
clóiríniú brisphointe
pointe stócaiméadrach
point source pollution
truailliú poncfhoinse
protection measure at release point
beart cosanta ag an bpointe astaithe; beart cosanta ag an phointe astaithe
cut-off point; light cut-off point
order point
pointe ordaithe stoic
discrete point sampling; discrete sampling; grab sampling; instantaneous sampling; spot sampling
pointing device
gléas pointeála
inflection point
pointe athchasaidh
actual point of interconnection
pointe idirnaisc iarbhír
point-of-care diagnostic test
tástáil dhiagnóiseach sa láthair chúraim
point of interest information
eolas faoi láthair inspéise cois bealaigh
transhipment point
pointe athlastála; pointe transloingsithe
one-stop shop; point of single contact; PSC; single entry point; single point of contact; single window; SPOC
ionad ilfhreastail
PSAP; public safety answering point
pointe freagartha glaonna éigeandála
assembly station; muster area; muster point; muster station
limistéar tionóil
EU BAM Rafah; European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point
Misean Cúnaimh Teorann an Aontais Eorpaigh do Phointe Trasnaithe Rafah
EACN; EU contact-point network against corruption; European anti-corruption network
EACN; líonra pointí teagmhála AE i gcoinne na héillitheachta
end-point titration
toirtmheascadh; toirtmheascadh críochphointe
key measurement point; KMP
príomhphointe tomhais
sectioning point
pointe scartha
reference point for action; RPA
pointe tagartha le haghaidh gníomhaíochta
point prevalence
leitheadúlacht an mheandair; leitheadúlacht trátha
In accordance with point 34 of the Interinstitutional Agreement on better law-making, Member States are encouraged to draw up, for themselves and in the interest of the Union, their own tables, which will, as far as possible, illustrate the correlation be
I gcomhréir le pointe 34 den Chomhaontú Idirinstitiúideach maidir le reachtóireacht níos fearr, moltar do na Ballstáit, ar mhaithe leo féin agus chun leas an Aontais, a gcuid táblaí féin a tharraingt suas, a dhéanfaidh, a mhéid is féidir, an comhghaol idi
metadata point of contact
pointe teagmhála meiteashonraí
air-ground point-to-point data communication
cumarsáid sonraí ó phointe go pointe idir an t-aer agus an talamh
attachment point
pointe astaithe
PIT approach; point in time approach; point-in-time rating system
córas rátála thar am ar leith
Reinforced Point of Contact meeting; RPOC; RPOC meeting
Cruinniú an Phointe Teagmhála Threisithe
Product Contact Point
Pointe Teagmhála do Tháirgí
Windows SharePoint Services; WSS
Comhphointe Seirbhísí Windows; Windows SharePoint Services; WSS
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server; MOSS
Freastalaí Comhphointe Microsoft Office; MOSS
air-ground point-to-point data communication
cumarsáid sonraí ó phointe go pointe idir aer agus talamh
break point; fracture origin
datum point
pointe tagra
H point
pointe an chromáin
H point sight button
cnaipe treorach phointe an chromáin
high-intensity point light source
foinse phoncsholais d'ard-déine
point of bending
pointe lúbthachta
point of impact
pointe tuairte
R point; seating reference point
pointe tagartha suí
3 DH machine; three-dimensional H-point machine
gléas 3-T phointe an chromáin; gléas trí thoise phointe an chromáin
colorimetric end-point detection
aimsiú críochphointe dathmhéadrach
test endpoint
críochphointe scrúdaithe
test cut-off
pointe scoir don tástáil; tástáil a scor
freezing point depression
ísliú an reophointe
pinching point
pointe fáiscthe
shear point
pointe fiartha
cutting, piercing or penetration point
pointe gearrtha, treáite nó treá
attack point; entry or attack point
pointe iontrála nó ionsaithe
actual point; RP
pointe froga
point retraction
aistarraingt pointe
apical effect; apical endpoint
Article 255 panel; panel on judicial appointments; panel provided for in Article 255 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
painéal dá bhforáiltear in Airteagal 255 den Chonradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh
intersection point; IP
pointe trasnála
focal point
pointe fócasach
breakpoint; breakpoint antibiotic concentration; clinical breakpoint
brisphointe cliniciúil; tiúchan antaibheathach an bhrisphointe
basis point
metropolitan point of presence; MPoP
pointe rochtana Idirlín i gceantar cathrach
point mutation-inducing activity
gníomhaíocht lena spreagtar ionadú péire bunaidh; gníomhaíocht spreagtha ionadú péire bunaidh
heat benchmark
pointe cóimheasa teochta; tagarmharc teochta
matters of law
pointí dlí
neurological endpoint
críochphointe néareolaíoch
heat demand point
pointe éilimh ar theas
SAP; Schengen access point
pointe rochtana Schengen
Focal Point for De-listing
an Pointe Fóchasach um Dhíliostú
efficacy endpoint; efficacy end-point
críochphointe éifeachtúlachta
national contact point
pointe teagmhála náisiúnta
bedside testing; near-patient testing; NPT; POCT; point-of-care testing
tástáil ag an láthair cúraim
recharging point
pointe athluchtaithe
point bar
governor setpoint
pointe socraithe rialtóra
interconnection point
pointe idirnaisc
virtual interconnection point
pointe idirnaisc fíorúil
small-area wireless access point
pointe rochtana gan sreang d'achar beag
Data Point Model; DPM
Samhail Pointe Sonraí; SPS
clinical resistance breakpoint
brisphointe friotaíochta cliniciúil
onshore grid interconnection point
pointe idirnaisc eangaí ar tír mór
shared border crossing point
pointí trasnaithe teorann roinnte
connection point
pointe nasctha
appointed official
oifigeach ceaptha
visa issued at the border
víosa eisithe ag pointe trasnaithe teorann
receiver; receiver point
an glacadóir torainn
profile point
pointe próifíle
point-focus collector; point-focus concentrator
tiomsaitheoir aonfhócais
point of retrieval
pointe aisghabhála
normal power recharging point
pointe athluchtaithe gnáthchumhachta
access point
pointe rochtana
interface point
pointe comhéadain
Focal Point Travellers; FP Travellers
Taistealaithe Pointe Fócais
span reference point; span reference value
pointe tagartha réise
CARPOL; Network of European Union Contact Points for Tackling Cross-Border Vehicle Crime
CARPOL; Líonra Pointí Teagmhála an Aontais Eorpaigh chun an Choireacht Feithicle Trasteorann a Chosc
Focal Point Firearms; FP Firearms
Pointe Fócais Arm Tine
detachment point
pointe dí-astaithe
internet exchange point; IXP
IXP; pointe malartaithe idirlín
network of Direct Contact Points on Return
líonra de Phointí Teagmhála Díreacha maidir le Filleadh
single point of entry; SPE
pointe iontrála aonair; SPE
MPE; multiple point entry
dul isteach ilphointe; MPE
Focal Point Hydra; FP Hydra
Pointe Fócasach Hydra
midpoint peg order; pegged to midpoint order
ordú pionnála meánphointe
alternate midpoint peg order
ordú pionnála meánphointe mhalartaigh
National Skills Coordination Point
lárionad náisiúnta comhordaithe scileanna
críochphointe; critéar
translation contact point
pointe teagmhála aistriúcháin
assessment endpoint
críochphointe measúnúcháin
national central access point
lárphointe rochtana náisiúnta
key point
eochairphointe (fir4, gu: eochairphointe, ai: eochairphointí, gi: eochairphointí)
supply point
pointe soláthair (fir4)
aiming point
pointe díríochta (fir4)
alteration in point of situ
athrú ar an bpointe díríochta (fir)
ammunition refilling point
pointe athlíonta lón lámhaigh (fir4)
ammunition point
pointe lón lámhaigh (fir4)
approach to the starting point
tárrachtain ar an bpointe tosaithe (bain2)
at the appointed time
ar an am ceaptha (fir3)
staff appointment
ceapachán foirne (fir1)
appointment title
teideal ceapacháin (fir1)
blocking of appointment
cosc ceapacháin (fir1)
battalion appointment
ceapachán cathláin (fir1)
backloading point
pointe cúl-lódála (fir4)
point of bayonet
dias de bheaignit (bain2)
bisection point
pointe déroinnte (fir4)
bleeding point of wound
pointe fuilithe créachta (fir4)
blocking of an appointment
cosc ceapacháin (fir1)
from the point of view
ó thaobh (fr.dob.)
vulnerable point
pointe sobhuailte (fir4)
water point
pointe uisce (fir4)
bulk breaking point
pointe toirtbhriste (fir4)
point of bullet
bior an philéir (fir3)
pointed bullet
piléar bioraithe (fir1)
wireless appointment title
teideal ceapachán raidió (fir1)
point of burst
pointe maidhme (fir4)
mean point of burst
meánphointe maidhme (fir4)
pointe nialais (fir4)
ground zero
pointe nialais (fir4)
appointment to cadetship
ceapachán do dhaltas (fir1)
indefinite point target
poncthargaid éiginnte (bain2)
point target
poncthargaid (bain2, gu: poncthargaide, ai: poncthargaidí, gi: poncthargaidí)
point target having width
poncthargaid leithid (bain2)
ranging point target
poncthargaid raonála (bain2)
terminal point
pointe foircinn (fir4)
certificate of appointment
deimhniú ceapacháin (fir)
check point
pointe profa (fir4)
check point
pointe promhaidh (fir4)
coaching at the firing point
fortheagasc ag an bpointe lámhaigh (fir1)
culminating point of a cone
buaicphointe (fir4, ai: buaicphointí, gu: buaicphointe, gi: buaicphointí)
confirmation of appointment
daingniú ceapacháin (fir)
pointe tadhaill (fir4)
pinpoint co-ordinates
comhordanáidí pointíní (bain)
culminating point of cone
buaic coirceoige (bain2)
effective date of appointment
dáta éifeachtach ceapacháin (fir4)
datum point
pointe dátaim (fir4)
delivery point
pointe seachadta (fir4)
delivery point
pointe seachadtaí (fir4)
point of departure
pointe imeachta (fir4)
designated point
pointe ainmnithe (fir4)
detrucking point
pointe díthrucnaíochta (fir4)
dial plate pointer
pointeoir pláta diaile (fir3)
díomá (bain4, gu: díomá)
dispersal point
pointe easraidh (fir4)
range drum pointer
pointeoir an raondruma (fir3)
effective date of appointment
dáta a bheidh éifeacht ag ceapachán (fir4)
elevation arc pointer
pointeoir stua ardais (fir3)
entrucking point
pointe trucnaíochta (fir4)
field ambulance appointment
ceapachán otharcharr machaire (fir1)
focal point
pointe cuimsitheach (fir4)
focal point
pointe fócasach (fir4)
grid intersection point
pointe idirtheasctha greille (fir4)
ground zero indicator
taispeántóir pointe nialais (fir3)
pointeálaí gunna (fir4)
leading gunlayer
pointeálaí gunna ceannais (fir3)
halting point
pointe staid (fir4)
ignition point
adhaintphointe (fir4, gu: adhaintphointe, ai: adhaintphointí, gi: adhaintphointí)
mean point of impact
meánphointe turrainge (fir4)
initial point
túsphointe (fir4, gu: túsphointe, ai: túsphointí, gi: túsphointí)
firing point instructor
teagascóir ag an bpointe lámhaigh (fir3)
junction point
pointe acomhail (fir4)
pointeálaí (fir4, gu: pointeálaí, ai: pointeálaithe, gi: pointeálaithe)
gun layer
pointeálaí gunna (fir4)
direct laying
pointeáil dhíreach (bain3)
indirect laying
pointeáil indíreach (bain3)
laying with clinometer and plumb-bob
pointeáil le cliniméadar agus puntán (bain3)
laying with respirator adjusted
pointeáil agus aerscagaire coigeartaithe (bain3)
limiting points
pointí teorann (fir)
meeting point
pointe coinne (fir4)
distant aiming point and post method
modh fadphointe díríochta agus cuaillí (fir3)
micrometer pointer
pointeoir mionmhéadair (fir3)
officer in charge at the firing point
oifigeach i bhfeighil ag an bpointe lámhaigh (fir1)
modified direct laying
pointeáil dhíreach mhionathraithe (bain)
petrol point
pointe peitril (fir4)
petrol refilling point
pointe athlíonta peitril (fir4)
pin-pointed baseplate position
suíomh bonnphláta pointíneach (fir1)
pinpointed base-plate position
suíomh bonnphláta pointíneach (fir1)
pin point co-ordinate
comhordanáid pointíní (bain2)
point of origin
pointe tionscnaimh (fir4)
point of origin
pointe maidhme (fir4)
point source radiation
radaíocht foinsephointe (bain3)
distant aiming point
fad pointe díríochta
at point blank range
faoi bhéal an ghunna (fr.dob.)
point of bayonet
dias beaignite (bain2)
point of sword
dias claímh (bain2)
cardinal point
príomhaird (bain2, gu: príomhairde, ai: príomhairde, gi: príomhairde)
distant point
cianphointe (fir4, gu: cianphointe, ai: cianphointí, gi: cianphointí)
point of entry
pointe isteach (fir4)
point of the compass
aird an chompáis (bain2)
subsidiary point of the compass
fo-aird an chompáis (bain2)
diversion point
pointe claonta (fir4)
rallying point
pointe athchruinnithe (fir4)
point blank range
raon faoi bhéal (fir1)
ranging point targets
poncthargaidí raonála (bain)
rear collecting point
cúlphointe bailithe (fir4)
rear view point method
modh pointe cúlradhairc (fir3)
road convoy regulating point
pointe rialaithe conbhua bóthair (fir4)
firing point roll
rolla pointe lámhaigh (fir4)
release point
pointe scaoilte (fir4)
saluting point
pointe cúirtéise (fir4)
firing point
pointe lámhaigh (fir4)
fixed point
pointe ceaptha (fir4)
forward ammunition point
tulphointe lón lámhaigh (fir4)
point of impact
pointe turrainge (fir4)
intermediate point
pointe idirmheánach (fir4)
limiting point
pointe teorainneach (fir4)
the North Point
an Aird ó Thuaidh (bain2)
prominent point
pointe taibhseach (fir4)
refilling point
pointe athlíonta (fir4)
point of resistance
pointe friotaíochta (fir4)
point of shoulder
bocán gualainne (fir1)
starting point
pointe tosaithe (fir4)
strong point
tréanphointe (fir4, gu: tréanpointe, ai: tréanpointí, gi: tréanpointí)
trig point
pointe triantánaithe (fir4)
point of vanguard
rinn urgharda (bain2)
wheeling point
pointe casaidh (fir4)
witness point
pointe fianaise (fir4)
point of bullet
bior piléir (fir3)
point of stress
béimphointe (fir4, gu: béimphointe, ai: béimphointí, gi: béimphointe)
watering point
pointe uisce (fir4)
elevating pointer
pointeoir ardaithe (fir3)
tráchtstiúrthóir (fir3, gu: tráchtstiúrthóra, ai: tráchtstiúrthóirí, gi: tráchtstiúrthóirí)
striker point
gob buailteáin (fir1)
striker point cleaning disc
diosca glanta gob buailteáin (fir4)
supply refilling point
pointe athlíonta soláthair (fir4)
servicing point
pointe friothálaimh (fir4)
time past a point
am thar phointe (fir3)
trig points
pointí triantánaithe (fir)
clis (br, abr: cliseadh, aidbhr: cliste)
teip (br, abr: teip, aidbhr: teipthe)
keep to the point
cruinnigh an chaint (br)
athcheap (br, abr: athcheapadh, aidbhr: athcheaptha)
stress a point
cuir anfa ar phointe (br)
pointer of dial
diail (bain2, gu: diaile, ai: diaileanna, gi: diaileanna)
pointer of dial
pointeoir treodhiaile (fir3)
point of intersection
pointe idirtheasctha (fir4)
laying for depression line
pointeáil le haghaidh isle/líne (bain)
laying for direction line
pointeáil le haghaidh treo/líne (bain)
laying for elevation line
pointeáil le haghaidh ardais/líne (bain)
ceapachán (fir1, gu: ceapacháin, ai: ceapacháin, gi: ceapachán)
assembly point
pointe tionóil (fir4)
decimal point
pointe deachúil (fir4)
point of balance
pointe cothromaíochta (fir4)
cardinal point
príomhaird (bain2, gu: príomhairde, ai: príomhairde, gi: príomhairde)
coinne (bain4, gu: coinne, ai: coinní, gi: coinní)
reference point
pointe tagartha (fir4, ai: pointí tagartha)
the bearing of point “P” is 120°
120 céim treo-uillinn an phointe “P ”
the appointment shall carry the power of military command
gabhfaidh cumhacht cheannais mhíleata leis an gceapachán
combination of reference point, vertical clock ray and degree measurement
cónascadh de phointe tagartha, gha an chloig ingearaigh agus chéimthomhas
co-ordinates of a point
comhordanáidí pointe
duties of officer superintending firing point
dualgas oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag an bpointe lámhaigh
with the point of the sword inclined to the right front
agus dias an chlaímh claonta leath fó dheis
arm and sword pointing to the right front
géag agus claíomh ag pointeáil leath fó dheis
correct position of mean point of impact with reference to aiming mark
suíomh ceart an mheánphointe turrainge i leith an mharc díríochta
with the point of the sword inclined to the right front
agus dias an chlaímh claonta chun tosaigh fó dheis
the permissible distance of the mean point of impact from the point of aim
an fad incheadaithe idir an meánphointe turrainge agus an pointe dírithe
mutually supporting strong points
tréanphointí comharthacaíochta
arm and sword pointing to the right front
géag agus claíomh ag pointeáil chun tosaigh agus fó dheis
qualifications for an appointment
cáilíochtaí do cheapachán
9.2" common-pointed shell with cap
gnathshliogán bioraithe 9.2" le caipín
the line of battle stretches from point X to Y
síneann an líne chatha ó phointe X go dtí pointe Y
striker point cleaning disc removing key
eochair chun diosca glanta gob buailteáin a scor
mutually supporting strong points
tréanphointí comharthacaíochta
permissible variation in position of mean point of impact
malartú incheadaithe i suíomh an mheánphointe turrainge
appoint a person to commissioned rank
ceap duine chun céime coimisiúnta
concentrate troops at a given point
comhchruinnigh trúpaí ag pointe áirithe
Comdt 'A' blocks appointment
coisceann Cft 'A' an ceapachán
Comdt 'A' ceases to block appointment
scoireann Cft 'A' do chosc an cheapacháin
declare a point of aim
dearbhaigh pointe díríochta
be eligible for re-appointment
bí in-athcheaptha
engage a tank at point-blank range
lámhach faoi bhéal an ghunna le tanc
hold the appointment of Deputy Chief of Staff (Support)
sealbhaigh ceapachán Leas-Cheann Foirne (Tacaíocht)
lay a gun
pointeáil gunna
subject an assembly point to a large volume of fire
cuimsigh mórthoirt lámhaigh ar phointe tionóil
appointment to cadetship
ceapachán do dhaltas
Compass Points
Airde an Chompáis
Comdt 'A' blocks appointment
coisceann Cft 'A' an ceapachán
Comdt 'A' ceases to block appointment
scoireann Cft 'A' de chosc an cheapacháin
leave his appointed watch (naval)
fág a shuí faire ceaptha
present firearms at a person (offence)
pointeáil airm lámhaigh ar dhuine