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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Torthaí beachta Exact matches
Showing the parts of something separated but in positions that show their correct relation to one another.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAdealú fir
gu dealaithe, iol dealuithe
scaradh fir
gu scartha
deighilt bain2
gu deighilte, iol deighiltí
ENbreak s
enterprise which separates cotton fibre from seeds and waste material
'Chun críche na Foroinne seo, ciallaíonn “eagraíocht idirchraoibhe fhormheasta” eintiteas dlíthiúil ina bhfuil feirmeoirí a tháirgeann cadás, agus scilligeoir cadáis amháin ar a laghad, a bhíonn i mbun gníomhaíochtaí den sórt seo a leanas: (a)cuidiú le comhordú níos fearr a dhéanamh ar an gcaoi a gcuirtear cadás ar an margadh, go háirithe trí staidéir thaighde agus suirbhéanna a dhéanamh ar an margadh...'
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Modh réitigh fadhbanna - bristear síos an fhadhb ina fofhadhbanna agus sa chaoi seo is féidir an fhadhb a réiteach céim ag an am, seachas iarracht a dhéanamh teacht ar an réiteach iomlán san aon iarracht.
Computers, Computer Science A method of problem solving which involves breaking the problem into several smaller subproblems. In this way one can solve the problem one step at a time, rather than attempt to provide the entire solution at once.
Más rud é, ar iarratas a sheirbheáil go cuí ar éilitheoir ag fógairt air láithriú agus a éileamh a shuíomh nó scaradh leis, nach láithreoidh sé de bhun an iarratais FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
If a claimant, having been duly served with an application calling on him to appear and maintain or relinquish his claim, does not appear in pursuance of the application
Aon oifigeach a thiocfas chun bheith ina chomhalta de cheachtar Teach den Oireachtas nó a ghabhfaidh le hoifig mar ionadaí i dTionól na gComhphobal Eorpach scarfaidh sé air sin lena choimisiún. [Acht Uimh. 30 de 1977]
An officer who becomes a member of either House of the Oireachtas or who assumes the office of representative in the Assembly of the European Communities shall thereupon relinquish his commission
GAtacair fir iol scartha
gi tacar scartha
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Bíonn dhá thacar (nó breis) scartha mura mbíonn aon bhall coiteann iontu. Is comhionann a n-idirmhír agus an tacar neamhnitheach nó folamh.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory Two (or more) sets are disjoint if they have no common element. Their intersection is identical to the null or empty set.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
disposable income
ioncam indiúscartha
GNDI; gross national disposable income
OIIN; ollioncam indiúscartha náisiúnta
use of adjusted disposable income account
cuntas úsáide ioncaim indiúscartha choigeartaithe
use of disposable income account
cuntas úsáide ioncaim indiúscartha
a severable part of the contract
cuid inscartha den chonradh
to be inseparably linked with
bheith i ndlúthnasc doscartha le
rapid deployment capability
cumas mearimscartha
deployment time
aga imscartha
RDI; real disposable income
ioncam indiúscartha réadach
disposable part
an chuid indiúscartha den eastát
lift-off butts; lift-off hinge; loose butt hinge; paumelles
inse so-scartha
waste water disposal system
córas diúscartha fuíolluisce
Echelon interception system; Echelon system
córas tascartha Echelon
disposable lift
ardú indiúscartha
proposed distribution of disposable net profit
an dáileachán arna bheartú ar an nglanbhrabús indiúscartha
garbage dump; waste disposal site
láithreán diúscartha dramhaíola
bachlóg scartha
díleasach; uatheascarthach
disposable; non-returnable
aon uaire; indiúscartha
straddle carrier
iompróir gabhalscartha
ELV; expendable launch vehicle
feithicil lainseála indiúscartha
sectioning point
pointe scartha
segregated decommissioning fund
ciste leithscartha um dhíchoimisiúnú
disposal groups as held for distribution to owners
grúpaí diúscartha atá connithe i leataobh le dáileadh ar úinéirí
costs of disposal
costais diúscartha
disposal consideration
comaoin diúscartha
disposal group
grúpa diúscartha
disposal plan; plan of diposal
plean diúscartha
disposal transaction
idirbheart diúscartha
net disposal proceeds
glanfháltais na diúscartha
separated parent
tuismitheoir idirscartha; tuismitheoir scartha
separated person
duine idirscartha
divorced person
duine colscartha
separated father
athair idirscartha; athair scartha
separated mother
máthair idirscartha; máthair scartha
divorced parent
tuismitheoir colscartha
divorced father
athair colscartha
divorced mother
máthair colscartha
equivalised disposable income
ioncam indiúscartha coibhéisithe
deployable air power
aerchumhacht in-imscartha
autochthonous stand
clampa uatheascarthach
autochthonous seed source
foinse síl uatheascarthach
disjoint exposure class
aicme neamhchosanta scartha
straddle seat
suíochán gabhalscartha
Act on prosecuting the preparation of serious acts of violent subversion
an tAcht um ullmhú gníomhartha tromchúiseacha treascartha foréigní a ionchúiseamh
imscar (br, abr: imscaradh, aidbhr: imscartha)
scartha ar (fr.dob.)
ollscaradh (fir, gu: ollscartha)
wireless intercept station
raideastáisiún tascartha (fir1)
deployment area
líomatáiste imscartha (fir4)
diúscairt (bain3, gu: diúscartha)
intercept service
seirbhís tascartha (bain2)
intercepted radio message
teachtaireacht raidió tascartha (bain3)
interception mission
misean tascartha (fir1)
martial arts
ealaíona oscartha (bain)
sifted and segregated
mionscrúdaithe agus scartha (a3)
felling tool
uirlis treascartha (bain2)
diúscair (br, láith: diúscraíonn, abr: diúscairt, aidbhr: diúscartha)
treascair (br, abr: treascairt, aidbhr: treascartha)
scar (br, abr: scaradh, aidbhr: scartha)
scar (br, abr: scaradh, aidbhr: scartha)
idirscaradh (fir, gu: idirscartha, ai: idirscarthaí, gi: idirscarthaí)
tascar (br, abr: tascaradh, aidbhr: tascartha)
scaradh (fir, gu: scartha)
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team
Foireann Diúscartha Ordanáis Pléascaigh (bain2)
employ wireless set on intercept
úsáid gléas raidió chun tascartha
astride the river
scartha ar an abhainn
astride a horse
gabhalscartha ar chapall